New Milton Advertiser 25th December 2020

4 · Friday 25th December 2020 · · 01425 613384


Four newvaccine centres announced in New Forest

£3m for local virus aid groups

FAMILIES and community groups have been urged to take up help worth nearly £3m as funding is being offered during the pandemic by Hampshire County Council. The first grants are being handed out from the connect- 4communities programme, which is aimed at supporting people facing hardship due to Covid-19. The cash will be giv- en to groups who are helping to combat food and fuel poverty. Cllr Patricia Stallard, cabinet member for children’s services and young people, said: “Many families are finding they are un- der extra pressure now because of the pandemic, perhaps be- cause of a job loss, and are strug- gling to buy the basics like food and fuel. “Our connect4communi- ties programme was created to address this need and it is

wonderful to see that we can support community groups to providepracticalhelpintheirlocal area.” Connect4communities is funded by the £2.89m Covid winter grant scheme awarded to HCC by the Department for Work and Pensions. They are aimed at helping with food, energy and water bills. They can also be used for essen- tial items such as warm clothing, bedding and slow cookers. Vulnerable Hampshire resi- dents are also reminded that there is help at hand over the festive period from the Hamp- shire Coronavirus Support and Helpline. The helpline number is 0333 740 4000. It is closed on Christ- mas Day and New Year’s Day. For more information about connect4communities visit con

Two hospitals among new sites as county hits 36 immunisation hubs

had the first of two jabs at New Milton Health Centre, said he received a “surprise” phone call asking him to come in. “This was just what I wanted to hear,” he said. “I did not expe- rience any after-effects except a tenderness at the point of the injection that disappeared two days later. “Have no fear – it is no differ- ent to having the flu jab. Our age group is very vulnerable so do not miss this opportunity!” Mr Sheppard will return to the surgery in three weeks’ time for his booster. Dr Matt Nisbet, GP and clinical lead for business and partnerships at the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Partnership of Clinical Commissioning Groups, said the local vacci- nation programme had had a “great start”. “We’ve heard lots of positive feedback from patients and staff, which has been lovely because everyone is working incredibly hard on this huge task,” he said. More vaccination centres will be added on a phased basis in the coming months. talities has reached 311. The provisional figures from the ONS related to fatalities where Covid-19 was mentioned on the death certificate up to 11th December but which were registered up to 19th De- cember. On Tuesday the number of weekly new Covid-19 cases in the conurbation came to 522 – well up on the previous week’s 276. It puts the BCP weekly case rate per 100,000 people at 132. The total of recorded cases has reached 8,365. The infection figures are for the numbers of people with at least one lab-confirmed posi- tive Covid-19 test result in the preceding seven-day period. Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Saturday. On Monday New Forest West MP Sir Desmond Swayne said parliament should be recalled to vote on the changes and claimed the government had been “bounced” into them by scientists. Those living in Tier 4 areas now cannot mix with house- holds outside any existing sup- port bubble, and those in Tiers 1-3 can only mix on Christmas Day itself. Ms Blyth said: “We will use common sense and discretion to determine what is reason- able. However, we will enforce where blatant breaches are ob- served. “We will not be preventing people from travelling from one area to another, but are work- ing with ferry operators and partner agencies to ensure that the public is informed about the restrictions in place.” Covid-19-related patrols will continue throughout the Christmas and New Year peri- od, alongside the force’s usual activities, responding to report- ed issues while ensuring restric- tions are observed. The assistant chief consta- ble added: “Please consider this before putting yourself and your loved ones at risk. “Think about how essential your journey is before travelling between Tier 1 and Tier 2 and follow the regulations to stay in or outside of Tier 4 areas, unless it is for work, health or other ex- empt reasons.” Forestry England took to Twitter to urge people from Tier 4 not to travel to the New Forest for exercise. Hampshire County Council leader Cllr Keith Mans called on people to take the “neces- sary steps” to protect others, particularly the elderly or clini- cally extremely vulnerable. He said: “We must contin- ue to work together, follow the rules and protect ourselves, our loved ones and our com- munities, especially with the threat of a new Covid-19 variant spreading much faster in Tier 4 areas, and the ongoing rise in infections in general across the country.” Isle of Wight Council has urged Tier 2 residents to ob- serve their own restrictions if visiting the Island which re- mains at Tier 1. The government was official- ly set to review England’s tier on Wednesday 30th December. 19 Fir Avenue, New Milton • Double glaze your whole house


FOUR more coronavirus vac- cination centres have been an- nounced in the New Forest as the country’s Covid vaccination roll-out picks up pace. Milford War Memorial Hospi- tal, Fordingbridge Hospital, Ap- plemore leisure centre in Hythe, and AFC Totton in Salisbury Road are the latest sites to kick off clinics. They followed New Milton Health Centre being announced as the first immunisation hub in the New Forest. Stour Surgery in Barrack Road, Christchurch, was named as one of six sites in Dorset. In total, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight now have 36 vacci- nation centres, while in Dorset there are nine. Nurses, paramedics, pharma-

Julian Sheppard receives his jab at New Milton Health Centre

cists and other NHS staff have been working alongside GPs to vaccinate those aged 80 and over, as well as care home work- ers and residents identified as priority groups for the two- stage shots. Patients will be contacted if they are eligible for the recent- ly approved Pfizer inoculation, and the NHS asked people not to contact the centres, stress-

ing the service is available “strictly by invitation only”. Dr Nigel Watson, GP and clin- ical lead for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Covid-19 vaccina- tion programme, said clinics had been “running smoothly”. “We’d like to thank everyone for bearing with us as we know how important the vaccine is to many people,” he said. “I would ask people to please

continue to be patient. The NHS will contact you when it is your turn to be offered a vac- cine with information about how to do this. “Whilst the vaccine roll-out is really good news, we know that the virus is still very much with us so we all must do everything we can to protect ourselves and others.” Julian Sheppard (80), who


Two deaths in new Covid figures

THERE were two new Covid-19 deaths in the New Forest, ac- cording to the latest figures is- sued this week. One was in a care home and the other in hospital, said the report published by the Office for National Statistics on Tues- day. It puts the coronavirus death toll in the district this year at 155. The weekly number of new cases up to the same day was 160, separate government figures showed, putting the Forest’s case rate per 100,000 people at 88.8 – compared to 284.2 for the whole of Eng- land. The previous Tuesday the number of new weekly cases stood at 143, and the rate was

79.4. Total cases so far amount to 2,235. In the BCP Council area, which includes Christchurch,

the six deaths, which all occurred in hospital, compared to last week’s figure of 18. The total fa- ONS reported

Testing sites open for Christmas COVID-19 testing sites will re- main open over the Christmas period for those with symp- toms.

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downe in Bournemouth. Director of public health at Hampshire County Council, Simon Bryant, said: “Prompt self-isolation and testing and tracing of close contacts are crucial for breaking chains of infection and protecting our loved ones and communities. All tests at centres across Dorset and Hampshire must be booked in advance by vis- iting virus-test or calling 119.

The closest fixed site to the New Forest is at Southamp- ton Airport, but pop-up facil- ities are sometimes available. There are also centres in Bas- ingstoke and Winchester. In Dorset sites include Two Riversmeet Leisure Centre in Christchurch, Hawkwood Road in Boscombe, and Lans-

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Police to focus on ‘blatant’ cases of tier movement




















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HAMPSHIRE have urged the public to follow the rules but will only prevent peo- ple travelling between tiers in “blatant” cases, a senior officer has said. The message from Assistant Chief Constable Maggie Blyth came after parts of the coun- ty moved into tighter Tier 4 (stay at home) restrictions on Sunday amid fears over a new faster-spreading variant of Cov- police

id-19, although the New Forest remains at Tier 2. Ms Blyth pledged officers would still focus on educating the public about their responsi- bilities over travelling from Tier 4 areas, such as Portsmouth, to less stringent Tier 2 areas. Previously set Christmas bubbles, which would have al- lowed up to three households to mix between 23rd and 27th December, were scrapped by












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