New Milton Advertiser 4th Dec 2020
28 · Friday 4th December 2020 · · 01425 613384
Home demolition thrown out
Council buys homes for affordable rentals
AFFORDABLE housing in the New Forest was given a boost when the district council’s housing chief approved the pur- chase of 11 new-build proper- ties. Cllr Jill Cleary, New Forest Dis- trict Council’s cabinet member for housing, said she had to take advantage of what was a “wind- fall ‘fast-track’ opportunity”. The homes are in the south of the district, NFDC said, but neither the developer nor the figures involved have yet been revealed publicly. NFDC has cited the need for commercial confidentiality and pledged to reveal more details soon. A NEW year meeting is set to decide whether Ringwood Town Council approves putting together a set of hyper-local planning policies for the town that could unlock thousands in funding. Members will vote on a neigh- bourhood plan in January, in the wake of a council steer- ing group recommending they should back the idea. Introduced by the govern- ment to give local people a say in planning matters, the plans can be drawn up by residents with the help of town or parish councils to lay out how best to develop their areas in accor- dance with district planning policies.
The homes are being sold “off the shelf”, which is when a council purchases from private developers who are prepared to sell at discounts to open-mar- ket prices. A report to Cllr Cleary said NFDC was considering 15 such properties across two devel- opments. The 11 she has now agreed to buy will comprise eight two-bedroom units, a two-bedroom maisonette, one-bedroom flat and a single two-bedroom house. Once formally acquired, the 11 homes will be let on rents that will not exceed 80% of market rates, including service charges. They are not binding but must be taken into account by the district council when mak- ing decisions on planning appli- cations. A neighbourhood plan has been debated by Ringwood members since it was suggest- ed around three years ago. Some claim it could take five years to complete and the cost prove exorbitant. But others, including deputy mayor Cllr Philip Day, claim a plan could net the town council more than £100,000 in contributions from developers in the coming years and give it a greater say in how homes are built in Ring- wood.
Legal question raised as access plan for four houses refused
proposal), 44 Fairview Drive, Mr and Mrs Ashley. Single-sto- rey rear extension following removal of existing conserv- atory, internal alterations, fenestration alterations (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 5 Jessop Close, IHD Architectural Services Ltd. Lymington and Pennington First floor change of use from retail shop and café premis- es to three residential apart- ments, 44-46 High Street, Elli- otts Retail Holdings Limited. Two-storey side extension, porch, formation of terrace and associated alterations, chim- ney, single-storey side exten- sion, rooflights, 3 Pippin Close, Mrs Tybinkowski. Demolition of existing rear single-storey extension, construction of new single-storey extension and in- ternal remodelling, associated landscaping, 38 and 40 Amble- side Road, New Forest District Council. Milford-on-Sea Dig a large pond in front gar- den, Green Gates, 15 Downton Lane, Downton, Ms Bass. New Milton Development of 16 dwellings with associated parking (out- line application with all matters reserved), Land on south east side of Spring Lane, AJC Homes Ltd. Outbuilding (retrospec- tive), 5 Fawcett Road, Mr Beck- ett. Rear extension and internal modifications, Charnwood, 6 Lymington Road, Scott Martin and Kim Traylor. Single-storey, flat roofed, full width exten - sion to rear of dwelling house, 9 Lyon Avenue, Mr Knight. atory), The Walled Garden, Lyndhurst Road. Brockenhurst Extension to outbuilding, ex- tension to driveway, Wootton Heath Cottage, Wilverley Road, Wootton. Outbuilding (demol- ish existing), Clematis Cottage, Lyndhurst Road. Landford Change of use to mixed agri- cultural and retail for the pur- pose of a farm shop, Grid Ref Su 3553 4366, The Caravan (The Barn), School Road, Nomans- land. Outbuilding with room over, Keepers Cottage, Lyburn Road, Nomansland. Lyndhurst Single-storey rear extension, 12 Haskells Close. Erection of one additional dwelling, asso- ciated hardstanding and land- scaping, removal of conserva- tory from existing dwelling, 11 Cedar Mount. Milford-on-Sea Solar panels roof, enlarge- ment of one windows, 9 Hare- wood Green, Keyhaven. Netley Marsh Installation of swimming pool, decking, associated land- scaping, Floreat Farm, Bartley Road, Woodlands. Ringwood Outbuilding with cladding, Rose Cottage, Cowpitts Lane, North Poulner. Sway Replacement dwelling and outbuilding, continued siting of mobile home until replacement hicular access, 8 Dudmoor Farm Road. Retrospective amendment to rear first floor and addition of flat roof area, 55 Walcott Avenue. Extend fence to boundary (ret- rospective), 4 Canberra Close. Erection of 23 residential dwellings arranged as eight two-bedroom and 15 three-bed- room dwellings together with associated parking and access, Land at Jesmond Avenue, High- cliffe. Single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear extension, install rear dor- mer, 3 Forest Close. Demolition of existing dwell- ing and erection of replacement dwelling, 16Hurstbourne Avenue. Remove the existing façade and replace with new panels and glazing, installation of additional insulation and a new weathering membrane over the existing roof, Block I1, BAE Systems, Grange Road. Barton Common Lane, to build a set of three-bedroom proper- ties with garages and parking. However, when the plan went before New Forest District Council’s planning committee, members heard objections from New Milton Town Council. Cllr Keith Craze said the town council was adamant the access route to the site comprised a gravel track crossing part of the Barton Common beauty sport, which the council maintains. The council had a legal duty to look after common land it owns, he said, and it was an offence to drive across it
Ringwood Side extension and remod- elling of existing building in- cluding conversion of loft, new replacement garage, 32 New Road, Felix Schwabe and Lisa Pierson. Sopley Residential development (screening request), Land south of Derritt Lane, Wyatt Homes. Totton and Eling Two-storey side extension, 11 Coblands Avenue, Mrs Bonaer. Decisions GRANTED Fawley Two-storey rear extension to improve family living space, Derwyn, Thornbury Avenue, Blackfield, Mrs Kerr. Fordingbridge Raised rear conservatory, 44 Salisbury Street, Mr and Mrs Wykes. Hordle Two-storey side extension to replace existing garage, rear single-storey extension, asso- ciated rooflight windows, 20 Stopples Lane, Mr and Mrs Bain. Hythe and Dibden Two-storey rear extension, roof alterations and rooflights, replacement garage, Pin Mill, North Road, Dibden Purlieu, Mr Wyatt. Lymington and Pennington Single-storey rear extension (demolish existing conservato- ry), 25 Queen Elizabeth Avenue, Mr and Mrs Bateman. Milford-on-Sea dwelling building, Cherries Crabbswood Lane. Wellow Single-storey lodge, entrance gates, one parking space, par- tial widening of access track, Chatmohr Estate, Crawley Hill, West Wellow. Rear veranda, The Pines, Canada Road, West Wel - low. Woodgreen Change of use of field from paddock to dog walking / train- ing area, Merry Tree Paddock, Land to the East of High Street. Decisions GRANTED Brockenhurst Single-storey side extension, render, demolition of existing side porch, Rivendell, Sway Road. Burley Replacement dwelling, cre- ation of patio, re-roofing and cladding to existing detached garage, extension to existing gravel driveway, stables / out- building, Lester Cottage, Mill Lane. Replacement garage / workshop, Burley Rails Cot- tage, Lyndhurst Road, Burley Lodge. Exbury and Lepe Rear projecting gable, side entrance lobby, alterations to doors and windows, cladding, soil vent pipe extension, infill front porch to form enclosed entrance hall, demolition of Garage conversion (part) and single-storey rear extension, 10 Elderflower Close. Demolition of existing proper- ty and construction of replace- ment 3-bedroom dwelling, 8 Bure Haven Drive. Single-storey rear extension, new porch, convert garage to living accommodation, cladding and fenestration changes to ex- terior, 35 Sheldrake Road. Decisions GRANTED Demolish existing garage and relocate, extend across front elevation with bay window can- opy, rear extension, raise roof and convert first floor area to residential accommodation, 14 Bendigo Road. Erect two-storey side exten- sion, 22 Durlston Crescent. Pitch roof extension at first floor over existing conservatory, without the landowner’s per- mission. Cllr Craze said the town coun- cil was “unlikely” to give the de- veloper access permission and any attempt to do so could be seen as “trespass”. The town council may also pursue legal action, he warned. There were 10 objectors to the scheme, including New Mil- ton Residents’ Association. It said developers’ vehicles would damage the site during con- struction, and the plans were “over-development”. The association added: “This is a particularly important area
Re-form roof to allow extend- ed first floor accommodation, 1 Island View Close, Mr and Mrs Bell. New Milton Other than the floor area identified as units 1B, 1C and 1D shown on drawing number 7673PL06 Rev B to remain in B8 (storage and distribution use), change of use of building from class B8 to create 2,395 sq.m of class E (light industrial) floor space, subdivision of units into new units, minor fenestration alterations, Hamilton Business Park, Gore Road, Trans-Aqua Ltd. Single-storey rear exten- sion, new timber framed / clad garage, 30 High Ridge Crescent, Ashley, Mr Collins. Ringwood Demolish garage and erect new double garage, 11 Broad- shard Lane, Mr and Mrs Dar- nell. Single-storey side exten- sion, 1 Riverside, Mr and Mrs Golding. Single-storey rear extensions and side dormer, 20 College Road, Mr and Mrs Avery. Totton and Eling Proposed re-roofing (applica - tion for listed building consent), The Mill House, Testwood Lane, Longdown Management Ltd. Rear extension, 27 The Drive, Mr Howsham. GENERAL PERMITTED Single-storey rear extension (prior approval), 39 Highlands Way, Dibden Purlieu, Mr and Mrs Maunder. WAS LAWFUL Hythe and Dibden Single-storey rear extension DEVELOPMENT Hythe and Dibden side porch, demolition of chim- ney, removal of three roof- lights, Summer Cottage, Sum- mer Lane. Sewage treatment plant system and associated works, Lepe House, Lepe Road, Lepe. Landford Single-storey extension, 4 Manor Cottages, Lyndhurst Road. Lyndhurst Single-storey extension to outbuilding, Brambles, Chapel Lane. First floor extension, sin - gle-storey extension, external staircase, low level chimney, en- trance, 8 Haskells Close. Milford-on-Sea Single-storey extensions to main dwelling, porches to main dwelling, extension to outbuild- ing to form annex building, decking, alterations to doors and windows of main dwelling and outbuilding, demolition three outbuildings, The Break- ers, Saltgrass Lane, Keyhaven. Netley Marsh Single-storey extension, ga- rage, swimming pool, porch, Derby Cottage, Bartley Road, Woodlands. Ringwood One new window to front el- evation, Woodclose, Hangersley Hill, Hangersley. Sway Replacement barn roof, so- lar photovoltaic panels, Flex- ford Farm, South Sway Lane. Replacement dormer roofs, 4 Rhiners Close. 102 Hinton Wood Avenue, High- cliffe. Double-storey side / rear ex- tension, alterations to front el- evation and decking to rear, 31 Elphinstone Road. Single-storey extension to side and rear, 20 Chewton Way. Demolition of existing buildings and erection of three-storey residential building (38 retirement units) with as- sociated access and parking, 1 and 3 Seaton Road and 424, 426 and 428 Lymington road, High- cliffe. First floor extension over ex - isting garage to create additional living space, 83 Lingwood Ave- nue. Replace existing canopy over front patio doors, new canopy over front door, 28 Seafield Road. Extend roof to provide accom- modation, two-storey side ex- tension, 114 Mudeford. LAWFUL Single-storey rear extension of New Milton adjacent as it is to a Site of Special Scientific Interest and, as such, the char- acter and environmental issues must continue to be secured – to retain the character of the area.” The committee was told the plans featured only “minor amendments” from a previous- ly refused proposal which had later failed at appeal amid con- cerns over harm to local flora and fauna. However, the meeting heard an ecological report had since been produced by the appli- cant, and the committee was
(lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Acacia Cottage, 10 Lunedale Road, Dibden Pur - lieu, Mr Poynter. Lymington and Pennington Erect single-storey rear ex- tension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 11 Fieldhouse Way, Mr Aldworth / Malkin. Totton and Eling Extend existing second floor loft room with a hip to ga- ble roof extension to the side elevation and the formation of a new dormer window to the rear elevation (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 21 Bishops Close, Mr and Mrs Wil- cox. DETAILS NOT REQUIRED Sandleheath Formation of new road (ag- ricultural prior notification), Sandle Manor Farm, Station Road, Mr and Mrs Feltham. PRIOR APPROVAL REFUSED Fawley Use as dwelling (prior ap- proval), The Old House, The Square, Mr Fisher. REFUSED Hordle Replacement roof with new first floor, dormers and associ - ated rooflights, ground floor ex - tension, 12 Berryfield Road, Mr and Mrs Smith. WITHDRAWN Lymington and Pennington One block of three terraced houses, demolish existing dwelling, 2 Lower Buckland Road, Steadman Lloyd Con- struction. Wellow External render, alterations to doors and windows, demoli- tion of conservatory, Honeybee Farm, Canada Road, West Wel- low. PERMITTED DEVELOP- Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro- posed single-storey extension, Timbers, Coxhill. PLANNING PERMISSION REQUIRED Beaulieu Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro- posed completion of single-sto- rey rear extension, porch, alterations to fenestration, Heathgate, Furzey Lane. RFUSED Bramshaw Replacement dwelling (dem- olition of existing dwelling), Bramshaw House, Penn Com - mon Road. Hyde First floor rear extension, Honeysuckle Cottage, Hunger- ford Hill, Hungerford. WITHDRAWN Sway Application for lawful devel- opment certificate for contin - ued siting of a caravan for res- idential use, Mallards Mead, Marley Mount. Alterations to walls and roof of existing con- servatory, Pipistrelles, Home - stead, Marley Mount. MENT Boldre and summer house, 6 Kingfisher Way. REFUSED Dropped kerb 3.6m wide plus hardstanding of drive, 192 Stony Lane. Erection of a detached office with associated access and park- ing, 118 Stour Road. Two-storey side and front ex- tension and single-storey side extension, Woodpecker Cottage, Bramble Lane. Two-storey front extension and rear first floor extension, 21 Rothesay Drive. WITHDRAWN Two-storey side and rear ex- tension, demolition of existing commercial unit to side / rear of existing property. Construction of garage and formation of two parking spaces via existing ac- cess and new parking space to front, 13 Wick Lane. Change the curved corner of the single-storey extension to a right angle, 26 ElphinstoneRoad. recommended to approve it by NFDC officers. Speaking for the develop- er, planning agent Dan Wilden highlighted how the appeal inspector had said the previ- ous scheme was acceptable in terms of its likely effect on the character of the area and local highways. However, members of the committee said they were sym- pathetic to the town council’s position and the objections raised. Eventually they decided by eight votes to seven, with one abstention, to refuse the plan.
A BID to demolish a home in an exclusive Barton road to make way for four houses was narrowly thrown out by district councillors amid claims an ac- cess dispute could spark legal action. AJ Developments wanted to demolish Brockwood, at 42
Meeting to decide on neighbourhood plan
Applications THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest Dis- trict Council during the week ending Friday 27th November 2020: Bransgore Residential development (screening request), Land south of Derritt Lane, Wyatt Homes. Damerham Shed, Greenbanks, Lower Daggons Lane, South End, Mr and Mrs Vincent. Fawley Single-storey rear extension, replacement single garage, outbuilding, 14 Walkers Lane South, Blackfield, Mr Moxom. Detached garage, Nutmeg Cot- tage, Mopley, Langley, Mr and Mrs Harnett. Hordle Single-storey rear extension, rooms in roof with dormer win- dow, installation of roof lights (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 4 Woodcock Lane, Mr Willis. Hythe and Dibden Replace existing defective render and construct a section of slate hanging all in combi- nation with external wall in- sulation (application for listed building consent), 17 St Johns Street, Friendly Architecture. Single-storey infill extension, 3 Boundstone, Mr Leaver. Sin- gle-storey rear extension with a flat roof and lantern to replace an existing conservatory (law- ful development certificate that permission is not required for Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest National Park Authority during the week ending Friday 27th November 2020: Ashurst and Colbury Retention of repairs and al- terations to canopy, extension to building, fencing and un- derground water storage tank (amended plans), 128 Lynd- hurst Road. Single-storey rear extension, demolition of con- servatory and outbuilding, 28A Lyndhurst Road. Beaulieu Application to vary condi- tion 3 of planning permission 20/00575 for garden pavilion and plunge pool to allow minor ma- terial amendments, The Tukal, Dock Lane. Boldre Extension to dwelling, exten- sion to outbuilding, cladding, North Lodge, Pylewell, East End. Formation of new vehicu- lar access, alterations to exist- ing access to form pedestrian access only, Vine Cottage, Bol- dre Lane. Bransgore Roof alterations to facilitate additional first-floor accom - modation, dormer window, single-storey extension, infill extension, alterations to fenes- tration (demolition of conserv- Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christ- church were submitted to BCP Council during the week ending 27th November 2020. Free standing illuminated double sided signage, 11 Airfield Way. Erect single-storey rear exten- sion, 12 Blackberry Lane. First floor rear extension, 32 Portfield Road. Single-storey and first floor rear extension, 46 Rimbury Way. Remove existing single-storey conservatory at the rear of the property, to be replaced with double-storey extension, extend front porch, 27 The Buttery. Replacement flat roof over front entrance porch to form roof terrace, 9 Queens Avenue. Demolish existing dwelling and erect a replacement 2-storey dwelling with car parking and ve-
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