New Milton Advertiser 15th Jan 2021

14 · Friday 15th January 2021 · · 01425 613384


Nursery neighbours slammove bid Business is currently on site set aside for 100 new homes

stall new pathways and a rain- water harvesting pond. The new site would be com- parable on a production scale to the current operation which comprises about 3,000 square metres of glasshouses and polytunnels along with associ- ated sheds, it said. The plans added: “The pro- posed location of the buildings hasbeenspecificallydesigned to be situated in the least sensitive location along the established hedgerow/screening along- side the east boundary of the field. “We would be prepared to consider further landscape planting with indigenous trees

and shrubs to further merge the proposed development into its setting should the [NPA] con- sider this to be necessary.” Mr Gore and Ms Savin said they are “established horti- culturalists” who employ two people plus four more season- ally They investigated alternative sites, they said, but “nothing suitable” was found. The business engages in “in- tensive production” of bedding plants, and supplies hanging baskets to the gardening indus- try, shipping around 18,000 in 2019/20. The NPA will decide the ap- plication at a later date.

New Forest National Park. The scheme has come under fire from neighbours who have campaigned to protect the qui- et character of the rural roads, where Oakhaven Hospice is also located. As reported in the A&T, New Forest District Council last year allocated land there for devel- opment in its Local Plan poli- cies, including the site of North- field Nursery. The proposed relocation, as a result, has sparked 17 ob- jections to the New Forest National Park Authority from neighbours, with one saying: “I am very concerned that we are heading down the ‘slippery mined by the council between July and September, fewer than 70% were within required time- frames. Speaking at a meeting of the council’s scrutiny board, Cllr Mellor admitted there was “a problem”. He said: “There’s been no na- tional intervention but, let’s be honest, if we keep performing as we are it won’t be far away.” He said the department was being prioritised in its merger work following the 2019 forma- tion of the council – along with children’s services which, last month, was heavily criticised by Ofsted.

slope’ of one application after another.” Another said: “This seems madness to me. “If the nursery is such an im- portant agricultural site that it needs to remain in Lower Pen- nington Lane, then why has its existing location voluntarily been put into the local housing plan?” Others questioned whether it was the precursor to more housing through “infilling” un - developed gaps. The application to the NPA seeks to relocate two polytun- nels, a greenhouse, storage shed and water tank, and in-


PLANS by a plant nursery to re- locate from land in Pennington earmarked for up to 100 homes have been attacked as a “slip- pery slope” towards further de- velopment. Adam Gore and Rebecca Savin want to move Northfield Nursery, in Lower Pennington Lane, to a nearby field they own just within the boundary of the

Northfield Nursery owners want tomove the business to nearby fields

Improvement demanded as decision delays leave council at risk

“If this is a financial problem we will put more money into it but it isn’t just that – it never is,” he said.

work was the focus but that the council was also looking at “potential investment” in the department.

officers to help clear the “large backlog” caused by the first na - tional coronavirus lockdown. Cllr Mellor said the merger

planning systems for each town. Board member Cllr Millie Earl asked whether the coun- cil could employ more planning

HOLD-UPS in reaching deci- sions on planning applications have left BCP Council at risk of national intervention, its leader has warned. Between July and September it failed to hit any of its time targets, with “considerable” falls in some areas following a post-lockdown backlog, writes Josh Wright of the Local Democ- racy Reporting Service . With rates now below the lev- el at which the government can begin making decisions instead, council leader Cllr Drew Mellor said this was “not far away” un- less improvements were made. Of the applications deter-

Planning committee chair Cllr David Kelsey said decisions were being delayed “drastical- ly” by the existence of separate

‘Cumbersome and costly’: call to create three local BCP planning committees rejected A CALL by a Christchurch councillor to replace BCP Council’s single planning account the distinctive and diverse nature of each town and their individuality.”

The ideahadbeenconsidered prior to the formation of the council in 2019 and had been raised by Cllr Phipps during her time as the cabinet member for planning, under the previous Unity Alliance administration. However, its consideration was left to a working group already carrying out a review

of the council’s constitution. It findings were put before councillors last week but Cllr Phipps sought to introduce separate planning committees. Shesaid:“Thecurrentsystem of one planning committee is, I believe, unsatisfactory be- cause some decisions taken have clearly failed to take into

Cllr Phipps’ proposal was narrowly defeated by 38 votes to 36. A spokesperson for the Christchurch Independents said they would now lead a borough-wide, cross-party in- itiative to investigate further the feasibility of area planning committees.

committee with one for each of the area’s three towns has been rejected. Cllr Margaret Phipps, of the Christchurch Independents group, made the request at the latest full meeting of the council.

The idea was dismissed by the chair of BCP Council’s committee, Cllr David Kelsey, who said: “Having three sep- arate committees is cum- bersome, it’s costly and it’s time-consuming.”

NEW FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL PLANNING Applications Decisions garage, Pine Trees House, Cot- tagers Lane, Ms Naylor.

Removal of existing roof and new storey added, additional storey also added to roof space, rear two-storey extension and single-storey element, 48 Wal- cott Avenue. The demolition of an existing garage and the construction of a new four bay garage with two one-bedroom flats above the garage, 341 Lymington Road. Single-storey front extension, 21 Waterford Gardens. Replacement summerhouse and single-storey extension, 2 Amberwood House, Amber- wood Gardens, Walkford. Loft conversion incorpo- rating new roof, 32 Sheldrake Road. Single-storey side / rear ex- tension, existing garage to be removed, 15 Donnington Drive. Single-storey rear extension, garage conversion and loft con- version to provide second floor accommodation, 35 Catalina Close. Extension to sides and rear with remodel and loft con- version with new roof, 10 Nea Road. Single-storey and side rear extensions, 11 Caroline Avenue. Rear single-storey flat roof extension to replace existing conservatory, partial remov- al of existing garden wall, new 1.8m fence following north- ern boundary towards front of property, 1 Vulcan Way. pole under the existing 11kv high voltage line (application under section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989 Overhead Lines (exemption) (England and Wales) Regulations 2009 and section 90(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990), Grid Ref Su 23270070, Holmsley Bridge. East Boldre Carport, two pairs of gates, one gate, reinforce front boundary hedge with planting, demolition of garage, The Yews, Heath Lane. Landford Detached open shelter with lighting, replacement windows, removal of two windows, How- ard Chandler Scout Hut. Lyndhurst Single-storey rear extension, alterations to fenestration, demolition of existing single-storey rear extension, and Mrs Goodall. Demolish existing garage, sever land and erect a detached dwelling with associated access and parking (revised scheme 19/11118), 23 Mount Avenue, Mr Leicester. Two-storey side and rear exten- sion, remodel throughout, new front porch, 26 Manor Road, Mr and Mrs J. Hunt. Rockbourne Demolition of agricultural buildings and dwelling, with new replacement green oak framed farmhouse and ancil- lary accommodation, with new replacement smallholding trac- tor / equipment / storage barn, allowing for roof and ground mounted photovoltaic panels, Mists Farm, Rockbourne Road, Sandleheath, Mr Bailey. Totton and Eling Single-storey side and rear extension, enlarged porch can- opy, 12 Rushington Avenue, TSM Projects Ltd.

Install a three-lane cricket practice facility 35 metres by 11.95 metres adjacent to each other and a 30 metre by 2.74 metre non-turf cricket wicket in the centre of the playing field, cricket practice area to have netting to sides and roof, cage structure enclosed by a 2 metre security fence around the prac- tice area, Twynham Compre- hensive School, Sopers Lane. First floor extension to the rear over existing single-storey, increase ridge height of roof with hip to gable conversion and dormer creating a habit- able living space in the loft, 32 Kings Avenue. Proposed single attached dwelling, 30 Avenue Road. Wrap-around single-storey extension with internal remod- el, 4 Essex Avenue. Single-storey side exten- sion to be built in materials to match the existing property, 124 Hurn Road. Front extension, loft conver- sion to form additional habita- ble accommodation including dormer and rooflights, (revised application to 8/19/0856), 10 Windsor Road. Erect a single-storey rear ex- tension and replacement balco- ny after demolition of existing rear extension, 55 The Grove. Extension to side and rear of existing hours, 22 Bosley Way. Single-storey side extensions and changes to rear fenestra- tion, 22 Cross Way. Lymington. Replacement roof over performing arts centre, Walhampton School, Main Road, Walhampton. Replace- ment roof over performing arts centre (application for listed building consent), Walhampton School, Main Road, Walhamp- ton. Single-storey extension, orangery, Beechwood House, Royden Lane. Brockenhurst Two-storey rear extension, single-storey front extension, alterations to fenestration, Vancouver, Partridge Road. Single-storey side extension, demolition of existing conservatory, alterations to existing outbuilding, Surrey Lodge, Meerut Road. Outbuilding, The Spinney, Setley. Burley One replacement electricity pole, one additional electricity (application for listed building consent), Hucklesbrook Farm, Ringwood Road, Mrs Sampson. Fordingbridge Conservatory, Oakmoor House, Fryern Court Road, Burgate, Mr and Mrs Wilson. Hythe and Dibden Single-storey rear extension, Woodfalls, Whinfield Road, Dib - den Purlieu, Mr Duckmanton. Lymington and Pennington Single-storey side and rear extensions, detached garage, chimney, external alterations, terrace, porch, 3 Pippin Close, Mrs Tybinkowski. New Milton Boundary fence and gates (retrospective), 30 Barrs Wood Road, Mr Pearce. Proposed re- furb and extensions to the rear and side elevations, attached garage, replacement roof tiles, 74 Brook Avenue North, Mr Summers. Integral garage con- version, 42 Marley Avenue, Mr

Garage conversion and rear link extension, 59 Bure Lane. Flat 3 (first and second floor flat), replacing all windows on front elevation (window in bed- room one replaced with bigger window to match window in bedroom two), add new win- dow to en-suite of bedroom two, replacing all doors on rear elevation with larger white al- uminium doors, add double doors and Juliet balcony on rear elevation, removing exist- ing chimneys, Tutton Lodge, Flat 3, 110 Stanpit. Single-storey flat roof rear and side extension, 14 Hynes- bury Road. Construction of temporary marquee, Stewarts Garden Centre, Lyndhurst Road. Garage conversion (part) and single-storey rear extension, 10 Elderflower Close. Single-storey rear extension, new porch, convert garage to living accommodation, clad- ding and fenestration changes to exterior, 35 Sheldrake Road. REFUSED Use of container for storage and gym, erection of 3ft wall along the boundary line with shrubbery behind to cover con- tainer, 2 Southey Road. WITHDRAWN Remove and replace exist- ing UPVC windows, with UPVC windows of the same fenestra- tion layout and design, 80-86A Somerford Road. Lyndhurst Retention of replacement outbuilding, Land rear of 25-27 High Street. Wellow Single-storey lodge, entrance gates, one parking space, par- tial widening of access track, Chatmohr Estate, Crawley Hill. Open porch and veranda (dem- olition of existing porch), Top End, Canada Road. REFUSED Minstead Application to vary condi- tion 1 and remove condition 3 of planning permission 20/00452 for first floor extensions, con - version of attached stables to facilitate additional accommo- dation; alterations to fenestra- tion, raised patio, demolition of existing porch, associated land- scaping, The Cottage, Toms Lane Corner, Stoney Cross Plain Road, Newtown. Lymington and Pennington Change of use of C3 dwelling to letting rooms in association with the adjacent 8 Highfield Bed and Breakfast accommo- dation, 1 Melbury Close, Aq- uashore Ltd. To erect two awn- ings to the side elevation of the shop, 9 High Street, Mr Ridden. New Milton Removal of condition 3 of planning permission 12/98372 to remove the need for Level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes, 18 White Knights, Bar- ton-on-Sea, Mr Gannon. WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Side extension and remodel, Darvole, 37 Harbridge Green, Harbridge, Mr Walker.

GRANTED Bransgore

Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christchurch were submit- ted to BCP Council during the week ending 8th January 2021: Remove glazed roof to con- servatory and provide tiled roof continuous with existing and gable end, provide side eleva- tion, 51 Whitehayes Road. Additional stable block and associated landscaping works on a site with an existing eques- trian use, J. B. Stables, Burley Road. Demolition of existing lean- to, garage and external store, rear single-storey extension of existing property and installa- tion of small pitch to existing flat roof porch on front eleva - tion, construction of detached three-bedroom dwelling to the land on the east side of the ex- isting dwelling, 23 Avon Road West. Construction of a detached annex ancillary to the existing dwelling to the rear of the gar- den, 24 Portfield Road. Single-storey rear extension and new side entrance, inter- nal alterations, replacement outbuilding (existing garage to be replaced on existing founda- tions with a new storage build- ing, 1 Twynham Avenue. Proposed single-storey ex- tension, existing conservatory to be removed, 3 Avon Road East. THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest National Park Authority during the week ending Friday 8th January 2021: Ashurst and Colbury Two-storey and first floor extension, rooflight, 20 Holly Road. Beaulieu Educational building, altera- tion and extension to car park and car park access, The Coun- tryside Education Trust, Palace Lane. Boldre Three outbuildings, swim- ming pool, entrance gates, shingle extension to driveway, demolition of three outbuild- ings, removal of earth bund (amended descriptions and plans), Leyland, Undershore, THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest District Council during the week ending Friday 8th January 2021: Breamore Remove existing manege in walled garden, replace with new tennis court, tennis changing / store, Dodington House, The Marsh, Mr and Mrs Swift. Re- move existing manege in walled garden, replace with new tennis changing / store, (application for listed building consent), Dodington House, The Marsh, Mr Swift. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Replacement windows to one lower window to northern and eastern elevation (one lower window and one upper window)

GRANTED Erect single-storey rear ex- tension, 12 Blackberry Lane. Change of use of unit from B1, B2 and B8 to B1, B2, B8 and sui generis (datacentre) with external modifications to unit including new vents to roof, new vent to front façade, and two windows replaced with vents, widening of roller shutter door, installation of two retract- able bollards, and installation of new fire door all to front fa - cade of unit, Unit 9, Somerford Business Park. Change of use of unit from B1, B2 and B8 to B1, B2, B8 and sui generis (datacentre) with external modifications to building facades including new vents, new security fire door, widened rollershutter door, and new and replacement retracta- ble bollards, 9 Airfield Industri - al Estate, Airfield Way. Single-storey and first floor rear extension, 46 Rimbury Way. Extend fence to boundary (retrospective), 4 Canberra Close. Erect outbuilding for sixth form study room, Highcliffe School, Parkside. Non-material amendment to planning application 8/19/0395/ FUL to change finish on garage from brick to render (to match property two), removal of ga- rage window, 21-25 Chewton Common Road. Montrose, Broughton Road. 2.1m high entrance wall with brick piers, 1.9m deer proof boundary fencing, Westons, Pinkney Lane, Bank. Minstead Change of use of land to residential, sewage treatment plant, outlet drain, removal septic tank, Beaufield, Lyndhurst Road. GRANTED Brockenhurst Outbuilding (demolish exist- ing), Clematis Cottage, Lynd- hurst Road. Hyde Alterations to roof, doors and windows, two windows, Rose Cottage, Blissford Hill, Bliss- ford. Alterations to the shopfront, installation of Amazon lockers on Betsy Road frontage, in- stallation of bollards and other minor external alterations, in- stallation of plant, 6-8 Oak Tree Parade, Co-operative Food Group Ltd. Fawley Single-storey rear extension, replacement single garage, outbuilding, 14 Walkers Lane south, Blackfield, Mr Moxom. Fordingbridge First floor rear extension to provide additional bedroom, change of use of annex from A1 to C3a, 9 Bowerwood Road, Mr Coates. Hordle Elevation changes to existing Decisions



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CHRISTCHURCH PLANNING Decisions Single-storey extension af- ter demolition of existing sun lounge, 9 Branwell Close.

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