New Milton Advertiser 23rd Oct 2020
30 · Friday 23rd October 2020 · · 01425 613384
Deadline: Wednesday. 10.30am 01425 613384 •
First day covers, old postcards, cigarette cards, medals, militaria, swords, masonic regalia, coins, costume jewellery, silver, silver plate, copper and brass. Top prices paid. STAMP collecTionS VINTAGE items wanted 1920s, 30s, 40s. Suitcases, vintage hand embroidered linens, vintage fabric, oth- er items considered. — Karen 07812 555516. VINTAGE items wanted 1920s, 30s, 40s. Suitcases, vintage hand embroidered linens, vintage fabric, other items considered. — Karen 07812 555516. furniture always wanted. Fair price paid in cash. — Please telephone Ray in Milford 07849 847094 or 01425 839133. TEAK Phone Lester Mortimer 01590 623742
SOUTH COAST LIVING Unit 8 - 9 The Sovereign Centre, 600 Christchurch Road, Boscombe, BH1 4SX (rear of Boots) 01202 720022. Open 7 days a week 9am - 5.30pm Monday - Saturday, 10.30am - 4pm Sunday. All the usual choices are available, along with our reliable delivery and collection service from Monday to Saturday inclusive. Our customers come from far and wide, as a result some of them may not be able to make it to the shop. Because of this we are often able to send them pictures of products they are interested in and also offer a payment on delivery service. One of our most popular lines currently are the new and used hi-rise recliner chairs. They are perfect for people who may have a little difficulty getting out of their chair. The range is extensive with different fabric finishes to appeal to most tastes. We have increased our mobility product range. Smaller items like shower stoools and grab rails are available, along with 3 and 4 wheeler walkers, wheelchairs and even mobility scooters. There is a range of new beds in the showroom ready for customers to try for comfort. these include 3ft, 4ft, 4ft6" and 5ft (Kingsize). We carry a huge backup stock of beds so on most occasions we can supply from stock. The delivery service includes disposal of old bed. Bedroom furniture is stocked in both new and used ranges. Up to date modern and older styles can be viewed on display. As with our other product deliveries we will always take away old like for like furniture. From single armchairs to sofa’s and complete 3 piece suites, can always be found at South Coast Living. Especially popular are recliner chairs and sofa’s. If there is a problem with deivery access, the recliners will come apart for easy access, Again important to remember when purhasing a sofa the delivery service will included disposal of the old sofa. Other lounge furniture includes tables and chairs, display units, bookcases, coffee tables and much more. All electrical appliances carry a parts and labour warrenty. We offer a selection of quality brand, free stand- ing and integrated products. Washers, washer / dryers, tumble dryers, spin dryers, microwaves, electric and gas cookers, also fridges, freezers and fridge / freezers. We still offer flat and house clearances between Monday and Saturday inclusive. Local removals can also be done at quite short notice. Jewellers GOLD BUYING CENTRE 64 STATION ROAD, NEW MILTON. TEL. 01425 611194 t.c. MILITARIA . Uniforms, headwear, medals and badges required from WWI and WW2 era. Top prices paid. — Please contact M. Snudden 01590 626730 / 07768 867213. PERSIAN carpets urgently required. Persian, Turkish, Caucasian, etc., even worn or damaged carpets. Buyer will call. — Christchurch Carpets, 55-57 Bargates, Christchurch. Telephone (01202) 482712. rugs and BOOKS , photographs, documents, in fact anything old and on paper. Old books including decorative leather bound (£10 per volume paid). Old letters, autographs, albums of photographs etc. etc. We have been buying in the New Forest for 50 years. — Bristow & Garland 01425 657337. VINTAGE toys, cash paid, 1980’s and before. Star Wars; 007; Thunderbirds; Dinky. Most toys considered, valuations given. — Kevin 07971 186871. BATTERIES (old) wanted, car / boat / tractor. Cash paid on collection. — Please telephone 07879 820009. Magica Perla Keshi Gold floor tiles wanted. Only a few needed, just one or two would be helpful. — 07966 525440. ALL He/man Star Wars toys, model railways, any make gauge or quantity, Dinky toys, Mamod and live steam models. Cash paid. — Telephone 07710 413360 / 01202 972322. ALL stereos and hi-fi gear wanted. I will buy your unwanted hi-fi or professional sound equipment. Anything considered, cash waiting. (Covid safety practice). — Please telephone or text Tim 07961 527238. wanted by certificate holder. — Please telephone 07970 653486. Name and address supplied. AIR RIFLES, shotguns , anything shooting related , old or new, CERAMICA A COLLECTOR Looking for stamp collections, postal history, coins, postcard collections, old pens, cameras and watches, old cutlery boxed or loose, ladles, serving spoons, medals fashion jewellery old or modern and watches. Call John Dimmick 01590 676385 TWO-IN-ONE Rollator and transit chair for indoor and outdoor use, brand new, £50. — 07375 789726. ARTICLES WANTED JEWELLERY WANTED Quality or Broken ROBERT ALAN
COUNSELLING at Compass. We offer a professional and confidential service accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. — For more information or to make an appointment, telephone 01590 674011, www.compasscounselling. 50 Gosport Street, Lymington. Charity No. 1078724.
THE FRIENDLY DOG CLUB Socially distanced S
GALLAGHER MOBILITY SERVICE & REPAIRS UNDERTAKEN GALLAGHER MOBILITY Southampton 023 8055 7777 Independent Building, Belgrave Road, Por tswood, Southampton, SO17 3ES Sale Saturday 24th October 10am to 5pm, 182 Everton Road, Hordle, SO41 0HB. Furniture, tech, tools, kitchen, craft, toys, garden and more. Moving sale, no early callers. Rhodiumplatingon the premises by our own specialist jeweller. GIVE YOUR WHITE GOLD JEWELLERY A STUNNING MAKEOVER Logs - EngLand’s FirEwood Barn Stored Hardwood Logs. Collection and Delivery available. FSC Certified. New Forest Marque Accredited. Come and look before you buy. Call 01425 482509 for details Barn stored seasoned hardwood logs Summer Special Discount £95 per pick up load Larger loads available. Call Will - 07919 090551 LOGS GARAGE LOGS New Forest. Hardwood oak, ash, beech, seasoned dry, ready to burn. Free prompt local delivery. £65 / £120 loads. Still delivering but no stacking. — 07855 457720. Fast, very high standard. Most items only £20.00 ROBERT ALAN JEWELLERS Station Road, New Milton. 01425 611194 t.c. READY TO BURN. FREE DELIVERY Call Oliver 01590 690644 Rickman, Westbeams, SO42 7FG LOGS SEASONED WOOD CARPETS . Free delivery. Free estimates and free fitting on special lines. Home selection service, many discount offers. Largest local rug stockists of all types. Old Persian rugs and carpets bought and sold, largest stockist in country outside London. — Christchurch Carpets, 55-57 Bargates, Christchurch 01202 482712. BRAND new towbar, unused to fit VW Up - Skoda City Go will take ball hitch cycle rack. £95 - save over £40. — 01590 642506 / 07719 424131. BOX trailer complete with lights, cover, spare wheel, drop-back and jockey wheel, money donated to RNLI, £250 ono. — 07748 762666. LYMINGTON double room with seperate study in newly refurbished neo georgian house. In a pretty close. For proffesional lady, wi-fi, parking, references, deposit. £495 pcm inclusive — 07827 769481 / 01590 672560. ROOM to rent in a cottage in Sway. Suit professional working person. Must have car but limited parking. Non-smoker, no DHSS. £90 per week. — For details call 01590 682333 (leave message if no answer). ARTICLES FOR SALE CEMENT Mixer, electric, good working order, clean condition, little, £200. — 01425 615027. FLYMO battery strimmer with extra blades, brand new, £45 — 07375 789726. Mobility Scooters, Wheelchairs, Powerchairs.
classes have restarted • Puppy to Advanced • Agility & Gundog pp & Kate 01425 615880 The Dog House, Long Meadow, Bar ton-on-Sea , , t
CRAFT workshops for children aged 7-12 years based in Sway at Spudworks. October half term mornings 9 - 12noon and after school on a Monday. 4 places in a studio. — Please contact lizzie@ 07503 074698. empathetic teacher / tutor offering revision / study skills and catch up. Interventions for Primary and Home Educated children. — L. Miller 07503 074698. TIME FLIES Tutoring. Experienced and
Bournemouth & District CATS NEED HOMES Tel. 01202 946303 Reg. National Charity No. 203644
WANTED • Diamond Jewellery
PLEASE see main advert in motoring section. Landfalls, Mill Lane, Sway. L. R. Jones Ltd.
• Gold Jewellery • Scrap Jewellery
FREE single precast concrete ga- rage, good condition, situated in New Milton. Buyer to dismantle and remove. FREE! — 07960 193998. or near garage required rent or purhcase, must be at least 6ft wide x 18ft long. — 01590 673149 / 07512 639744. LYMINGTON
J Collins & Son, Jewellers, 10 &11 Marsh Parade, Hythe, Southampton SO45 6AN. 023 8084 3074 ride-on lawn mowers, chainsaws Husgavana or Sthil, mowers Honda’s or Hayter, working or not. Tools cleared from garages or sheds. — Please telephone 07879 820009. WANTED
A timely reminder DON’T MISS THE DEADLINE! Display, Motors, Recruitment & Events Tuesday 3pm Classified Linage Wednesday 10.30am ENGINES, engines, engines; sales, service and spares for Tohatsu and Mercury Outboards, Mercruiser and Yamaha stern drives. Yanmar, Bukh, Perkins and Sabre diesels. — Contact Dave Crawford Marine, Bridge Road, Lymington. Telephone 01590 671251.
SIROMER TRACTORS Flat pack or fully built tractors. Incredible value — 16 / 20 / 24 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 50 / 75HP diesel. Also wide range of implements available. Call: A. Clinkaberry 01425 616403 or 07785 298041 The Berries, Cottages Lane, Hordle GUITAR , bass and Ukulele tuition. Beginners and intermediate. one-to- one, in person or online. Friendly and patient teacher with over 20 years experience. Creative, fun and productive! — Call or text Nicholas on 07946 788183 - www.nicholas PHONE 01425 613384 to place a classified advertisement MUSIC
HOLISTIC HEALTH The Natural Health Hub offers an extensive range of complementary health therapies, specialising in stress, anxiety, pain and women’s hormones. Our shop stocks supplements, probiotics, Weleda, DoTerra, BeWater water bottles and non-toxic nail polishes. — 87b High Street, Lymington SO41 8PN. 01590 670955. www. ingrown nails, nail cutting and diabetic footcare in the comfort of your own home. — 01590 677822. CAROLINE SWAIN New Forest Footcare. Fully qualified Foot Health Practitioner. Treatments available for corns, calluses,
01425 613384 to place a classified advertisement
WORKSHOPS and storage units available to rent from 100 -1000 sq ft in Sway. Contact 01590 682694 or email bucklandgranary@
CALBOURNE Aberdeen Angus 19 month and 30 month, pedigree bulls. TB4 area. SAC Elite Herd Health Status. Farm assured and ready to work. — Enquiries Mrs V M Jackson 01983 531347.
GAS Heating business for sale due to retirement. Great addition to existing business or good start to self employment. Easily transferable and currently run from home, £5,000 ono. — 07521 666676.
• MAC & Laptop Repairs • Virus/Spyware fixed • Windows 7/10 upgrades • Data Recovery, Outlook, Email A LOCAL COMPUTER MAC EXPERT
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BY PHONE 01425 613384 and pay with your credit or debit card. BY EMAIL details (Please leave approx. 30 minutes before phoning.) IN PERSON By visiting our New Milton offices located at 31-33 Compton Road, New Milton, Hants BH25 6EQ and pay by CASH, CREDIT/ DEBIT card or CHEQUE. BY POST Advertiser & Times, 31-33 Compton Road, New Milton, Hants BH25 6EQ Enclosing a cheque payable to Advertiser & Times Ltd PLEASE BE AWARE That our phones and office become extremely busy close to Deadlines, which are regularly published in the paper and on our website. and PHONE with your CREDIT/DEBIT CARD
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07821 899575 AAA1 QUALITY LOW COST SOLUTIONS & SUPPORT COMPUTER REPAIR & SUPPORT • Repairs & support onsite & remotely. Guaranteed & no fix no fee • Email & internet solutions for home & business PC & Apple Mac • Computer & network solutions designed & equipment supplied • Friendly home or classroom based training to suit all levels • Data recovery, antivirus & security for home & business 01590 643300 / 01590 673223 INFO@TOWERS-IT.COM 19 Everlea Close, Everton, Lymington, SO41 0LT WWW.TOWERS-IT.COM ITIL CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS & SUPPORT OVER 20 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE • FRIENDLY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE t.c.
Latest Times: • Display 3pm Tuesday • Linage (classifieds) adverts 10.30 a.m. Wednesday • Back Page Announcements 12 noon Wednesday • Death Notices 5pmWednesday
Linage adverts are priced at 25p per word with a min charge of £5
MOBILITY Scooter "Free Rider Mayfair", 10 months old, little used, £950. — 01425 613617.
Name _______________________________________________
ONE bed chair with springs and mattress (virtually unused), £50; one Igenix IG9800 (20L) dehumidifier, £50. — Telephone 01425 629944. MUSHROOM compost £3 a bag, 10 bags, £27.50. Free local delivery. — Bashley Plant Centre, Bashley Common Road, New Milton, 01425 612442.
Address _____________________________________________
Telephone ___________________________________________
To pay for your advertisement please call the Classifieds Department on 01425 613384 (option 1) , during opening hours (9am-5pmMonday-Thursday, 9am-1pm Friday). Please note adverts must be pre-paid before they will printed.
Computer Hell give us a Yell! Call Steve T: 01425 627767 M: 07876 207636 11 Aspen Place, New Milton BH25 6NX t.c A MAC Computer, Laptop Repairs. Fixed on site same day. No - Fix No - Fee. Mobile. Call today - 07830 256 120
01425 613384 and pay with your credit or debit card.
01425 613384 to place a classified advertisement
Alternatively Phone 01425 613384 • email or visit
Linage Deadline: 10.30am Wednesday
RECORDS bought. 45s - 78s - LPs - etc. — Telephone Ken 01202 822044.
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