New Milton Advertiser 4th Dec 2020

Friday 4th December 2020 · 17 · · 01425 613384


Firms o ered virtual business training

Airport takes on first apprentices

BUSINESSES are being offered support by local councils to help them get through the pandemic. In the New Forest free vir- tual business training is being provided to small companies and entrepreneurs. The Hamp- shire Online Business Course is launching in December and aims to help people looking to take the first step in turning their business ideas into a real- ity. It has been set up through a collaboration between New For- est District Council and neigh- bouring local authorities. Cllr Michael Harris, NFDC cabinet member for economic development, said: “I encour- age any New Forest residents considering setting up their own small business or who are look- ing to develop their business skills to register for this free course. “By working with our neigh- bouring authorities, we are able to provide this innovative way to both start and maintain a busi- ness.” The week-long online course, FIVE days of free parking in town centre car parks has been announced by New Forest Dis- trict Council to help residents shop local in the run-up to Christmas. Parking will be free in all NFDC town and village car parks on Saturday 5th Decem- ber, this year’s Small Business Saturday. Parking will also be free on Christmas shopping weekends Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th December, and the last weekend before Christmas, Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th December. Cllr Edward Heron, cabinet member for planning and infra- structure, said: “Free Christmas parking days have proved popu- lar over the past few years both with our residents and local shops and business. “This year, where government restrictions on shopping allow, it’s even more important that you support small businesses and please shop local, safely,

provided by the Pop Up Busi- ness School, and will run from 7th-11th December. The course covers topics such as sales and marketing, including advice on how to set up a website for free, plus tax and legal issues. Visit www.popupbusiness BCP Council has stepped up economic support for some business owners in Bourne- mouth, Christchurch and Poole with outstanding commercial rent. With over £7.2m in commer- cial rental income from the start of lockdown currently out-standing, traders who have missed payments to the council are invited to contact its new discretionary panel for individu- al support. Council leader Cllr Drew Mellor said: “We recognise the huge benefit and contribution that our vital hospitality sector makes to our unique economy. “Our message to business owners who may be struggling to meet their rental agreements is to come and talk with us.” where you can.” This follows NFDC freezing the costs of most parking charg- es in the district for 2021. The cost of parking clocks and pay-and-display tariffs in most town and village car parks will remain the same. Parking charg- es at seafront car parks will be frozen at 2020 prices out of sea- son, with an increase of £1 per tariff during the spring and sum- mer visitor season from 1st April to 30th September 2021. Cllr Heron added: “We’re con- tinuing to support local busi- nesses throughout 2021 by once again freezing most parking charges for another year at 2018 rates. “Our range of parking clocks continue to provide excellent value for those who use our car parks often. “Starting at just £25 for an annual short-stay clock, you can use all our town and village car parks for less than 50p a week.”

A DOZEN youngsters are fly- ing high as Bournemouth Air- port took on its first intake of apprentice aircraft mainte- nance engineers. The 12, all from local schools and businesses, be- gan their training with Re- sourceGroup in a programme which is the culmination of work by BCP Council and employers Signature TECH- NICAir; Cobham Aviation Services; Gama Aviation and Jets (Bournemouth) Ltd. It is part of a long-term goal of creating an Interna- tional Air and Space Train- ing Institute at the airport, designed to meet the needs of the aerospace industry and benefit the local econo- my. Attending the launch pri- or to lockdown, Cllr Phillip Broadhead, BCP’s head of regeneration, economy and strategic planning, said: “While many sectors face a difficult period over the win- ter due to the global pandem- ic, it is hugely exciting that our local aviation industry is really taking off, with a num-

ber firms based in our area continuing to expand and plan for the future. “As a council, expanding our innovative, successful economy and providing op- portunities for young peo- ple to grow is a priority for us. This is a great example of how our cooperative ap- proach can lead to fantastic results. “Congratulations to all the new apprentices – I wish them the best of luck as they spread their wings and set a course on their exciting new career path.” John Hamshere of Signa- ture TECHNICAir, said he was delighted to welcome the “brilliant young people” to the industry. “Demand for aviation skills is likely to overtake supply by 2027 and programmes like these will make all the differ- ence in securing the future of aviation within our local area,” he said. It is hoped that the ap- prenticeship scheme will be- come a permanent fixture at Bournemouth Airport.

SWAG was open for three days before the second lockdown forced it shut

New studio fit for opening – again

Free parking to help shoppers stay local

in individuals in our current world,” she said. “If we can instil a little self-belief and confidence – if they could leave with a little more ‘swag’ in their step – that would make me very happy. “It’s not just about exercise and fitness, this is about in- creasing confidence in one’s self too.” Alison has spent the last decade working in the indus- try locally. She is an advanced personal trainer, operates an outdoor bootcamp at Highcliffe and is currently undertaking a qualification to work with those recovering from brain in- jury and stroke. SWAG’s focus is on fun, func- tional fitness, she says. “Using body weight means a 20-year-old can stand next to a 60-year-old in the same class. They have an equally challeng- ing workout within their own capabilities, fuelled by lots of encouraging support.” SWAG was due to reopen on Wednesday. Visit www.swagfitnessstudios

Lockdown Two hit the initial launch of ‘adults’ playground’


A NEW fitness studio, which opened for just three days be- fore having to shut its doors in the second lockdown, is hoping for a fresh start now restrictions have eased. After spending nine months refurbishing the premises in Station Road, New Milton, Lee and Alison Francis final- ly opened SWAG earlier this month – only for the prime min- ister to announce the lockdown. “It seems we couldn’t have timed it better,” Lee joked. The pair describe the 2,000sq ft space as a London-style stu- dio containing “an adults’ play- ground” of equipment such as rings, ropes and monkey bars in a “warm and welcoming envi- ronment”. “Our quirky home-from- home decor makes gives us a

comfortable feel that’s welcom- ing and functional,” said Alison (pictured). “We wanted to offer some- thing completely different from the sterile and often in- timidating exercise facilities that prevent people from even going in.” SWAG, which stands for “start with a goal”, stems from Alison’s desire to “remind everyone that we all start some- where with whatever we do”. “There is an abundance of self-doubt and insecurity with-

The apprentices are all from local schools and businesses

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