Thursday, September 12, 2019
Newbury Business Today
Busy despite the holidays QUINTONS Commercial Property Agents reports a busy month even though the summer holidays and heat have tried to slow things down. Quintons’ new instructions tenants that will remain on site after Wyevale vacates, including Fireplace Centre, Elite Beds, Maidenhead Aquatics, Bon Marche, Rivar, Optiplan Kitchens and Oakley Green Conservatories. The property is based within Newbury town centre, a short walk from the railway station and all retail and banking facilities. n Quintons is instructed to
23 and 24 Northbrook Street, Newbury
Units 1 & 2 Wessex Business Park
market for sale, 12a Kingfisher Court,
include the following: n Offices and workshop space at Wessex Business Park is available due to expansion. Units 1 and 2 comprise a total of 3,860 sq ft of space, 1,666 sq ft being warehouse space. The property can be used for a range of things, including offices, children’s nursery and retail, subject to the necessary planning consents. The property has ample parking and a garden area could easily be created. n Retail space at Thatcham Retail Park (formerly Wyevale Garden Centre) is available to rent. A range of units are available from 1,000 sq ft up to 40,000 sq ft. The centre has numerous
n Units and yard space at Gidley Farm, Chieveley. Workshop units of 2,500 and 5,400 sq ft are available to let, together with yard space. The units range from £10,000 per annum and the yard space from £6,750 per annum. n Quintons is instructed to market a ground rent investment of 23 and 24 Northbrook Street, Newbury. The annual rent is £1,000 per annum, guide price £20,000. The lease is for 12 years. n Quintons is instructed to market 3,032 sq ft of Grade II- listed offices in London Road, Newbury, which are let out to various tenants as a semi-serviced office centre. The space includes approximately 14 parking spaces together with communal kitchen and WCs.
Hambridge Road, Newbury. The property totals 2,306 sq ft over ground and first floors. The property includes nine parking spaces. The guide price is £150,000. n Quintons is instructed to let 8 Fleming Road, formerly Europcar. The property totals 5,246 sq ft of warehouse space, including offices, plus a secure yard to the side with space for 23 cars (more if double parked). For full details or further information on any of Quintons’ commercial properties available for sale or to let please look at the website www.quintons.co.uk or contact Shane Prater on (01635) 551441.
London Road, Newbury
Thatcham Retail Park, Bath Road, Thatcham
Kingfisher Court, Hambridge Road, Newbury
Gidley Farm, near Chieveley
8 Fleming Road, Newbury
NEWBURY, RG14 5AA RETAIL TO LET 811 SQ. FT. Town centre retail, previously a hairdressers
NEWBURY, RG14 1JX OFFICES TO LET 411 SQ. FT. Two offices, town centre location, all-inclusive rent
HUNGERFORD RG17 0YT TO LET 5,140 SQ. FT. Light industrial unit with offices, loading door, 3 phase power
Offices,Workshop, Salon with parking,
NEWBURY, RG14 1DJ, PRIME RETAILWITH UPPER FLOOR TO LET / FOR SALE 2,274 SQ. FT. scope for flats above – Guide price only £500,000
NEWBURY, RG14 2BX RETAIL UNIT , TO LET 1,191 SQ. FT. fitted space to include kitchen, WC, office and retail space opposite Lidl, Pets at Home and adjacent to Greggs and Pizza Hut.
HUNGERFORD, RG17 0DY OFFICES TO LET 2,503 SQ. FT. First floor with ground floor lobby, mainly open plan, new carpets and decoration, 12 parking spaces
NEWBURY, RG14 1AS FOR SALE Parking spaces and ground rent investment
Specialists in lettings, sales, valuations, rent reviews, commercial energy performance certificates and lease renewals of Commercial Property.
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