New Milton Advertiser 20th Nov 2020
Friday 20th November 2020 · 13 News · · 01425 613384
Attacker caught by details on napkin
Curfew given to perfume thief A MAN who stole perfume worth £1,490 from a New Milton store has been given a curfew. Luke Olding (39), of How- ards Mead, admitted taking the goods from Lloyds Phar- macy in Station Road, when he appeared before South- ampton magistrates. The Bench gave the defendant a three-month curfew to remain at his home between 6pm and 6am, and ordered he pay £200 compen- sation and £85 costs. Hundreds raised by RNLI branch THE New Milton and Barton branch of the RNLI has raised over £800 towards its rescuers’ lifesaving efforts. The Covid-19 crisis forced the cancellation of a number of its fundraising events, including a quiz night, bingo and attendance at summer fairs. But a market stall was twice held in New Milton, with funds collected through donations and sales of Christmas cards, calendars, souvenirs and bric-a-brac. 140mph driver worst in county A DRIVER going at more than 140mph was the worst offending speeder recorded by Hampshire police in 2019, figures have revealed. According to findings re - leased by road safety charity Brake for this year’s Road Safety Week, the county’s force caught at least one mo- torist travelling at 142mph in a 70mph zone. The top excess speed recorded in a 60mph zone was 103mph. The highest detected in a 30mph zone was 88mph.
Road, which he was seen leav- ing shortly before the assault. “We were then able to review the CCTV footage from inside that premises and the offender could be seen passing some- thing to a member of staff. “Following further enquiries, we were able to establish that this was a napkin with the de- fendant’s telephone number and social media details on and through this we were able to identify him.” DC Norman added: “I would like to thank all those involved in this investigation, includ- ing members of the public and businesses who cooperated with our enquiries.” Roberts is a local footballer who previously turned out for Weymouth. More recently he has played for Portsmouth-based Money- fields, which did not respond to requests for comment from the A&T.
Violent footballer seen on CCTV handing number to barmaid
The Arnewood School wants to buy six new tennis nets
Store serves up school tennis net fundraiser
A CHRISTCHURCH man con- victed of a “nasty” assault in a row over a taxi was tracked down after CCTV captured his details on a napkin he gave to a barmaid, police revealed. Kieran Roberts, of Hurn Road, was given a 10-month jail sentence suspended for 15 months for the attack in Bour- nemouth. He was also ordered to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work, hand over £1,000 compensation to victim Luke Chandler, and pay £149 court costs. Roberts (24) pleaded guilty at Bournemouth Crown Court to a charge of unlawfully and
A DIGITAL expansion has been given to a service which supports children through health visitors and school nurs- es. Southern Health NHS Foun- dation Trust’s children and family services covers young- sters from birth to 19 years old. After partnering with infor- mation website, which created the successful Netmums, the trust now has a forum for Hampshire parents and carers to seek ad- vice and support. The trust had already creat- ed Hampshire Healthy Fami- lies, which was launched with Barnardos, and the forum now A £10,000 fundraising drive to update sports facilities at the Arnewood School in New Milton will be included in a year-long community support scheme run in Co-op stores. Organised by the school’s parents and staff association (PSA) it is hoped that shoppers at Co-op stores in Highcliffe, Hordle, Bransgore, Milford and Lymington will opt in to help fund six new tennis nets. PSA spokesperson Joanne Ankers explained: “Co-op members can sign up to sup- port a local good cause and if they chose us we will receive 2p for every pound they spend be- tween now and the end of Octo- ber 2021.” The current nets have been in
forms part of the overall online service. was cre- ated by Siobhan Freegard. She helped the trust create the new forum which will feature blogs, videos and trusted articles from health professionals. Ms Freegard said: “Many modern families are ‘digital na- tives’ who are used to seeking advice online, so Channelmum. com’s involvement will allow the Southern Health team to focus on the families who need additional support, ensuring the best outcome for local par- ents, carers and children.” Visit www.hampshirehealthy or situ on AstroTurf courts at the school for around six years and are used by hundreds of chil- dren each week. Joanna said: “The school obviously has many demands on its budget so unfortunate- ly something like replacement tennis nets is unlikely to be pri- oritised. “That is where we hope that Co-op shoppers can step in to help us raise this money with- out any cost to themselves, and those who sign up as mem- bers also accrue 2p per pound in credit for themselves at the same time.” To sign up as a Co-op mem- ber or to support the Arnewood School tennis nets fundraiser visit
Kieran Roberts was sentenced in Bournemouth Crown Court
ries. “At the time of the incident we did not know who the sus- pect was and we launched a full investigation to try and identify them. “Our enquiries included an extensive trawl of CCTV foot- age and through this we were able to track down the offend- er to a bar in Old Christchurch
maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm in relation to an incident at 3am on 22nd Sep- tember last year, during which he punched Mr Chandler after a row over a taxi. Speaking after the hearing, DC Thomas Norman, of Bour- nemouth CID, said: “This was a nasty assault that left the vic- tim with significant facial inju -
Parish to appeal post box U-turn
Online expansion for kids’ health service
A U-TURN on a promise to relocate a post box in central Brockenhurst is to be contested by the parish council. Councillors had been told by Royal Mail that the box in Brookley Road – which was de- comissioned without warning just before Christmas last year – would be replaced somewhere nearby. However, the council’s lat- est meeting heard Royal Mail was now saying the restoration
of the box was not necessary because the nearby Welcome store had a Post Office branch. Members were not happy because coronavirus regula- tions limit the amount of peo- ple in the Welcome store at any one time, it is not designated as a “priority post box”, and many residents will soon be wanting to post Christmas cards. Parish clerk Jim Bailey told the A&T that the council will be “pushing back” against the Royal Mail’s decision.
The shut post box in Brookley Road was painted black
Council makes shortlist for nationwide eco award
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HAMPSHIRE County Coun- cil’s highways department has made the shortlist for a nation- al sustainability award. The team was picked for its
commitment to reducing car- bon emissions, and will now go through to the final of Highways Magazine’s awards in January. Cllr Rob Humby, HCC’s cab-
inet member for transport and environment, said: “I am de- lighted that our collaborative and innovative work on projects such as developing facilities to
recycle highways maintenance materials, trial the use of plas- tic kerbing and move to electric vehicles is delivering such sig- nificant results.”
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