Thursday, November 18, 2021
Newbury Weekly News
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MP throws her support behind new apprenticeship challenge West Berkshire Training Consortium launches initiative to support smaller employers
Rural crime a concern for farmers RURAL crime and emerging trends in organised crime topped the agenda when two farming and rural organisa- tions met with Thames Val- ley Police. Representatives of the NFU and the CLA met with the force’s chief constable John Campbell at its headquarters in Kidlington. Discussions on legislative changes to combat dog attacks on livestock and tackle hare coursing were upbeat. But the two organisations raised serious concerns about organised crime, notably the theft of high-tech, high-val- ue GPS kits that are shipped abroad by criminal networks. NFU South East regional director William White said: “GPS thefts are highly disrup- tive to farming operations, given the delays in replacing stolen kit. “There was a productive dis- cussion on self-help measures being adopted by farmers to deter thieves and police recog- nition of the impacts arising from these thefts.”
NEWBURY MP Laura Far- ris met with West Berk- shire Training Consortium (WBTC) leaders to launch its innovative 100 Appren- ticeship Challenge this week. The MP, who has a special interest in employment and education, joined the chair- man and staff of the consorti- um at their offices in Newbury to back the initiative, which will encourage large levy-pay- ing employers to donate un- spent levy funds to smaller employers who can use the donation to fund the training of new apprentices. WBTC chairman Antho- ny Bravo commented on how the challenge will boost local employers who may not have the funds to support a new ap- prentice and said: “It is great news that large levy-paying employers can donate up to 25 per cent of their unspent funds to smaller employers.
shire, where we have a thriv- ing small-business sector, this creates great opportuni- ties for young people to de- velop skills in the heart of the local economy. “The pandemic has rocked many small businesses to the core, and this well-timed financial support for new ap- prentices could make all the difference to their recovery.” Several high-profile lo- cal employers are already on board with the concept, with Thatcham Research, H Youngs Holdings and West Berkshire Council already committing funds which could support the training of 15 apprentices. WBTC managing director Matt Garvey, who is leading the campaign, explained how it would work: “ Large em- ployers have to pay a levy into a levy account which they can then draw down to fund the training of apprentices in
their organisation. “Frequently some of the money in the account goes un- spent, so the Government, in a bid to boost recovery, has al- lowed them to donate some of their unspent funds. “Our aim is to encourage the donations and match small employers with donating or- ganisations to build back our local economy and give small businesses the boost they need.” Mrs Farris visited WBTC’s headquarters in Cheap Street and took the opportunity to join a class of Great Start stu- dents as they learned about preparing a CV for work. She confirmed she will be promoting the 100 Appren- tice campaign throughout the constituency and encouraging large and small employers to get on board. For more information, visit www.wbtc-uk.com or contact matt@wbtc-uk.com
WTBC chairman Anthony Bravo and Newbury MP Laura Farris
“The money would other- wise just return to the Treas- ury when it was always in- tended to be used to train the talent of the future. “This way, small employ- ers can bid for the funds and get the support they need to get their businesses back on track.”
Mrs Farris was delighted to endorse the initiative, which will see WBTC encourage large employers to donate funds to pay for a target of 100 apprentices. She said: “I wholeheartedly support this initiative, which is spearheaded by the WBTC. “In an area like West Berk-
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SHAW OCIAL CLUB S P/T Steward wanted Bar and Cellar work morning and evening times to be arranged. Call Pam on 07721402498
Permanent/Full time MARQUEE FOREMAN/SITE MANAGER Salary £29-32k per annum
Are seeking Pre-Prep Secretary (34 hrs per week) Required for January 2022 For full details and to apply, please visit the vacancies page at www.cheamschool.com Closing date: 29th November 2021, midday Any offer of employment will be subject to an enhanced DBS and other relevant pre-employment checks.
We are in search of a self-motivated, organised and enthusiastic individual to coordinate the logistics of building marquees for high end events, manage a crew of riggers and communicate well with clients and suppliers. Clean driving licence required, ability to drive a trailer and experience in temporary structures preferred. For further information please contact james@redcrestevents.co.uk or Tel: 07980741756
Due to continued expansion we have the following vacancies. LGV Driver C+E
Delivering agricultural machinery and plant throughout the UK and occasionally northern Europe, and assisting with bulk haulage where required. Must be able to work as part of a small team, and equally as well on your own. We operate a modern fleet of vehicles, and offer an excellent package for the right person. This job may require up to 4 nights out per week. Agricultural Technician We are looking for additional technicians to join our busy workshop. We hold franchises for Case IH, Iseki and also Ifor Williams Trailers Previous CNH experience would be preferred, however, product specific training will be available. Must be able to work within modern diagnostic equipment, and as part of a small team, and equally on your own. Excellent package is available for the right person. If you are interested in either of these roles, apply in strictest confidence to Chris Day 01488 72841 or chris.day@johndayengineering.co.uk
MULTISKILLED TRADESPERSON Required to carry out: Finishing works • Carpentry, kitchen & bathroom installation works • Floor & wall tiling • Assisting with installations of Air Source Heat pumps & Solar thermal • Maintenance/remedial works. Full time position. Must be self-motivated & work to a high standard independently and as part of a team. Benefits include: Company van, Holiday pay, Pension. Salary based on experience. For further information please contact info@nandjmeadhamltd.co.uk Teaching Assistants required Trinity School, Fir Tree and Speenhamland Primary Schools are seeking Teaching Assistants in both mainstream and our specialist units, to start as soon as possible. For further information, please contact our HR Team on 01635 510500 or hr@trinity.newburyacademytrust.org, or visit our websites: www.trinitynewbury.org; www.speenhamlandprimary.co.uk; www.firtreeschool.co.uk
Here atWest Berkshire Council, we are looking to recruit to the following roles: • Medical Tuition Service: A Causal English tutor (up to GCSE) towork with childrenwho are too ill to attend school. • EthnicMinority Traveller Achievement Service: A Pupil Support Officer towork with children and plan teaching activities suitable for a diverse range of needs. The suitable applicant will possess good organisational skills and be able to establish primary school levels of ability and provide suitable tasks to engage different levels of English skills. Being able to support staffwill be key to delivering learning to refugee children. Good communication skills are essential and knowledge of KS1/KS2 English andMaths. For full details, please visit our website www.westberks.gov.uk or contact Linda Curtis on 01635 519788 • linda.curtis@westberks.gov.uk Closing dates – 22/11/2021
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