New Milton Advertiser 15th Jan 2021

8 · Friday 15th January 2021 News Marjorie’s 100th milestone · · 01425 613384

eighties. She was widowed in her sixties when her husband Jack died. Friend Sarah said: “It was wonderful to at least be able to see her on the day. But of course the children, who adore her, would have loved to have just given her a hug.” A volunteer for the Royal British Legion during the war, Marjorie worked in the ammu- nition factory in Brockenhurst. After the conflict, she had jobs in many of the High Street shops in the village. In her retirement she devoted her time to her two great loves: gardening and art. Sarah added: “She is an ab- solutely marvellous artist and

HAVING befriended Brock- enhurst pensioner Marjorie Spencer over eight years ago, all Sarah Howes and her chil- dren wanted to do on her 100th birthday was to “run up and give her a huge hug”. With the pandemic, however, the sprightly centenarian had to settle with celebrating with them through a floor-to-ceiling see-through screen at the care home where she lives. Marjorie has lived all her life in Brockenhurst, most of it in Careys Cottages until moving into Forest Oaks care home last year. She was a familiar figure in the village riding around on her bike right up until her late

sculptor, really talented. She also writes poetry about nature and the Forest.” The two met through Sarah’s befriending of Marjorie and de- scribes her as “part of the fam- ily”. She said Marjorie was “some- one who loves the simple things in life, including friendship and nature. “She is very wise and very, very grateful to anyone who helps her.” Sarah said Marjorie’s great- est thrill on her birthday was getting a card from the Queen. She said: “She is a real mon- archist and just could not wait for the card to arrive.”

Marjorie Spencer is 100

Shut firms donate fresh supplies to Forest food bank Volunteers at the New Forest Basics Bank welcome the Chewton Glen donation delivered by New Milton Town Council workers

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and they’ve physically delivered it. “We’ve probably given out about 40 bags of vegetables this afternoon. “Obviously, these donations supplement the rest of what we give out, which is mainly what we call ambient food – tinned and dried food.” The week before Christmas the bank handed out 622 food parcels, making this the busiest seven days in its 16-year history. A 50-60% surge in demand since the pandemic began led to it opening in the period be- tween Christmas and New Year for the first time. “Bluntly, no one wants to come to a food bank,” Mr Stan- ley continued. “We’re a sticking plaster – we provide the roots for people to get away from food banks and back on their own two feet. “The response from the lo- cal community has just been amazing, in terms of physical donations and financial dona - tions. It’s something to be really proud of in the community.” of residents over the age of 65, so by nature we will be seeing a number of our residents having a higher level of vulnerability from the virus. “Applying for a postal vote is an effective way for our local electors to still have their say on Thursday 6th May.” To apply for a postal vote online visit ment/publications/apply-for- a-postal-vote and download a form to complete. BCP residents should email it to uk or post to Electoral Servic- es, BCP Council, Town Hall, Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth, BH2 6DY. NFDC residents should email uk or post to Electoral Servic- es, New Forest District Coun- cil, Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA. there should be less, or even nil, until now,” he added. “If this SPD is adopted I believe residents will be furious when they realise the implications and negative impact this will have for them.” Concerns were also raised that public transport was not good enough to replace cars. But BCP Council’s cabinet member for transport, Cllr Mike Greene, said similar rules used elsewhere had worked. “We are not the first place in the country to be doing this,” he said. “This is widespread and is effective. “There are many people who would like to buy a property at a cheaper price and accept that they will not be having a car.” He said this policy would increase the number of people using public transport, providing a “captive audience” to bus companies making more routes viable. A vote to adopt the new document was supported by 53 votes to eight.

not want the food bought for Christmas to go to waste. He said: “2020 was truly a challenging year for everyone and New Forest Basics Bank provides a cause and it’s a year that has been so challenging for everyone. “If we can bring some good, joy and happiness with our small contribution to those in our local community that are less fortunate than ourselves then that makes me happy.” The other donations came from the Cliff House hotel in Barton, The Six Bells pub and the Old School Café in Lyming- ton, as well as the town’s sailing club, The Mill at Gordleton, Hoburne Bashley Holiday Park, The Oak Inn in Lyndhurst, and the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu. As the food was fresh, the food bank put out calls on so- cial media for people in need to drop by to make a collection. Chair Oliver Stanley told the A&T: “I think it’s amazing. They’ve clearly thought this through, they’ve contacted us

Hotels and pubs line up to give generously before it goes to waste


NEW Forest businesses forced to close over Christmas due to coronavirus restrictions generously donated stock to a local food bank. Volunteers at the Lymington- based New Forest Basics Bank were delighted to receive the large hauls of fresh fruit, vegetables and milk to hand out to individuals and families struggling during the festive season. New Milton’s luxury Chewton Glen Hotel & Spa was among nine organisations that contributed, with the goods delivered by the town council’s estates team. The hotel’s general manager, Andrew Cook, told the A&T the donation was made in conjunction with executive chef Luke Matthews as it did COUNCILS are gearing up for more people to vote by post in the local elections in May, due to the pandemic. On 6th May New Forest resi- dents are set to go to the polls to choose their Hampshire county councillors and the po- lice and crime commissioner (PCC). In the BCP Council area vot- ers will also be electing a new PCC for Dorset as well as hold- ing two by-elections, including one for the Commons ward in Christchurch previously held by the late Cllr Colin Bungey. The council is getting ready for an expected surge in postal ballots, said Graham Farrant, BCP chief executive and local returning officer. He said: “We are making ar- rangements for the safe deliv- ery of elections at polling sta- tions which include many of the NEW planning rules have been adopted meaning town centre developments in Christchurch no longer need to provide car parking. BCP Council councillors have approved a new policy document, including Bournemouth and Poole, that relaxes requirements on developers, inabid toencourage more building in central areas, writes Josh Wright of the Local Democracy Reporting Service . The move was made despite concerns that it will exacerbate parking problems in some of the most congested parts of the conurbation. The supplementary policy document (SPD) has been put together to replace three existing versions the council inherited when it was formed in 2019. It introduces a new zonal approach to planning rules with developments in some town centre areas no longer needing to provide any car parking. The policy also brings in a

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We believe that a Care Home is a Home first and foremost…… And there’s no place like home.

Councils prepare for surge in pandemic postal votes

A re you feeling isolated? Do you or a loved one need company in a small,

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measures you’ve become used to in shops and banks over re- cent months, such as hand san- itiser, floor markings and face masks. “The BCP Council area has a higher-than-average proportion New Forest residents will be choosing their county council representatives

Parking rules axed for new homes in town centre

For an informal chat, please call Hollie Andrews on 01590 642121 , when we can talk through what care would suit you or your loved one best, there will be no obligation to take on the care if you feel that it is not right for you at this time.

requirement for all new houses and bungalows to provide electric car charging facilities. The parking rules were introduced following concerns developers were being dissuaded by the cost of having to provide spaces for would-be residents. But the changes have drawn some criticism, including from planning committee member Cllr Stephen Bartlett. Speaking at last week’s full council meeting, he called on the adoption to be halted, saying it was “not policy compliant”. Hereferredtotherequirement in the National Planning Framework, which necessitates improvements to parking safety and quality. He also questioned how disabled people would be accommodated in these developments. “I have been on the planning committee for six years and I have only heard complaints that the minimum parking provision is insufficient, and I have never heard anyone suggest that

We look forward to hearing from you! 01590 642121 •

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