Essential Guide 2017
essential guide
Community listings
Newbury Town Council
Newbury Town Council was created in April 1997 and in May of that year the people of the town elected twenty-four Councillors. The old Borough Council had been replaced by Newbury District Council in 1974 and, between 1974 and 1997, Charter Trustees looked after the interests of the town. The establishment of a Town Council was widely welcomed as a way of giving the people of Newbury a clear voice in local affairs. Council Meetings Meetings of the full Town Council are held once every eight weeks on Mondays, normally starting at 7.30pm. These are the main meetings of the Council, presided over by the Mayor. Minutes of the committees are received and adopted. Other business can include presentations from local bodies. There are four committees of the Council: All Town Council meetings are held in the Council Chamber in the Town Hall, Market Place, Newbury. Members of the public are very welcome to attend all meetings. There are seats specially reserved for you. Every effort is made to ensure that members of the public can understand the meetings and feel at ease. The Council Notice Board Just outside the main door of the Town Hall, there is a notice board. This gives prior details of each meeting of the Council. Civic Events Every year there are at least three civic events at which the Town Councillors dress in their traditional robes and hats. These events are: •Remembrance Sunday which is, of course, in November. This includes a service at the war memorial in Bartholomew Street followed by a service in St Nicolas Church. •The Christmas Civic Service in December is normally held in St Nicolas Church and includes a full traditional Carol Service with readings. •The Mayor-Making ceremony, usually held in the Corn Exchange, Newbury in May, followed by a civic service. In addition to the above events there are some other civic events each year. Beating of the Bounds This traditional event takes place normally in June. Policy and Resources Committee Planning and Highways Committee Community Services Committee Arts and Leisure Committee
Led by the Mayor, councillors and residents walk along the perimeter of Newbury Town. As this perimeter is very long, the event is usually split over two Sunday afternoons. The Beating of the Bounds is a most enjoyable Town Council event held to mark special years. e.g. The 400th anniversary of the town’s Charter and the Millennium year. Having your say You can ask a question(s) at Newbury Town Council meetings. You need to notify the Chief Executive in advance by faxing your question to 01635 40484, e-mail your question to: uk or by taking it to the Town Hall before 2pm on the day of the meeting. You will then be given an opportunity to ask your question(s) at the beginning of the meeting. At meetings of the Planning and Highways Committee, there is a point in the meeting when residents affected by an application have the opportunity to speak for a brief period. Surgery on the Town Hall Steps Every Saturday between 10am and 12noon, two Newbury Town Councillors position themselves at the steps of the Town Hall to listen to residents’ concerns and answer questions. Contacting the Town Council The council offices are the Town Hall, Market Place, Newbury. The main entrance is now in Mansion House Street. The offices are normally open during the following hours: Monday- Thursday 0900 - 1700 hrs Friday 0900 - 1630 hrs The phone number is 01635 35486. The fax number is 01635 40484 and the e-mail address is
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