Early Learning April 2020

NEWBURY NEWS Elstree Shcool Nusrery and Pre-prep ADVERTISEME T FETAURE Newbury Weekly News

Thursday, April 23, 2020 25

They have recently visited Wellington Country Park, Marwell Zoo, and a local garden centre to purchase seeds for their vegetable garden. Parents are positively encouraged to become actively involved in their children’s learning, and termly events for parents are held. There is also an afternoon for grandparents, as well as parent afternoons for Nursery and Reception, the Den Building Day in the summer term being a firm favourite. From September 2020, Elstree School will become fully co-educational. Girls and boys can begin their journey in Nursery, and smoothly transition through Pre-Prep to Prep until the end of Year 8. Elstree Nursery and Pre-Prep are currently planning to host their next Open Morning on Saturday, May 16, at 10am. If schools are still closed at this time due to Covid-19 this date will be deferred and updated information will be on our school website. To book your place, visit www.elstreeschool.org.uk or contact the Registrar on (0118) 710 3302. Individual visits are also very welcome during term-time. Alternatively, you can reserve a space at a Toddler Session at 9am on either Thursday, May 14, Thursday, June 11, or Thursday, June 25 – by emailing registrar@elstreeschool.org.uk

ELSTREE Nursery and Pre-Prep in Woolhampton, Berkshire, is set within the idyllic grounds of Elstree School’s 150 acres. Founded more than 20 years ago, it provides a stimulating environment for children aged three to seven to be nurtured and inspired. With a newly refurbished and extended Early Years barn, garden, offices and entrance, Elstree Nursery and Pre-Prep has places for 65 girls and boys. Energetic, enthusiastic and qualified staff work hard to ensure that every child is valued and encouraged to explore and develop their talents. As this is often a child’s first experience of education, the transition from home to school is supported with home visits and taster days. This warm and homely approach is based upon the family principles of Elstree School. With access to extensive grounds and facilities, the Early Years children spend every week outdoors exploring the natural environment. This involves anything from sharing a hot chocolate and picnic around a campfire, to caring for their produce in the vegetable garden or having fun in the giant sandpit. Other weekly activities include cooking, PE, drama, music, art and learning French. Regular trips relating to their topics are taken.

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