Independent Schools 2017
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Newbury Weekly News
Shiplake College SHIPLAKE College is a thriving boarding and day school for boys aged 11-18, with girls joining in the Sixth Form. and every pupil and equip them with the skills they need to enter the next stage of their lives as confi- dent, personable and talented young adults.
rigour in recent years, it is no surprise that the college continues to achieve a year-on-year improve- ment in examination results. This year, the college celebrated its best-ever GCSE and A-level results, with pupils securing places at a variety of leading institutions, including Oxbridge, Russell Group and Ivy League universities. There is a wide range of A-level and BTEC subjects available, with all sixth-formers also undertaking either the EPQ or CoPE as part of a bespoke PULSE (Personal Under- standing, Learning Skills and Enrichment) programme. In addition to a strong academic foundation, the college offers excel- lent sporting, artistic and co-curric- ular opportunities. Two afternoons are reserved for an array of clubs and activities, includ- ing a comprehensive outdoor educa- tion programme, with pupils encouraged to extend their horizons and experience new challenges and responsibilities. A newly opened art, music and contemporary thinking space, complete with lecture theatre and recording studio, offers pupils state- of-the-art facilities. Academic lessons take place within the five-day working week and each day ends with an hour of academic support for independent study or help with homework. The college offers excellent sport- ing, artistic and co-curricular opportunities. Sports training takes place on three afternoons a week, with the major- ity of fixtures on Saturday morn- ings. Full boarders take part in a vibrant weekend programme of trips and activities on Saturday afternoons
In September, it welcomed a record 475 pupils to the school, a rise from 400 in 2013. Overlooking the River Thames, two miles upstream of the famous Henley Royal Regatta stretch, students enjoy an inspirational 45- acre rural site. Full, weekly and flexi-boarding is available from Year 7 (age 11), tailored to suit individual family needs. Shiplake provides a friendly, supportive and structured environ- ment to bring out the best in each
Renowned for outstanding pastoral care and personal development, the college welcomes pupils with wide- ranging skills and talents, who will make the most of the many opportu- nities we offer them. We provide an education that is tailored to the individual and we do this through engaging and inspira- tional teaching, delivered in small classes where our teachers can know and understand each pupil’s method of learning. With a greater focus on academic
September 30 (Sixth Form only) or Saturday, October 14 (whole school). Please go to the website to book your attendance, register your child or request our prospectus, as well as explore the whole site, which contains a wealth of informa- tion relating to all aspects of life at Shiplake. This is the first port of call for details of admissions processes, fees, bus routes and answers to most academic, co-
and Sundays, with day pupils and weekly boarders able to enjoy additional family and down time at home. A full ISI inspection in 2015 judged Shiplake as ‘excellent’ – the highest accolade – across all nine inspection categories. Entry points are normally at Year 7 (11+), Year 9 (13+) and Year 12 (16+). Prospective families are encouraged to arrange an individual visit or attend an open morning on Saturday,
curricular and pastoral ques- tions that prospective parents may have. News articles are posted every day during term time, showcasing a wide variety of activities and celebrating the many successes of our pupils. Academic, art, music, drama and sport scholarships, and means-tested bursaries, are available. Please contact the registrar for further details by calling (0118) 9402455 or emailing
470 boys (11-18) and girls (16-18) )XOO ZHHNO\ ÀH[L DQG GD\ IURP Sixth Form Open Morning: Saturday 30 September, 9.30am Whole School Open Morning: Saturday 14 October, 9.30am Book online at:
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