New Milton Advertiser 23rd Oct 2020

2 · Friday 23rd October 2020 · · 01425 613384


Read by 38,484* Local People ALL TYPES OF WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS Kris Perlowski 6 Spartina Drive, Lymington *JICREG: June 2019

Threat to shut skate park over Covid rule-breakers

Man fined for sex act near yoga class A MAN who indecently exposed himself in a public park while watching a yoga class was fined £50 by magistrates. Howard Beck (55), of Rush - ington Avenue, Totton, pleaded guilty to committing a sexual act in a public place on 13th July. The Southampton court heard Beck was sitting on a bench at a local park at 6pm, watching the yoga class taking place in a gym when he exposed himself and performed a sex act. A six-month alcohol treat - ment order was included in a 12-month community order the Southampton Bench handed to the defendant. It also required him to serve 20 “reasoning and rehabilitation” days. Beck was also told to pay £180 in court costs. FOREST MINI SKIPS LYMINGTON SKIP HIRE 07787 153873 12 Fairlea Road, Lymington

Facility may be closed at night if youngsters continue flouting

services Silma Ramsaywack, was involved in talks with the youngsters as she had a good relationship with them. Unconvinced a night-time closure was the solution, Cllr Dean Samber warned this “would only move the problem somewhere else in the town”. Cllr Alan O’Sullivan argued the situation was not helped by some of the government’s reg- ulations which he felt could be very confusing for youngsters. “When they’re in school their whole year group is together, but when they’re out of school they have to be in a group of six,” he said. Cllr David Hawkins argued the skate park’s users were old enough to know their responsi- bilities. He said: “We as adults try to follow the regulations, and the youngsters using the skate park should also follow them. “We’ve got to be a bit sterner than that, I’m afraid.” It was ultimately agreed that the council would continue to engage with youngsters and re- view the situation with police after three weeks before decid- ing on any further action. Cllr Blunden concluded: “Our youth officer and town coun - cillors will try to educate the children and youth of the ram- ifications of not abiding by the rules. “We will make it clear that if there is no improvement we will have no alternative but to take further action.” manager,

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POLICE have suggested the closure of New Milton’s pop- ular skate park at night amid reports a “minority” of young- sters have flouted Covid-19 re - strictions by gathering in large numbers. Members of the town coun- cil’s amenities committee dis- cussed fencing off the facility on the recreation ground, off Whitefield Road, after local safer neighbourhood Sgt Kat Smith reported a group of 60-70 youngsters were spotted there last weekend. The breach of the govern- ment’s Rule of Six legislation to reduce the spread of the virus led to Sgt Smith’s suggestion the skate park should be closed during the hours of darkness. Some committee members felt the night-time closure would have to be enacted, while others argued the skate park’s users needed to be educated instead.

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Young people enjoying New Milton skate park before lockdown

Leisure centre jobs Continued from front page The councillors’ conclusion was that the “vast majority” of youngsters were behaving re- sponsibly. Cllr Blunden added Covid marshals were expected to pa - trol the recreation ground as well as areas including Station Road, but were not expected to be introduced until around mid-November. “Closing the skate park from dusk till dawn is a reasonable request, but I have to point out that operationally it would be difficult and costly,” he said. “We would need to erect [temporary] fencing and a gate which would have to be locked at the end of the day and un- locked at the start.” Town clerk Graham Flexman al space required to make these activities viable under Cov- id-secure requirements. “This has had the greatest impact on group exercise class - es and reductions in the hours staff are required to work, and therefore is likely to result in some redundancies. “This is not a situation we would wish to find ourselves in, as our staff are at the heart of what we do at the centres. We are currently consulting with them, and unions, on this staff- ing review and expect to know the outcome by the end of Oc- tober.” Cllr Steel said most clubs which could be accommodated within the new Covid-secure re- quirements have now re-start- ed. He added that a six-for-£60 offer was also being made avail- able for new and previous mem- bers. chair Antonia Cox told the A&T members were devastated by Neil’s death, and he would be greatly missed. “We cannot believe he is no longer here to bound along at the front of our run group or to share that all-important coffee and chat after training,” Anto- nia said. “All of us at Lymington Tri- athlon Club will miss himdread- fully as a witty, bright, kind friend, as a talented, supportive and committed LTC member and running captain, and as the other half of the lovely, caring couple that he and Clare made together.” Neil was also an enthusiastic dinghy and keelboat sailor for THIEVES stole a till and cash in an overnight raid on a small family-run fruit and vegetable store in Lymington town cen- tre. A door was damaged when entry was forced to Roots & Fruits in Angel Courtyard, off High Street, during last Wednesday night. The stolen till was later found dumped nearby. It was the second time the store has been targeted within a year, with the last break-in having taken place in Novem- ber 2019. Neil Carden tributes Continued from front page

told the meeting that caging the facility and manning its closure was expected to cost around £1,500 per month. Although describing a poten- tial closure of the facility as a “tragedy”, Cllr Steve Davies felt there was little choice but to follow the police advice as the law was being broken. His view was supported by fellow ward councillor Valya Schooling and Cllr Robert Mur - row. Referring to the costs of the fencing and staffing, Cllr Clarke argued there should be further discussions with the skate park’s users to try to avoid it. Cllr Madeleine Craze asked whether the council’s youth

Sgt Smith said current leg- islation made it difficult for of - ficers to enforce the matter as they could not issue fines to people aged under 18 who failed to comply with the regulations. Monday’s virtual amenities meeting heard chair Cllr Geof- frey Blunden had visited the site with Cllr Steve Clarke and spoken to users as well as par- ents.

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New Forest leisure centres reopened in August

through these very difficult times.” He went on to praise the “brilliant” health and leisure centre staff, adding: “They are working hard to provide a safe place for our customers to ex - ercise. They have adapted very well to their new way of work- ing.” ber of companies, including as manufacturing director of Wilt- shire-based hi-fi manufacturer Naim Audio. He was also managing di- rector of Parker Bath in New Milton, a firm which produced bathing aids, and he served a stint on Arnewood School’s board of governors. Neil is survived by Clare and their son and daughter. His fu- neral will take place at Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground on Friday 30th October. The family requests no flow - ers, but instead for donations to be made towards redecorating the family room at Southamp- ton General Hospital’s neurolo- gy department via www.justgiv By Thursday, 105 supporters had helped collect £3,615 – far exceeding an initial target of £250. through its metal gate with an angle grinder. Police subsequently arrest- ed two men, a 20-year-old from Ringwood and a 26-year-old from Christchurch, on sus- picion of burglary and con- spiring to commit burglary in connection with the Everton incident. They have each been bailed pending further enquiries. A force spokesperson told the A&T the incidents at Roots & Fruits and Everton Post Office & Stores were not currently be - ing linked. Last Wednesday’s offences came after raiders had broken into Jambo’s Raw Pet Foods in Earley Court, off Lymington High Street, during the night of Saturday 10th October. Nothing was stolen, but the store’s damaged door and locks reportedly cost £450 to replace. Anyone with information should contact Hampshire of- ficers on 101, quoting crime reference number 44200400152 for the Roots & Fruits raid or 44200394787 for the Jambo’s raid. Crimestoppers can also be called on 0800 555 111.

The cabinet meeting heard that the Swim Academy lessons restarted on 21st September, and due to “very high demand” there was currently a waiting list for classes. Cllr Steel said: “I want to thank our customers for their patience and support in work- ing with us to provide a service

more than 45 years, and made many friends through his mem- bership of the Royal Lymington Yacht Club. He enjoyed a successful ca- reer with leading roles in a num- Neil Carden with his wife Clare

Cash taken as ‘scum’ raid veg store

A staff member told the A&T: “We have worked tireless - ly through lockdown and this happens. Really don’t know if we can continue when this keeps happening.” Branding the raiders “scum”, Roots & Fruits posted pictures on Facebook of the damage caused to a door when they forced their way inside. At around 8pm on the same night Everton Post Office & Stores in West Lane was tar- geted in an attempted bur- glary when, according to the business, offenders tried to cut

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