
Thursday, November 18, 2021 55

Newbury Weekly News

Situations Vacant

Public Notices

WEST BERKSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL Hackney Carriage and Private Hire proposed fees

Are seeking 2 x Property Service Specialists (Full-Time) Required for January 2022 For full details and to apply, please visit the vacancies page at www.cheamschool.com Closing date: 22nd November 2021, midday Any offer of employment will be subject to an enhanced DBS and other relevant pre-employment checks.

Hackney carriage vehicle new / renewal

£266.00/ £236.00

Career start opportunities at ARENA EVENT SERVICES 4 Grandstand Seating Riggers / Labourers No experience required. Full training provided.

In accordance with Section 70 (1) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, this notice sets out a variation in proposed fees.

Private hire vehicle new / renewal

£266.00/ £236.00

Home to School vehicle new / renewal


Private hire vehicle with dispensation / renewal Temporary Vehicle Licence (issued up to 3 months Maximum)

£266.00/ £236.00

Build temporary grandstands at major event sites across the country Full-time permanent positions. Arena Seating, Membury. Immediate start. Long-term career development and growth with a market-leading global organisation. Email CV’s to: lwilliams@arenagroup.com The Rampant Cat team have 2 positions for all round energetic reliable members of staff who are willing to be flexible in their roles for... Bar Person and Assistant cook The positions are for 20/25 hrs per week Contact:


Private hire operator licence Number of vehicles

New Renewal

A copy of this notice is available for public inspection during normal office hours at West Berkshire Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury, Rg14 5LD for 28 days from the date below. Any objections to the proposed fees should be submitted in writing to the undersigned by 16 December 2021. If no objections are received, or any such objections are subsequently withdrawn, the revised fees will come into operation for any licences commencing from 1 April 2022 onwards.


£443.00 £325.00


£516.00 £398.00


£590.00 £472.00


£664.00 £546.00


£738.00 £620.00

mandc@rampantcatnewbury.co.uk 077715 11536 • 01635 253474 The Rampant Cat Facebook


£811.00 £693.00


£885.00 £767.00


£959.00 £841.00


£1,033.00 £915.00

Factory production operatives


£1,106.00 £988.00


£1,180.00 £1,062.00


£1,254.00 £1,136.00


£1,328.00 £1,210.00

Recruiting for immediate start permanent positions at Elis Cleanroom, Faraday Road, Newbury. Three shift patterns available, all for 37.5 hours per week.


£1,401.00 £1,283.00


£1,475.00 £1,357.00


£1,549.00 £1,431.00


£1,623.00 £1,505.00

Shifts: 6am-2pmMon-Fri (£10.50ph) 2pm-10pmMon-Fri (£10.50ph) 10pm-6amSun- Thur (£11.50ph)


£1,696.00 £1,578.00


£1,770.00 £1,652.00

18 November 2021


£1,844.00 £1,726.00

Sean Murphy, Public Protection Manager, Public Protection Partnership, Theale Library, Church Street, Theale, Berkshire RG7 5BZ 20+ Variation to licence £59:00

£1,844.00 £1,726.00


Elis Cleanroom provide cleanroom laundry services across the UK for Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences companies.

For full details and to apply: Contact – Kelly Saberton 01635 234050 or email kelly.saberton@elis.com NO AGENCIES

A shared service provided by Bracknell Forest Council, West Berkshire Council and Wokingham Borough Council

To advertise in our CLASSIFIED pages in the Newbury Weekly News, please telephone by 10am Tuesday for Thursday publication (01635) 550444 21/02655/FUL -New Warren Farm, Warren Road, Newbury-Continuation of use of livestock barn as B8 storage or distribution. Continuation of use of machinery store as B2 use. Both continuing after expiry of planning permission (temporary) 17/00848/FULC. 21/02741/FUL -Langley Lodge, Worlds End, Beedon-New 3 bed dwelling & detached garage. 21/01385/LBC2 -Padworth College, Sopers Lane, Padworth-Repair & refurbishment. MAJOR DEVELOPMENT 21/02854/COMIND -Land Adjacent To M4, Membury Airfield, Road Known As Ramsbury Road-Change of use of land to Class B8. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 The following applications have been submitted to West Berkshire Council and are available for inspection at the Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury RG14 5LD. Comments should be sent to the Head of Planning: email planapps@westberks.gov.uk within 14 days and will be available for public inspection. DEVELOPMENT AFFECTING THE SETTING OF A LISTED BUILDING AND/OR BUILDINGS OR OTHER LAND WITHIN A DESIGNATED OR PROPOSED CONSERVATION AREA. 21/01385/LBC2 -Padworth College, Sopers Lane, Padworth-Repair & refurbishment. 21/02393/HOUSE -2 Downside, West Ilsley, Newbury-2 storey rear extension & detached garage with studio over. DEVELOPMENT AFFECTING A PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY


Goods Vehicle Operator’s Licence

Are You Downsizing? I would like to buy Antique Furniture, China, Pictures, Old Photos & Albums, Metalware, Stringed Instruments, Garden Pots & Outside Items, Tools etc I am also keen to buy Old Chinese and Japanese pottery and porcelain in any condition Call: 01264730609/07739575703 Anytime. Text pictures to 07739575703 or email tonysartbox@hotmail.com or Hungerford Street Market Wednesdays

Viridor Waste (HP) Holding Limited of Viridor House, Priory Bridge Road, Taunton, England, TA1 1AP is applying for a licence to use Newbury Sewerage Works, Lower Way, Thatcham, RG19 3TH as an operating centre for 1 goods vehicles and 0 trailers. Owners or occupiers of land (including buildings) near the operating centre(s) who believe that their use or enjoyment of that land would be affected, should make written representations to the Traffic Commissioner at Hillcrest House, 386 Harehills Lane, Leeds, LS9 6NF, stating their reasons, within 21 days of this notice. Representors must at the same time send a copy of their representations to the applicant at the address given at the top of this notice. A Guide to Making Representations is available from the Traffic Commissioner’s office

right person Find the for the job

To advertise in the Newbury Weekly News

For Sale

IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT Small portable snooker table, complete with balls, cues etc. Perfect condition. Offers over £45 Tel 01635 521415

with an advert in the recruitment section of the Newbury Weekly News For further information or to book an advert please call CLARE on (01635) 550444 or email: recruitment@newburynews.co.uk

please call (01635) 550444

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