New Milton Advertiser 18th December 2020

14 · Friday 18th December 2020 · · 01425 613384



Applications THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest Dis- trict Council during the week ending Friday 11th December 2020: Fawley Extension, porch, 138 Rolle- stone Road, Holbury, Madgwck. Fordingbridge Two detached houses, as- sociated garages, parking and landscaping (details of the ac- cess, appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale development granted by outline permission 18/11567), Land of the Ingle, Fryern Court Road, Burgate, Mr Ross. Replacement first floor window in sail loft, Sail loft at Riverside House, Southamp - ton Road, East Mills, Sir Trous - dell. Earthworks and associ- ated planting to create a clear and defensible frontage bound- ary to the adjacent residential properties, relocated driveway entrance to Forest View, Land off Salisbury Road, Burgate, Pennyfarthing. Hordle Rear extension and loft con- version, 10 Dudley Avenue, M Bennett Development. Hythe and Dibden Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 16/11569 to allow amendments to plot 1, entailing development into roof, additional rooflights and increase of glazing to first floor, Land adjacent Autumn Lodge, North Road, Dibden Purlieu, Broadsword Group. Conver- sion to two dwellings, associat- ed extensions and alterations, demolish outbuildings, park- ing, 10 Fulmar Drive, Mr Jones. Proposed use of ground floor unit for canine hydrotherapy purposes (use class E), Unit 4B, South Street Centre, 16-20 South Street, Miss Saberi. Lymington and Pennington External lighting to front el- evation (application for listed building consent), 135-136 High Street, Mr Miah. External light - ing to front elevation, 135-136 High Street, Mr Miah. Proposed two-storey rear extension, 4 Bridge Road, Mr and Mrs Saun - ders. Replacement dwelling, 27 existing steelwork mounts, new GPS antenna and ancillary ra - dio equipment on existing mon- opole mast, internal amend- ments to equipment, upgrade to feeder cables, ancillary devel- opment, Communications Site at Castle Malwood, Lyndhurst Road, Lyndhurst. Redlynch Outbuilding, Lanterns, The Row. Replacement conservato- ry, Poppins, Church Hill, Lover. Ringwood Carport attached to existing outbuilding, Tanglewood, St Aubyns Lane, Hangersley. Sway Replacement barn and store, Mosscroft, Boundway Hill. Sin - gle-storey extensions, solar panels, fencing, paths, outdoor play area, associated landscap- ing, temporary altered access and siting of two cabins, remov- al attached shelter, Village Hall, Middle Road. Extension and alterations to existing stable block, Mosscroft, Boundway Hill. Single-storey rear exten - sion, 14 Buldowne Walk. Decisions GRANTED Ashurst and Colbury Outbuilding, demolition of existing garage, 15 Peterscroft Avenue. Beaulieu Two-storey extension, sin- gle-storey extension, pitched roof to existing garage, Hatter- as, Furzey Lane. To create a ground floor rear extension to extend the kitchen and dining room, 17 Sycamore Close. Side and rear extensions, roof alterations including half- hipped rear and side gables, front gable and front dormer, 143 River Way. Demolition of existing con- servatory, erection of new walls in existing position, erection of new external front porch, erec- tion of new first floor side and rear extension. Provision of new timber weatherboard- ing to perimeter of building at first floor level, 17 Flambard Av - enue. Erect new garage after re- moval of existing, 5 Darwin Av- enue. Single-storey extension to the rear, 24 Elphinstone Road. Use of caravan as overflow accommodation for the family, 68 Smugglers Lane North. Single-storey front extension to form new porch with addi-

Daniells Walk, Mr and Mrs Bar- rett. To erect two awnings to the side elevation of the shop, 9 High Street, Mr Ridden. Paint external window frames, door, door pilasters, pediment fan light and retaining wall below bay window black, remove stud wall on first floor landing, cre - ate new stud wall within exist- ing bathroom (application for listed building consent), 7 Quay Hill, Jack & The Wolfe. Milford-on-Sea Single-storey side extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Fig Tree House, 3 Sharvells Road, Mr and Mrs Harding. Netley Marsh Change walls from brick to render and thermowood timber cladding, roof from tile to slate, Pippins Lodge, Hill Street, Cal - more, R&B Projects Ltd. New Milton Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 15/10784 to allow an alternative pedestrian access from Brockhills Lane, Land adjacent 4 Brockhills Lane, Ashley, Solent Projects Ltd. Loft conversion, Ferndale, Hilton Road, Ashley, Mr and Mrs Miles. Single-storey rear and side extensions, 47 Milton Mead, Mr and Mrs Moore. Totton and Eling Addition of a dormer within the roof of the existing property (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 27 Shepherds Hey Road, Calmore, Mr Jef- feries. Two-storey side and rear extension, 17 Sunset Road, Mr Mansbridge. Continued use as hand car wash and valeting fa- cility, 32 Ringwood Road, Rob- inwood Development. Decisions Three fascia signs, one pro- jection sign (application for advertisement consent), 6-8 Oak Tree Parade, Co-operative Group Food Ltd. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Livestock building, Hill View Farm, North End Lane, Har- GRANTED Brangsgore Bransgore Carport, Huntersmead, Wa- terditch Road. Brockenhurst Raising the roof of the exist- ing garage and internal altera- tions to create accommodation incidental to main dwelling, Littlemorton, Tilebarn Lane. Alterations to attached garage to create additional habitable floor space, single-storey de - tached garage, fence and gate, extension to hardstanding, Oak Cottage, Burley Road. Gazebo, 1 Forest View. Single-storey ex - tension, external flue, 13 Addi - son Road. First floor extension, single-storey extensions, Juliet balcony, rooflight, Cinnamon Gardens, Sway Road. Burley Replacement outbuilding, Burley Grange, Mill Lane. Denny Lodge Orangery linked to exist- ing pool building, Ladycross Lodge, Beaulieu Road, Brock- enhurst. Exbury and Lepe Application to vary condi- tion 4 of planning application reference 20/00189 to allow the use of the buildings to include weekends, both Saturdays and Sundays, Lower Exbury Barns, Inchmery Lane. Hordle Partial removal of conserv- atory, alterations to fenestra- tion, balcony, six lantern lights, flue, ballastrade, retaining wall and paved terrace, The Mill at Gordleton, Silver Street, Sway. Internal and external altera- tions (applications for listed tional lean to roof, 7 Hinton Wood Avenue. Proposed single-storey rear extension, constructed with materials to match ex- isting property, 11 Roeshot Crescent. Roof extensions to create first floor accommodation with rear extension and ex- ternal alterations, 23 Pauntley Road. Demolition of existing two-storey dwelling and re- placement with new building, 140 Stanpit. Single-storey extension to porch and garage conversion, 5 Poppy Close. Erect new fence to enlarge garden, change of use of land to residential garden, 15 Poppy Close. Replacement conservatory and installation of eight pho- tovoltaic panels, 2 Fishermans Bank. Construction of temporary marquee, Stewarts Garden Centre, Lyndhurst Road.

bridge, Mr Naphine. Fawley

Mr Russell. Demolition of exist- ing brick wall and replaced with new, 1 Eastmeare Court, Mr and Mrs Williams. Single-storey rear extension following remov- al of existing conservatory and lean-to and partial garage con- version, 5 Hounsdown Avenue, Mr and Mrs Sommerburger. Two-storey side extension, 41 Brackley Way, Mr Priestley. Construction of two dormers to the side elevations (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 30 Pealsham Gar- dens, EKL Design Ltd. Hythe and Dibden Dormer and rooflights (law - ful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 40 Oak Road, Dib- den Purlieu, Mr and Mrs Bull. WAS NOT LAWFUL Hythe and Dibden Single-storey rear extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 29 Oaklands Way, Dibden Purlieu, Mr and Mrs Campbell. PRIOR APPROVAL AP- PROVED Totton and Eling Use of retail units as one flat with associated external alter- ations (prior approval applica- tion), Shop Units 1 and 2, 14 Eling Lane, Eling, Mr Sowden. PRIOR APPROVAL REFUSED New Milton Use as dwelling (prior ap- proval), 16 Whitefield Road, Mr Ede. Ringwood Use as one residential dwell- ing (ref determination of pri- or approval – not required 17/11684) (prior approval ap- plication), The Stables, 30 New Street, Mr Proudley. WITHDRAWN Hordle Replacement agricultural buildings (demolish existing), Apple Court Gardens, Hordle Lane, Mr Mann and E Taylor. Hythe and Dibden Use the property as C3 (b) use (lawful development certif- icate that permission is not re- quired for proposal), Barberry House, Wildground Lane, Path- way 360 Care Ltd. WAS LAWFUL Fordingbridge ment of part of the highway at Wootton Bridge near Brock- enhurst to heathland to create compensatory habi- tat, C97/C93 Ipley Crossroads, Beaulieu. PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT Hyde Application for lawful devel- opment certificate for proposed ancillary use of outbuilding, Keepers Cottage, Frogham Hill, Frogham. Netley Marsh Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro- posed siting of a mobile home for incidental residential pur- poses, 277 Woodlands Road, Woodlands. PLANNING PERMISSION REQUIRED Lymington and Pennington Application for a certificate of lawful development for the pro- vision of a mobile home within the garden of the residential property for use as additional accommodation by one house- hold and the provision of a hard standing measuring 8 metres by 5 metres and not exceed- ing 30cm above ground level, Yewtree Cottage, Upper Com- mon Road, Pennington. WITHDRAWN Ashurst and Colbury Single-storey rear extension, re-roof, Pond House, Sowley Lane, East End. Single-storey rear extension, re-roof, inter- nal alterations (application for listed building consent), Pond House, Sowley Lane, East End. ley Drive. Proposed single-storey side extension including lantern rooflight over, partial conver - sion of existing garage, new cov- ered entrance porch and chang- es to front driveway, 3 Thursby Road. LAWFUL Single-storey rear extension, 9 Katherine Chance Close. The use of a mobile home for residential occupation, Plot 31, Tall Trees, 7 Matchams Lane, Hurn. Single-storey rear extension, 16 Haslemere Avenue. REFUSED Single-storey extension, to the rear and two-storey side ex- tension, 4 Essex Avenue. Proposed annexe (retrospec- tive), Amberwood Cottage, St Catherines Hill Lane. WITHDRAWN Erection of new dwelling to the rear of existing property, with garden, parking, turning and associated garage, Land r/o 91, The Grove.

New changing room pavil- ion, demolish the existing club building, community garden and new car parking layout, landscaping, Esso Sport and Recreation Club, 179-181 Long Lane, Holbury, Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd. Replacement 73m high flare, Esso Petroleum Company Limited, Marsh Lane, Mr Worth. Single-storey front extension, first floor rear extension, sin - gle-storey rear extension and fenestration alteration, 95 Hampton Lane, Blackfield, Mr Masters. Hordle Front porch, replacement single-storey side extension, alterations, Foxlea, Wainsford Road, Everton, Mr and Mrs Henegan. Hythe and Dibden Ground floor infill extension between house and garage, Westacre, Southampton Road, Mrs Crocker. Lymington and Pennington Single-storey extension to facilitate proposed gym store / changing facilities, door re- placements to existing building, Priestlands County Secondary School, North Street, Penning - ton, Priestlands School. New Milton Change of use of the ground floor of a building from an ex - isting shop (A1) to a mixed use as shop (A1) to a mixed use as shop (A1) and two residen- tial flats (C3), external altera - tions, 62 Lymington Road, Li Homes Ltd. Single-storey rear infill extension, fenestration alterations, 8 Uplands Avenue, Barton-on-Sea, Mr and Mrs Lonsdale. Single-storey rear extension, 6 Silverdale, Barton- on-Sea, Mr Boyle. Ringwood Demolition of existing con- servatory and construction of two-storey rear extension, 16 Carvers Lane, Mr and Mrs Po- thas. Totton and Eling Two-storey extension to front elevation, loft conversion and roof extension dormer to rear, 9 Sheridan Gardens, Mr and Mrs Crumpler. Single-sto - rey and loft extension at rear or property, 44 Northlands Road, building consent), The Mill at Gordleton, Silver Street, Sway. Hyde Patio for additional tea room seating, pergola, The Stables Tea Room Hyde Garden Shop, Gorley Lynch. Lymington and Pennington Installation of sewer sys- tem, pumping station and ki- osks, associated landscaping, Drays Nurseries, Pitmore Lane, Sway. Netley Marsh Outbuilding (retrospective), extension and timber clad- ding to existing portacabin, Morgans Yard, Shepherds Road, Bartley. Ringwood Change of use from guest house (use class C1) with own- er’s accommodation to resi- dential (use class C3), Little Forest Lodge, Poulner Hill, Poulner. APPROVE CONDIITONALLY Marchwood Agricultural workers dwell- ing, Part Parcel OS SU3808, Land at Birchlands Farm, Cart- ers Lane. EIA NOT REQUIRED Denny Lodge Application for screening opinion under Town and Coun- try Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regula- tions 2017 for reconfiguration of the C97/C93 Ipley crossroads junction to create staggered junction, reinstatement of ex- isting western arm carriageway to heathland, construction of new western arm to south of existing alignment, reinstate- Two-storey side extension, 34 Seaway Avenue. Single-storey rear extension to replace existing conservato- ry, infill porch to front, 1 Don - nington Drive. Decisions GRANTED Non-material amendment of App 8/20/0684/HOU fac- ing brickwork to smooth ren- der, painted, or weatherboard cladding to match existing, 15 Hillary Road. Two-storey front extension, new bay window with lean-to roof over, 82 Edward Road. Installation of new double doors to south elevation to re- place existing single window, 8 Redwood Drive, Winkton. Use of site as a boat yard including the installation of floating pontoons, siting of two storage containers, temporary office cabin and portable toilet unit, land at Bai-

New cafe and stage in plans to revamp church Parishioners at St Winfrid’s have held services at AFC Totton since 2018

PLANS have been submitted to revitalise a Totton church which has been closed for two years after falling into disrepair. The Diocese of Winches- ter has applied for permission to transform the Grade II list- ed St Winfrid’s Church in Salis - bury Road, which was built in the late 1930s. As reported in the A&T, since 2018 parishioners have held

services at nearby AFC Totton while they await a much-need- ed upgrade, which includes a new air-source heating system. The church also needed work to the roof and windows, some of which has been com- pleted. The application to New For- est District Council outlines plans for a new cafe, bespoke stage and new external lighting.

Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest National Park Authority during the week ending Friday 11th December 2020: Brockenhurst Single-storey infill exten - sion, 36 Auckland Avenue. Sin - gle-storey rear extension, Lane End, Addison Road. Burley Replacement porch, exten- sion to outbuilding, garden shelter, Woods Corner, Mill Lane. Two-storey rear exten- sion, canopy to porch, 7 Esdaile Lane. Copythorne Continued use of land and building for dog day care, Little Meadow, (Land adjacent The Terraces), Newbridge Road, Newbridge, Cadnam. Hordle Replacement barn and store, Mosscroft, Boundway Hill, Sway. Extension and altera - tions to existing stable block, Mosscroft, Boundway Hill, Sway. Landford Roof alterations to facilitate additional first floor accommo - dation, pitched roof to garage, extension to existing patio, alterations to doors and win- dows (removal of bay window, demolition of garden room), Woodside Dell, Forest Road, Nomansland. Minstead Replacement antennas on Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christchurch were submit- ted to BCP Council during the week ending 11th December 2020. Dormer, roof terrace, sepa- rate dwelling and car port as shown on the plans, 4 St Cath - erines Way. Two-storey rear extension, convert existing car port to ga- rage with store room above, 4 Homestead Close. New dwelling on land adja- cent of existing house, existing garage to be demolished, 9 Av- enue Road. Single-storey rear extension, 22 Twynham Avenue. Change of use to class B8 use for storage and / or distribution (retrospective), Bosley Nursery, Avon Causeway. Single-storey extension to front (retrospective applica- tion), 23 Aston Mead. A concrete font that occupies a large area of the nave floor, using up valuable seating space and limiting flexibility, would be removed under the proposals, and a new entrance created. Two new glazed windows would be installed and solar panels added to parts of the lower, main and tower roof. A new car park would also be cre- ated. Documents submitted to NFDC state: “The revitalisation of St Winfrid’s will assist the diocese in achieving their mis- sion of reinvigorating ministry and mission, creating a strong, growing, outward-looking, vi- brant worshipping community in the centre of Totton.” Public comments lodged with NFDC have raised con- cerns about the impact on pri- vacy and wildlife if boundary trees are removed to allow for the new road access to the vic- arage. A decision is expected to be made by NFDC in January.



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