New Milton Advertiser 15th Jan 2021

30 · Friday 15th January 2021 · · 01425 613384

Family Announcements

Deadline: Wednesday. 12 noon • Death Notices 5pm 01425 613384 •





Births • Birthdays • Graduations Engagements Weddings Anniversaries • retirement In memoriam • Death Notices In Remembrance place a Family Announcement

PERRETT, Gerald — 16/1/19. Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Di, Jo, Barry and Cathy SOFFE, Peter — 1/8/1934 - 20/1/2012. Forever in our hearts and thoughts. All our love, Andrew and Lorna.

FARWELL Paul James A much loved son of

TANNER Patricia Leonie The family of Pat Tanner are sad to announce that in the early hours of 12/01/21, following a seven month battle with cancer, the death of Patricia, aged 87 years. Wife, mother, Granny and Great-Granny and loved by all who new her. No flowers please, but donations in our mother’s memory may be sent to Diamond and Son Funeral Directors, Lymington, for the benefit of Oakhaven Hospice. Due to government restrictions, immediate family only can attend the crematorium, however PLEASE as many people as possible would be appreciated to stand through Pilley as Mum makes her final journey, on 27th January at 10.30am. The hearse will move slowly starting at Pilley Pond, pass through the village, past the village shop, drive to Dunoon, Church lane, pause, then return along Church lane, turn right TAYLOR Dawn Rosemary Ellen Sadly passed away on 23rd December, aged 96 years. Dearly loved mother of Elizabeth and proud and loving grandmother of Beccy. She will be greatly missed by all her family and friends. Family Funeral only on Thursday 21st January. Flowers or donations made out to Oakhaven Hospice or Naomi House and and make its way through the rest of Pilley. Thank you. YOUNG Gillian Hilda Passed away peacefully at Oakhaven Hospice on 5th January 2021. Much loved mother of Stephen, mother-in-law of Helen and treasured grandmother to Adam and Cameron. Due to Covid restrictions the funeral will be by invitation only. Donations if desired in memory of Gillian will benefit The NSPCC and Oakhaven Hospice. All enquiries and donations to Maria Jones Funeral Directors, Little Holbrook, 56 Brookley Road, Brockenhurst, SO42 7RA. Telephone 01590 622981. Passed away in hospital on 2nd January 2021, aged 62, after a long illness. He always had a cheeky smile for his family and carers. Adored by his wife Pat, Mum, brothers Michael and Alan and their families. We thank all his friends and family for many messages and cards and support at this time. Family only Funeral due to Government guidelines. Donations if desired to a charity of your own choosing. Jacksplace may be sent c/o Diamond and Son, 9 Lower Buckland Road, Lymington, SO41 9DN. WOODFORD Martin

SAUNDERS Martin A big happy 60th birthday! Lots of love from your wife June xxx


ST MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS’ CHURCH , HINTON ADMIRAL. We are unable to hold our traditional services of Holy Communion using the Book of common Prayer during lockdown. However St Michael ’s will be open for private prayer following strict observance of Government regulations From 9am until 10.30am every Sunday morning until further notice. METHODIST CHURCH. We meet for worship according to the Covid 19 regulations. Please check www. or call 01425 673350 for the latest updates. HINTON HIGHCLIFFE EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH . Please see our website for service details and for our links to online Services, Thoughts and Prayer Meetings. Our YouTube Channel is ’NMEFC Ministries’. MAGDALENE, MILTON . 9.30am Service of the Word. For more information, please visit us online at www. MILFORD ON SEA All Saints. Services available every Sunday on For help contact office@ or in emergency phone 07591 446590 No Sunday worship at present. For more information see http:// UNITED REFORMED CHURCH , High Street, Lymington. Services suspended until further notice. Contact 01590 676306 or email adminurclym@ ST THOMAS CHURCH. Online services only at the moment, please see www.lymington for details ST MARY MILFORD METHODIST. NEW MILTON MILFORD-ON-SEA ALL SAINTS. All Saints’ Hordle and St. Andrew’s Tiptoe church service, available online from 10am every Sunday at:http:// www.hordleandtiptoechurch. and:https://www. f a c e b o o k . c o m / H o r d l e ParishChurch LYMINGTON HORDLE ST NICHOLAS’ CHURCH with ST SAVIOUR’S. Online / Zoom / Telephone ONLY. Thursday Holy Communion 10amSunday Holy Communion 9am - Worship 10.30am. St Nicholas’ open for private prayer 10am - 4pm website www. b r o c k e nhu r s t c hu r c h . c om Church Office 01590 624584. BEAULIEU ABBEY. As we go into the 3rd lockdown, there will be no Sunday services in our Benefice churches until further notice. There will be a Benefice 10am Zoom service from the Rectory. Further details may be obtained from the Benefice Office office@ . BROCKENHURST METHODIST CHURCH We have ceased meeting together for Sunday worship until further notice. For help, contact Rev. Keenan. tel 01425 612510 or martin. ST PETER’S CHURCH 11am Service of the Word. For more information, please visit us online at uk ASHLEY BAPTIST CHURCH. Live streaming services via YouTube join us at 10.30am Rev. DAVID JOHN. BARTON-ON-SEA BEAULIEU BARTON Everton St Mary’s Zoom Service, please ring Gillian 01590 644739. For help contact office@ or in emergency phone Gillian or 07591 446590. HIGHCLIFFE EVERTON

POLLARD Jeane (née Dodgson) In her 98th year, wife of the late Joseph Evelyn Pollard (Jack). Mother of Josephine, Philip, Caroline and Nigel. Grandmother and great- grandmother, much loved and greatly missed. Private Funeral. Donations if desired in memory of Jeane will benefit The Royal British Legion Women’s Section. All enquiries and donations to Maria Jones Funeral Directors, Little Holbrook, 56 Brookley Road, Brockenhurst, SO42 7RA. Telephone 01590 622981. PULLEN Sylvia (née Brown) Sadly passed away at home on 27th December 2020. Wife of the late Frederick George, much loved mother of Rob, Sheila, Wendy and Clive. Loving sister, grandmother and great-grandmother, so loved and sadly missed. Celebration Service will be at Bournemouth Crematorium on 18th January at 1.30pm. No flowers or black please. Bournemouth Hospital on Wednesday 30th December 2020 aged 88 years. Darling husband of Kay, devoted father to Andrew and Ian, treasured Grandpa to his four grandchildren Alan will be greatly missed by all his family and friends. Family flowers only please, donations in memory of Alan will benefit Cerebra helping children with brain conditions. All enquries to Deric Scott 13-15 Somerset Road, Bournemouth, BH7 6JH. Telephone 01202 395827. Heather and the late Jim has sadly passed away at Chelmsford Hospital on 9th January. A father to Stephen, Stuart and Barry, Grandad to Cyrus, brother to Kevin, brother-in-law to Kelly and uncle to Alisha. He was a friend to many locally and also in Chelmsford and the USA. He will be greatly missed. God bless darling, Night Night. and four great- grandchildren. Cherish their Memory with a Family Announcement Contact our helpful team on 01425 613384 PARKER Alan Neville Passed away in


SAUNDERS, Martin — Happy 60th birthday Dad and Grandad. Lots of love, Kirsty, Darren, Lily and Ella xxx

PERRETT, Gerald — 13/1/43. Still loved, still missed. Hannah, Luke, Ellie and Josh xxx




MEREDITH Brenda Happy 90th Birthday on 19th January Looking fabulous.

BLAKE Geoffrey Sadly passed away on 29th December 2020. A much loved husband, and soulmate to wife Linda. A loving father and grandad, son, brother, brother-in-law, uncle and cousin. We will miss everything about you, your smile, your laughter, your kindness. Loved by all who knew him and will cherish their lovely memories of Geoff. Donations to Cancer Research UK (to benefit Lung Cancer Research) may be made online at www.tapperfuneralservice. Enquiries to Colin Hayley & Tapper Funeral Service, 01425 629000. ELFORD, Beryl Jean "Bedge" — Beloved wife of the late Edward and loving mother to daughter Janet and son-in-law Clive, passed away peacefully at home after a long illness on Tuesday 5th January aged 92. Will be greatly missed by her family and many friends. Cremation to be held at Bournemouth Crematorium. Family flowers only. Donations to Leukaemia UK, c/o Moody’s Funeral Directors, New Milton. Sadly died 30th December 2020. Loved his Bowls, Horseracing and American Football. Missed so very much by his wife Jenny, sons Phil and Ed and families, and friends. With very many thanks to Oakhaven Hospice and Oakhaven Care for looking after us both so well. Donations if desired to Oakhaven Hospice.

To a very special wife, Mum and Nanny, lots of love from husband John, Ceri, Nicky, John, Jess and Ewan xxxx


STRUDWICK, Ron and Ed — Congratulations Mum and Dad on your Diamond Wedding Anniversary. Lots of love, Jane, Alan, Jessica and Oliver xxx

TAYLOR, John — Passed away peacefully at Lymington Hospital aged 92 after a short illness. Beloved husband of Joan, father to Sally and Thomas, grandfather to Amy, James and Emily. The Funeral Service will takeplaceat2pmonFridayApril 29th at Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground, Walkford. Family flowers only, dona - tions for Oakhaven Hos- pice may be sent c/o Tap- per Funeral Service, 89-91 Barrack Road, Christchurch BH23 5FD. Donations may also be made online at www.


A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Michael Spencer Special thanks to a

truly amazing person. The love and care you gave to our father on 8/1/21 was truly superb. What you did saved our Dad’s life. You are our Hero forever. Love from Molly, Janet and Antony.

BRAXTON, Jon and Claire — would like to announce the arrival of their second daughter Alice, on 9th March. A beautiful sister for Sarah. Thank you to all the staff at the New Forest Birthing Centre.

minimum £5 incl. VAT


DROGE, Sally Ann — Always in our thoughts, especially this time of year. Mick, Jamie and Kerry xxx

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INGLIS Alexander "Terry" 1924-2005 You know I wish that you were here But glad you didn’t have to face last year You wouldn’t have been free to roam No friends to meet or welcome home Instead when the virus laid me low I asked to join YOU and let life go But I think you told me The time’s not right Stay a while longer, put up a fight So here I remain once more to say You’re in my thoughts every day Phyllis

ONLY £27 inc VAT

FARMER Rob and Kirsty (née Vincent)


We are very please to announce the birth of our beautiful daughter. Ella Grace was born on Monday 20th August 2018 weighing 6lb 12oz. Our grateful thanks to the sta at the New Forest Birth Centre for the care we received.

On 28th December in hospital aged 81 years. Beloved husband of Mary, father of Kate and Nick and grandfather of Alice and Amelia. Private Funeral owing to the Covid restrictions. Donations in his memory made payable to Cancer Research UK may be sent to F.W. House & Sons, Lymington, SO41 9NE.

6x1 ∙ 60 x 45mm

ONLY £25.50 inc VAT

CLASSIFIED INDEX f Accounting P 26 f Accommodation P 25 f Architects & Surveyors P 26 f Articles For Sale P 25 f Articles Wanted P 25 f Bookkeeping & Office Services P 26 f Building & Allied Trades P 26 f Business Premises P 25 f Cleaning Services P 26 f Computers P 25 f Domestic Appliance (Repairs & Servicing) P 26 f Driveways & Paths P 26 f Education & Training P 25 f Family Announcements P 30 f Flooring & Carpet Fitting P 26 f Funeral Directors P 29 f Gardening P 26 & 27 f Health & Beauty P 25 f House Clearance P 27 f Livestock & Machinery P 25 f Man & Van & Removals P 27 f Motoring P 28 f Pest Control P 27 f Personal P 25 f Pets P 25 f Property P 22 & 23 f Public Notices P 29 f Recruitment P 25 f Rest Homes P 10 f Scrap Metal P 25 f Security Services P 27 f Situations Wanted P 25 f Stonemasons P 29 f Storage P 27 f TV Repairs, Aerials & Satellites P 27 f Waste Disposal P 27 f Yachting P 25

WILLIAMSON, Sophia Happy 18th birthday!

6x1 ∙ 60 x 46mm

Enjoy your birthday weekend. Love, Mum, Dad and Thomas xxx

ONLY £36 inc VAT 4x2 ∙ 40 x 95mm

THOMAS Brian Congratulations on your retirement Dad.





Pennington .



We hope you enjoy your party tonight! Lots of time now for travelling, spending time with family and friend and relaxing. Love from all the family xxx

Service. www.pennington Telephone 01590 672896.

Cherish their Memory with a Family

call 01425 613384 to speak to our helpful team

Announcement Contact our helpful team on 01425 613384

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