Thursday, September 12, 2019
Newbury Business Today
Impact of LEP on Thames Valley THAMES Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partner- ship (LEP) has launched its 2018-19 Impact Report, which reviews a year of progress against strategic targets to benefit the sub region’s long-term prosper- ity. It provides details of evidence and economic priori- ties. “2018-19 has been a signifi- cant year in terms of the focus of central government on LEPs and we have responded to the publication of the Industrial Strategy by re-struc- turing ourselves to operate through three programme groups that reflect some of the main foundations of productivity – infrastructure, people and business environ- ment. Industrial Strategy Frame- work Document for consulta- tion.” Over the past year Thames Valley Berkshire LEP says it has: n Invested more than £9m of Local Growth Funds to keep Thames Valley Berkshire at the vanguard of economic performance n Unlocked the completion of more than 600 new homes
schemes that have been deliv- ered across the Thames Valley to improve infrastructure, skills and the business envi- ronment, as well as the latest on the EU funding for the LEP area. LEP chairman Peter Read said: “Over the past year, Thames Valley Berkshire LEP has made more impact through the Strategic Economic Plan and augmented it with a Scale- Up Strategy, a Utilities Study and an Energy Strategy. “We’ve also continued to update our European and Structural Investment Funds Strategy to reflect new
n Secured an additional £25m through Berkshire’s unitary authorities combining to be a Business Rates Retention Pilot; these funds are being invested in five strategic infrastructure projects n Allocated a total of £33m Local Growth Funds into 10 new infrastructure schemes and £3.1m into five new skills projects You can access the Impact Report at thamesvalleyberk- shire.co.uk/2019-impact- report/
“This report demonstrates how and where we are making an impact, by enhancing urban connectivity, supporting vibrant town centres and unlocking housing develop- ments, at the same time as building on our eco-system for businesses to grow – through local talent. “We reached a significant milestone at the end of this reporting year, when we published the Berkshire Local
Some of the speakers at last year’s Annual Forestry Conference
Forestry sector more than supplying timber Industry’s annual conference is at Newbur y Racecourse
DEMONSTRATING and cele- brating how the sector is about so much more than supplying timber is the theme of the CLA, Forestry Commission and Grown in Britain’s Annual Forestry Conference 2019. It will be held at Newbury Racecourse from 8.30am to 3pm on Wednesday, October 9. The conference aims to provide practical advice for landowners, managers, foresters and farmers. It is an exciting time for the industry, and the event will hear a keynote address from Sir Harry Studholme, chair- man of the Forestry Commis- sion, about the opportunities and challenges facing it in a post-Brexit world. The conference will bring together a range of voices from different backgrounds to explore how forestry offers a variety of benefits and services beyond wood. It will: n Review the current position of timber markets in the region n Explore the strengths and limitations of supply chains n Look at ways the sector can help tackle issues around clean air and water quality n Consider what can be learned from practices in other European countries
conference. “It is an opportunity to high- light the multi-purpose nature of modern forestry and demon- strate not only the well-recog- nised benefits it provides, but also those less commonly appreciated.” The morning schedule will include a key note address from Sir Harry, followed by a session asking if supply can meet demand and another exploring how forestry supplies benefits beyond timber production. Each segment will conclude with a Q&A. After lunch there will be a debate session, ‘Resetting the balance’, with each panel member setting out their thoughts before the discussion is opened up. Speakers on the day will include Richard Baker from East Bros Timber, Yvette de Garis from Thames Water, Sarah Jane Chimbwandira from Surrey Wildlife Trust and Susan Twining from the CLA. Tickets cost £50 plus VAT for CLA members and Grown in Britain licence holders, and £80 plus VAT for others, including breakfast (available from 8.30am), lunch and refresh- ments. To book, visit https://portal.clahosting.org.uk/ MY-CLA/Events/Event- Details/eventDateId/3256
n Hear about the experiences of successful businesses operat- ing in the industry. CLA South East represents thousands of landowners, farmers, foresters and rural businesses in Berkshire, Hampshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Kent, Surrey, Sussex and the Isle of Wight. Acting regional director Tim Bamford said: “This is an excit- ing time for forestry. “From clean air to water quality, the sector offers many benefits and services on top of the production of timber, and this conference will celebrate this. “We are delighted to be work- ing with the Forestry Commis- sion, Grown in Britain, Pryor & Rickett Silviculture, AECOM and Forest Holidays to hold an event with a very strong, varied line-up of speakers.” Grown in Britain chief execu- tive Dougal Driver said: “We are proud that the Annual Forestry Conference at Newbury is held in the heart of Grown in Britain Week when our celebrations about the wonderful array of benefits well-managed woods and forests provide are in full swing.” Forestry Commission area director for the South East and London Craig Harrison said: “The Forestry Commission is delighted to be involved in this
Modern workshop/warehouse to let DELTA House, Charnham Park, Hungerford, is a modern workshop/ warehouse of 2,000 sq ft with 4,000 sq ft of offices on two floors. The offices can be converted to a showroom/trade counter linked in with the warehouse to provide additional production space if required. Fourteen car spaces are provided, plus lorry parking. It is offered to let for a term to be agreed at £10 per square foot pa. Further information available from Deal Varney on (01635 ) 550211. Delta House
Specialising in commercial property in West Berkshire since 1989
Newbury funeral director up for award NEWBURY undertaker West Berkshire Funeral Directors has been shortlisted for an award at this year’s Funeral Planner of the Year Awards. Taking place on Saturday, September 21, at the Royal Lancaster London, the annual event run by funeral plan provider Golden Charter cele- brates the achievements of independent funeral directors. Peter Cox of West Berkshire Funeral Directors, based in London Road, said: “I am delighted to be nominated for this prestigious award. “It would not be possible if Golden Charter didn’t allow us, as local funeral directors, to set our own charges and include all aspects of a funeral.” Golden Charter chief execu- tive Suzanne Grahame said: “Independent funeral direc- tors’ dedication to the families they serve is inspiring, and these awards highlight that dedication across our UK-wide network of independents. “Being nominated shows the excellent service the team from West Berkshire Funeral Direc- tors has delivered to the local community, helping families through the funeral plan process and supporting them when they need it the most. “We are all looking forward to a night celebrating that tire- less work.” The Funeral Planner of the Year Awards will mark the biggest annual gathering of independent funeral directors in the UK. Mr Cox set up West Berk- shire Funeral Directors 10 years ago and he has been a funeral director for more than 40 years.
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