New Milton Advertiser 13th Nov 2020
14 · Friday 13th November 2020 · · 01425 613384
Have your say on NPA building design awards
Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest National Park Authority during the week ending Friday 6th November 2020: Boldre Single-storey extensions, al- terations to doors and windows (demolition of conservatory), Pippin cottage, Warborne Lane, Portmore. Replacement outbuilding, Rossenford House, Brook Hill, Norley Wood. Bransgore Carport, The Dell of Beckley, Beckley Road, Beckley. Sin- gle-storey rear extension (dem- olition of existing conservato- ry), 276 Burley Road, Thorney Hill. Brockenhurst Application to vary condi- tion 2 of planning permission 19/00038 for first floor rear ex - tension, four air conditioning condenser units, replacement extraction unit, external stair- case, fencing, associated land- scaping to allow minor mate- rial amendment, The Filly Inn, Lymington Road. First floor extension to ex - (use class C3) comprising up to 110 dwellings, informal and formal open space including alternative natural recreation- al green spaces, foothpaths, cycleways, and internal roads, associated landscaping, util- ities and drainage infrastruc- ture including connection to the strategic foul network, and associated infrastructure and groundworks (outline appli- cation with details only of ac- cess), Land south off Milford Road, Pennington, Bargate Homes Ltd and Vivid Homes. Martin Two-storey extension to add upstairs bathroom and reconfigure kitchen, Broad Lane Cottage, Broad Applications THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest Dis- trict Council during the week ending Friday 6th November 2020: Fawley Conversion of existing six bedroom property into one two-bedroom flat and two one-bedroom flats all with as - sociated parking, new dwell- ings for renting back to local authority or other social hous- ing group, Hillcrest, Fawley Road, Mr and Mrs Mahal. Fordingbridge Single-storey rear extension and new windows to side ele- vation, 14B Victoria Road, Mr and Mrs Scorey-Ward. Fence and access gates, Land at Haynes Way, Hythe and Dibden Parish Council. Two-storey side extension, 27 Dukeswood Drive, Ms Hanni- ford. Lymington and Pennington Two-storey rear extension to existing dwelling, 55 North Street, Pennington, Ms Phil- lips. Proposed single-storey rear extension, Amberwood, 91 Milford Road, Pennington, Mr Kindred. Erect single-storey rear extension (lawful devel- opment certificate that per - mission is not required for pro- posal), 11 Fieldhouse Way, Mr Aldworth / Malkin. Residential development Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christ- church were submitted to BCP Council during the week ending 6th November 2020: Single-storey side extension, 11 Whitehayes Road. Single-storey rear extension, 9 Katherine Chance Close. Installation of new double doors to south elevation to re- place existing single windows, 8 Redwood Drive, Winkton. Increase porch size, replace existing glass and UPVC porch with an insulated timber struc- ture, extending part of it for- ward by 700mm, 50 Portfield Road. Proposed home office build - ing, to replace existing office in garden, 1 Riverside Lodge, Avon Buildings. Ground floor extensions to existing shop fronts to infill existing red brick colonnade, Loch and Quay, Born Beauty and Empty Shop, 23-24 Church Street. Sever land and erect two-sto-
associated drainage works, The Orchard, Vaggs Lane. Lyndhurst Single-storey side and rear extensions, decking, pergola (demolition of existing conserv- atory), 58 Wellands Road. New Milton Retention and completion of hay store, Burwood, St Johns Road. LAWFUL New Milton Application for a certificate of lawful development for the continued use of land and con- tinued siting of a twin unit car- avan and its curtilage for use and occupation as a dwelling, hardstanding, steps, side ter- race, outbuilding, Land North of North Drive, Ossemsley. PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT Boldre Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro- posed outbuilding and replace- ment roof, Myrtle Cottage, Royden Lane. Sway Application for lawful devel- opment certificate for proposed replacement conservatory, demolition of existing conserv- atory, Woodhay, Manchester Road. dows and pitch roof over the existing flat roof rear dormer, Dell Cottage, Buckland Dene, Mr and Mrs Downes. Marchwood Variation of conditions 2, 5 and 8 of planning permission 18/10623 to allow amended plans PA1/04 Issue 7, PA1/02 Issue 8, PA1/03 Issue 8, PA1/05 Issue 7 to allow revised floor plans/ windows, clear glazing on first floor west elevation window and inward opening windows on east and west first floor elevations and allow class C permitted development rights for other alterations to the roof, Bathurst Villa, Hythe Road, Mr Adams. Martin Single-storey rear exten- sion, cladding, replace gate and fence, Harris Farm, Martin Road, Mr Varley. Single-storey rear extension, external and internal altera- tions, boiler (application for listed building consent), Harris Farm, Martin Road, Mr Varley. Milford-on-Sea Detached garage, Plot 2 (16), 16 Knowland Drive, Mr Stock- well. New Milton Provision of a new double car port and garage, Wildwood, Barton Common Road, Bar- ton-on-Sea, Mr Keats. Totton and Eling Front and rear dormers in association with new second floor, single-storey rear exten - sion, 67 Rushington Lane, Mr and Mrs Macleod. Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 20/10100 to allow amended site plan 2019/75/11 to allow site changes and re-locate monument sign, Land at Roman House, South Hampshire Industrial Park, Eddystone Road, Dandara. Single-storey flat roof extension, 204 Ring- wood Road, Mr and Mrs Kelly. Extension to existing loft room consisting of new dormer, 31 Hammonds Lane, Mr Stac- ey. GENERAL PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT Hythe and Dibden Single-storey rear extension Hurn Court, (an oriel window, atrium and cupola), undertake external repairs and replace- ment of three chimneys, due to decay and deterioration (amended description), 1 Hurn Court, Hurn Court Lane. Non-material amendment to planning application: 8/20/0104/ HOU to render and paint front elevations of property to match side elevations, 2 Hazel Close. Single-storey rear extension, single-storey extension to front of home office at rear of main dwelling, 28 Glenville. Road. Demolition of existing build- ing and erection of block of 23 apartments with associated access and parking provision, Newtown House, 24 Waterford Road, Highcliffe. Demolition of existing prop- erty and construction of a new dwelling house, 12 Rook Hill Road. Demolition of conservato- ry and replacement with dou- ble-storey extension to rear and insertion of door to utility room, 10 Glengarry Way, Friars Cliff. Single-storey rear extension,
Lane, Mr Phillips.
RAISE NO OBJECTION East Boldre Application under part 11 (class B) of the Town and Coun- try Planning (general permitted development) (England) Order 2015 to determine if prior ap- proval is required for demoli- tion of the toilet block, Hatchet Pond Toilets, Beaulieu Road. Fawley Single-storey extension, par- tial roof alterations to existing single-storey extension (appli- cation for non-material amend- ment to planning permission 20/00589), Furzetops, Kings Copse Road, Blackfield. REFUSED Hale Application under part 6 of the Town and Country Plan- ning (general permitted devel- opment) (England) Order 2015 in respect of the siting, design and appearance of an agricul- tural building, Land near Oak- lea, Forest Road. WITHDRAWN Boldre Single-storey extensions, 7 Royden Lane. Sway Single-storey extension (demolition of existing utility room), Beech House, 20 Oaken- brow. (prior approval), 34 West Road, Dibden Purlieu, Mr and Mrs Smith. WAS LAWFUL Hythe and Dibden Use of land within garden curtilage for the stationing of a mobile home, occupied as inci- dental and ancillary use (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal, 34 Ashleigh Close, Mrs Knowles. A tiled roof to the existing conservatory with minor alter- ations to the fenestration, the existing footprint will remain unchanged (lawful develop- ment certificate that permis - sion is not required for propos- al), 5 Depden Gardens, Dibden Purlieu, Sillence. Incidental outbuilding to be used as a hobby room to the main dwelling. The outbuild- ing falls within the permitted development criteria as indi- cated on the drawings (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 5 Depden Gardens, Dibden Purlieu, Sillence. REFUSED Martin Side extension to reconfig - ure kitchen and create upstairs bathroom, Broad Lane Cot- tage, Broad Lane, Mr Phillips. Milford-on-Sa Erect five detached hous - es with vehicular access and parking details of access and layout (outline application with details only of access and layout), Land east of Lymore Lane, Mr Moody. WITHDRAWN Fawley Change of use to C3 dwelling house (prior approval appli- cation), 137 Hampton Lane, Blackfield, APE Properties Ltd. Hordle Proposed three-bedroom chalet bungalow with parking, three bedroom bungalow with garage and parking, demolish existing dwelling, 27 Sky End Lane, Robert A. Govier Build- ing and Roofing Ltd. Milford-on-Sea Extend existing first floor balcony, 3 North Head, Mr and Mrs Passman. alterations to fenestration to second floor front elevation, 15 Waterside. Change of use from amenity land to domestic garden and erection of new fence and gate bounding the land, 5 Poppy Close. LAWFUL Single-storey rear extension and single-storey side exten- sion, 22 Twynham Avenue. Dormer construction to the rear of the roof, 22 Dunbar Cres- cent. REFUSED New dwelling with garage, Land adjacent to 184 Salisbury Road, Burton. Two-storey side extension, single-storey rear extension and loft conversion with dor- mer to side / rear (amended de- scription), 43 Jumpers Road. WITHDRAWN Proposed single-storey ex- tension to rear, 1 Clover Close. Demolition of the existing bungalow and erection of two detached chalet bungalows with associated access and parking (revised scheme), 115 Mudeford Lane.
Hedge House, Hangersley Hill, Forest Corner, Hangersley. Sway Retention of 2m high close boarded front boundary fence, Field House, Arnewood Bridge Road. Single-storey side extension, one additional window, St Ju- lian, St James Road. Wellow Greenhouse, Heatherdene, Canada Common Road, West Wellow. Woodgreen Replacement of timber clad- ding and repairs to brick work (application for listed building consent), The White Cottage, Woodgreen Common Road. Decisions One and two-storey exten- sion to south elevation, Rouds Cottage, Furzley Common Road. Exbury and Lepe Retaining wall and associ- ated works, Lepe House, Lepe Road, Lepe. Hordle Retention of replacement sewage treatment plant and GRANTED Bramshaw Single-storey rear extension, 2 Croft Road, Poulner, Steer. Totton and Eling Two-storey side extension, 17 Hyde Close, Mr and Mrs Taylor. Roof alterations and dor- mers in association with new first floor, single-storey rear ex - tension, 30 Hamtun Crescent, Mr Bannister. Proposed ground floor rear extension and roof alterations / loft conversion, replacement of all windows and doors with new double glazing, 106 Stan- nington Crescent, Mr Lockitt. Extend existing second floor loft room with a hip to gable roof extension to the side ele- vation and the formation of a new dormer window to the rear elevation (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 21 Bishops Close, Mr and Mrs Wil- cox. Decisions GRANTED Breamore Replacement outbuilding, demolish existing outbuilding, Plum Cottage, The Marsh, Mr and Mrs England. Hordle A farm access track with a yard at the start for unloading and a turning area at the end of the track (retrospective), Land rear of the Cabin, Silver Street, A B van Hennik Hythe and Dibden Proposed one floor exten - sion to existing rear kitchen extension, balcony to the rear master bedroom, 29 Butts Ash Gardens, Mr M Clark. Lymington and Pennington Demolition of existing rear extension, construction of new two-storey extension, internal remodelling, associated land- scaping, increase in the num- ber of units of accommodation from four to six, Tourlands, Emsworth Road, New Forest District Council. Proposed front garage exten- sion with gable roof with room in the roof space, matching front gable over the front en- trance, two rear dormer win- First floor rear extension, 40 Hynesbury Road. Single-storey rear extension, 16 Howard Close. Pitched roof extension to lounge and kitchen, 3 Cunning- ham Close. Garage conversion to resi- dential annexe, 17 Friars Road. Hip to gable roof alterations, addition of rear dormer and in- stallation of rooflights to facili - tate loft conversion, Sunnyside, 5 Highcliffe Road. Decisions GRANTED Balconies to the rear eleva- tion, first and second floor, 2 Ashtree Meadows. Conversion of office building into six flats, new external stair - case, Exchange House, 2 Sopers Lane. Single-storey rear extension and rear dormer alterations, front extensions at first floor level, fenestration alterations and new porch, 132A River Way. Repair and replacement of three timber structures on
isting outbuilding, Woodruffe, Meerut Road. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Application for a certificate of lawful development for exist- ing use of dwelling in breach of condition 7 (agricultural occu- pancy) of planning permission RFR 12855, Grey Gables, South Gorley, Fordingbridge. Exbury and Lepe Wildlife pond, bund, associat- ed planting, Summer Cottage, Summer Lane. Lyndhurst Single-storey extension, at- tached carport and garden store, alterations to doors and windows, front porch, terrace, driveway alterations, Magnoli- as, Elcombes Close. Replacement storage build- ing (demolition of existing), Weavers Cottage, Emery Down. Redlynch Two-storey extension, roof alterations, four rooflights, ren - der, demolition of front exten- sion, Hazeldene, School Road, Lover. Ringwood Outbuilding, In Excess Gar- den Centre, Hangersley Hill, Forest Corner, Hangersley. Single-storey office building, one additional parking space, Milford-on-Sea Single-storey rear extension, replacement boot room, roof alterations, alterations to front window, porch, cladding, Se- renity, Pless Road, Mr and Ms Ahern and Aukett. New Milton Rear / side extension with at- tached garage, roof extension to form first floor, removed de - tached garage, remove chim- ney, 6 Dawkins Way, Mr and Mrs Sugden and Herridge. Variation of condition 2 and 8 of planning permission 19/11409 to allow amended rooflight detail for plots 1 and 2, Site of Rockdene 42, Lyming- ton Road, Mr Janjua. Application for change of use / material change of a section of NFDC owned open spaces to widen an existing vehicle drive- way, The Old Bakery, 2 Ashley Common Road, Ashley, New Forest District Council. Single-storey rear extension, fenestration alterations, clad- ding, 24 Cliffe Road, Barton- on-Sea, Mr and Mrs Johnston. Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 16/11428 to allow the replacement of approved plans: 1.001 Rev D2 2.001 Rev D2 2.106 Rev D1 2.003 Rev D1.1 2.002 Rev D2 2.004 Rev D1.1 2.005 Rev D1.1 to allow hardstanding, lay- out, fenestration and mate- rial alterations to reflect the ‘as built’ development, Creek House, Barton Common Road, Barton-on-Sea, Raban Devel- opments. Ringwood Development of the site to provide a new care home (use class C2), and associated ac- cess, car and cycle parking, landscaping an amenity space provision, Land off Hopclover Way, Frontier Estates. Internal re-fit of commercial unit and installing four new ex- ternal windows, formation of new first floor, air source heat pump, Unit 8, Pintail Business Park, 165 Christchurch Road. Erection of timer frame ga- rage and home office, reloca - tion of vehicular crossover, 31 North Poulner Road, Mr and Mrs Turville. rey detached dwelling with as- sociated parking and access, 17 Grove Road East. Loft conversion to create ad- ditional bedrooms, 104 Stour Road. Loft conversion extend hipped roof to form front gable, 16 Wilton Close. Single-storey extension to the rear and two-storey side ex- tension, 4 Essex Avenue. Retention garden outbuild- ing as ancillary living accom- modation (retrospective ap- plication), 56 Huntingdown Gardens. Single-storey side and rear extensions, 11 Braemar Drive. Demolish existing outbuild- ing and garage, sever plot and erect new detached bungalow, 29 Pine Crescent, Highcliffe. Replacement of existing rear extension with two-storey ex- tension, including the forma- tion of an external staircase, to provide two additional flats, 408 Lymington Road. Loft conversion over first floor flat to provide living ac - commodation, 3 Wortley Court, 7 Wortley Road.
NOMINATIONS are being sought for the national park authority’s prestigious building design awards, celebrating the New Forest’s most distinctive architecture. Now in their sixth year, the awards have previously rec- ognised projects including a traditional thatched cottage in Woodgreen, a new-build hous- ing scheme in Lyndhurst and a Peppa Pig themed building at Paultons Park. The NPA receives more than 900 planning applications each year for the 220 square miles of the national park, of which it approves more than 85%. Leo Randall, chair of the authority’s planning commit- tee, said: “Through our plan- ning policies, detailed design guidance and decisions, we’re constantly looking to support quality building design in the national park. “Now is an especially import- ant time to recognise good stan- dards of building through these awards. Throughout Covid-19, numbers of planning applica- tions have remained high in the
national park.” He added: “The call for nom- inations coincides with us reviewing the National Park Design Guide, as well as the high-profile government re - forms to national planning pol- icy which reinforce the impor- tance of good design in building development.” The categories are best resi- dential scheme; best non-res- idential scheme; best conser- vation project; and best green building, which showcases sus- tainable construction and ma- terials. Nominations can be made by residents, visitors, developers and parish councils. All build- ings must have been completed in the last three years to be con- sidered. Nominations close on 31st December and the winners will be chosen in the new year by a panel of members drawn from the NPA’s planning commit- tee. For more information or to submit a nomination visit www. awards
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