New Milton Advertiser 11th Dec 2020

18 · Friday 11th December 2020 · · 01425 613384


Affordable homes plea for plans on greenbelt


Applications THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest Dis- trict Council during the week ending Friday 4th December 2020: Bransgore Front and rear extensions, 12 Wiltshire Road, Mr and Mrs Skorge. Damerham Change of use of existing building to dwelling, external alterations, provision of park- ing and foul drainage arrange- ments, Methodist Chapel, High Street, Huzzey. New single stor- age building for Damerham Vil- lage Fair positioned within ex- isting storage compound / area at rear of Damerham Sports Pavilion, Damerham Playing Fields, High Street, East End, Damerham Village Fair. Demo- lition of existing conservatory and replace with extension to the rear of the property, The Old Police House, West Park Lane, Mr and Mrs Stacey. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Diversion of footpath, Land at Hamer Warren, Somerley, So- merley Energy. Fawley To build a single-storey rear extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), White House, Lime Kiln Lane, Holbury, Mrs Gaunt. Sin- gle-storey rear extension, alter- ations to existing roof, window alterations, The Close, Holbury, Ms and Mr Rogers and Read. Fordingbridge Shopfront alterations, dis- abled ramp access, Café One Hundred, Roundhill, Mr Clarke. Use of a beauty salon (retro- spective), 31 Salisbury Street, Miss Coots. Hordle Conversion of attached ga- rage into habitable accom- modation (study / office), sin - gle-storey rear extension, 6 Tiffany Close, Morris. Hythe and Dibden Construction of two two-sto- rey terraces of three houses, accommodation six new af- fordable homes in total (four two bedroom houses, two three-bedroom houses) togeth- er with private gardens, amen- ity areas, associated parking, cycle and refuse storage, Ga- rage Court South of 45 Lady- cross Road, New Forest District Council. Side extension follow- ing removal of existing work- shop, laboratory and WC, re- moval of porch, addition of rear Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest National Park Authority during the week ending Friday 4th December 2020: Boldre Retention of raised garden terrace (amended plans), Cor- ner Ground, Norley Wood Road, Norley Wood. Brockenhurst Two detached bungalows, fence, cattle grid, alterations to driveway and parking, dem- olition of existing dwelling and outbuilding (amended plans), Brookwood, Sway Road. Ren- ovation and extension to sin- gle-storey outbuilding, change of use from stables / barn to photographic studio, offices, garages and workshop, Tile Barn Farm, Lymington Road. Renovation and extension to single-storey outbuilding; change of use from stables / barn to photographic studio, offices, garages and workshop (application for listed building consent), Tile Barn Farm, Lym- ington Road. Burley 2.4 metre high fence, 2 Sta- tion Cottages, Station Road, Holmsley. Copythorne Single-storey extension Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christ- church were submitted to BCP Council during the week ending 4th December 2020. Demolition of existing two classroom block, new extension to existing school block to pro- vide two additional classrooms, remodel of existing accommo- dation to convert cloakroom to accessible WC, Somerford Primary Community School, Draper Road. Demolition of the existing building and construction of a replacement detached house and outbuilding, variation of condition 2 (approved plans) and condition 7 (obscure glaz- ing of fenestration and balcony

Lower Ashley Road, Ashley, Mr and Mrs Snelgar. Ringwood Improve pedestrian access along West Street. This in- cludes the removal of the exist- ing kerb on the north side the installation of a new kerb run within the northern side of the existing carriageway area for the provision of a wider footway the installation of a new kerb run within the southern side of the existing carriageway area to help direct vehicles away from the parapet wall new footway construction behind the new kerbs to provide a wider foot- way on the north side installa- tion of new signing and lining on the approaches to the bridge to provide single file traffic across the bridge (application for listed building consent), Road Bridge over River Avon, West Street, Hampshire County Council. Conversion to loft space to habitable rooms with addition of roof windows and new side lean-to extension, 3 Meadow Way, Mr McKenzie. Rear sin- gle-storey extension with re- moval of conservatory to square off the rear of the property, in- ternal use, open plan kitchen, dinner and lounge, 14 Croft Road, Poulner, Mrs Seymour. Sever plot, bungalow, access, parking, cycle store, landscap- ing, Land rear of 9 Cloughs Road, Taylen Developments Ltd. Variation of condition 11 of planning permission 17/11230 to vary the condition to good with the proviso every effort will be made to achieve a very good un- der a forma BREEAM assess- ment, Plot 21 (unit 2), Hoburne Enterprise Park, Embankment Way, Burry and Knight Ltd. Two-storey rear extension and single-storey lean to extension, 19 Bickerley Road, Mr and Ms Clark and O’Neal. Sandleheath Single-storey rear extensions, rooflights, 1 Sandle Manor Bun - galows, Marl Lane, Mr and Mrs Skelton. New single-storey four bay garage / carport, Willow Cottage, Rockbourne Road, Mr and Mrs Brown. Totton and Eling Two-storey and first floor side extension, single-sto- rey front extension, new win- dows and internal alterations, 23 Greenfields Avenue, Mr Donagh. Change of use of part of ground floor to (C3) two residential flats, window al - terations, 2 High Street, Mr Newman. Single-storey front extension and single-storey side extension (amendment to approved application 20/10657), Lyndhurst Alterations to shop front, Budgens Supermarket, 43-47 High Street. Installation of ATM, bollards, and associated structures within existing shop- front, Budgens Supermarket, 43-47 High Street. Alterations to rear of unit, Budgens Su- permarket, 43-47 High Street. Installation of plant, enclo- sure, air conditioning units and barrier to rear of existing unit, Budgens Supermarket, 43-47 High Street. Replacement con- servatory, Bracken Cottage, Al- lum Green. Minstead Application to regularise cre- ation of double doors in place of a window on side elevation and internal stud partitions be- tween dining and living room and hallway and kitchen (ap- plication for listed building consent), West Wing Cottage Castle Malwood Lodge, Lynd- hurst Road. Replacement out- building, alterations to existing outbuilding, access alterations, two new entrance gates, one new pedestrian access gate, Auberge, Lyndhurst Road. Milford-on-Sea Replacement of existing car- port and outbuilding, gazebo, Forfeits, Lymore Lane, Keyhav- en. Netley Marsh Detached garage, 2 Fern Hol- Non-material amendment to planning application 8/20/0040/ HOU to increase dormer, 1 Bure Close. Garage conversion and rear link extension, 59 Bure Lane. Decisions GRANTED Single-storey rear, flat roof extension with rooflights, 36 Southey Road. Amendments to previously granted listed building con- sent reference 8/20/0207/LB, al- terations to external facade: 1. Patio doors on north elevation to be moved to be inline with the existing window opening. 2. Replace existing crittal door on east elevation with stable door to match existing stable

New Milton Proposed new dwelling to side of existing dwelling, ga- rage side extension to existing dwelling, Land of 45 High Ridge Crescent, Ashley, Mr Allan. Re- placement rear extension, 27 Chestnut Avenue, Barton-on- Sea, Mr Hart. Totton and Eling Replacement / new boundary fencing, entrance gates, Eling Wharf, Eling, Associated Brit- ish Ports. Single-storey side ex- tension, 21 Jessica Crescent, Mr Riaz. Wrap around single-sto- rey extension with a pitch roof and rooflights and white render to match the house and win- dows and doors to match the existing, 82 Salisbury Road, Mr and Mrs Harris. WAS LAWFUL Fawley Cut out opening and install a new window on the origi- nal / existing property wall to bring natural light into a dark hallway / stairs area (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Sunningdale, Lea Road, Langley, Silvarow Con- struction Ltd. To build a sin- gle-storey rear extension (law- ful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), White House, Lime Kiln Lane, Holbury, Mrs Gaunt. Totton and Eling Single-storey rear flat roof extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 116 Stannington Crescent, Mrs Formby. REFUSED Hordle New build two-bedroom two-storey end of terrace, Land adjacent 9 Elvin Close, Mr Clinkaberry. Lymington and Pennington New obscure glazed window to rear at first floor, fitted with opening restrictor, 46 Fullerton Road, Pennington, Mr Savin. Milford-on-Sea Two dwellings, parking, land- scaping, Land rear of 1 High Street, Solent Projects (New Homes) Ltd. WITHDRAWN Damerham Use of land for seasonal camping for up to 75 days per year, retention of toilets and showers on a permanent basis, Manor Farm, Cornpits Lane, Mr and Mrs Burrough. Milford-on-Sea Erection of hoardings, stack sign, flagpoles and flats for a temporary period (application for advertisement consent), Land North of School Lane, Pennyfarthing Homes Ltd. single-storey extension, clad- ding, outbuilding, 1.4m high boundary wall with 1.8m high brick piers and entrance gates, Tyneham House, North Lane, Nomansland. PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT Burley Application for lawful devel- opment certificate for proposed outbuilding incidental to dwell- ing house, Turf Croft Cottage, Turf Croft. Redlynch Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro- posed conversation of attached double garage into a family kitchen and dining space, Lan- terns, The Row. RAISE NO OBJECTION Ashurst and Colbury Single-storey extension, porch, detached garage, demol- ish of existing garage (applica- tion for non-material amend- ment to planning permission 19/00837), 12 Dene Road. Boldre Replacement outbuilding (application for a non-material amendment to planning per- mission 19/00498), Deeracres, Lisle Court Road.

23 Woodgreen Walk, Calmore, Mr Gardiner. Single-storey rear extension, two-storey side extension (includes first floor side extension over existing garage) demolish conservatory, 29 Huntingdon Close, Mr and Mrs Loines. Proposed rear con- servatory, 17 Itchin Close, Mr and Mrs House. Raising of flat roof to 3.0m and alterations to fenestrations (lawful develop- ment certificate that permis - sion is not required for propos- al), 73 Spicers Hill, Mr and Mrs Eastland. Decisions Front extension and altera- tions, 20 Colbourne Close, Mr Poulson and Ms Warner. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Demolition of the existing conservatory and construction of replacement conservatory to the rear of the existing proper- ty, The Old Rectory, Mockbeg- gar Lane, Ibsley, Dr Richard- son. Demolition of the existing conservatory and construction of replacement conservatory to the rear of the existing proper- ty (application for listed build- ing consent), The Old Rectory, Mockbeggar Lane, Ibsley, Dr Richardson. Hordle Drop kerb, 5 Ashley Lane, Mr McIndoe. Bay extension and re- placement of conservatory, 46 Wainsford Road, Everton, Mr and Mrs Sears. Hythe and Dibden Loft conversion, 46 Shamrock Way, Hythe Marina Village, Mr and Mrs Atmore. Single-storey front and side extensions with fenestration alterations and detached garage, 32 Langdown Lawn, Mr Carr. Roof alterations to include two dormers to the front elevation, mono pitch roof to the rear and single-storey rear extension, 1 Elgin Close, Mr Dunsdon. Milford-on-Sea Proposed replacement dwell- ing and outbuilding, 22 Shore- field Way, Mr and Mrs McAr - thur. Replacement existing dilapidated and structurally unsafe beach hut with new, on the same existing hut footprint, replace decked area to the front which has previously been re- moved, decked area shown on planning application 18/11218 dated 1/9/2018, add two solar panels to the roof for low lev- el led lighting, Beach Hut 397, Hordle Cliff, Mr Thorne. GRANTED Brangsgore low, Bartley Road, Woodlands. Sway Application to remove con- dition 3 of planning permission NFR/11325/1, to remove agricul- tural occupancy condition, Lit- tle Place, Flexford Lane. Decisions GRANTED Ashurst and Colbury Single-storey front infill ex - tension, 32 Peterscroft Avenue. Brockenhurst Two single-storey extensions, alterations to existing side and extension roof, demolition of existing conservatory, 75 New Forest Drive. Copythorne Single-storey extension, roof alterations to existing single-storey extension, Mill House Farm, Southampton Road, Cadnam. East Boldre Dwelling and garage (demoli- tion of existing), Clear Springs, Main Road. Hyde Greenhouse, Willowfield, Stuckton Road, Stuckton, Fordingbridge. Landford Single-storey extension, first floor extension pitched roof to existing flat roof dormer, porch, lantern light to existing door on north elevation, The Thatched Cottage, 1 Burley Road. Raise and extend roof with new dormers to front and rear, two-storey extension to side and single-storey extension to rear (amended description), 24 Beaulieu Road. Single-storey rear extension (remove conservatory), raise and extend roof for loft conver- sion with dormer to side to pro- vide first floor accommodation, 31 Fitzmaurice Road. Two-storey extension and first floor extension onto exist - ing side extension, alterations to fenestration of exiting house, 64 Smugglers Lane North. Single-storey side and rear extension with removal of ex- isting garage, 14 Denham Drive. Single-storey rear, side and

balcony, fenestration, internal and external alterations, re- placement detached garage and boathouse, 16 Prospect Place, Mr and Mrs Naylor. Single-sto- rey side and rear extension, in- ternal alterations, fenestration alterations, 21 Beverley Road, Dibden Purlieu, Mr Brombley and Mrs Pike. Rear ground floor extension, additional storey provided over bungalow with pitched roof over, 30 Ashleigh Close, Mr Hall. Lymington and Pennington Alterations to shop front, 10 St Thomas Street, Mr and Mrs Cox. Single-storey rear exten- sion, front and rear dormer, demolish central double flue chimney stack, replace with single-stack, replace roof tiles, 38 Lower Buckland Road, Mr Lee. Single-storey front and rear extensions, conservato- ry and internal alterations, 35 Highfield Road, Pennington, Mr and Mrs James. Front dor- mer, 40 Ellery Grove, Mr Cook. Single-storey rear extension, two-storey front porch bay, de- tached garage, Mildura, Milford Road, Pennington, Mr Hanley. Marchwood External wall insulation project, replace fenestration, fascias, soffits and rainwater goods, loft insulation upgrade and replacement roof tiles, 9-38 Africa Drive, 1-12 Burma Drive, 37-54 Mulberry Road, DIO. AC- CEN.SD.MOD. Proposed tele- communications installation, proposed 20m phase 8 mono- pole c/w wrapround cabinet at base and associated ancillary works (prior notification to carry out telecommunications development), Cracknore Hard Lane, Hutchison 3G UK Ltd. Milford-on-Sea Single-storey conservatory to east elevation, 1.8m high close board fence inside boundary running south to east, 1 Broad- fields Close, Mr Norton. Change of use of land to private garden (lawful use certificate for re - taining an existing use or op- eration), 5 Greenbanks Close, Mr and Mrs Allery. Detached outbuilding and associated pa- tio (demolish existing garage), 12 Kivernell Road, Mr and Mrs Kingham. New Milton Single-storey side extension (right hand side), demolition of existing garage, single-sto- rey rear extension, new front boundary wall and associated landscaping, detached garage, 79 Manor Road, Ashley, Mrs Davies. Proposed single-storey extension, 7 York Place, York Avenue, Mr Hughs. Single-sto- rey side and rear extension, 9 (demolition of existing sin- gle-storey extension incor- porating garage), Twin Oaks Guest House, Southampton Road, Cadnam. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Single-storey extension, porch, roof alterations, alter- ations to doors and windows, infill entrance lobby wall, al - terations to garage to form ad- ditional habitable floor space, cladding, septic tank, air source heat pump, Blackheath Farm, Toms Lane, Linwood. Hordle Two-storey extension, Dane- hurst, Wootton Road, Tiptoe. Hyde Replace oil boiler and oil tank with air source heat pump, 3 The Paddock, Frogham, Ford- ingbridge. Landford Roof repairs, internal alter- ations (application for list- ed building consent), Cedars Nursing Home, North Common Lane. Two-storey extension, single-storey extension, inter- nal renovations, demolition of conservatory, Stable Cottage, Barrows Lane. Two-storey extension, single-storey ex- tension, internal renovations, demolition of conservatory (ap- plication for listed building con- sent), Stable Cottage, Barrows Lane. screens) of App. No 8/19/1806/ FUL to provide clear glazing to the first floor bedroom window on the west elevation, 24 Willow Way. Proposed single-storey rear extension, 24 Thursby Road. Proposed single-storey rear extension to garage, 24 Thurs- by Road. Removal and replacement of the timber sash windows to front and rear elevations, rear canted bay and dormers with new like-for-like timber sash windows, windows to rear ele- vation to be provided with slim- line heritage double glazing, repainting all brickwork and rendered walls to the front and rear elevations with a suitable breathable masonry paint, in a cream colour, The Moorings, 109 Mudeford.

CALLS for 100% affordable housing were made by New Mil- ton councillors for a 16-home development on greenbelt land. The draft scheme for Spring Lane in Becton was presented to town council planning com- mittee representatives by Zi- yad Thomas, planning manager for AJC Homes, the affordable housing element of Poole-based AJ Developments. It has since applied to New Forest District Council for outline permission to build 10 three-bedroom and six two-bedroom properties, five of which will be market housing. But Cllr Robert Murrow was among those who felt market housing should not be includ- ed when he heard the proposal with representatives including fellow ward member Cllr David Hawkins. Cllr Murrow told the A&T: “For Spring Lane, I would pre- fer 100% affordable housing. We’ve been up against a lot of knocking down and rebuilding, and I just feel some people are coming along looking to make money on the backs of others.

“As a councillor, I work 100% for the residents of this town, not second-home owners look- ing for a holiday home.” During the presentation, councillors questioned the scheme’s density and suggest- ed play equipment on-site due to its distance from Ashley Rec- reation Ground. Speaking to the A&T, Mr Cracklen emphasised the major- ity share of affordable housing as part of a rural exception site. “This is what sets us apart from most developers,” he said. “We are passionate advocates for affordable housing and, if planned, designed and man- aged sensitively, the benefits it brings to local communities such as New Milton. “There are currently 143 household applicants on the housing register for social hous- ing in the town and we hope to be able to alleviate some of that need if our application is suc- cessful.” If outline permission is re- ceived, a detailed plan would have to be passed before work could begin.


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REFUSED Ringwood

Proposed building, operate business from home, Merryhill Farm, Hightown Hill.


front extensions, 8 Chewton Common Road. Split existing property into two semi-detached properties and provide single-storey ex- tension to front elevation, 5 Mill Lane, Highcliffe. Single-storey side and rear extension, demolition and re- building of garage, 11 Caris- brooke Way. Single-storey rear extension (remove conservatory), 2 East Cliff Way, Friars cliff. LAWFUL Continued residential use for detached coach house annexe, The Coach House, 245 Fairmile Road, Fairmile. WITHDRAWN Single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear extension, install rear dor- mer, 3 Forest Close.


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