NWN 160420
Thursday, April 16, 2020 13
Newbury Weekly News
Clapping for carers – residentisnGloucesteRroadpaytributetoNHSandcareworkers
Ref: 15-0420A
From left, GreenharumstTchief executive Chris Boulton, Newbur y Racecourse head of catering Richard Smith, Age Concern Newbyu&r District chief executive Jaimlcoexs,WSwift Couriers director Michael Spencer
, Angela Dudley from
WendyHayeswithsomeofthemasks hehasbeenmakingatParkHouseSchool
Ref: 15-0520A
the Fair Close Centre and Newbur y Racecourse chef Mike Payne help prepare me alsonwh els
Ref: 15-1320C
A positive message friogmersTDay Nuryseinr Theale (see page 10)
Ref: 13-1520B Not a car in sight during ‘ rush hou’ r
Ref: 13-0520A
Hungefrordmarkewt asstillbusy
Please donate via the Good Exchange via the following link:-
During this crisis the staff, members and trustees at Eight Bells are working hard to support those who are struggling emotionally and mentally. To do this
For more information check out our website www.eightbellsnewbury.co.uk Email: coordinator@eightbellsnewbury.co.uk WE NEED YOUR HELP https://tinyurl.com/NWN8Bells Or alternatively text EIGHTBELLS to 70660 to donate £3
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