Thursday, September 6, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Peter Symonds College
Get the school year off to a smart start with Kumon
opportunity to expand your learn- ing, explore new opportunities and build long-lasting friendships. The college also offers an exciting programme of more than 100 enrichment activities. Whether you wish to pursue a current interest, or you are keen to try something new, there is something for everyone. If sport is your thing, Symonds has a well-deserved reputation and regularly wins local, regional and national competitions. Or if you are interested in music, on Monday October 15, the Hamp- shire Specialist Music Course is holding its presentation evening. For full details, please email Come and see for yourself. Open Evenings for 2018 entry are on Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18 October 2018. They look forward to welcoming you.
there is excellent support avail- able to every student both in and out of classes. This year, the college’s impressive 99 per cent pass rate was main- tained with more than a third of the grades awarded being A* or A and 83 per cent of grades being A* to C. The proportion of the very high- est grades achieved by Symonds’ students (A*, A, B) has increased from 62 per cent last year to 64 per cent, with more than 12 per cent being the very top A* grade – 682 A* grades were achieved overall, a truly stellar performance. The campus has a university feel, where buildings both old and new house state-of-the-art studios, science laboratories, a learning resource centre, media suites, classrooms and IT rooms. With several cafés and social areas, and fantastic sports facili- ties, including a well-equipped gym, there is plenty of space and
THE perfect place for ambition For many people, choosing which college is right for them is easy: the subjects on offer, the quality of teaching, the facilities avail- able, or even the proximity to home are all important factors. Recognised by Ofsted time and again as ‘outstanding’, Peter Symonds regularly features among the top colleges nationally, attracting day and boarding students from across Hampshire, Wiltshire, Berkshire and as far afield as the Falkland Islands, all keen to benefit from the academic excellence, individual care and superb facilities. The college’s motto is ‘Counting in Ones’ and great emphasis is placed on encouraging and guid- ing each student personally and academically. Staff are dedicated to and passion- ate about teaching and that is reflected in the enthusiasm and success of students; additionally
AS the summer holidays come to an end, attention will soon inevitably turn towards the start of the new school year. Whereas thoughts may be focused on ensuring children have a new, crisp, school uniform and a restocked pencil case, it is just as important to ensure your child is equipped with the most vital tools needed for a successful year ahead; a good grip on the core subjects of maths and English and the learning skills required for academic progression. At your local Newbury study centre, Kumon offers individu- alised maths and English study programmes tailored to all ages and abilities. Established for 60 years, the Kumon programmes enable children to develop their study skills and confidently tackle advanced work. Having long breaks from study means children can sometimes require extra support to get back into the routine of daily study. Kumon can help your child to start their new school year motivated and confidence, and ensure they gain maximum benefit from the year of learn- ing ahead. The Kumon method of learning aims to foster self-learning skills; the ability to learn for oneself topics that have not yet
been covered at school. For students to have the oppor- tunity to study material they have not been taught before, Kumon aims for them to progress to a level higher than that of their school grade within their first year of study with Kumon. Therefore, if a child enrols with Kumon, the aim is for them to progress to a level of work higher than their respective school grade by the time they sit their exams.
The Kumon Newbury Study Centre is located at St George's Centre, Andover Road, Newbury, with classes running on Monday 3.30pm – 6.30pm and Thursday 3.30pm – 5.30pm, throughout the year. The new school year is an ideal time to enrol your child at your local Kumon centre, to ensure they gain maximum benefit from the year of learning ahead. For more information, contact Steve Taylor on (01635) 34245 or email newbury@kumoncen-
open evenings Peter Symonds College for 2019 entry
Kumon’s maths and English study programmes work to develop your child’s confidence and independent study skills so they excel throughout the new term and beyond. Contact your local Instructor for a free assessment. Newbury Study Centre Steve Taylor 01635 34245
Principal’s presentation
6 p m – 9 p m W e d n e sd ay 17 & Th u rs day 18 oc t obe r 20 18
Discover in detail the wide range of courses available Explore the campus and all the excellent facilities
01962 857555
No need to book, visit our website for more information.
pass rate at A level in 2018 enrichmen activities available 99% 150+ Outstanding t student support
Peter Symonds Owens Road
Winchester SO22 6RX
Fees vary. Please refer to your local study centre.
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