New Milton Advertiser 25th December 2020
Friday 25th December 2020 · 5 News · · 01425 613384
Veteran (90) loses bike to thieves for second time
RSPCA expects rise in dumped animals adopted in lockdown
THE RSPCA in Hampshire is bracing itself for a rise in the number of animals abandoned this winter as pet ownership has risen sharply during the pandemic. The number of unwanted pets rescued by the charity in the county during the whole of 2019 was 109. In November alone this year there have already been 11 reports of dumped animals. Sales of puppies and kittens shot up during lockdown with people looking for something to keep them occupied. But the reality of keeping a demanding animal, along with many people suffering finan-
cial struggles, means the RSP- CA believes it could see record numbers of pets ending up not being wanted. A recent national YouGov poll revealed that nearly one in six people who had acquired a pet during lockdown were now worried about the cost of look- ing after them in the future. Dermot Murphy, head of the RSPCA’s animal rescue teams, said: “The last thing we want to see is animals dumped and left out in the cold, so we’d urge an- yone who is struggling to care for their pets to please reach out to friends, family and chari- ties for support instead.”
£1,000 bicycle man’s only independent means of transport
overwhelmed by the response. Messages of support included offers to pay towards replacing the bike, although he believed his parents could afford it and would “draw a line” under the incident. Brian expressed concern that other Facebook posters had re- ported having bikes stolen from outside the same Asda. The stolen bike was white with black pannier bags at- tached either side of the rear wheel. Updating the A&T on Mon- day, Brian said his father had been able to once again get himself out about at the weekend after obtaining a re- placement electric bike. Anyone with information should contact Hampshire po- lice on 101, quoting crime ref- erence number 44200484209, or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
A 90-YEAR-OLD veteran whose only means of independent travel was an electric bike has had it stolen for the second time. Derek Stevens was shopping at Asda in Maynard Road, Tot- ton, for himself and his wife Lesley when the Freego Hawk cycle was snatched from where it had been secured in the car park bike shed. It happened at around mid- day last Wednesday, forcing Derek to take a taxi back to the couple’s home in Testbourne Road. Six years ago he lost another bike of the same model – worth over £1,000 – to thieves while it was locked up at the same loca- tion. Derek’s son Brian told the A&T: “It brings a tear to your eye because it’s so bloody sad to have it happen again.” The latest theft has left Derek without his own means of get- ting out and about unaccom- panied, Brian said. Derek and Lesley have a car, but he lost his licence several years ago due to poor eyesight. Since the pandemic hit, Brian has done most of his parents’ shopping – something Derek A HIGHCLIFFE nursing home has been enjoying a white Christmas for the fourth year in a row. Residents and staff have been treated to flurries of the white stuff ever since the own- ers bought a snow machine to add some extra festive sparkle. Despite the south coast’s warmer weather, Highcliffe Nursing Home, in Stuart Road, has been experiencing snow- flakes to step up its Christmas celebrations. Tracey Millar, operations manager at the Kingsley Healthcare home, bought a snow machine four years ago. She said: “The residents love it. As it gets dark we turn the lights off in the lounge and open the curtains. Residents are greeted by the sight of a winter wonderland.” Warm inside, residents can spectate on the falling snow as well as lights in the courtyard and lit-up festive figures of reindeer, snowmen and Father Christmas.
The culprits targeted the rack outside Asda
had done fully himself until then. But the nonagenarian still continued to do smaller shop- ping trips. “He’s got a lock for the bike, knows how to use it and used it. But that’s not much of a de- terrent these days for someone with an angle grinder in their rucksack,” Brian said. “He’s not able to walk very far so his only alternative is buses or taxis, but in this situation with Covid you don’t want to get too close to anyone.” He continued: “He’s done his bit for Queen and coun-
try. He served in Korea in the 1950s, and he went from Ko- rea straight to Egypt after that when he was 23. “In later years, when me and my brother were encouraged to join the Cub Scouts, both our parents got involved and dad was Scout leader for 23rd Rom- sey in Totton. “He’s given to the community for a lot of years and you think, this is how it repays him?” Having posted about the theft on Facebook in the slim hope that someone may have seen the stolen bike, Brian was
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Flurry nice – nursing home lets it snow for residents
It’s going to be a white Christmas at Highcliffe Nursing Home
Mrs Millar added: “This year it was extra special. It’s been a dreadful year with residents unable to see their families for long periods because of the coronavirus lockdown and we wanted to put on an event to cheer everyone up.” The residents’ favourite sing- er, Jo Geraty – stagename Ret-
ro Rita – dressed up as Father Christmas to switch on the win- ter wonderland lights and per- formed a selection of Christmas songs. Staff also recently took part in Kingsley Heroes Day, a cele- bration organised by Kingsley to honour the service of em- ployees during the pandemic.
Toys collected and cash raised in developers’ ra e
MORE than £2,000 was raised and over 100 toys collected for good causes by staff at a Ring- wood development company. Churchill Retirement Living and its management compa- ny Millstream Management Services collected the dona- tions for disadvantaged local children, homeless people and those in need. The money was raised by a Christmas raffle run by the firm’s charitable arm, the Churchill Foundation. The toys were for Wave 105’s Mission Christmas Cash for Kids ap- peal, helping provide presents for those who otherwise would
go without. An additional £500 contribu- tion from the Churchill Founda- tion ensured that over 100 pre- sents could be delivered to the Mission Christmas distribution centre in Southampton. Staff also donated essential items to Bournemouth chari- ty Hope For Food, supporting homeless people and vulnera- ble families. Spencer and Clinton McCar- thy, Churchill Retirement Liv- ing founders and foundation trustees, said: “We’re delighted with the response to this year’s Christmas Raffle and our ap- peal to support both Mission
Christmas and Hope For Food. “After a particularly tough year, it’s more important than ever to support these charities so they can continue the excel- lent work they do. “The gifts for Mission Christ- mas will make such a difference to children across the south who faced the prospect of waking up to no presents this Christmas morning.” They added: “The extra dona- tions to Hope For Food will also really help this hardworking lo- cal charity to support those in need. We’d like to thank every- one who donated for their gen- erosity.”
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