New Milton Advertiser 16th Oct 2020
18 · Friday 16th October 2020 · · 01425 613384
Town council against scheme for four homes Planning
Applications THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest Dis- trict Council during the week ending Friday 9th October 2020: Damerham Fenestration alterations to outbuilding for use as home office, Wath Cottage, High Street, East End, Mr and Mrs Connell. Fawley Erection of new 2 metre high gates to create a new access to facilitate continued open stor - age use, Land at Hardley In - dustrial Estate, Hardley, New Forest District Council. Part change of use of land for outdoor schooling of children and adults, grazing animals, siting of caravan / shepherds hut (lawful development certif - icate that permission is not re - quired for proposal), Blackwell Forest, Chapel Lane, Langley, Mr Smith. Fordingbridge Repairs to timber rear cor - ner post (north west corner), repairs to door frame (appli - cation for listed building con - sent), Lilac Cottage, Fryern Court Road, Burgate, Mr and Mrs Haskins. Hordle Single-storey side extension, front porch, new roofs to ex - isting dormers, car port, front boundary fencing and replace - ment gate, Hightree Cottage, Vicarage Lane. New Build two-storey end of terrace, Land adjacent 9 Elvin Close, Mr Clinkaberry. Replacement roof with new first floor, dormers and asso - ciated rooflights, ground floor extension, 12 Berryfield Road. Drop kerb, 5 Ashley Lane, Mr McIndoe. Hythe and Dibden Convert the existing integral garage into a habitable space (lawful development certif - icate that permission is not required for proposal), 36 Hol - lybank Crescent, Stacey. Two-storey rear extension, roof alterations and rooflights, replacement garage, Pin Mill, North Road, Dibden Purlieu. Lymington and Pennington Three-bedroom detached dwelling following demolition of existing garage, access al - terations to both properties, landscaping, bin / cycle store, alterations to existing proper - ty, 5 Oliver Road, Pennington, Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest Nation- al Park Authority during the week ending Friday 9th Octo- ber 2020: Brockenhurst Single-storey side extension, render, demolition of existing side porch, Rivendell, Sway. Burley Replacement garage / work - shop, Burley Rails Cottage, Lyndhurst Road, Burley Lodge. Exbury and Lepe Rear projecting gable, side en - trance lobby, alterations to doors and windows, cladding, soil vent pipe extension, infill front porch to form enclosed entrance hall, demolition of side porch, demoli - tion of chimney, removal of three rooflights, Summer Cottage, Summer Lane. Lyndhurst Single-storey extension to outbuilding, Brambles, Chapel Lane. Netley Marsh Single-storey ground floor Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christchurch were submit- ted to BCP Council during the week ending 9th October 2020: New dwelling to side of exist - ing; 37 Pittmore Road. Use of site as a boat yard in - cluding the installation of float - ing pontoons, siting of 2 No. storage containers, temporary office cabin and portable toilet unit; Land at Bailey Drive. Stationing of Mobile Homes/ Caravans on this land on plot 22c only; 22c Dudmoor Farm Road. Demolish existing garage and relocate. Extend across front elevation with bay window can - opy. Rear extension. Raise roof and convert first floor area to residential accommodation; 14 Bendigo Road. Two storey front extension and rear first floor extension; 21 Rothesay Drive. Demolish existing outbuild - ings, sever land and erect 2 no 3
Mr Wiles. Redevelopment of an exist - ing petrol filling station includ - ing the demolition of the ex - isting sales building, car sales building, office and store, car and jet washes, canopy and re - moval of underground tanks, and erection of new sales building, forecourt including fuel islands and canopy, pro - vision of car parking spaces, erection of bin store, new tank vents, installation of new tanks and petrol interceptor, new jet washes and associated works, Shell Garage, 33 Milford Road, Pennington, Shell UK Oil Prod - ucts Limited. Single-storey rear extension (demolish existing conserva - tory), 25 Queen Elizabeth Ave - nue, Mr and Mrs Bateman. Variation of condition 1 of planning permission 08/93451 to extend the time limit for the temporary siting of household waste recycling centre for a further period of 10 years un - til 31st December 2030, Efford HWRC, Milford Road, Penning - ton, Hampshire County Coun - cil. New obscure glazed window to rear at first floor, fitted with opening restrictor, 46 Fullerton Road, Pennington, Mr Savin. Marchwood Two-storey side extension with rear balcony, The Old Bakery, Hythe Road, Mrs Bai - ley. Milford-on-Sea Extend existing first floor balcony, 3 North Head, Mr and Mrs Passman. Single-storey extension works and internal alterations, 2 Dryden Place, Mr and Mrs Peck. Netley Marsh Construct new two-storey dwelling with integral garage, close up existing access and create new access, Land at Blue House, Pauletts Lane, Calmore, Bowood Properties Ltd. New Milton Double-storey extension to side and rear, 87 High Ridge Crescent, Ashley, Mr and Mrs Flyn. Single-storey rear extension, new timber framed / clad ga - rage, 30 High Ridge Crescent, Ashley, Mr Collins. Ringwood Conversion of existing re - dundant outbuilding to tour- ist accommodation, 145 Crow Lane, Crow. Single-storey side extension, 1 Riverside, Mr and Mrs Golding. Variation of condition 2 rear extension, single-sto - rey rear first floor extension, roof alterations, alterations to doors and windows, one roof - light, render, 388 Woodlands Road, Woodlands. Ringwood One new window to front ele - vation, Woodclose, Hangersley Hill, Hangersley. Sway Application for lawful de - velopment certificate for con - tinued siting of a caravan for residential use, Mallards Mead, Marley Mount. Replacement dormer roofs, 4 Rhiners Close. Replacement barn roof, solar photovoltaic panels, Flexford Farm, South Sway Lane. Wellow External render, alterations to doors and windows, demo - lition of conservatory, Honey - bee Farm, Canada Road, West Wellow. Decisions GRANTED Ashurst and Colbury bedroom Chalet bungalows and 1 no 2 bedroom bungalow with garages parking; 8 & R/O 10 So - lent Road, Walkford Pitch roof extension at first floor over existing conservato - ry; 102 Hinton Wood Avenue, Proposed single storey side extension including lantern rooflight over, partial conver - sion of existing garage, new covered entrance porch and changes to front driveway; 3 Thursby Road. Erection of an additional floor of residential accommo - dation comprising 2 x 1 bed flats, with associated cycle and bin stores. Variation of condi - tion 2 (approved plans), condi - tion 4 (vehicle use), condition 5 (cycle parking facilities) of 8/16/0460/FUL to replace draw - ings 8584/200 and 8584/202 with EA-01. Siteplan and EA-05 Pro - posed Residential Bin Store; 401 Highcliffe Corner, Lyming - ton Road. Proposed single storey side extension; 23 Nelson Drive. Replace existing canopy over
Chalfonts, 52 Barton Court Avenue, Barton-on-Sea, Mr Stockwell. Remove existing conserv - atory and part of original building to the rear, construct single-storey side and rear ex - tension, 61 Barton Court Ave - nue, Barton-on-Sea, Ms Hill. Single-storey rear exten - sion to an existing dwelling, 17 Carisbrooke Court, Mr and Mrs Loader. Ringwood Free standing roadside flag type sign (application for ad - vertisement consent), Ring - wood Service Station, The Bridges, Rontec. Display one non-illuminated hand-painted fascia sign, one illuminated hanging sign, one illuminated menu board sign, window vinyls (application for advertisement consent), Mr Khan. Rockbourne Outbuilding, Linlarrock, Mr and Mrs Thornley. Sopley Use of the land for the siting of two shepherds huts, Lake - side, Sopley Park, Salisbury Road, Bovington. Totton and Eling Development of industrial units with use B1c, B2 and B8 with ancillary trade counter uses, parking, service yards, landscaping, acoustic timber security fence (amendment to previous permission 18/11691), Little Testwood Farm, Salis - bury Road, Calmore, Aitchison Developments (Totton) Ltd. Demolition of conservatory, single-storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation, 45 Malwood Gardens, Mr and Mrs Henning. Front porch extension, 74 Rushington Lane, Mr and Mrs Reid. Proposed rear extension / loft conversion, porches, de - tached garage, Villa Rosa, Pau - letts Lane, Calmore, Mr and Mrs Scott. GENERAL PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT New Milton Single-storey rear extension (prior approval application), West Lodge, Sway Road, Ms Calderbank. WAS LAWFUL Hythe and Dibden Single-storey rear extension (lawful development certifi - cate that permission is not re - quired for proposal), 17 Cygnus Gardens, Ms Hills. Martin Shepherds hut for office use, Single-storey building for use as music rehearsal room and music library, Land adja - cent to Newtown Honey Farm, Newtown Lane, Mockbeggar. Lyndhurst Detached garage, Hunts - mans Keep, Gosport Lane. Redlynch Replace six windows (appli - cation for listed building con - sent), Redwings, Black Lane, Lover. Sway Application to vary condi - tion 2 of planning permission 18/00946 for two-storey build - ing to include convenience store (use class A1), four flats, four new dwellings, associated parking, refuse / cycle stores and plant area, demolition of existing garage and associat - ed outbuildings, Hatch House, Station Road. PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT Boldre Application for a certifi - cate of lawful development for proposed single-storey rear extension and two porches, Butlers, Norley Wood Road, concrete maintenance pad and erect boundary fencing. Varia - tion of Condition 2 (approved plans) of App 8/18/1183/FUL – Replacement drawings of P002 Site Plan, P003 Workshop Plans and Elevations and P004 Of - fice Plan and Elevations. Vari - ation of Condition 4 (Lighting or Floodlighting provision) – Details provided of the Flood - lighting. Variation of Condition 6 (Construction entirely of the materials details provided) - Change to the coach park; Land off Enterprise Way Avia - tion Business Park, Hurn. Erection of Timber Framed Carport adjacent to Existing Garage; 194B River Way. Two storey side extension with single storey rear exten - sion; 25 Pine Crescent. NOT LAWFUL The siting of a mobile home to provide additional accommo - dation for household members; Horn cottage, Burley Road. WITHDRAWN Following Full Planning Per -
of planning permission 99/ NFDC/65533 to allow upgrade of lighting to meet require- ments of The Institution of Lighting Professionals, Ring - wood Town Football and Social Club, Long Lane, EcoClub the trading name of Advanced Eco. Single-storey rear exten - sions and side dormer, 20 Col - lege Road, Mr and Mrs Avery. Totton and Eling Display one new single in - ternally illuminated 48-sheet digital advertisement display (application for advertisement consent), Land at 98 Commer - cial Road, Alight Media. Rear extension, 27 The Drive, Mr Howsham. Decisions Two-storey side extension, 42 West Park Lane, Mr and Mrs Burke. Hythe and Dibden Erection of two-storey side extension and porch, demo - lition of existing garage and porch, 37 Whittington Close, Mrs Macintyre. Single-storey extension to rear of retail shop unit, Motor - ist Discount Centre, 3 Fairview Parade, Motorists Discount Centres Ltd. Lymington and Pennington Single-storey side extension (demolition of exiting side porch), 2 Westfield Road, Mr and Mrs Crowe. Netley Marsh Development of industrial units with use B1c, B2 and B8 with ancillary trade counter uses, parking, service yards, landscaping, acoustic timber security fence (amendment to previous permission 18/11691), Little Testwood Farm, Salis - bury Road, Calmore, Aitchison Developments (Totton) Ltd. New Milton Application to regularise mi - nor changes to hayloft and an - imal stalls, constructed under permitted development class Q but now requiring full planning approval to the changes made, reallocation of parking spaces and adjustment to the red line of PD application, Hoopers Hill Farm, Lymington Road, Long - down Management Ltd. Change of use from B2 (gen - eral industrial) to class E (com - mercial, business and service), 11-15 Station Road, SWAG Studios Ltd. Two-storey side extension, Conversion of both existing garages into a living room, infill the existing back door, alter - ations to doors and windows, four new rooflights, alterations to rainwater pipes, 12 Chest - nut Drive. Beaulieu Garden pavilion and plunge pool, The Tukal, Dock Lane. Boldre Outbuilding, Birch Springs, South Baddesley Road, Wal - hampton. Bransgore Greenhouse and potting shed to boundary wall, Bromp - ton Gates, 170 Burley Road. Brockenhurst First floor extension, 38 Rhinefield Close. Burley Erection of building for mixed use, children’s play area, changes to car park, associat - ed landscaping, demolition of existing outbuilding, Shappen Stores, The Cross. East Boldre Render to first floor, Dol - phins, Heath Lane. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley front patio doors. Place back canopy over front door; 28 Sea - field Road. Non Material Amendment to planning application 8/18/0816/ HOU retrospective addition - al window to side elevation; 15 Hynesbury Road. Decisions GRANTED Changes to first floor rear windows planning application 8/20/0361/HOU first floor rear extension; 72A Avenue Road. Two-storey flat roof rear ex - tension with First floor apart - ment to accommodate care staff, Remove existing conser - vatory. Change of use and al - terations to existing internal space- front will be used as a sales office and rear as office for Care Staff; 93 Bargates. Develop site for parking, maintenance and cleaning of coaches, erect associated work - shop building (ClassB2) site an - cillary office building, construct GRANTED Damerham
creation of hardstanding (law - ful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), The Forge, Mar - tin Road, Mrs Burridge. New Milton Single-storey side and rear extensions (lawful develop - ment certificate that permis - sion is not required for pro - posal), 16 Hengistbury Road, Barton-on-Sea, Mr J. Marshall and Miss P. Bolson. Single-storey rear extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 9 Peckham Ave - nue, Mr Crouch. Totton and Eling Removal of existing conserv - atory roof and replacement of new higher flat roof, new win - dows and roof windows (lawful development certificate that permission is not required), 2 Oakleigh Crescent, Mr Enders - by. WAS NOT LAWFUL Lymington and Pennington The proposal comprises the installation of one window to the side of the building on the ground floor and the installa - tion of three windows to the opposite side of the building (lawful development certifi - cate that permission is not re - quired for proposal), Unit 620, Ampress Lane, Colten Care. DETAILS NOT REQUIRED Sandleheath Implement shed and feed store (agricultural prior notifi - cation), Mr and Mrs Feltham. WITHDRAWN Lymington and Pennington Single-storey rear exten - sion, 3 West Hayes, Mr and Mrs Mimpress. Totton and Eling Creation of two-bedroom de - tached annexe within our gar - den, base already in place with electric and drainage already in situ (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal). 33 Milverton Road, Eling, Mrs Austin. REFUSED Hythe and Dibden Take down an existing gar - den brick wall and extend garden to the land boundary which is next to a public foot - path and highway, erect a 6ft fence along the boundary from the back garden to the start of the front, 3ft fence along the front garden boundary, 40 Lodge Drive, Dibden Purlieu, Mr Flavell. Brockenhurst Application for a lawful de - velopment certificate for pro - posed swimming pool with adjacent decking, Clover, Sway Road. PLANNING PERMISSION REQURED Minstead Application under part 6 of the town and country planning (general permitted develop - ment) (England) order 2015 in respect of alterations to an agricultural building, Ciuin, School Lane. RAISE NO OBJECTION Brockenhurst Determination as to whether prior approval is required for proposed change of use of of - fice building (use class B1(a)) to five residential units (use class 3), 7-9 Hayters Court, Grigg Lane. mission on 25th June 2020, ref 8/20/0206/HOU, two minor amendments internally: 1. New opening between the dining room, lounge & Kitchen to im - prove circulation between the living areas. 2. Modern partition moved at ground floor between the utility and hallway.; The Thatched Cottage, 1 Burley Road. Demolish existing C1 guest house and erect 8 no 2 bedroom & 1 No 1 bedroom flats with parking, bin enclosure and cy - cle storage. Remove section of listed curtilage boundary wall and rebuild entrance splay (amended); Castle Lodge, 173 Lymington Road. REFUSED Erection of a single garage attached to existing garage; 56 Rothesay Drive. PRIOR APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED Convert existing B1 office to Bungalow; 93 Bargates. Norley Wood. REFUSED Lyndhurst New dwelling, Land to rear Tyrrell Lodge, Southampton Road.
PLANS to replace a Barton home with four new houses have been opposed by town councillors. Property developer AJ Devel - opments wants to demolish the existing dwelling at Brockwood, 42 Barton Common Lane, and erect the three-bedroom homes with garages and parking. However, members of New Milton Town Council’s planning committee voted to strongly object to the proposal which is being considered by New Forest District Council. The virtual meeting last Thursday heard the committee felt the development was con - trary to the design quality pol - icy of New Milton’s Neighbour - hood Plan, and did not respect policy for gaps between dwell - ings. The loss of trees through the development was also cited. Addressing the meeting, New Milton Residents’ Association
chair Alan Watson said the group also opposed the devel - opment due to the ecological impact it would have. He criticised its character, access and design, and added it could potentially overlook neighbouring properties. The town council’s ameni - ties committee on Monday 19th October is also due to discuss concerns raised about the land which is in a Site of Impor - tance for Nature Conservation (SINC). This came after planning members objected to any loss of town council trees in the SINC that the access road crosses, as well as any potential widening of the access road for construc - tion access and to accommo - date two-way traffic. Consultation on the proposal was due to end today (Friday), with NFDC set to make a deci - sion by 6th November.
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