New Milton Advertiser 23rd Oct 2020

16 · Friday 23rd October 2020 · · 01425 613384


Plans for new shop and play park approved


Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest District Council during the week ending Friday 16th October 2020: Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Construction of a renewable led energy generating station comprising ground-mount- ed photovoltaic solar arrays together with substation, in- verter/transformer stations, site accesses, internal access tracks, security measures, ac- cess gates, other ancillary infra- structure and landscaping and biodiversity enhancements, Land at Hamer Warren, Somer- ley, Somerley Energy Limited. Demolition of the existing conservatory and construction of replacement conservatory to the rear of the existing proper- ty, The Old Rectory, Mockbeg- gar Lane, Ibsley, Dr Richardson. Demolition of the existing conservatory and construction of replacement conservatory to the rear of the existing proper- ty (application for listed build- ing consent), The Old Rectory, Mockbeggar Lane, Ibsley, Dr Richardson. Fawley Loft conversion including dormer and rooflights (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 19 Watton Road, Holbury, Mr Thomas. Fordingbridge Raised rear conservatory, 44 Salisbury Street, Mr and Mrs Wykes. Hordle Bay extension and replace- ment of conservatory, 46 Wains- ford Road, Everton, Mr and Mrs Sears. Front porch, replace- ment single-storey side exten- sion, alterations, Foxlea, Wains- ford Road, Everton, Mr and Mrs Henegan. Hythe and Dibden Proposed log cabin / mobile home (lawful development cer- tificate that permission is not required for proposal), 34 Ash- leigh Close, Mrs Knowles. Single-storey front and side extensions with fenestration al- terations and detached garage, 32 Langdown Lawn, Mr Carr. Roof alterations to include two dormers to the front el- evation, mono pitch roof to the rear and single-storey rear extension, 1 Elgin Close, Mr Dunsdon. A tiled roof to the existing conservatory with minor alter- Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest National Park Authority during the week ending Friday 16th October 2020: GRANTED Ashurst and Colbury First floor and two-storey ex - tensions, alterations to doors and windows, cladding, dem- olition of conservatory, 1 New Road. Boldre Replacement dwelling and two outbuildings, Lake House, Main Road, Walhampton. Re- placement cladding, 2 Slade Cottages, Pilley Street, Pilley. Fawley Single-storey extension, par- tial roof alterations to existing single-storey extension, Furze- tops, Kings Copse Road, Black- field. Godshill Stable building, access, asso- ciated planting, demolition two stable buildings, Godshill Wood Farm, Woodgreen Road. Landford Retention of single-storey ex- tensions, Keepers Cottage, Ly- Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christ- church were submitted to BCP Council during the week ending 16th October 2020: Dropped kerb 3.6m wide plus hardscaping of drive, 192 Stony Lane. Single-storey side extension, single-storey rear extension and two-storey rear extension, demolish existing rear exten- sions, 38 Elizabeth Avenue. The use of a mobile home for residential occupation, Plot 31, Tall Trees, 7 Matchams Lane, Hurn. The use of a mobile home for residential occupation, 44 Tall Trees Park, 7 Matchams Lane, Hurn. Erect two-storey side exten- sion, 22 Durlston Crescent. Demolition of existing semi-derelict barn and replace- ment with new timber framed ancillary accommodation, Grove Farm, 26 Stour Way. Single-storey side and rear

Ringwood Construct new B1, B2, B8 facility, with associated park- ing, Henderson Bearings, Crow Arch Lane, Henderson Bear- ings Limited. Sopley Two-storey rear extension, formation of balcony, re-roof and re-clad existing front dor- mer, partial demolition of ex- isting single-storey extensions, Briarwood, North Ripley Road, Ripley, Mrs Watts. Totton and Eling Single-storey side extension, balcony extension, proposed tractor store, additional hard surfaced area, altered gate, Tot- tonians Rugby Football Club House, Water Lane, Tottonians RFC. Single-storey side extension, 71 Water Lane, Mr Ryan. Altera- tions to existing B1(a) office to create new first floor dormer to east and west elevations, new openings and cladding at first floor on north and east eleva - tions, over-cladding and insu- lation of existing pitched roof, new rooflights and the addition of solar panels to the exist- ing roof, 59 Rumbridge Street, Snug Projects. GENERAL PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT Ringwood Single-storey conservatory to rear elevation (prior approv- al application), 26 Woodford Close, Mr and Mrs Oldfield. Proposed single-storey side and rear extension, increase patio door opening for bi-fold doors (lawful development cer- tificate that permission is not required for proposal), 49 Avon Meade, Ms Lovell. New Milton The provision of a mobile home to provide addition- al accommodation for use as part of one household (Lawful Development Certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Sansomes Cottage, Angel Lane, Mr Farnell. WITHDRAWN Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Proposed replacement dwell- ing (demolition of existing), re- placement outbuilding (demo- lition of existing), Kookaburra, Mockbeggar Lane, Ibsley, Ms Higham and Sainty. New Milton Single-storey rear extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 6 Silverdale, Bar- ton-on-Sea, Mrs Boyle. WAS LAWFUL Fordingbridge floor extension pitched roof to existing flat roof dormer, porch, lantern light to existing single-storey extension, clad- ding, outbuilding, 1.4m high boundary wall with 1.8m high brick piers and entrance gates, Tyneham House, North Lane, Nomansland. Lymington and Pennington Partial removal of conserv- atory, alterations to fenestra- tion, balcony, six lantern lights, balustrade, retaining wall and paved terrace, The Mill at Gordleton, Silver Street, Sway. Internal and external alter- ations (application for listed building consent), The Mill at Gordleton, Silver Street, Sway. Lyndhurst First floor extension, sin - gle-storey extension, external staircase, low level chimney, en- trance canopy, 8 Haskells Close. Netley Marsh Outbuilding, retention of tim- ber cladding to existing portac- abin, Morgans Yard, Shepherds Road, Bartley. Ringwood Proposed building, operate business from home, Merryhill Farm, Hightown Hill. The use of a mobile home for permanent residential occupa- tion, Plot 43, Tall Trees, 7 Mat- chams Lane, Hurn. The use of a mobile home for residential occupation, Beauanna, 22 Tall Trees Park, 7 Matchams Lane. WITHDRAWN Garden room / office and store to the rear garden to re- place the previous garage, 2 Whitehall. REFUSED Creation of new vehicle ac- cess to highway, new gates and realignment of existing boundary fence, new track (re- submission following refusal of 8/19/0867/FUL), Land adjacent Lone Pines Close, Matchams Lane. Erection of first floor rear extension, conversion of roof space to habitable accommo- dation with installation of rear dormer and two roof lights to front, (amended description), 38 Halifax Way. Two-storey and single-storey front, side and rear extension, 13 Seafield Road.

Ridge Crescent, Ashley, Mr Ea- ton. Two semi-detached houses with parking and sheds, demol- ish existing house and garage, 103 Station Road, Moortown Developments Ltd. Replacement rear extension, 27 Chestnut Avenue, Barton- on-Sea, Mr Hart. Single-storey extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Charnwood, 6 Lymington Road, Mr and Mrs Traylor. Totton and Eling Detached dwelling, 6 High Street, Mrs Wu. Single-storey side extension, 21 Jessica Cres- cent, Mr Riaz. Wrap around single-storey extension with a pitch roof and rooflights and white render to match the house and windows and doors to match the exist- ing, 82 Salisbury Road, Mr and Mrs Harris. Two-storey side extension, 41 Brackley Way, Mr Priestley. Decisions Single-storey rear extension, 6 Woodlands Close, Ms Coney. Damerham Single-storey extension, Sta- pleton House, Cranborne Road, Mr Henderson. Ellingham Harbrige and Ibsley Construction of amend- ed 2-bedroom agricultural dwelling pursuant to approval 1410885, proposed amendment consists of a first floor addi - tion over the farm office, Forest View, Harbridge Green, Har- bridge, Mr and Mrs Lamb. Fawley Porch extension, Halton, 2 Nicholas Road, Langley, Miss Colledge. Fordingbridge Single-storey garage exten- sion, 2 Jubilee Close, Mr Turner. Two-storey side extension to existing dwelling house, new gable to join into existing pitched roof, 6 Pealsham Gar- dens, Mr Bailey Hythe and Dibden Ground floor extension, Woodlands Lodge, 31 Nash Road, Mr Fursman. Part single part two-storey side and front extensions, 8 Ro- man Way, Dibden Purlieu, Mr Newnham. Lymington and Pennington Alterations to pedestrian ac- cess to existing garden, gates / steel fence, bin enclosure, tem- tension, 32 Peterscroft Avenue. Outbuilding, demolition of ex- isting garage, 15 Peterscroft Avenue. Beaulieu Single-storey rear extension, re-roof, Pond House, Sowley Lane, East End. Single-storey rear extension, re-roof, internal alterations (application for listed building consent), Pond House, Sowley Lane, East End. Boldre Garden room (demolition of existing shed), The Willows, Southampton Road. Brockenhurst Raising the roof of the exist- ing garage and internal altera- tions to create accommodation incidentally to main dwelling, Littlemorton, Tilebarn Lane. Alterations to attached ga- rage to create additional hab- itable floor space, single-storey detached garage, fence and gate, extension to hard stand- ing, Oak Cottage, Burley Road. Gazebo, 1 Forest View. Copythorne Single-storey extension, roof alterations to existing single-storey extension, Mill House Farm, Southampton Road, Cadnam. side and rear, 20 Chewton Way. Side two-storey extension and external alterations (re- move garage), 1 Foxwood Ave- nue. Installation of external in- verter air conditioning unit at 2nd floor / loft level gable end wall, 55 Kingfisher Way. Decisions GRANTED Single-storey rear and side extensions, 15 Hilary Road. Demolition of conservatory and construction of single-sto- rey rear extension, 14 Nea Close, Highcliffe. Substitution of concrete roof tiles with Marley Edgemere slate-effect interlocking con- crete tiles, 14 Avenue Road, Walkford. Side and rear single-storey extension (remove garage), mono pitched roof over front door, 10 Castle Avenue, High- cliffe. Rear dormer to existing roof GRANTED Bransgore

porary toilet block and tempo- rary canopy, new external sur- facing, All Saints Church, All Saints Road, St Thomas with All Saints Lymington. Mezzanine to include steel frame, glazed screen, toilets and sinks, kitchenette and associated plumbing, timber frame and partition walls, re- placement heating system, par- tial removal of parquet floor - ing, installation of replacement flooring, installation of DPM, 3 internal ramps, repositioning of font and memorial plaque, (application for listed building consent), All Saints Church, All Saints Road, St Thomas with All Saints Lymington. Two-storey side extension, porch, formation of terrace and associated alterations, chim- ney, 3 Pippin Close, Mr and Mrs Tybinkowski. Milford-on-Sea Detached garage, 16 Know- land Drive, Mr Stockwell. Two-storey side and rear ex- tensions, porch, 43 Knowland Drive, Mr and Mrs Hosie. New Milton Demolition of the existing buildings and redevelopment for 50 extra care units in a mix of one and two-bedrooms and as- sociated landscaping, drainage and highway works, Fernmount House, Forest Pines, Morgan Ashley Care Developments and Places for People Living +. Use of the site for the sta- tioning of 10 caravans without complying with condition 2 of NFDC/86/33097, Caravan Site, Bunny Creek, Mr Farmer. Change of large window in lounge to double glazed doors and Juliet balcony (retrospec- tive), 6 The Dome, 121 Barton Court Avenue, Barton-on-Sea, Mr Crow. Single-storey rear ex- tension, 48 Barton Lane, Bar- ton-on-Sea, Mr Stidston. Construction of a single three-storey building for af- fordable housing, containing four two-bedroom flats and two one-bedroom flats, associated cycle, refuse store and car park- ing, 10-12 Gorse Close, Ashley, Mr Nathan. Fascia signage including light- ing comprising internally illumi- nated block letters on spacers etc as shown on the drawing no. BNM/5b (application for adver- tisement consent), 60 Station Road, Mr Backhouse. The installation of a pair of five bar gates at the front of the property, proposed fence between my property and my neighbours at 88, 90 Oakwood Avenue, Ashley, Mr Jenner. East Boldre Dwelling and garage (demoli- tion of existing), Clear Springs, Main Road. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley One and two-storey exten- sions, roof alterations to facilitate additional first floor habitable accommodation, Furzie Field, Highwood Lane, Highwood. Exbury and Lepe Sewage treatment plant system and associated works, Lepe House, Lepe Road, Lepe. Hale Outbuilding (demolition of existing), The Nook, Tethering Drove. Hordle Partial removal of conserv- atory, alterations to fenestra- tion, balcony, six lantern lights, balustrade, retaining wall and paved terrace, The Mill at Gordleton, Silver Street, Sway. Internal and external alter- ations (application for listed building consent), The Mill at Gordleton, Silver Street, Sway. Hyde Greenhouse, Willowfield, Stuckton Road, Stuckton, Fordingbridge. Landford Single-storey extension, first (replace existing dormer), 9 Rothesay Drive. Extend and alter existing roof to enlarge first floor accommo - dation with single and two-sto- rey side and rear extensions, 16 Hinton Wood Avenue. Single-storey side / front ex- tension, 21 Hazel Close. SPLIT DECISION Advertising on 13 rounda- bouts across Christchurch, Various roundabouts in Christchurch, Chapel Gate, Jumpers, Bailey, Stour, Foun- tain A, Fountain B, Purewell, Somerford, Lyndhurst out- er, Hoburne, Milestone, Hurn Bridge, Fairmile. LAWFUL Changes to the rear elevation – break out portion of existing ground floor rear wall (contain - ing a window and patio doors) and replacement with full width sliding folding doors to the breakfast room, 18 Rossiters Quay, Bridge Street. Garden room / office and store to the rear garden to re- place the previous garage, 2 Whitehall.

ations to the fenestration, the existing footprint will remain unchanged (lawful develop- ment certificate that permis - sion is not required for propos- al), 5 Depden Gardens, Dibden Purlieu, Sillence. Ancillary outbuilding to be used as a hobby room to the main dwelling. The outbuilding falls within the permitted de- velopment criteria as indicated on the drawings (lawful devel- opment certificate that permis - sion is not required for propos- al), 5 Depden Gardens, Dibden Purlieu, Sillence. Lymington and Pennington Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 19/10958 to allow variations to materials, window positions and enlarge- ment of rear dormer to P1 due to minor design changes, 54 Belmore Lane, Ms Stephan. Demolition of an existing bungalow and the construc- tion of a replacement dwelling, 40 Cowley Road, Pennington, JSAK. Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 20/10376 to allow amendments to ap- proved rear extension and new roof (amended plan numbers: SL.01, EP.01 REV A, EE.01, PE.01 REV A, PE.02 REV A, PO.01 and PP.01), 18 Cowley Road, Pennington, Mr and Mrs Layman. Martin Single-storey hardwood or- angery to side elevation, Reads Farmhouse, Martin Road, Mr and Mrs Fernie. Single-storey hardwood or- angery to side elevation (ap- plication for listed building consent), Reads Farmhouse, Martin Road, Mr and Mrs Fern- ie. Milford-on-Sea Two dwellings, parking, land- scaping, Land rear of 1 High Street, Solent Projects (New Homes) Ltd. One dwelling, parking, landscaping, Land rear of 1 High Street, Solent Pro- jects (New Homes) Ltd. Siting of a mobile home for incidental use in connection with the dwelling (lawful de- velopment certificate that per - mission is not required for pro- posal), Barnes Lane Cottage, Barnes Lane, Mrs Morris. Re-form roof to allow extend- ed first floor accommodation, 1 Island View Close, Mr and Mrs Bell. New Milton Replacement single-storey extension, fenestration altera- tions (lawful development cer- tificate that permission is not required for proposal), 11 High burn Road, Nomansland. Lymington and Pennington 1.9 metre high boundary wall and 2 metre high brick piers, timber entrance gates, demoli- tion of existing fence and gates, Chequers Green. Sway Dormer, rooflight, Switchells, Birchy Hill. RAISE NO OBJECTION Boldre Extension, two porches, al- terations to roof, alterations to doors and windows, demolition of one porch (application for non-material amendment to planning permission 20/00219), Post Office Cottage, Boldre Lane. Lyndhurst Re-roof existing garage (ap- plication for a non-material amendment to planning per- mission 20/00181), Woodpeck- ers, Sandy Lane. WITHDRAWN Beaulieu Slurry lagoon, Park Farm, Parkshore. Decisions Ashurst and Colbury Single-storey front infill ex - extensions, 24 Beaulieu Road. Single-storey rear extension (remove conservatory), raise and extend roof for loft conver- sion with dormer to side to pro- vide first floor accommodation, 31 Fitzmaurice Road. Mobile homes, living shed, touring caravan, garden shed, 22B Dudmoor Farm Road. The use of a mobile home for residential occupation, Plot 61 Tall Trees, 7 Matchams Lane. Demolition of existing dwell- ing and erection of 14 apart- ments with underground park- ing, 20 Chewton Farm Road. Side and front extension to existing garage. Increase width of parking area (as approved on 8/09/0509). Replace tarmac with permeable block paving or stone setts, 15A Montagu Road. Non material amendment to planning application: 8/20/0104/ HOU to render and paint front elevations of property to match side elevations, 2 Hazel Close. Erect outbuilding for 6th form study room, Highcliffe School, Parkside. Single-storey extension to

A NEW coffee shop, children’s playpark and entertainment space can be built in Burley af- ter the national park authority approved the plans. As reported in the A&T, ap- plicant Nigel Blow applied to demolish several derelict build- ings behind Shappen Stores in Ringwood Road to make way for a new shop, ice cream par- lour and outdoor seating area. The application also included a new multi-purpose barn. Mr Blow, who recently took ownership of the 1.25-acre site which includes Shappen Stores, wants to re-establish it as a central focus of the village. The store itself, which in- cludes a butcher and post of- fice, would continue to trade. The new business will create around nine full-time and five part-time jobs, plans said. The application stated: “Pro- posals are being considered, namely a coffee shop or tea room, that is dedicated to the products of the New Forest Marque [and] a flexible func - tion space that can accommo- date charitable and commercial events for the owners of the building as well as for the vil- lagers. “The combination of the

proposals are aimed at updat- ing the offering from one of the oldest established businesses in the village to the ongoing tourism that is so critical to the economy of the national park.” The application received 15 representations of support from people who said it would be “a positive scheme” for the area and provide a much-needed play area. Burley Parish Council also gave its backing. It drew eight objections, how- ever, with concerns over traffic safety, increased noise and the scale of the new buildings. An NPA report said: “The proposal is considered accept- able and appropriate to the area. “It would comply with the rel- evant policies of the Local Plan and the scale, design and use of appropriate building tech- niques and vernacular materi- als would ensure that it would be acceptable and would pre- serve and enhance the charac- ter and appearance of the con- servation area. “There would not be any adverse impact on parking or traffic in the area and the resi - dential amenities of near neigh- bours would not be affected.”

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