

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Newbury Weekly News


Youth groups joined the parade through Burghfield

Cadets on parade

Picture: Charles Holden Photography

Picture: Royal British Legion

Generations unite to pay their respects

By CHARLIE MASTERS charlie.masters@newburynews.co.uk @charliem_nwn

THE Burghfield public came togeth- er for a community Remembrance ceremony on Sunday, joining people across the district in commemorating those who lost their lives in war. A procession set out from the Hatch Gate Inn in the morning, moving to St Mary’s Church, where the national si- lence was observed and a service conduct- ed for the more than 500 attendees. Members of the Rifles Regiment were also present and a bugler from the regi- ment played Last Post and Reveille . The service was ministered by Dr An- thony Peabody, chaplain of the Burghfield and District branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL), and the Rev Glynn Lauten- bach, priest-in-charge of St Mary’s. A Chinook helicopter flew low over the gathered crowd, which included serving Royal Air Force personnel, as wreaths were laid in the churchyard. The Donnachie family – whose son Paul died in combat in Iraq in 2007 – were also among those present to mark the occa- sion. Dr Peabody said: “A remarkable event, with many more people attending than expected, which does prove that Remem- brance Sunday is still an occasion that remains at the forefront of the nation’s minds even in these uncertain times. “There were many well-behaved young

Standards are lowered at the war memorial

Pic: Royal British Le-

Crowds gathered at the war memorial

Picture: Royal British Legion

people present, which was uplifting, and does show that those who have given their lives to protect us will not be forgot- ten in the future.” The president of the Burghfield and District branch of the RBL, Major John Steeds, added: “The march from the Hatch Gate to the war memorial included the Royal British Legion, The Rifles, the Army and RAF Cadets, Scouts, Brownies, Guides and Rangers, Women’s Institute, responders, police and many others. “The Remembrance service was held outside, wreaths were laid at the memo-

rial, an RAF Chinook flew overhead and there was a final march back past the sa- luting base outside the Hatch Gate. “A highly successful, memorable and at times moving event to remember all those who had sacrificed their lives for their country.” RBL branch chairman Lt Col Bruce Neeves, who organised the initial march, said: “I was mindful that this year was the centenary year of the founding of the RBL. It was a delight and an honour to have such a good turnout from Burghfield on this day.”

The service at St Mary’s Church

Picture: Burghfield Community, Facebook

Wreaths laid in honour of the fallen

THE Rev Joy Mawdesley led Speen’s Act of Remembrance at the parish’s war memorial on Sunday. To the sound of Last Post by buglers Lachlan Keene and Lawrie Mullally, members of Newbury British Legion dipped their standards. Wreaths were also laid by St Mary’s Church churchwarden Brian Nobes and by Speen Par- ish Council chairman David Dudman, while wooden crosses were placed by members of the public. The half-muffled church bells rang at the Service of Re- membrance, held at St Mary’s Church, and members of the 1st Speen Rainbows Brownies re- cited prayers and laid a special wreath which they had made for the occasion at the altar.

Members of the 1st Speen Rainbows laid a wreath at the altar of St Mary’s Church

Villagers lined the route of the parade

Picture: Royal British Legion

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