Education Schools and Colleges 2019


Thursday, September 5, 2019 31

Newbury Weekly News

DON’T MISS OUR APPRENTICESHIP OPEN EVENING It’s your chance to find out how an apprenticeship can get your career started. You’ll earn whilst you learn and at the same time you’ll gain practical work experience and achieve an industry recognised qualification. Simply pop into our office, anytime between 4pm and 7.30pm on Tuesday, September 10th.

West Berkshire Training Consortium Consortium House 7 Cheap St Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5DD Tel: 01635 35975


Thursday, September 5, 2019 32

Newbury Weekly News

Peter Symonds College

PETER Symonds College is a fantastic place to study where students enjoy being part of a vibrant, exciting community. By offering an unrivalled programme of subjects, enrichment opportunities and award-winning specialist support the college gives all its students the opportunity to excel. Peter Symonds College has a great reputation for academic excellence and the most recent results from August 2019 support that. The pass rate for A-level was 98 per cent with more than a third of the grades awarded being at A* or A (34 per cent), and the proportion of the very highest grades (A*, A, B) an impressive 62 per cent. The pass rate for vocational courses was a superb 100 per cent, with 80 per cent of grades awarded at Distinction or above. Students go on to top universities, including Oxbridge and Russell Group universities, successful employment or apprentice- ships at leading companies and many of the college’s music students have secured places at some of the country’s top conservatoires and music colleges. Students also make significantly better than expected progress on both A-level and vocational courses, based on the GCSEs they start with. The college is proud of the support available to all students and won the Sixth

The Downs School

commitment the pupils have given to their learning – 28 per cent of the A-level pupils were awarded A*-A grades, 56 per cent A*-B grades and 79 per cent A*-C grades. At GCSE, 14 per cent of all exams taken resulted in grades 8/9 (A* and above) and 25 per cent were grade 7-9 (A and above), 81 per cent of pupils achieved at least the standard pass 4-9 (C to above A*) in English and mathematics, and 56 per cent achieved the strong pass 5-9 (B to above A*) in both subjects. Visitors are welcomed to the school. Please see the dates of the forthcoming open evening and open morning below. Alternatively, please telephone the school to make an appointment. Open Evening – Thursday, October 3, 6.30pm-8.46pm Open Morning – Wednesday, October 9, 10am-noon

excellence by offering an interesting, challenging and lively curriculum. Pupils gain academic, creative, sporting and social skills, both in and out of the classroom, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience for all. They also place a strong emphasis on the partnership between staff, students and parents and respect the trust placed upon them by parents who actively choose the school for their children. The Sixth Form is vibrant, welcoming, all-inclusive and purposeful. Staff, pupils and parents work together to create an environment in which young people are supported to realise their full potential and achieve their personal goals. The Downs School has a proven track record of success and are incredibly proud of excellent exam results this year, reflecting the hard work and

THE Downs School and Sixth Form is set in the heart of the West Berkshire Downs. Staff are committed to excellence and achievement at all levels and develop their pupils into well-rounded young adults, able to venture into a rapidly-changing world with confidence and determination. These principles are summed up in the school vision ‘Educating today’s young people for the world of tomorrow’. Judged as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted in every category, The Downs is not a school to stand still. To ensure that every child’s educational experience is as rich, character-building and high as possible, they are striving to move beyond outstanding through their philosophy ‘Learning together, learning for life’.

Peter Symonds College students celebrate their results

music and is home to the Hampshire Specialist Music Course. An extensive variety of musi- cal performance opportunities for both those studying music and those who enjoy music as a recreational activity includes performances on campus and in external venues including Winchester Cathedral and local clubs. Travel, perform and develop through sport, exercise, music or volunteering, improve your wellbeing, learn new skills or develop current hobbies – your options are endless. Open evenings for 2020 entry are 5.30pm-8.30pm on Wednesday, October 23, and Thursday, October 24 – come and see for yourself.

Form Colleges Association Annual Award for Student Support in summer 2018. There’s a truly amazing range of opportunities outside the classroom, with more than 150 different activities on offer to develop new skills, explore current interests and meet new people. Peter Symonds can’t be beaten for competitive sport, with a phenomenal list of sporting achievements and a coaching staff that includes professional athletes and trainers who ensure sports teams and individuals achieve their very best representing the college at both regional and national level. The college also has a national reputation for excellence in

They provide a balanced approach to the pursuit of

open evenings Peter Symonds College for 2020 entry

OPEN EVENING Thursday, 3 October, 6:30pm

OPEN MORNING Wednesday, 9 October, 10am-Noon

Hear the Principal’s presentation

wednesday 23 & thursday 24 october 2019 5.30–8.30pm

Discover in detail the wide range of courses available Explore the campus and all the excellent facilities

01962 857555 No need to book

• Exceptional teaching, high expectations and inspired, highly motivated students • A curriculum characterised by richness and diversity • Strong school/parent partnership • Proven track record of academic success • Judged by Ofsted as ‘Outstanding’ • Vibrant and engaging Sixth Form, with a strong sense of community • Excellent support with careers and university applications The Downs School, Compton, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 6AD. For further information please contact us on (01635) 270000 or visit

studen 99% 150 Outstanding t support

Peter Symonds Owens Road

Winchester SO22 6RX

pass rate at A level

enrichment activities


Thursday, September 5, 2019 33

Newbury Weekly News

Skills, knowledge and careers on offer at BCoT

IF you or someone you know is considering their next steps after leaving school or college or they want to progress their career, Basingstoke College of Technology (BCoT) promises to provide the skills and confidence to succeed. BCoT has something for everyone. Situated in the heart of Basingstoke, the college has a wide range of full-time courses and is one of the largest apprenticeship providers in the region offering more than 60 different training programmes. More than 97 per cent of BCoT students progress to university, employment or further study so you can be reassured that progression and academic achievement is possible with technical skills qualifications. Former student Jamie Petch is just one example. After leaving BCoT with a triple distinction for his Level 3 BTEC in Applied Sciences in 2017, he is now studying a BSc in Biomedical Sciences at Brunel University in London. Jamie said: “I liked the idea of studying a BTEC over A-levels. I found coursework a much better way of learning and being assessed, and my course had no exams.” BCoT’s approach to teaching and learning is more ‘hands-on’ and uses the latest digital technology to ensure an engaging experience.

Anthony Bravo Holly Hunt Michael Gibbs Charlie Lecuyer

Picture: Stewart Turkington

as virtual reality headsets and a Jamboard (an interactive whiteboard developed by Google), means your experience is sure to be positive and enjoyable. To find out more and get further information on the expert teaching on offer from the college’s industry-standard specialists, work experience opportunities and unrivalled employer links, visit or come and take a look for yourself at one of its open events this autumn on Monday, October14, from 4.30pm to 7.30pm, or on Saturday, November 16, from 10.30am to 12.30pm.

BCoT is a Google Reference College and is one of only a few Further Education Colleges to be recognised by Google for creative and innovative methods in the classrooms. The college is also an Apple Regional Training Centre and won the ‘outstanding use of technology’ award for improving teaching, learning and assessment at the annual Tes FE Awards in 2018. This, combined with a newly- refurbished Learning Hub, which includes modern, adaptable furniture and state-of- the-art digital technology such

Personal Excellence and Collective Responsibility



Trinity School is a great place to be! Our school motto ‘Personal Excellence and Collective Responsibility’, puts students’ academic achievement and personal wellbeing at the heart of everything we do. Our excellent exam results speak for themselves; we are in the top 20% of schools nationally for value added progress. Our challenging, academic curriculum develops independent, critical thinkers and equips students to be successful in a competitive world. We provide superb extra-curricular opportunities, in a wide range of areas, to FRPSOHPHQW DQG H[WHQG RXU FXUULFXOXP 7KH IDFLOLWLHV RQ RරHU DW 7ULQLW\ 6FKRRO are excellent and include an extended and refurbished Sixth Form block; an impressive Drama Studio, Recording Studio and Dance Studio; extensive IT and Media facilities; purpose-built Library and Learning Centre, a modern Sports Complex which includes a well equipped gym and outdoor courts. Trinity works closely with the wider, local community and enjoys extensive links with local businesses like Vodafone, the Corn Exchange and the Watermill Theatre as well as sports, arts and charity groups. We are particularly proud of our highly-successful primary school link groups which encourage children from our feeder primary schools to get involved in all aspects of our school. We are a high performing school with high expectations. We challenge our students to achieve their very best, expecting personal excellence from all. Open Evening: 12th September 2019 - 6pm Open Classroom Mornings: 16th, 20th, 27th September & 4th October - 9.15am Please contact reception to book your place

7ULQLW\ /RYH /DQH 1HZEXU\ %HUNVKLUH 5* '8 7HOHSKRQH (PDLO R෈FH#WULQLW\ QHZEXU\DFDGHP\WUXVW RUJ ZZZ WULQLW\QHZEXU\ RUJ “It is our guiding principle that student achievement is at the heart of all we do”


Thursday, September 5, 2019 34 John O’ Gaunt School PUPILS thrive at one of Berkshire’s fastest improving schools. Pupils at the brilliant high-flying John O’ Gaunt (JOG) in Hungerford are celebrating after receiving the first good Ofsted report in their history. The caring, high-achieving academy, which has just received another good set of GCSE results, is also part of the exceptional Excalibur Academies Trust (EAT). With excellent teachers and support staff, small class sizes and strong relationships, pupils benefit from tremendous learning opportunities and curriculum pathways. Being part of EAT enables students to complete their education with A-levels at the outstanding St John’s, Marlborough. Ofsted inspectors gave glowing praise to the inspirational JOG after four brilliant years of improvements, including vastly improved GCSE results and levels of progress. They highlighted a raft of excellent areas, including school leadership, ambition and expectation, care and

Newbury Weekly News

The Clere School

THE Clere School is a vibrant and high-attaining rural school with high expectations and aspirations for all its pupils. It provides a secure and caring environment, and nurture and development of every pupil lies at the heart of everything it does. With relatively small class sizes, it takes pride in knowing each pupil as an individual learner. The school is extremely proud of its reputation as centre of learning that encourages respect and consideration for others. Pupils understand the importance of high standards of behaviour and learning. Good manners and courtesy are practised at all times. Learning and teaching have the highest priority. Excellence in teaching, high- quality feedback and empowering pupils to take greater responsibil- ity for their own learning are key. The school’s core purpose is to inspire enjoyment of learning, where every pupil matters and no child is left behind. There is a strong focus on academic achievement. The Clere School is celebrating another very good set of GCSE results this year, demonstrating consistency, high achievement and high expectations. Seventy eight per cent of pupils achieved at least a grade 4 in mathematics and 75 per cent at least a grade 4 in English, which is up on last year. Ten per cent of pupils achieved the very highest grades in all their subjects. In addition to the core academic subjects, Clere pupils have done particularly well in computer

science and finance – two subjects that are highly-valued by employers and industry. In computer science, 100 per cent of pupils achieved a very good GCSE pass. In finance, which uses the A*-C GCSE grading system, 85 per cent of pupils achieved a good pass. Alongside this, pupils were highly successful in hospitality and photography qualifications. This demonstrates The Clere’s commitment to a broad curriculum and opportunities for pupils to excel. Headteacher Benjamin Bond said: “This is a very good set of results. It was important for the school to follow up the recent ‘Good’ Ofsted inspection with a good set of exam results. “We are very proud of all our pupils; they have worked very hard for their success. As they enter further education, training and other courses we wish them the very best and know they will continue to do great things. “Once again, I must pay tribute to

our superb staff teamwho have supported, driven and ensured the pupils did as well as they possibly could.” The Ofsted report fromMay 2019 noted: “Teaching is good. Teachers strive to support pupils’ learning and challenge them to make strong progress. Pupils receive useful feedback which they value and use to improve their work. “Pupils are excellent ambassadors for The Clere School. They are polite, courteous and respectful to all and are proud of their school. “Pupils feel safe in school and have an understanding of how to keep themselves safe. “The headteacher is steadfast in his ambition to improve the quality of education for all pupils. He has created a culture of high expectations that is visible throughout the school.” With close links to local sixth form colleges and universities, pupils are encouraged continually to raise their aspirations and reach

support, teaching across a range of subjects, the community feel and relationships, and the curriculum. The report also highlighted the assistance of the EAT, which has further boosted the brilliant momentum of improvements over the last three years. Inspectors said: “Since academisation, leaders have been successful in driving up standards. “As a result of their actions, teaching and pupils outcomes are good. “Staff know their pupils extremely well and support them effectively in their personal development.” They mentioned the strong relationships across year groups and close-knit

community atmosphere working so well in the small school. They said: “GCSE results show that pupils make good or better progress from their starting points in English, mathematics, science, history, geography and languages, as well as several other subjects. “The most able pupils are benefiting from a more ambitious curriculum and teachers' higher expectations of what they can do and achieve.” Head of School Corinne Walker said: “We are a wonderful school that is going places and we have very exciting plans for the future. “We look forward to meeting students and their parents and carers at our forthcoming open events.”

forward towards the future, beyond the world of school.

The Clere School Small and vibrant with high aspirations

“John O’Gaunt is a ‘good’ school” – Ofsted 2019

Open Events Year 6 parents and pupils are invited to our Open Evening Thursday WK September 6.30-8.30pm Year 4, 5 and 6 parents and pupils are invited to our Open Morning Friday 2 WK September 9.15am-12.15pm ´7HDFKLQJ LV JRRG 7HDFKHUV VWULYH WR VXSSRUW SXSLOV· OHDUQLQJ DQG FKDOOHQJH WKHP WR PDNH VWURQJ SURJUHVV 3XSLOV UHFHLYH XVHIXO IHHGEDFN ZKLFK WKH\ YDOXH DQG XVH WR LPSURYH WKHLU ZRUNµ Ofsted, March 201 We look forward to welcoming you to our school! Earlstone Common, Burghclere, Newbury, Berkshire RG20 9HP Tel: 01635 278372 Email:

Inspire - Believe - Support - Achieve

Open Evening Thursday 10th October 2019, 4.30-7.00pm Tours available from 4.30pm; Address to parents 5pm & 6pm Open Morning Friday 11th October 2019, 9am-1.30pm Please book tours for Open Morning via the school office

Tel: 01488 682400 Email:


Thursday, September 5, 2019 35

Newbury Weekly News

Queen Mary’s College

HAVE you considered Queen Mary’s Sixth Form College? At QMC each individual is supported to achieve their full potential, not just in terms of qualifications, but also transferable skills and resilience. Students leave with a bright future ahead, whether progressing to university, apprenticeships, sponsored degrees, further training or meaningful employment. With excellent results year-on- year and a vibrant and engaging atmosphere, students find it impossible to resist participating in the opportunities that are open to them. There are a wide range of courses on offer catering for all abilities and with enthusiastic and committed teachers and superb facilities the majority of students do far better than they ever thought possible when they started. With nearly 2,000 entries, the overall pass rate this year was 99 per cent. The college has a well-deserved reputation for excellent results and 2019 was no exception, with 77 per cent of all grades awarded being A*-C. The results for Level 3 BTECS and other Applied General qualifications were also outstanding, with more than 50 per cent achieving Distinction* grades, equivalent to an A* grade at A-level. QMC excels in the STEM subjects of maths and science, and as a result many talented

students are able to pursue dreams of prestigious careers in areas such as medicine, engi- neering and veterinary science. QMC offers outstanding support to students applying to Oxford, Cambridge and Russell Group universities and each year students secure places at these top universities. QMC also has a proven track of success with students who have been unable to obtain strong results prior to starting college. Students who start on a Level 2 programme flourish during their time at QMC and go on to secure excellent results, university places and jobs. The continued success reflects the priority that the college places on ensuring that young people are able to grow and flourish during their time at QMC. “Whilst I am once again delighted at the extraordinary academic achievements of our students, for the college success is also about developing happy and confident young adults who are well-equipped for whatever they have in their sights,”

The Hurst Community College

n The values of ambition, commitment, excellence and respect are shared by all. n Leaders have worked well together to create an inclusive and celebratory culture evident throughout the school. The school’s aim is for all pupils to feel challenged and stimulated during their time at The Hurst, both in and out of lessons. It offers a superb array of enrichment activities and trips to cater for all tastes. It is particularly renowned for the quality of its creative arts events and sporting success. It looks forward to welcoming you at its open evening and open mornings in October.

of English, mathematics and science. Students aiming for the highest

THE Hurst Community College is a successful, high-attaining 11-16

community school blessed with a stunning countryside setting and excellent facilities. As a popular, medium-sized school, it ensures that class sizes are small and learning is personalised. It is extremely ambitious and fully committed to ensuring every pupil excels in their achievements as part of a supportive and respectful community. In 2019, a fantastic 76 per cent of pupils attained a grade 4 or higher in the core subject areas

grades were particularly successful in geography,

commented principal Ali Foss. Open evenings give prospective students and their parents the opportunity to discover what makes QMC so special and staff will happily discuss students’ options to help them get where they want to go. A free park-and-ride service will be in operation and clearly signposted. Come and see Queen Mary’s College for yourself. The teachers, students and staff look forward to welcoming you.

religious studies, mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics, where more than 20 per cent of the cohort achieved grades 7 to 9. Of course, examination results are not the only feature of success at The Hurst. Ofsted visited in March 2019 and found the following strengths:

n Pupils are well behaved, confident and articulate.

n They are proud of the active role that they are encouraged to play in shaping the school community.

5 great reasons to visit our school

Open Evening Thursday 3rd October 6.00pm – 8.00pm No booking required Open Mornings

Our team of expertly skilled staff who deliver active and engaging lessons that inspire pupils

Our strong pastoral care that supports pupils to be happy, positive and respectful

Our ambition for every pupil to broaden their horizons and become well rounded individuals

Monday 7th October Tuesday 8th October Thursday 10th October

Our commitment to creating a community ethos

Friday 11th October 9.15am - 10.45am Booking required 0118 9817474

Our dedication to developing confident learners who gain excellent exam outcomes and are equipped for a lifetime of learning


Thursday, September 5, 2019 36

Newbury Weekly News

Park House School is...

“an exceptional school” Ofsted the South’s Centre of Excellence for learning Computer Science full of amazing extra-curricular opportunities a leading school for Sixth Form progress and learning in the top 100 state schools for continuous improvement at GCSE Nick Gibb, Minister of State for Schools

Park House School

national average in the new and more challenging GCSE exams. n Park House is consistently in the top 15 per cent of schools in the country for sixth form progress. n Park House is one of only 30 new national Computing Hub schools for computer science. Come to one of the open days at Park House and see what opportunities the school offers to inspire, motivate and develop children, both inside and out of the classroom. This year’s open evening is on Thursday, September 19 (6pm- 9pm), and the open morning is on Friday, September 20 (9.15am- 11am), and Tuesday, October 15 (9.15am-11am). Visit for more information.

FINDING the right school for your child is an important decision. You want them to achieve, to be happy, well rounded and to have amazing opportunities, but how can you know which school is right for your child? As recently reported by the BBC, a national survey undertaken by the University of Birmingham indicated that the majority of parents believe that alongside academic success, the development of values is one of the main elements desirable in a secondary school. The report highlights the relationship between values

Did you know: n Park House School was

described by Ofsted as a ‘school with values centred ambition’ reflecting the local, national and international opportunities the school offers. n Park House has a zero NEET (not in education, employment or training) figure for leavers in Year 11. We are therefore one of those schools which combines a focus of values with outstanding academic achievement and progress – two of the key factors that parents look for when choosing a secondary school. Did you know: n Park House is in the top 100 state schools in the country for continuous improvement in top GCSE results n Performance in 2018 and 2019 was significantly above the

Open Evening 6pm–9pm Thursday 19 September / ParkHouseSchool @PHSNewbury

Presentations by the Headteacher at 6.15 pm, 7.15 pm and 8.15 pm on Open Evening Open Mornings 9.15am–11am

Friday 20 September Tuesday 15 October

and employability skills. Developing well-rounded

Headteacher: Mr Derek Peaple. For more information please visit or contact us on 01635 573911 Park House School, Andover Road, Newbury RG14 6NQ

individuals is also a key factor in enabling students to secure university places of their choice.

St Bartholomew’s School This highly successful school offers a diverse and sƟmulaƟng educaƟonal environment

Every student is valued equally as an individual within an inclusive ethos. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all, as are the extensive extracurricular activities which were described as ‘exceptional’ by Ofsted.

St Bart’s history spans 550 years and is an excellent example of tradition combined with future opportunity, ensuring all students gain life-skills and confidence a caring and supportive environment.

Over the last 3 years, St Bart’s is the highest

performing West Berkshire secondary school at GCSE. At A level, we have a large, vibrant and successful sixth form offering the widest range of courses locally.

This year an impressive one third of grades overall were 7-9 at GCSE. 84% of students achieved grade 4 or above in English and Mathematics.

“Within the ambitious and caring ethos of the school students make excellent progress and achieve very well.” Ofsted 2018

Open Evening: Tuesday 17 September 2019, 5:30 – 8:30pm PresentaƟons by the Head teacher at 5:45, 6:30 and 7:15pm. Guided tours throughout the evening. OPEN MORNINGS: Monday 30 September and Tuesday 1 October, 9:00am – 10:45am

Tel: 01635 521255


Thursday, September 5, 2019 37

Newbury Weekly News

SUCCESS is a way of life at Kennet School. The school motto, ‘Excellence through Endeavour’ is applied to every aspect of school life and shares a little of the secret of how Kennet School’s success is achieved. We have won many accolades at local and national level, thereby attracting significant extra resources, to invest in the facilities for our pupils. Children at Kennet School enjoy an environment that is second to none. Staff believe that their pupils deserve the very best and that is what they shall have. Pupils who need support are easily identified and enabled to give of their very best and the staffing levels ensure that pupils are seen as individuals and the school’s partnership with parents underpins all that we do. When it comes to academic achievement, our goals are nothing short of the best. Our progressive approach to delivering the curriculum has seen us achieve some of the top results in the country. This was validated by Ofsted in May 2016, when we were judged ‘Outstanding’ – we could not agree more – an endorsement of all we do at Kennet and an accolade held by very few secondary schools. Pupils are challenged and intellectual curiosity is fostered. Kennet School

Careers and courses at Newbury College

AT Newbury College, the career-based curriculum is led by employers and designed to give the best opportunities to gain the qualifications and skills needed for the careers that students want.

The college is preparing students for the workplace of tomorrow, creating a fully-immersive learning environment that blends

hands-on, technical learning with underpinning knowledge and professional work-related activity. Career-focused education programmes are great for school leavers who want a more hands-on approach than the traditional academic route, especially if they know what industry they want to move into. If a young person wants to work

As each new pupil joins us, we take the time to grow a genuine partnership between family and school, built on mutual trust and open communication. You can be sure that your child will be nurtured and enriched in a supportive and challenging academic environment. Just as importantly, we will also ensure that their individual talents are recognised and developed in full. Perhaps one of our greatest strengths is our house system, designed to foster the intellectual abilities and personal strengths and talents of every pupil. The house system divides the larger school into four house families, strengthening the bonds and understanding between school and home. We offer a range of extracurricular activities which

is exceptional and we are delighted with the huge numbers of pupils who respond to these opportunities and challenges. On April 1, 2011, the school led by example, becoming an academy, a school absolutely in charge of its destiny and determined that our pupils wills shine event further in the future. We are the lead school in the Kennet School Academies Trust, having been joined by Whitelands Park Primary in January 2014, and Francis Baily Primary more recently (September 2019). 2019 saw yet another set of exceptional results at both A-level and GCSE, upon which our pupils are able to build bright and exciting futures. Mrs G Piper Executive head

that employers want – increasing their employability and likelihood of finding a job after completing their studies. Full-time study programmes at Newbury College are assessed in a variety of ways, rather than through the traditional essay and exam methods. This can be beneficial to students who prefer to be assessed differently and demonstrate their skills in other ways. Students have the opportunity to enter meaningful employment or progress onto higher education, either at university or at the new career-focused University Centre, planned for 2020. Get straight to work with an apprenticeship Working in partnership with a

number of employers across West Berkshire, Newbury College provides superb apprenticeship opportunities in a range of subjects, including accounting, HR, business administration, leadership and management, engineering and more. Apprenticeships are a great way to start or develop a career. They combine paid employment with on-the-job training and the opportunity to gain a nationally recognised qualification. Shape your future – it’s not too late to enrol If you would like to speak to someone about enrolling on a course or would like to browse the courses on offer, please call (01635) 845000 or visit search-courses.

in health care, logistics, engineering or digital

technology, for example, then a BTEC or T Level could be better for their career progression than

A-levels, as they combine practical learning with technical understanding. Newbury College works in partnership with local

businesses in many aspects of the curriculum planning and delivery, which ensures that these programmes meet the needs of employers and job sectors. This means that students can develop the skills and knowledge

OPEN EVENING : 19 SEPTEMBER 2019 (6-9pm) Headteacher’s speech at 7:30pm for prospective parents/pupils

OPTIONS FOR SCHOOL LEAVERS? Some people may choose to stay at school for A Levels after year 11, but did you know that you can also earn UCAS points studying vocational courses? In fact, one in four students studying a BTEC Level 3 qualification goes on to study at University, with others choosing to study an HNC/HND programme or gaining meaningful employment in their chosen career. *900͊8-1) 789(= 463+6%11)7 WHAT ARE THE

Kennet School An Outstanding Academy

We understand that choosing a new school for your child is a huge decision and the many factors that have to be weighed up. Throughout the process, you will be steered by an unswerving belief that your child deserves the very best. A high-quality learning environment, of course, and a culture that embraces care, tolerance and trust. At Kennet School, we share your belief. Our aim, quite simply, is to enable every one of our pupils to grow into a responsible and fulfilled adult with the skills, qualifications and confidence to shape their futures. Come and witness the sheer brilliance of Kennet School for yourself!


If you want to get a head start in your career, you may choose to pursue an apprenticeship, a work- based qualification that combines employment with technical training. Apprenticeships are available in a wide range of professions, from traditional areas such as engineering, mechanics and health care to accountancy, business administration, and leadership and management. APPRENTICESHIPS

It’s not too late to apply for Newbury College. Visit our Monks Lane campus for free, impartial advice on careers and courses. APPLY NOW IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO

Kennet School, Stoney Lane, Thatcham, Berkshire RG19 4LL

newbury college

01635 862121 kennetschool


Thursday, September 5, 2019 38

Newbury Weekly News

Your exam results are in, so what’s next..?

6th Form, College, University... They are all great options. However, if you’re looking for something that stretches your mind at the same time as providing a long term career, then an apprenticeship is for you. You’ll work, have money in your pocket and be continuing your studies. By the time you’re 21 you’ll be experienced, qualified and perhaps even buying your own place! If you’re thinking about the options available to you after school and maybe want to get your career underway now, an apprenticeship with WBTC could be just what you need. We have opportunities in a wide range of professions such as: Accountancy Business Administration Construction Customer Service Engineering IT & Telecoms Management Warehousing And many more Get in touch for some free advice and guidance to get your career started. Contact Rachel or Maria on 01635 35975 or email,

West Berkshire Training Consortium Consortium House, 7 Cheap Street Newbury, Berkshire. RG14 5DD Tel: 01635 35975

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