New Milton Advertiser 11th Dec 2020

Friday 11th December 2020 · 33 · · 01425 613384

Consumers also believe that lo- cal businesses contribute to their community by employing local people (49%), making the area into a nicer place to live (39%) and keep- ing it vibrant and buzzing (38%). Meanwhile, one in five (18%) own or are employed by a local business themselves so under- stand first-hand what community support means to them. Despite this, three in five consumers (62%) remain worried that independent businesses will not survive if their local community does not back them. Visa said: “Simply put, if we picked up our Christmas tree from a local florist or chose to purchase our Christmas turkey from the local butcher, the money spent will go much further towards sup- porting our communities. This is because small, independent busi- nesses are more likely to hire from their local area, have local suppli- ers and spend their income within the community. At this crucial time, the support we can offer our inde - pendent high street heroes could make a big difference in helping our communities rebuild.” One New Milton shopkeep- er confirmed these views: “The Christmas period is so important for local businesses like ours and we want to help encourage people to support how they can, but we’re confident that through the fan - tastic support from local shoppers that we’ll continue to thrive.” Another shop said: “People in our community are definitely keen to shop locally at the moment. We had a couple of late-night shop- ping evenings just before the latest lockdown and the support meant everything to us. Shoppers were making a conscious effort to sup - port us as they knew we were go- ing to struggle having to close in this key period. “ Meanwhile a local garden centre owner said: “Our customers trust us to deliver that personal service and we rely on them for their continued support. That’s what independent businesses like ours really have to offer, we employ people who are passionate about what they do and feel empowered to make the customer experience the best it can be. It’s incredibly important shoppers support local businesses this year and

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they rely on, especially in these challenging times. Our research found the extent to which commu- nities prosper when we all support local businesses, so continuing this support at Christmas – and beyond – will have a profound impact on how our communities recover.” Consumer support in 2020 has been crucial for many independent businesses, proving the power of community spirit during lockdown. In fact, over half of shopkeepers (54%) admit the support of their local community has meant a lot and helped them to keep going through this difficult year. The research also highlighted other important points including the fact that shops were within an easy distance, people were bump- ing into people they know (with so- cial distancing still being observed) and the sense of community on their local high street. The majority of the 2,000 con - sumers surveyed are supporting local businesses as much as – or more than – they were before the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, more than half of UK consumers (54%) plan to do at least some of their Christmas shopping with local, independent businesses in their area, either on-

line or in-store, in line with restric- tions. This figure rises to two thirds (66%) among 18-34-year-olds, meaning younger people could be the saviours of local businesses across the UK. Another key point particularly for the over 55s was chatting to local shopkeepers. So make the most of the 14 or so shopping days until Christmas and head for New Milton for all your festive food, gifts and prezzies.

Atech wishes all its customers and suppliers a Merry Christmas and prosperous 2021 Belvedere Rear Building, Christchurch Road, NewMilton BH25 6QB 01425 627422 WWW.ATECH-UK.CO.UK


The New Forest's multi award winning zero waste and local produce shop!

just take a moment to stop and think about where they are buying from this Christmas.”

We can help you enjoy a sustainable, affordable and plastic free Christmas and New Year Why not also visit our sister coffee shop - The Naked Quench We serve local produce and fresh bakes for you to enjoy with our wide range of drinks in our relaxed and welcoming coffee house 2&3 Westcroft Parade, Station Road, New Milton BH25 6JG 01425 613555 • E

Visa said that its findings high - lighted that where we choose to shop matters. The credit card company: “While for many of us, shopping locally is simply a convenient way to pur- chase goods and services, for local business owners it’s the lifeline

Christmas trees now in…. sizes, varieties & prices to suit a ! From £19 Make Christmas 2020 as special as you can… visit us today for the good service & great quality you would expect from your local family business .










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ank you for your continued support, it means so much… We look forward to seeing you soon!

Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas

Bashley Road, New Milton 01425 619691


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