Moving Up 2018
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
The children featured in our First Class supplement of 2011 are now
Moving Up to secondary school and many of the schools featured show both pictures as a reminder of how some of the classes looked when they were just starting their school life. Copies of photographs in this special Newbury Weekly News supplement can be bought online at Picture Ordering/ Moving Up
Moving Up pictures NWN photographer Phil Cannings
Interested in a Swimming Crash Course?
• Highly Qualified Teachers • Small Groups • Weekly Swimming Lessons • Continual Assessment • Fun, Safe and Convenient
August 20th – 24th
Book online at or call 0118 402 2899
Mary Hare School, Newbury RG14 3BQ Book online: Call: 0118 402 2899
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Chieveley Primary School Ref: MU0518A in 2011, below, Ref: FC2111A
Copies of photographs in this special Newbury Weekly News supplement can be bought online at Picture Ordering/ Moving Up
John Rankin Junior School Ref: MU0618A in 2011, below, John Rankin Infant School Ref: FC3611A
ST BARTHOLOMEW’S SCHOOL Andover Road, Newbury RG14 6JP
A fantastic future for all at St Bart’s An excellent education, wide-ranging clubs and activities and a friendly welcome are all in store for Year 7 students who join us. Come to our Open Evening on Tuesday 18 September 2018 from 5.30pm-8.30pm
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Beedon CE Primary School Ref: MU0418C
in 2011, left, Ref: FC4811A
Compton CE Primary School
Ref: MU3618A in 2011, right, Ref: FC1111A
Inkpen Primary School Ref: MU0218B in 2011, left, Ref: FC0411A
A warm welcome to all our Rising Year 7 students joining us in September 2016 Prospective students are encouraged to come and visit us during our open sessions OPEN EVENING - Thursday, 6 October, 6:30pm - 8:45pm Headteacher’s address: 6:45pm and 7:30pm OPEN MORNING - Wednesday, 12 October, 10am - Noon A warm welcome to all our Ris ng Year 7 students joini 8 Prospective students are encouraged to come and visit us duri i s OPEN EVENI G - Thursday, 4 October, 6.30pm to 8.30p with Headteacher’s presentations at 6.45pm and 7.30pm OPEN MORNING - Wednesday, 10 October, 10.00am to 12.00 noon
Compton, Newbury RG20 6AD
Tel: 01635 270000
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Thatcham Park Primary School Ref: MU2518A in 2011, below left, Ref: FC3411A
Francis Baily Primary School
Ref: MU3818A in 2011, right, Ref: FC2211B
Francis Baily Primary School Skillman Drive, Thatcham RG19 4GG Tel: 01635 862188 email: website:
At Francis Baily we are passionate about delivering excellence in learning and teaching for all children, our recent Ofsted inspection (June 2016) rated us a ‘Good’ school. ‘The curriculum is creative and provides pupils with a purpose for learning.’ ‘Pupils enjoy coming to school because they are interested in their work. Pupils are polite and welcoming; they are eager to explain their learning and share their ideas.’ ‘They show great respect for each other and adults.’ We invite you to visit our school and offer individual tours with the Headteacher, we look forward to meeting you and showing you our school. At Francis Baily we are passionate about delivering excellence in learning and teaching for all children, our latest Ofsted inspection (June 2016) rated us a ‘Good’ school. ‘The curriculum is creativ and provides pupils with a purpose for learning.’ ‘Pupils enjoy c ming to school because they re interested in their work. Pupils are polite and welcoming; they are e ger to explain th ir l rning and share their ideas.’ ‘They show great respect for each other and adults.’ We invite you to visit our school and offer individual tours with the Headteacher, we look forward to meeting you and showing you our school. Places available in most year groups for September 2018
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Chilton Foliat CE Primary School Ref: MU4818B in 2011, left, Ref: FC2611A
Ramsbury Primary School
Ref: MU0818A in 2011, right, Ref: FC6011A
Hampstead Norreys CE Primar y School Ref: MU1018B in 2011, left, Ref: FC4911A
The Nature Discovery Centre Thatcham RG19 3FU 01365 874381
Summer Wildlife Photography Course Saturday 21st July 2018 10am-4pm Spend the day learning how to take wonderful photos. Expert advice, beautiful lakeside wildlife inspiration and lovely homemade lunch and cake.
Lakeside Art Workshop with Tessa Kirby Saturday 28th July 2018 10am-4pm Local artist Tessa will guide budding and expert artists alike during a day of friendly and relaxed artistic exploration. Refreshments, homemade lunch and cake are included in the fee
Silk Painting Workshop with Sarah Moorcroft Saturday 15th September 2018 • 10am-4pm Spend the day with Sarah Moorcroft and learn how to paint onto silk. Your design may be influenced by the flora and fauna seen at the Nature Discovery Centre, an image bought in by Sarah or something from the many and various books and publications in the Centre. All tuition, materials and a lovely homemade lunch are included in the fee.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Mortimer St Mary’s CE Junior School Ref: MU0918A in 2011, below left, Mortimer St John’ s CE Infant School Ref: FC3811A
Copies of photographs in this special Newbury Weekly News supplement can be bought online at Picture Ordering/ Moving Up
Hermitage Primary School
Ref: MU2418A in 2011, above right, Ref: FC1411B
HERMITAGE PRIMARY SCHOOL HAMPSTEAD NORREYS ROAD, HERMITAGE, BERKS. RG18 9SA #OME AND VISIT OUR FRIENDLY SCHOOL WHERE CHILDREN ARE AT THE HEART OF EVERYTHING WE DO "E IMPRESSED BY THE WORK AND BEHAVIOUR OF OUR DELIGHTFUL PUPILS WHO ENJOY THEIR LEARNING Continual school improvement is ‘being strongly led by the headteacher and senior team’ Ofsted HMI Pupil’s quotes ‘We learn so much all the time’ ‘There’s always lots of exciting activities in topic work’ ‘I felt very welcome when I joined the class’ Call Mrs Hodges on: 01635 - 200355 to make your appointment to visit the school. We look forward to meeting and welcoming you to our school. Ofsted Rated Good 2016.
Headteacher: Mrs Peta Collicott
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Tadley Community Primary School
Ref: MU5818A in 2011, right, Ref: FC4011A
Hungerford Primary School Ref: MU4518A in 2011, above left, Ref: FC6511A
Priory Road, Hungerford, Berkshire RG17 0AN 01488 682400 Email:
Principal: Mr Alan Henderson As a ‘smaller than average’ secondary school we pride ourselves on the individual support, advice and guidance which all our students receive. Every child, whilst part of our school community, is treated as an individual and encouraged to reach their full potenƟal. Whilst academic success is vitally important for all our students to help enhance their life chances in the future, we believe that school is also about nurturing confident young learners who are resilient, tolerant of others, proud of their own achievements, and determined to be the best they possibly can be. Our dedicated teaching and support staff work Ɵrelessly to help make this happen. Working alongside high achieving primary and secondary schools in the Excalibur Academies Trust helps us build on our many successes and provides a world class educaƟon for all students. Being part of EAT also offers a strong link for John O’Gaunt students wishing to conƟnue their A Level educaƟon at the outstanding St John’s School Marlborough. If you would like to come and have a look at what we do, we would be delighted to welcome you. Full details of our Open Evening and Open Mornings will be published on our website, or contact the school office to book an individual tour. OPEN EVENING - Weds 3rd October 2018 OPEN MORNING - Mon 8th and Tues 9th October 2018
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Ref: MU0118B in 2011, above, Ref: FC4311A
Copies of photographs in this special Newbury Weekly News supplement can be bought online at Picture Ordering/ Moving Up
Whitelands Park Primary School
Ref: MU4218B
in 2011, below,
Ref: FC2911B
Kennet School An Outstanding Academy Leading the Kennet School Academies Trust
Kennet School is a dynamic and ambitious 11-18 co-educational comprehensive school which opened in September 1957; now, as then, it serves the population of Thatcham and the surrounding villages. As the most over-subscribed school in West Berkshire, the school has grown steadily in terms of numbers on roll and more importantly, facilities available to pupils and staff alike, in pursuit of excellence. Kennet School is consistently in the top 20% of schools nationally for progress and attainment. Kennet was declared Outstanding by Ofsted in May, 2016. The 2017 A Level results were the best in West Berkshire, by far. Executive Headteacher: Mrs G Piper Kennet School, Stoney Lane, Thatcham, RG19 4LL T: 01635 862121 E: F: 01635 871814 W:
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Pangbourne Primary School
Ref: MU1118A in 2011, above, Ref: FC5811A
St Martin’s CE Primary School Ref: MU1918B in 2011, left, Ref: FC2711A
Bradfield CE Primary School
Ref: MU1218A in 2011, right, Ref: FC5011B
Kumon’s maths and English study programmes work to improve your child’s skills, develop their confidence and inspire a passion for learning. Contact your local Instructor for a free assessment. Newbury Study Centre 01635 34245
Fees vary. Please refer to your local study centre.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Ecchinswell & Sydmonton CE Primar y School Ref: MU1618C
Yattendon Primary School
Ref: MU0318C in 2011, right, Ref: FC5311A
in 2011, left, Ref: FC6111A
Copies of photographs in this special Newbury Weekly News supplement can be bought online at Picture Ordering/ Moving Up
Streatley CE Primary School
Ref: MU1818A in 2011, below, Ref: FC5911A
Streatley Primary is a good, vibrant and outward looking Church of England School. Children who attend are aged 4 to 11 years old. We have an outstanding privately owned Pre School on site. In our school, children love to learn through the outdoors and we all value a ‘love of reading’. We work with music specialists and sports coaches to offer a broad and balanced curriculum. Parents, carers and all staff at Streatley make a real difference to our children’s lives and build a secure foundation for all their futures. If you are interested in your child attending our school, please do not hesitate to contact us. In the meantime follow us on Twitter @StreatleySch
The Coombe, Streatley, Reading, RG8 9QL. Headteacher : Miss Lesley Roberts. T. 01491 872399
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Sulhamstead and Ufton Nervet CE Primary School Ref: MU1318A
in 2011, left, Ref: FC4211A
Brightwalton CE Primary School Ref: MU1418A in 2011,right, Ref: FC3111A
Garland Junior School Ref: MU1718A in 2011, below, at Mrs Bland’s Infant School Ref: FC3311A
01635 580911 38B Bartholomew Street, Newbury OPENING HOURS Tues - Fri: 11am - 5pm • Sat: 9am - 5pm • Sun: 9am - 4pm
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Robert Sandilands Primary School
Ref: MU0718A in 2011, below, Ref: FC0811B
Fir Tree Primary School Ref: MU5418A in 2011, above right, Ref: FC4611A
The Cedars School Ref: MU4618A
Open Classrooms 17 th , 21 st and 28 t h Se ptem ber 20 18 5th Octo ber 20 1 8 9 : 1 5amto 10 : 45 am P l ease call us for a prosp ectus or t o book a p l a ce on the O p e n ClassroomMornings Love Lan e 1 Newbury RG142D U T e l epho ne:0 1 635 5105 00 E m ai l : o ffice @ t rin i ty . new b uryac a de mytrust.o r g www.tri n i tynewbury .o rg
Open Evening Thur s da y 13th September 2018 Tour ss tart at 6pm Headteacher’s address at 6:15pm and 7pm
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Speenhamland Primary School Ref: MU3718A in 2011, right, Ref: FC0911B
Ashford Hill Primary School Ref: MU3218A
in 2011, left, Ref: FC1711A
Open Classroom Morning Speenhamland School, Pelican Lane, Newbury, RG14 1NU Tuesday 10th October & Tuesday 21st November 2018, 9:30am to 10:30am We look forward to welcoming you to meet the Headteacher, hear about our future plans and tour the school.
Please call us to book a place on the Open Classroom Morning
Telephone: 01635 41077
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
The Winchcombe School Ref: MU2118B in 2011,above, Ref: FC3211A
Copies of photographs in this special Newbury Weekly News supplement can be bought online at Picture Ordering/ Moving Up
Cold Ash St Mark’s CE Primary School Ref: MU2218A in 2011, below, Ref: FC1611A
20% OFF
Smoothies Hot Drinks 100% Fruit no ice You will love them Hot and delicious just how you like it
Milkshakes Interactive flavours – ‘the best you have ever had’
OPENING TIMES Monday - Friday: 10:00-18:00
Merlion House, West Mills, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5HP
Saturday: 09:00-18:00 Sunday: 11:00-17:00
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Lambourn CE Primary School
Ref: MU2018A in 2011, top left, Ref: FC5411A
Woolton Hill Junior School Ref: MU1518A in 2011,left, at St Thomas’ CE Infant School Ref: FC2811A
Shaw-cum-Donninton CE Primary School Ref: MU2318A
in 2011, left, Ref: FC5611A
Woolton Hill Junior School Woolton Hill, Newbury RG20 9XE Spaces available for Year 3 children starting in September 2018 Come and visit us to see our excellent children in action Contact the school office on 01635 253364 or email: to arrange a visit.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Welford and Wickham CE Primary School
Ref: MU2618B in 2011, right, Ref: FC0611A
Aldermaston CE Primary School Ref: MU3118A
in 2011, left, Ref: FC6311A
Parsons Down Junior School Ref: MU2718B in 2011, below, at Parsons Down Infant School Ref: FC5711A
the ugly duckling
enjoy a free cake (vegan & gluten free options available!) when you paint with this ad (valid for one use) 2-3 bartholomew st, newbury, rg14 5ll open 7 days a week! to book your table please call us on 01635 523778 pottery painting coffee house
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
St Nicolas CE Junior School Ref: MU2818B in 2011, above, at St John’s CE Infant School Ref: FC1011A
Curridge Primary School Ref: MU3018B in 2011, left, Ref: FC4711A
Baydon St Nicholas CE School Ref: MU2918B in 2011, right, Ref: FC2411A
Unlock your child’s potential with Stagecoach Performing Arts
Singing, dancing and acting classes for 4 - 15 year olds, where students learn to embrace life with creativity and courage
Creative Courage For Life ™ ®
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Bishopswood Junior School Ref: MU3318A in 2011, above, at Bishopswood Infant School Ref: FC0211A
Burghfield St Mary’s CE Primary School Ref: MU3518A
in 2011,left, Ref: FC3711A
Silchester CE Primary School
Ref: MU3418A in 2011, right, Ref: FC3911A
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Great Bedwyn Primary School Ref: MU5918B in 2011, above, Ref: FC1211A
Copies of photographs in this special Newbury Weekly News supplement can be bought online at Picture Ordering/ Moving Up
Falkland Primary School Ref: MU4718A
in 2011, left, Ref: FC3011A
T: 01635 570000 Unit 3a Faraday Road, Newbury RG14 2AD NEXT DOOR TO
inc: A/C Brake fluid Coolant Oil Tyres Screenwash
Interim Service up to 2000cc - £95.00 inc VAT Full Service up to 2000cc - £195 inc VAT
Call Katie to book today For an honest and friendly service!
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Enborne CE Primary School Ref: MU3918B in 2011, left, Ref: FC1811A
Mary Hare Primary School Ref: MU4118A in 2011, right, Ref: FC6711A
Chaddleworth and Shefford CE Primary School Ref: MU4018A
in 2011, left, Ref: FC6211A
YOGA AND MINDFULNESS FOR CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS Growing up can be a worrying time for kids, transitioning from Primary to secondary, tests, exams, friendships, etc. Yoga is great physical activity, but also has enormous emotional, social & psychological benefits for growing minds. Building confidence, self esteem & resilience, through exercises, breathing & guided meditation. Children who practice yoga sleep better, feel calmer, are more balanced & have inner peace. If you’d like to know more, call Kylie on 07871 314989 or email: (13-16 year olds) or (8-12 year olds)
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Burghclere Primary School
Ref: MU4418A in 2011, top left, Ref: FC6411A
Shalbourne CE Primary School Ref: MU4918B in 2011, left, Ref: FC0511A
Stockcross CE Primary School
Ref: MU4318A in 2011, right, Ref: FC2511B
YOGA AND MINDFULNESS FOR CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS Growing up can be a worrying time for kids, transitioning from Primary to secondary, tests, exams, friendships, etc. Yoga is great physical activity, but also has enormous emotional, social & psychological benefits for growing minds. Building confidence, self esteem & resilience, through exercises, breathing & guided meditation. Children who practice yoga sleep better, feel calmer, are more balanced & have inner peace. If you’d like to know more, call Kylie on 07871 314989 or email: (13-16 year olds) or (8-12 year olds)
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Kingsclere CE Primary School Ref: MU5018B in 2011, above, Ref: FC2311A
Beenham Primary School
Ref: MU5118A in 2011,above, Ref: FC3511A
Theale CE Primary School Ref: MU5218A
in 2011, left, Ref: FC0111A
Rated ‘Good‛ by Ofsted and awarded West Berkshire Quality Award
Working towards Curiosity Approach accreditation Natural materials and holistic approach to learning
Hartbeeps music sensory sessions Highly qualified graduate led practice with small group sizes Real life experiences - woodwork bench, vegetable patch and sensory garden
We follow the Curiosity Approach philosophy St John’s Pre-School
Accredited Forest School provider with weekly sessions at Cheam School Funded spaces available for 2, 3 and 4 year old
Mud Kitchen and Weekly Walks
Weekly Yoga sessions
Tel: 07814 155110
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
The Willows Primary School
Ref: MU6018A in 2011, top left, Ref: FC4511A
Copies of photographs in this special Newbury Weekly News supplement can be bought online at Picture Ordering/ Moving Up
Burnham Copse Primary School Ref: MU6718A in 2011, above left, Ref: FC2011A
Open Classrooms 17 th , 21 st and 28 t h Se ptem ber 20 18 5th Octo ber 20 1 8 9 : 1 5amto 10 : 45 am P l ease call us for a prosp ectus or t o book a p l a ce on the O p e n ClassroomMornings Love Lan e 1 Newbury RG142D U T e l epho ne:0 1 635 5105 00 E m ai l : o ffice @ t rin i ty . new b uryac a de mytrust.o r g www.tri n i tynewbury .o rg
Open Evening Thur s da y 13th September 2018 Tour ss tart at 6pm Headteacher’s address at 6:15pm and 7pm
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
The Ilsleys Primary School Ref: MU6118A in 2011, above, Ref: FC6611A
Brimpton CE Primary School Ref: MU6318A
in 2011, left, Ref: FC5111A
Spurcroft Primary School Ref: MU6218A
T: 01635 570000 Unit 3a Faraday Road, Newbury RG14 2AD NEXT DOOR TO
inc: A/C Brake fluid Coolant Oil Tyres Screenwash
Interim Service up to 2000cc - £95.00 inc VAT Full Service up to 2000cc - £195 inc VAT
Call Katie to book today For an honest and friendly service!
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Bucklebury CE Primary School Ref: MU5518A in 2011, above, Ref: FC4411A
Kintbury St Mary’s CE Primary School
Ref: MU6418A in 2011, below, Ref: FC0311A
Copies of photographs in this special Newbury Weekly News supplement can be bought online at Picture Ordering/ Moving Up
Bubble Balloon Package 10 Bubble Balloons of your choice at Table height. 2 Bubble Balloons of your choice at Floor height. £150 3 Cheap Street, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5DD Telephone: 01635 552244 Email: Web:
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Woolhampton CE Primary School Ref: MU5718A in 2011, right, Ref: FC5211A
St Michael’s C of E (Aided) School Ref: MU6518A
Basildon CE Primary School Ref: MU6618B in 2011, below, Ref: FC4111A
Now serving 8 different flavours of Frozen Yogurt and sorbets Opening Hours: Monday: 8am–5pm, Tuesday: 8am–5pm, Wednesday: 8am–5pm, Thursday: 8am–5pm, Friday: 8am–5pm Saturday: 9am–5pm Sunday: Closed Unit 4, Kingsland Centre, Thatcham, Berks, RG19 3HN 01635 867525
Email: Sweet Imagination Thatcham
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
Englefield CE Primary School Ref: MU5318A in 2011, above, Ref: FC1511B
St Finian’s Catholic Primary School Ref: MU5618A in 2011, below, Ref: FC1311B
Copies of photographs in this special Newbury Weekly News supplement can be bought online at Picture Ordering/ Moving Up
Summer Crash Course 23rd - 27th July Newbury/Thatcham & Woodcote Non-swimmers & Improvers from 3½ yrs Snorkelling & Diving Deep End Stroke Improvers 6 children per class Teachers DBS checked Advanced & Club Level swimmers Term courses available CHILDREN’S SWIMMING LESSONS - Tel: 01635 201410
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Newbury Weekly News
The Parkway Summer Series 4th July - 4th August
4th July – Independence Day charity BBQ & music 7th July – The SUMMER STREET PARTY 14th July – Parkway En Provence 21st July – Charity Penalty Shoot-Out 28th July – Proms at Parkway
4th August – Elvis is in the Building 4th August – Masha & The Bear visit
and more
Published by Newbury News Ltd. Printed by Iliffe Print Cambridge Ltd –
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