New Milton Advertiser 30th Oct 2020
16 · Friday 30th October 2020 · · 01425 613384
Third plans revealed for flats Housing list boost as council buys homes Planning
Single-storey front extension, single-storey front conservato - ry, 8 Poplar Close, Mr Marolia. Fordingbridge Demolition of existing out - buildings and the erection of three detached dwellings with associated parking and land- scaping (outline application with all matters reserved), Land of Selwyn, Fryern Court Road, Burgate, Edgewater Homes. Lymington and Pennington Demolish existing buildings and erect a pair of three-bed - room semi-detached houses and a three-bedroom detached house with parking, Cedars, Woodside Lane, Silvarow Hold - ings Ltd. Demolition of existing buildings and the erection of 44 sheltered apartments for the elderly with associated access, mobility scooter store, refuse bin store, landscaping and 34 parking spaces, Site of The Rise and Three Neighbouring Prop- erties, Stanford Hill, Renais - sance Retirement Limited. Ringwood Demolish existing outbuild- ings, conversion of front build - ing to two-bedroom cottage, erect six three-bedroom hous- es, one two-bedroom house, (eight dwellings in total), park - ing, 2 Nursery Road, PC Crutch - er Trust. Single-storey front and rear extensions, 17 High- town Gardens, Mr Domanscy. Totton and Eling New bungalow shed, Land of 51 Salisbury Road, Mr and Mrs Wenman. WITHDRAWN Fawley Two-storey rear exten - sion and additional storey to garage block, conversion of existing main house and ga- rage block into four new flats (three two-bedrooms and one one-bedroom), Hillcrest, Faw - ley Road, Mr and Mrs Mahal. a non-material amendment to planning permission 19/00626), Ramsley, Southampton Road. Brockenhurst Single-storey extension (ap - plication for a non-material amendment to planning per- mission 20/00253), 11 Forest Glade Close. Siting of a timber cabin for occupation by an agricultural / forestry worker for a temporary period of three years, sewage treatment plant, Grid Refer - ence SU 28058 13932, Land of Wittensford Lane, Brook. Brockenhurst One dwelling, 1.2 metre high wire fencing, associated works and landscaping, Land off Arm - strong Lane. WITHDRAWN Boldre Replacement dwelling and two outbuildings, The Bunga - low, Pilley Street, Pilley. Copythorne Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro - posed replacement conservato - ry, Evergreen Cottage, Wittens - ford Lane, Brook. REFUSED Bramshaw REFUSED Change of use of part of an existing building and section of garden from residential (use class C3) to Non-residential institution (use Class D1) for to provide a premises for a Ca - nine Physiotherapy Clinic (to include land to rear of 12 Hurn Road), 14 Hurn Road. Single-storey front, side and rear extensions, raise and ex- tend first floor extension, 1 Se - aton Close. Single Storey Rear flat roof extension max 6.365m from fur - thest rear wall and 5.00m from closest rear wall. Extending out to line up with existing lean-to roof in south-west corner, 14 Hynesbury Road. WITHDRAWN Demolition of existing dwell - ing and the erection of 14 apart - ments, 20 Chewton Farm Road. the original scheme with sur - face parking is consistent with the character of the area and should be approved.” It added that the proposed development has been “care - fully conceived” to “achieve a positive assimilation” into the surrounding area. Fortitudo said the new build - ing would be similar in size to surrounding houses and that its “substantial rear garden” would be kept. It said the use of the site for flats rather than a house “would make more efficient use of urban land”. The application will be considered by council plan- ning officers in the coming weeks.
along with a single-storey flat roof rear extension, 66 Kinross Road, Mr Cowan. Single-storey, part-pitched, part flat roof ex - tension to front, side and rear of end-terraced house. Provide two near car parking spaces in front garden area, 26 Itchin Close, Mr Brown. Single-sto - rey side extension to provide a porch and WC, 15 The Drive, Mr and Mrs Wheelhouse. WAS LAWFUL IN PART Hythe and Dibden Garage conversion to an - nex, side-extension in brick to match, loft conversion with tiled dormer, bi-folds to rear with Juliet balcony in white UPVC to match existing (law - ful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 4 Hawthorn Road, Mr and Mrs Rolph. WAS LAWFUL Hordle Proposed extension to exist- ing ancillary accommodation (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 17 Frys Lane, Everton. Lymington and Pennington Single-storey rear extension (lawful development certifi - cate that permission is not re- quired for proposal), 2 Haglane Copse, Pennington, Mr and Mrs Fitzsimmons. New Milton New single-storey extension to rear of retail unit (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 60 Station Road, Mr Backhouse. Proposed sin- gle-storey rear extension (law - ful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), West Lodge, Sway Road, Calderbank. WAS NOT LAWFUL Ringwood Demolition of existing con - servatory and construction of two-storey rear extension (law - ful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 16 Carvers Lane, Mr and Mrs Pothas. Extension to practice shelter, Lymington Golf Centre, South Baddesley Road, Walhampton. Brockenhurst Replacement window, Pound Farm, South Weirs. Fawley Replacement beach hut, Beach Hut 160A, Calshot Beach, Calshot. Hyde Replacement septic tank and rain water harvesting tank (demolition of existing septic tank), Rose Cottage, Blissford Hill, Blissford. Sway Roof alterations, replace - ment chimney, oak and stone cladding, new front and rear porches, alterations to fenes - tration, Mosscroft, Boundway Hill. RAISE NO OBJECTION Boldre One and two-storey exten - sion, alterations to fenestra - tion, demolition of existing conservatory (application for roof to allow accommodation within roof space, 8 Raven Way. Non-material amendment to app no. 8/20/0252/HOU, removal of the protruding side section of the extension, 1 Somerford Avenue. Single-storey rear exten - sion, demolish conservatory, two-storey side extension, loft conversion with rear dormer, external changes to appearance and associated landscaping works, 26 Medina Way. LAWFUL Conversion of garage to hab - itable accommodation together with the installation of new win - dows and rooflight windows to converted garage, formation of a new opening within the side (NW) elevation of main dwell - ing house for new French doors off the dining area, 25 Apple Grove. Construction of new garage, 61 Canberra Road. while the second, an identical scheme, was lodged in August. Fortitudo, whose chief ex - ecutive is well-known prop - erty developer Richard Carr, has now also made a third application which has 14 un - derground car parking spaces rather than them being on the surface. A statement said this had been done to address planning officers’ concerns, but that it should not “prejudice” deci - sions on its other ones. “Whilst this [the under- ground parking] adds signif - icant costs to the scheme, it has been submitted in order to respond to the concerns of the planning case officer,” it said. “In our professional opinion, GRANTED Boldre
THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest District Council during the week ending Friday 23rd October 2020: Bransgore Front extension and altera- tions, 20 Coulbourne Close, Mr Poulson and Ms Warner. Fawley Replacement 73-metre high flare, Esso Petroleum Company Limited, Marsh Lane, Mr Worth. Single-storey front extension, first floor rear extension, sin - gle-storey rear extension and fenestration alteration, 95 Hampton Lane, Blackfield, Mr Masters. Hythe and Dibden Loft conversion, 46 Shamrock Way, Hythe Marina Village, Mr and Mrs Atmore. Ground floor infill extension between house and garage, Westacre, South- ampton Road, Mrs Cocker. Lymington and Pennington Single-storey rear extension, 3 Brookland Close, Penning- ton, Mr and Mrs Ward. Con- version of existing loft to hab - itable accommodation (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 18 Greenway Close, Pennington. Marchwood Proposed 1.8-metre high boundary fence application and all associated works, 1 Lichen Way, Mr Simpson. Self-con - tained timber frame building at rear of property for carer and new garage to front, Solent Breeze, Cork Lane, Mr Better- idge. Milford-on-Sea Replacement dwelling, one additional small dwelling, new boundary treatment, access and entrance gate, 1 Kivernell Road, Mr and Mrs Wall. New Milton Single-storey side and rear extension, raising of eaves height of existing roof to exist - THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest National Park Authority during the week ending Friday 23rd October 2020: Boldre Retention of raised garden terrace, Corner Ground, Norley Wood Road, Norley Wood. Bramshaw Replacement dwelling (dem - olition of exiting dwelling) (amended plans), Bramshaw House, Penn Common Road. Bransgore Carport, Huntersmead, Wa- terditch Road. Internal and external repairs and restora- tion, replacement roof, Harrow Farm House, Harrow Road. In - ternal and external repairs and restoration, replacement roof (application for listed building consent), Harrow Farm House, Harrow Road. Brockenhurst Single-storey front and rear extensions, front dormer win - dow with Juliet balcony to fa - Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christ- church were submitted to BCP Council during the week ending 30th October 2020: Single-storey rear, flat roof extension with rooflights, 36 Southey Road. Erect a single-storey dwell - ing, land to the rear of 18 Am - berwood Drive, Walkford. Single-storey rear extension (remove conservatory), 2 East Cliff Way, Friars Cliff. Proposed single-storey ex - tension to rear, 1 Clover Close. Flat 3 (first and second floor flat). Replacing all windows on front elevation with white UPVC windows (window in a bedroom one replaced with big - ger window to match window in bedroom two), adding a new A PROPERTY developer has revealed its latest bid to build a block of 14 flats in Walkford. Poole-based Fortitudo has al- ready submitted two planning applications to redevelop 20 Chewton Farm Road – with one being considered by BCP Coun - cil and the other by an appeal inspector, writes Josh Wright of the Local Democracy Reporting Service . In a bid to overcome con - cerns raised by council planning officers, it has now drawn up a third set of propos - als with underground car park - ing. It follows two identical ap - plications seeking permission to demolish the existing home and replace it with a three-sto -
THE lengthy list of those waiting for housing has been given a small boost after New Forest District Council signed off on acquiring seven new homes for social rent. Cllr Jill Cleary, the cabinet member for housing, approved a proposal to purchase the freehold interest in new properties to be constructed in the west of the district, although the location has not yet been disclosed. A report to Cllr Cleary noted
NFDC will enter an agreement with the housebuilder, adding that the homes will benefit from new-build warranties and are expected to be completed before the end of March next year. Each will be allocated to households with a local connection. A district council spokeswoman said the details of the project were not being publicly disclosed as they were “commercially sensitive at the present time”.
A CGI of the flats proposed (Picture: ARC Architects)
rey block of 14 mostly two-bed flats. Due to the council having
not considered the first within time, the first is now being ex - amined by a planning inspector
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ing two-storey element, 12 So - lent Drive, Barton-on-Sea, Mr Wier. Single-storey rear infill extension, fenestration altera - tions, 8 Uplands Avenue, Bar - ton-on-Sea, Mr and Mrs Lons- dale. Single and double-storey extension to rear, 28 Highlands Road, Barton-on-Sea, Mr and Mrs Cooney. Ringwood Conversion of loft space to habitable rooms with addi - tion of roof windows plus new side lean-to extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 3 Meadow Way, Mr McKenzie. Proposed loft con - version / extension – part of roof raised marginally – proposed internal layout changes – pro - posed new French doors, 90 Northfield Road, Mr and Mrs Beaumont. Demolition of exist - ing conservatory and construc - tion of two-storey rear exten - sion, 16 Carvers Lane, Mr and Mrs Pothas. Totton and Eling Demolition of existing brick wall and replaced with new, 1 Eastmeare Court, Mr and Mrs Williams. Roof alterations and rooflights in association with new first floor, single-storey rear extension, 120 Testwood Lane, Lightfoot. Variation of conditions 3 (approved plan numbers), five (landscaping), seven (ecolo - gy) and eight (parking layout) of 18/10541 to allow amended plans reflecting the relocation and increase in size of the SINC area, provide additional car parking, Haven Marine Park, Undershore Road, Yacht Ha- vens Group Ltd. Fawley Boundary fencing to site (ret - rospective), 2 Hobson Way, Hol - bury, Mr Ferguson. Decisions cilitate first floor extension, first floor rear extension with balcony, alterations to fenestra - tion, cladding, roof alterations to existing conservatory, first floor extension and external staircase to existing garage to facilitate home office and utility room, Doubloon Cottage, Tile- barn Lane. Two single-storey extensions, alterations to exist- ing side extension roof, demoli - tion of existing conservatory, 75 New Forest Drive. Burley Replacement outbuilding, Burley Grange, Mill Lane. Denny Lodge Orangery linked to existing pool building, Ladycross Lodge, Beaulieu Road. Exbury and Lepe Application to vary condi - tion 4 of planning application reference 20/00189 to allow the use of the buildings to include weekends, both Saturdays and Sundays, Lower Exbury Barns, Inchmery Lane. Single-storey building with first floor storage for use as re - ception / office / tackle shop, creation of 16 parking spaces, Hordle Lakes, Ashley Lane. GRANTED Boldre window in en suite of bedroom two, replacing all doors on rear elevation with bigger white al - uminium doors, adding double doors and Juliet balcony on rear elevation, removing exist - ing chimneys, Tutton Lodge, Flat 3, 110 Stanpit. Install replacement windows, 173 Mudeford. Install replacement windows, 173 Mudeford. GRANTED Replace fence and gate (ret - rospective), 7 Barlands Close. Add first floor and new roof and convert existing garage building (B1) use to activity centre (D2) use, Somerford Youth Centre, Bingham Road, Somerford. Two-storey rear exten - sion and erection of pergola Decisions
Hythe and Dibden Change of use of the building from a dwelling house to care home for up to four residents, Barberry House, Wildground Lane, Pathway Care 360 Ltd. Five fascia signs, one project - ing sign and two graphic signs (application for advertisement consent), Tesco Express, Lang - down Lawn, Tesco. Replace - ment dwelling, 27 Nash Road, Dibden Purlieu, Mrs Clarke. Single-storey pitched roofed timber framed, timber clad / rendered, extension to the rear (east side) of the proper - ty with a slate roof to create a steam room / sauna, Willow Cottage, Southampton Road, Mr Noakes. Milford-on-Sea Construction of a beach hut on an unoccupied slot (intend- ed for a beach hut, marked in drawings), Beach Hut 251, Hordle Cliff, Mr McCarthy. Sin - gle-storey extension (conserv - atory), 23 Sea Road, Richards and Mercer. New Milton Change of use from an A2 fi - nancial and professional use to a C3 residential dwelling, Elmhurst House, 17 Elm Ave - nue, Mr Harris. Pole mounted parking signs (retrospective) (application for advertisement consent), Ashley Foodmarket, Ashley Road, Ashley, Culver - hill Retail Ltd. Front porch, 15 Parkland Drive, Barton-on-Sea, Dr Anderson. Extend existing first floor front balcony, Sheer - water, 28 Marine Drive West, Barton-on-Sea, Mr Knight. Erect front porch, 22 Ferndale Road, Mrs Hall. Second-storey side addition over an existing single-storey extension, Danes - bury, Milford Road, Mr and Mrs Rolfe. Ringwood One and two-storey rear ex - tensions, 115 Northfield Road, Hutchins. Proposed single-sto- rey extension to side, 82 East - field Lane, Mr and Mrs Davis. Totton and Eling Two-storey side extension Hyde Patio for additional tea room seating, pergola, The Stables Tea Room Hyde Garden Shop, Gorley Lynch. New Milton Application for lawful devel - opment certificate for existing use of land as residential gar - den, Oakfield, St Johns Road. Change of use from Guest House (use class C1) with own - er’s accommodation to residen- tial (use class C3), Little Forest Lodge, Poulner Hill, Poulner. Sway Single-storey extension (demolition of existing utility room), Beech House, 20 Oak- enbrow. Determination as to whether prior approval is re - quired for proposed change of use of office building (use class B1(a) to dwelling (use class C3), Westview, Station Road. Wellow Replacement dwelling and workshop outbuilding, Lau - rel Cottage, Canada Common Road. (amended description), 7 St Johns Road. Erection of pair semi-de - tached dwelling houses, Land rear of 26-28 Portfield Road. Installation of canopy over service yard, Unit 1 Compass Base Aviation Park, Bourne - mouth International Airport. Reinstatement of swimming pool house, 95 Hinton Wood Av - enue. Single-storey front, side and rear extensions, enlarge roof and add dormers to front and rear elevations, 1 Seaton Close. Single-storey rear extension, 7 Cranemoor Close. Detached garage and exten- sion to driveway, 3 Amberwood House, Amberwood Gardens, Walkford. Two-storey front extension, 34 Seaway Avenue. Demolition of existing de - tached garage and lean-to, side and rear extension and lifting of
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