New Milton Advertiser 16th Oct 2020

Friday 16th October 2020 · 27 · · 01425 613384

The Clever Choice - become the best you can be with Ballard’s new scholarship programme

2 020 marks the start of a unique scholars’ programme at Ballard, aimed at nurturing talent and potential across an ar- ray of disciplines: academic, STEM, the arts and sport. Their scholarship programme is exceptional; not only for the be- spoke opportunities within each discipline, but also the myriad of opportunities on offer across the whole School. At Ballard, academic scholars can be stars of the show,

captains of rugby or hockey. Like- wise, Performing Arts and Sports scholars do incredibly well in their academics and STEM subjects. Bal- lard does not restrict young people to one area of excellence. There is something about Ballard that brings out the best in everyone. With a maximum of 68 per year group at the top of the School, their size allows them: to be flexible; to offer a bespoke programme; to nurture the individual and their

talents in a way that suits them, not the masses. Whether it’s win- ter training with the GB ski team; filming Avengers, Age of Ultron; or dancing with the Royal Ballet, they support their scholars in and out- side of School. They enable them to make the most of every oppor- tunity, have fun, and still come out with exceptional GCSE grades. An annual GL assessment tracks underlying ability and CORE re-

views (three times a year across all subjects) ensure that all pupils are working to their full potential – to be the best they can be. All pupils take GCSE statistics in Year 10, helping them with their Science, Geography and Maths GCSEs the following year. Their teachers go the extra mile, know their pupils very well and engender passion in their charges.

At Ballard, the pupils “are not just a number.“ (Parent) “We aren’t merely looking for ‘clever’- we are looking for creative and flexible minds that can adapt and embrace change, make the most of all the opportunities available and can think differently – skills for the real world.” Mr David Dunn, Deputy Head Academics, and Head of Ballard’s scholarship programme.

Owing to the overwhelming number of families looking to join Ballard in their scholarship years (3,7 and 9), they are introducing a new admissions’ process for these year groups, which starts with a Saturday Taster Day. All pupils, in- cluding scholars, who wish to join Ballard in these year groups for September 2021 should contact their Registrar, Mrs Lynsey Davis, in order to register and book onto the relevant Taster Day. The first will be for those looking to join in Year 7, September 2021, and will be held at Ballard on Saturday,

November 14th. The day will in- clude a team-building session, an opportunity to participate in some sport and the performing arts and a chance to meet the Headmaster, Mr Andrew McCleave. The dead- line for all Year 7 applicants is Mon- day, 2nd November 2020. The Year 3 and Year 9 Saturday Taster Days will take place in the New Year and the deadline for ap- plying is Friday, 11th December, 2020. So if your child has a bright mind or an exceptional talent, or both, then join the School for scholars.

Into Year 7 • 2 nd November 2020 Into all other years • 11 th December 2020 Taster Day for ALL applicants into Year 7 Saturday 14 th November 2020 Application deadlines for September 2021 entries:

Also inviting applications from exceptional pupils for our Scholarship Programme into Years 3, 7 & 9

For more details visit the Admissions page on our website or contact Lynsey Davis:

01425 626900 Fernhill Lane, NewMilton BH25 5SU BallardSchool Ltdexists for theeducationof children. RegisteredCharityNo. 307328 Award-Winning Co-Educational Day School for ages 2-16, serving Hampshire & Dorset “Quite simply, a remarkable school” (Parent)

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