New Milton Advertiser 25th December 2020
6 · Friday 25th December 2020 · · 01425 613384
Beach cafe plans pulled after majority objects
create too much noise in our quiet haven.” More than 54% of beach hut owners felt the new restaurant would have a detrimental im- pact, with one claiming: “The intended purpose of this facili- ty was originally to cater to hut owners’ needs. This proposal is clearly designed to attract everyone but hut owners.” Other people consulted said they were concerned about what effect the building would have on the environment. Some pointed out that a tem- porary building that opened this summer on the site of the burned-down café had already caused problems and they be- lieved the new one would raise similar issues. The new restaurant will be run by existing tenant Kit Slat- er who ran the Beach House for the last 16 years. He has said he just “wants to see it reopen as soon as possible”. BCP Council has said the new café would be open un- til 11.30pm on some evenings which was criticised by re- spondents who claimed it would lead to drunkenness and noise nuisance. There were some people in favour of the new building, however, with one saying: “This beautiful space is not just for hut owners. It is a public amen- ity, not a private beach for rich out-of-towners.”
BY ANTONELLA LAZZERI £1m scheme for new eatery branded ‘party club’ by hut owners A CONTROVERSIAL plan to replace the Beach House Cafe on Mudeford Spit will be with- drawn after more than half of respondents to a consultation were opposed to it – with one branding it a “two-storey party club”. Others claimed the new £1m bar and restaurant will “completely ruin a very special place” by attracting crowds of day-trippers who will drink alcohol until late, causing an- ti-social behaviour. The original one-storey Beach House burned down during a fire in November 2018. Earlier this year BCP Council revealed the building it planned to replace it. Designs show a modern, bigger building with an upper level to be used as office and storage space. It caused an outcry among many residents and owners of the spit’s beach huts, which can cost over £300,000. BCP Council
Plumber turns ‘DIY SOS superstar’ for hospice Bridget Dixon hands over a £4,500 cheque for Oakhaven to Henry Williams
A HYTHE couple was warmed in more ways than one when a kind-hearted plumber waived the cost of a new boiler and central heating system for a donation to Oakhaven Hospice instead. Eddie Irons and appren- tice Henry Williams fitted the system at the Hythe home of Bridget and Allen Dixon for free – asking only that they contrib- ute to the Pennington-based charity that provided pallia- tive care to Henry’s mum and grandfather during their final days. Having previously worked at Oakhaven, Bridget was delight- ed that she and Allen were giv- en the opportunity to support it.
“Eddie is a wonderful, genu- ine man,” she said afterwards. “We are over the moon and have donated £4,500 to Oakhaven which is what it would have cost us.” Eddie sourced all the mate- rials and labour free from local companies before he and Hen- ry completed the installation in one day. Describing him as “our very own New Forest DIY SOS su- perstar”, an Oakhaven spokes- person thanked Eddie and Stag Heating Technology. They also thanked HPS, PC Builders, Total Boilers, Russell Markham, Dean Wheeler, Stu McIlwraith; and Paul, Henry and Brett for donating parts and time.
Replacement plans for the Beach House (inset) at Mudeford Spit have proved unpopular
decided to defer a decision until a public consultation had been held. Now it has revealed the re- sults which show that 51% of those who gave their feedback are against it. There were 2,063 responses to a wide range of questions, with beach hut own- ers being the “most strongly
opposed”, according to the council. It said it would now withdraw the planning application in ear- ly January and a “reinvigorated approach” launched. Cllr Mohan Iyengar, cabinet member for tourism, leisure and culture, said: “A solution needs to be found for the Beach House Café – something that fits the locality nicely and has support. “I thank everyone who has given their views in the survey
and in earlier discussions. We look forward to making sub- stantive progress in the new year.” The consultation also re- vealed that out of 354 beach hut owners, around 260 are not from the BCP Council area. One hut owner canvassed said: “It’s doesn’t seem to cater for the older hutties or those with young families. It seems that the priority is attracting more day-trippers that crowd the beaches, leave litter and
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Family favourite farm receives funding boost
as heard on
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A FARM which was adversely hit by the coronavirus pandem- ic has received a £1,000 Christ- mas donation from the John Lewis Partnership. Longdown Activity Farm in Ashurst, which has been run by Bryan and Dawn Pass since 1983, was forced to close in March after the outbreak and subsequent lockdown. It reopened in July following a successful online fundraiser which saw well-wishers donate more than £38,000 to keep it from having to shut down. Now is has benefitted from the John Lewis Community Matters scheme in which every three months a store can select three local groups or charities for support. Local John Lewis communi- ty liaison coordinator Tracey Taylor put the farm forward af- ter hearing about its previous fundraising efforts. Mr Pass – who is known as Farmer Bryan – said he was “so grateful” to Tracey and the John Lewis Partnership for the gener-
John Lewis’ Tracey Taylor and her grandchildren present Bryan Pass with a cheque for £1,000
and Dawn Pass are well known for their passionate support of local charities and worthy caus- es. “Their farm was badly affect- ed by the Covid restrictions, and we wanted to help them in their hour of need.” She added: “The John Lew- is Partnership donates over £500,000 to deserving charities and also to community organ- isations such as Longdown every year, which we are very proud to support.”
ous donation, as well as those who gave earlier in the year. He added: “Without these generous donations we would have had to close the farm gates for good, so we are eter- nally grateful to those that do- nated and of course now also to Tracey and the John Lewis Partnership Community Mat- ters scheme for their gift at Christmas time.” Ms Taylor said: “Longdown is a much-loved local children’s activity farm and owners Bryan
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Emergency volunteers appeal
VOLUNTEERS who can help provide urgent services in emergencies such as floods and fires are urged to join a Becton Rotary Club scheme. The group has signed up to national initiative the Volun- tary and Community Sector Emergencies Partnership. It
needs to compile a list of indi- viduals or companies willing to be contacted should they be needed. Those interested can email secretary@bectonrotary. and more information can be found online at vcsep.
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