New Milton Advertiser 20th Nov 2020
14 · Friday 20th November 2020 · · 01425 613384
Applications THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest Dis- trict Council during the week ending Friday 13th November 2020: Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Side extension and remodel, Darvole, 37 Harbridge Green, Harbridge, Walker. Fawley Cut out opening and install a new window on the origi- nal / existing property wall to bring natural light into a dark hallway / stairs area (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Sunningdale, Lea Road, Langley, Silvarow Con- struction Ltd. Fordingbridge Proposed conversion of an existing double garage and construction of a rear exten- sion to form a one bedroom annexe, 12 Vimoutiers Court, Hogg. Construction of two dormers to the side elevations (lawful development certifi - cate that permission is not re- quired for proposal), 30 Pealsh- am Gardens. Hythe and Dibden Ground floor extension to form new porch, 10 Langdown Road, Mr Burrows. Provision of a pre-fabricated building for use as a MOT testing station (within existing use class) on existing concrete base, Hythe Garage, Prospect Place, Mr Percy. Single-storey rear ex- tension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 29 Oaklands Way, Dibden Purlieu, Mr and Mrs Campbell. Dormer and rooflights (lawful develop - ment certificate that permis - sion is not required for pro- posal), 40 Oak Road, Dibden Purlieu, Mr and Mrs Bull. Lymington and Pennington Fit secondary double glaz- ing to second floor front win - dow and first floor rear window (application for listed building consent), 16 Captains Row, Mrs Potter. Single-storey rear ex- Applications THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest Na- tional Park Authority during the week ending Friday 13th November 2020: Ashurst and Colbury Outbuilding, 18 Woodlands Road. Boldre Roof alterations, two-storey outbuilding, solar panels, al- terations to fenestration, two flues, render, cladding, West Ride, Boldre Grange, South- ampton Road. Bramshaw Single-storey rear extension, replacement flat roof to exist - ing rear extension, fascia, flad - ding, Wicksmoor Farmhouse, Penn Common Road. Brockenhurst Continued use of land and buildings for arboricultural, forestry, log cutting and ru- ral land management busi- ness, West Beams Farm, Sway Road. Burley Application for a certifi - cate of lawful development for continued use of land and ex- isting buildings as office (use class B1a), Land at Blackmoor House. Copythorne Stable store in place of tem- porary shipping container, Cadnam Green Yard, Cadnam Lane, Cadnam. Outbuilding (demolition of existing out- building), Pine Ridge, Winsor Road, Winsor. Application for a certificate of lawful devel - opment for retention of sin- gle-storey rear extension, For- Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christchurch were submitted to BCP Council during the week ending 13th November 2020: Install new cantilever rack- ing at 5.5 metres, Travis Per- kins, Wilverley Road. Use of container for storage and gym, erection of 3ft wall along the boundary line with shrubbery behind to cover con- tainer, 2 Southey Road. Proposed single-storey side extension, 6 Sandown Road. Demolish existing dwelling and replace with new family home, 21 Willow Way. Single-storey rear extension, 7 Avenue Road. Erection of single, double sided sign within the river course, River Course at River Avon, South of Castle Street.
Station until 2030, Blue Haze, Landfll Site, Verwood Road, Somerley, Mr Austin. Varia- tion of conditions 1, 3 and 4 of planning permission 07/90183 to extend the time to complete the importation of waste to the landfill until 2029, revise the landfill phasing and phasing of restoration, and the comple- tion of landfill restoration by 2031, Blue Haze Landfill Site, Verwood Road, Somerley, Mr Dimond. GENERAL PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT Milford-on-Sea Provision of an additional storey to existing chalet bun- galow to provide four double bedrooms and bathroom fa- cilities at first floor, additional storey to be rendered to match existing. Principal elevation to be provided with first floor fenestration which relates to the ground floor. Juliet balcony to be provided in order to pro- vide variation (prior approv- al application), 25 Downton Lane, Downton, Mr Burton. WAS LAWFUL New Milton Detached outbuilding in gar- den of dwelling house (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 11 Barton Wood Road, Barton-on-Sea, Mrs Haskell. REFUSED Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Use of land and buildings for metal recycling (sui gen- eris) industrial (B2) and stor- age purposes (B8), Iron Metal Works Recycling, Lightfoots Farm, Silver Street, Mr Mac- Gowan. Milford-on-Sea Rear first floor sunroom ex - tension to replace existing bal- cony, 2 North Head, Ms Good- win. WITHDRAWN Lymington and Pennington Two-storey rear extension, single-storey side extension, internal alterations and demo- lition of rear extension, 24 Mid- dle Road, Mr and Mrs Pye and Rattigan. of lawful development for pro- posed siting of a caravan for residential purposes ancillary to the main dwelling, Green Acres, Poulner Hill, Poulner. PLANNING PERMISSION REQUIRED Burley Application for a lawful de- velopment certificate for pro - posed single-storey rear ex- tension, Kings Ground, Tyrells Lane. East Boldre Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro- posed single-storey extension, two outbuildings, Norfolk End, Main Road. RAISE OBJECTION New Milton Two new windows along West elevation, Wootton Hall, Tiptoe Road. REFUSED Hordle Replacement barn, exten- sion to stable block, alterations to stables doors and windows, replacement roof and cladding to stables, Mosscroft, Bound- way Hill, Sway. WITHDRAWN Ashurst and Colbury Two-storey rear extension, raised decking, alterations to front porch, three additional new windows, alterations to garage, demolition of one door, demolition of one chimney, demolition of conservatory, Wildside, 45 Whartons Lane. Hythe and Dibden Single-storey rear extension to form annexe and balcony, al- terations to fenestration, Lark- sholme, Roys Copse, Dibden. accommodation, room gabled with addition of side dormer and rooflights, demolish exist - ing garage, single-storey side extension, 26 Burford Close. Single-storey side extension, 12 Woodfield Gardens. Remove existing conserv- atory and garage, construct single-storey side and rear extension, (amended plans), Treetops, 13 Buckland Grove, Highcliffe. Demolish existing conserva- tory and replace with new con- servatory, 2 Solent Road. Relocation of front door and installation of windows, instal- lation of bi-fold doors on side elevation replacing large win- dows, replacement of balcony double doors, 107 Pauntley Road. Demolition of existing ga- rages and erection of two de- tached chalet houses, Land ad- jacent to 31 De Havilland Way.
Marchwood Proposed single-storey en- trance porch, single-storey part flat roofed, part pitched roofed rear elevation and first floor flat roof infill, 18 Long Lane, Ms Kitson. Milford-on-Sea Two-storey extension, sin- gle-storey rear extension, porch, patio, roof alterations, 1 Milford Place, 32 Sea Road, Mr and Mrs Allison. Single-storey extension works and internal alterations, 2 Dryden Place, Mr and Mrs Peck. New Milton Carport and cover around existing garage, 32 Keysworth Avenue, Barton-on-Sea, Mr Burrows. Two-storey side ex- tension, Sea Breeze, 2 Cliffe Road, Barton-on-Sea, Mr and Mrs Rodgers. Single-storey rear extension, 67 Gore Road, Mr Brenland. Ringwood Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 99/ NFDC/65533 to allow upgrade of lighting to meet require- ments of The institute of Light- ing Professionals, Ringwood Town Football and Social Club, Long Lane, EcoClub the trad- ing name of Advanced Eco. Totton and Eling Single-storey rear exten- sion, all windows replaced, 106 Ringwood Road, Mr Radley. Two-storey side extension, 21 Shetland Close, Mr Whitcher. Retrospective replaced garage, 7 Downs Park Crescent, Eling, Mr Catt. Single0storey rear extension, 17 Milverton Road, Eling, Mr and Mrs Lewis. First floor side extension, 2 Robin Gardens, Mr Brown. GRANTED TEMPORARY BY COUNTY Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 08/92516 to extend the time for the use of the landfill gas utilisation plant until March 2040, Blue Haze Landfill Site, Somer - ley Road, Somerley, Veolia ES (Landfill) Ltd. Variation of con - dition 2 of planning permission 11/97613 to extend the time for the use of the Waste Transfer Hale Conservatory, demolition of existing bay, Finches Hatch, Forest Road. Landford Agricultural storage build- ing, Land adjacent Shorthill Farm, Lyburn Road, Nomans- land. New Milton Two new windows along west elevation, Wootton Hall, Tiptoe Road. Ringwood Agricultural machinery store, fencing and gates, Land at Bagnum Farm, Bagnum Lane, Bagnum. PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT Bransgore Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro- posed single-storey rear exten- sion, Rosa, Dial Close. Hale Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro- posed conversion of attached garage to annexe, Tree Tops, Hale Road. Landford Application for certificate of lawful development for pro- posed single-storey rear ex- tension, Wynwards, Lyndhurst Road. Application for a lawful development certificate for a proposed single-storey rear extension, Yew Tree Cottage, Lyburn Road, Hamptworth. Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro- posed porch, 4 Manor Cottag- es, Lyndhurst Road. Ringwood Application for a certificate development) and condition 6 (pre-commencement - archae- ology) of app 8/16/2010/DCC to - extend the end date of Hurn Quarry to support the restora- tion of the Western Extension, 55 Somerford Road. Extension to sand and grav- el extraction at Hurn Quar- ry, Dorset, followed by filling with imported materials and restoration - the deletion of condition 3 (limit and depth of extraction) of app. no. 8/16/2011/DCC to avoid the sterilisation of 305,168 tonnes of sub-groundwater mineral and the variations of condition 2 (development to be in ac- cordance with approved plans) and condition 18 (throughput and type of waste) to adopt a revised scheme of working and the volume of imported resto- ration materials, Hurn Quarry, Hurn Court Lane. Loft conversion to provide
Sway Road and Ramley Road around Wheel Inn junction Dray Nursery, Pitmore Lane, Sway (cross boundary applica- tion with New Forest National Park), Junction of Sway Road and Ramley Road, Drays Nurs- eries Ltd. Totton and Eling Front porch, 15 Daniels Walk, Calmore, Mr Norris. Plot severance and erection of de- tached dwelling with associat- ed access and parking, Land rear of 33 School Road, Eling, Kingsbridge Homes. Appli- cation under regulation 75 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations, Shop Units 1 and 2, 14 Eling Lane, Eling, Mr Sowden. Decisions Erect a detached triple ga- rage, Bramley Wood, Lower Daggons Lane, South End, Mr Christodoulides. Fordingbrdge Repairs to timber rear cor- ner post (north west corner), repairs to door frame (appli- cation for listed building con- sent), Lilac Cottage, Fryern Court Road, Burgate, Mr Hall. Hythe and Dibden Single-storey front exten- sion following removal of exist- ing porch, 1 Heathfield, Dr and Mrs Forster. Lymington and Pennington Remedial works, disman- tling and replacement of ex- isting conservatory, removal of floor screeds in conservato - ry, kitchen and leisure room, Helifix repair scheme to all elevations, installation of tie bar, redecoration throughout the property (application for listed building consent), Alma House, 1 Grove Road, Mr and Mrs Wogan. Extension to exist- ing hospice building, Oakhav- en Hospice, Lower Pennington Lane, Pennington, Oakhaven Hospice Trust. Single-storey side extension (replacement of existing), outbuilding in back garden, 27 Rookes Lane. GRANTED Damerham icate of lawful development for existing use of dwelling in breach of condition 4, agricul- tural occupancy, of planning permission NFR/15422/2, Fyre Stychen, Mount Pleasant Lane. Wellow New vehicular and pedes- trian access, 1.2m fencing, re- moval of existing access, Heat- herdene, Canada Common Road, West Wellow. Decisions GRANTED Boldre First floor rear extension over existing ground floor, ground floor rear extension, porch, two dormers, chimney extension, render, cladding, window alterations, demolition existing porch, Horseshoes, Brook Hill, Norley Wood. Bransgore Erection of double garage, demolition of exiting garage, Verna, Willow Lane, Thorney Hill. Brockenhurst Refurbishment and over cladding to external eleva- tions, entrance alterations to unit 1, external alterations, Brock House, Grigg Lane. Copythorne Replacement dwelling, two outbuildings, Kennington, Kennington Lane, Cadnam. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Single-storey extension, front dormer, six rooflights, demolition of existing conserv- atory, Amberleigh, Mockbeg- gar. apartments and external park- ing, Elcock Associates Ltd, 83 The Grove. Construction of enlarged replacement garage, 25 River Way. Single-storey side extension, front porch and alterations, 142 Lymington Road. Single-storey front, side and rear extensions, raise and ex- tend first floor extension, 1 Se - aton Close. Single-storey flat roof rear extension, 102 Smugglers Lane North. Decisions GRANTED Extension to sand and gravel extraction at Hurn Quarry fol- lowed by filling with imported inert materials and restora- tion. Variation of condition 1 (time limit - commencement of
tension, dormer to side (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Kilimani, 46 High- field Road, Pennington, Patel. Removal of condition 19 of planning permission 11/97849 to allow continuation of devel- opment without code level 3 condition, Lymington Shores, Bridge Road, Redrow Homes Ltd. Rear external metal stair- case, 135-136 High Street, Mr Miah. Rear external metal staircase (application for list- ed building consent), 135-136 High Street, Miah. Completion bay window to front, 94 Queen Katherine Road, Mr and Mrs Hold. Ground floor rear exten - sion, first floor front extension, second floor / roof extension, 51 Paddock Gardens, Mr Hinson. Installation of sewer system, pumping station and kiosk at Sway Road and Ramley Road around Wheel Inn junction Dray Nursery, Pitmore Lane, Sway (cross boundary applica- tion with New Forest National Park), Junction of Sway Road and Ramley Road, Drays Nurs- eries Ltd. Marchwood Rear extension, roof altera- tions for new first floor includ - ing dormer, replacement ga- rage and carport, fenestration alterations, 21 Old Magazine Close, Mrs Allam. Milford-on-Sea Two-storey side and rear wrap around extension, addi- tion of rooflight remove pre-fab garage, 24 Carrington Lane, Mr and Mrs Winship. New Milton Single-storey rear extension, single-storey side extension, front porch, rear skylight, 91 Barton Court Avenue, Barton- on-Sea, Bespoke Flaire Ltd. Ringwood First floor side extension and single-storey rear exten- sion, 28 The Mount, Poulner. Single-storey rear extension, 16A Wessex Road, Mr and Mrs Simpson. Proposed single-sto- rey extension, 101 Eastfield Lane, Mr and Mrs Duncan. Sway Installation of sewer system, pumping station and kiosk at est View Farm, Furzley Lane, Furzley. East Boldre Single-storey extension, one window, two roof lanterns, one rooflight, three sun-pipes (demolition of conservatory), Forest Ponies Cottage, Hatch- et Lane, Beaulieu. Hordle Change of use of stable build- ing and erection of polytunnel and netted area for snail farm- ing, Livery Yard, Long Acre Farm, Vaggs Lane. Lyndhurst Erection of replacement dwelling, landscaping, replace- ment sewage treatment plant, demolition of existing dwelling, removal of artificial features, Matley Cottage, Beaulieu Road. Minstead Application to vary condi- tions 1a and 1b of planning permission 15/00937 to allow the retention of the structure for a further five years for sole occupancy by Mr Peter Galton, Cosy Hollow, Lyndhurst Road. Netley Marsh Application for lawful devel- opment certificate for contin - ued use of outbuilding as inde- pendent dwelling house (use class C3), Bluebell Cottage, Alpine Road, Ashurst. New Milton Outbuilding (demolition of existing), Cotswold, Bashley Road. Sway Two dwellings, demolition of existing dwelling and outbuild- ings, access and landscaping (amended plans), The Cottage, Station Road. Formation of ac- cess, Coombe Grange, Coombe Lane. Application for a certif- Single-storey side extension with a parapet wall around a flat roof with roof lanterns, 32 Addington Place. Demolition and removal of three temporary buildings to be replaced with a two-storey 10 classroom block, Twynham Comprehensive School, Sopers Lane. Alterations and change of use from class A1 Shop to class A3 for the sale of hot food and drink for consumption on and off the premises. Variation of condition 2 (restricted hours of 6.30am – 5.30pm Monday-Sat- urday and 8.30am – 5.30pm Sunday) of 8/96/0414/C to open- ing hours 8.00 until 23.30 Mon- day-Sunday, activities (the sale by retail of alcohol 11.00 until 23.00 Monday-Sunday, 43 High Street. Conversion of existing office building and erection of ad- ditional storey to create five
A CGI of the plans
Flats approved for former greengrocer
A PLAN to revamp a building in Totton with seven one-bed flats was approved despite concerns a lack of space for cars would exacerbate “horrendous” park- ing problems. The decision brings to an end a 12-year saga over 4-6 Rum- bridge Street, a dilapidated former greengrocer which has been at the centre of four previ- ous failed appeals. New Forest District Council’s planning committee gave the latest scheme, from Temple- ton Stockbridge Ltd, the green light despite sympathising with objections from Jan Batty, who lives in nearby Osbourne Road. She called the existing park- ing situation “horrendous” and said it caused widespread con- gestion problems. Speaking for Templeton Stockbridge, planning agent Ben Kelly claimed the flats would be occupied by people who did not need cars and it was a “deliberate choice to pro- vide a car-free development”. However, Mrs Batty argued:
“While I would really like to believe none of these residents will have cars, the potential is there could be two cars per household.” Members said the scheme would provide badly needed affordable housing, and that tipped the balance in its favour. Cllr Barry Dunning said. “There are seven valuable, sin- gle-bedroom flats – it’s very necessary to have small units in a place like Totton.” Cllr Kate Crisell added: “I think we have done all we can and now we need to get this site up and running as soon as pos- sible.” The building itself was “ugly” and “badly needed redevelop- ing”, Cllr Arthur Davies said, but he was stil opposed be- cause of the lack of parking. He said: “People here are go- ing to park in Osbourne Road, where it’s horrific parking. It’s going to be a massive problem in the future.” However, the committee vot- ed to approve the plans.
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