New Milton Advertiser 30th Oct 2020

Friday 30th October 2020 · 17 · · 01425 613384



Q I assume that since I am backatworkwith 15 people, I canhave those peopleback tomyhouse, to socialise in the garden, as long aswekeep the same distancewewould in the office. Is that right? A No, meeting withwork colleagues outside of work is not COVID-19 secure and there is an increased transmission risk. Q Ifmyneighbours are having a gathering that is clearly ofmore than sixpeople, what do I do? Should I call thepolice? A The UKGovernment is in discussions about what official reporting mechanisms theremight be, but people are encouraged to call the non-emergency police number (101) to report any breaches of COVID-19 measures. You should only use the emergency number (999) if there is an immediate threat to life. Q Can I book two tables of six ina restaurant sowe can talk to each otherbut not gather at each other’s tables? A No. Talking across two tables of sixwould involve forming a larger gathering ormingling, which would be against the law. Q AmI allowed tohave five friends back tomy flat for adrinkafter the pubs close at 10pm? A tomeet up to five other people so long as you ensure social distancing and other mitigations such as increased ventilation and good hygiene practices like regular hand washing. People inHigh and Very High risk areas cannot meet people from outside their own household inside but could sit in the garden. Those within local COVID alert level Mediummay continue

Withwinter fast approaching, it is nowmore important thanever forus all to carry on followingCOVID-19precautions tohelp stop the spreadof the virus by always observing the three-tier local restrictions andremembering threekeywords –Hands, Face, Space. Please continue towashyourhands, cover your face andmake spacebetweenyourself andothers to control infectionrates.


Because there are local variations toCOVID-19 restrictions, including local lockdowns and site- specificwatch lists, we are all encouraged tokeep checking the latest local andregional guidelines.

n coronavirus-local- restrictions

mandatory for businesses in the hospitality sector, leisure and tourismsectors, close contact services and community centres and village halls to ask customers for their contact details to support NHS Test and Trace. However, it is only in hospitality sectors where refusal to provide this will necessitate the business refusing entry or service. This does not apply to services where products are taken off- site immediately, for example if food and drink is taken away. If a business offers amixture of sit-in and takeaway services, contact information should only be collected for customers who are dining in. Q My childrenare starting to comehome fromschoolwith snuffles and sore throats, but not fevers or coughs. Do I need to get themtestedevery time they complainof feeling “coldy”? A You should get your child tested if they develop one of the

Here, the UKGovernment answers your tenmost asked questions … Q My son is in university campus accommodationwith sevenotherswho share a living room, kitchenand bathrooms but have their ownbedrooms. Is thisOK? A Your son and his friends likely constitute a household, so they can continue to gather together, but would not be able to socialise with another person as a household. Q My grandmotherneeds a carer. Howcan she ensure she is not going to catchCOVID-19 if shehires one? A Guidance has been developed in collaborationwith care provider representative groups for those delivering home care, to ensure that appropriate levels of hygiene are achieved to reduce the risk of infection. You should speak to your care provider about the processes they are following tomaintain good hygiene. Q Iwent to awell- knowncoffee shop chain lastweek andwas not asked to fill outmyNHSTest and Trace information.Why not?Are theredifferent rules fordifferent kinds of establishments? A The UKGovernment has introduced a new law tomake it

n Local authority websites also carry coronavirus support information for individuals, families and businesses. GUIDANCE ATAGLANCE GENERAL COVIDalert levels covid-alert-levels-what- you-need-to-know ALERTLEVELPOSTCODE CHECKER NHSTESTANDTRACE and-trace-how-it-works GETANNHSTEST test SUPPORTBUBBLES a-support-bubble-with- another-household COVID-19 INCHILDREN coronavirus-covid-19/ symptoms/coronavirus- in-children/ WORKANDFINANCIAL SUPPORT worker-support coronavirus-local- restrictions

A Indoor sport can only take place if the general gathering rules in that area are compliedwith. In a High or Very High risk areas, individual households or bubbles can participate in indoor sport but must not mixwith other households or bubbles. Disabled indoor sport and supervised sports for children are exempt from these restrictions. Outdoor sports can continue to take place withmore than six people if they are organised by a company or other recognised body, andwhere this body undertakes the relevant precautions.

small groups in restaurants, either indoors or outdoors, as long as the number doesn’t exceed six. If you live in a High or a Very High risk area you canmeet in groups of up to six people outdoors, in some settings, and only one household indoors. Single households or support bubbles of more than six are still able to gather together. Q Canmy local gymput ona yoga class formore than sixpeople?And can I continue toplay inmy netball team?

threemain symptoms of COVID-19: a high temperature, a new continuous cough and/ or a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste Q I amapensioner andamfeeling very lonely. A social group Iwas previouslypart of has startedmeeting for dinners etc. in small groups inrestaurants. Would I be safe to join

them? A

If you live in a Mediumrisk area you are allowed to join

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