Essential Guide 2017
essential guide
Community listings
Essential numbers at a glance
Sovereign Housing 0800 587 2325 Swan Rescue 01753 859397 West Berkshire Dial- A-Ride and Readibus 0118 931 0000 SOUTHERN WATER 24 hr service centre 0330 303 1263 Leakline 0800 820999 THAMES WATER Customer Centre/ Emergencies 0800 980 8800/ 0800 714 614 Traveline (for all rail and bus timetable enquiries) 0871 200 2233 West Berkshire Victim Support 0118 958 6166 Thatcham 01635 868577 Victim Support Line 0808 168 9111 Youth Service 01635 519554
POLICE Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Emergencies 999 Non-emergency 101 Thames Valley Neighbourhood Watch 07815 144691 POWER British Gas (gas escapes and emer- gencies) 105/ 0800 111 999 Southern Electric (to report a power cut) 0800 072 7282 Relate Newbury (marriage guidance) 0118 987 6161 Samaritans 116 123 (free) / 01635 42452 SOCIAL SERVICES Children and families 01635 503090 Adults
Disability Information in West Berkshire 01635 552064 Downland Volunteer Group 01635 578394 (Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 11.30am) Floodline by the Environment Agency (type talk) HOSPITALS North Hampshire Hospital 01256 473202 John Radcliffe, Oxford 0345 988 1188/ 0345 602 6340 01635 273300 Great Western, Swindon 01793 604020 Savernake, Malborough 01672 517200 Family Lives (national charity offering help and informa- tion for parents and carers.) Free 24-hour confi- dential helpline 0808 800 2222 or www.familylives. 0300 304 7777 Churchill, Oxford 0300 304 7777 Royal Berkshire, Reading 0118 322 5111 West Berkshire Community Hospital, Newbury
Alcoholics Anonymous 0845 769 7555 (24hr) Berkshire Family Mediation 0118 957 1159 Berkshire Womens Aid 0118 950 4003 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES & DEATHS Registrar of mar- riages 01635 279230 Births and deaths 01635 279233 Childline 0800 1111 CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU Reading 03444 111306 Tadley 03444 111306 West Berks 0300 2225941 Community Council for Berkshire 0118 961 2000 Cruse (bereave- ment care) 0808 808 1677/ 01635 523573
01635 503050 Emergency team 01344 786543 South Central Strategic Health Authority 01635 275500
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