New Milton Advertiser 6th Nov 2020
Friday 6th November 2020 · 21 · · 01425 613384
Top national food prize dished up for Indian takeaway
Lymington eatery honoured in UK Good Food Awards
Tracy Nash with Pete Williamson outside The Hog Shack with a Magic Bag
A magic method to help stop local food wastage
AN INDIAN takeaway in Lym- ington has become the only one in the area to receive a prestig- ious award for its food. Forest Tandoori in Milford Road won the takeaway cate- gory in this year’s Good Food Awards, which recognises those who strive for culinary excel- lence. Owner Shah Rahman told the A&T: “We pride ourselves in offering original authentic style cuisine using only the freshest ingredients. “All our food is prepared using only natural spices in an open- view kitchen and cooked using low cholesterol vegetable oil, with less salt, with an emphasis on improving taste and quality whilst heeding to demands for healthy eating options. “With our consistent five-star hygiene rating, we ensure our food leaves a lasting impression on our customers’ taste buds.” He added: “We are delighted to have attained this prestig- ious award and we could not have done it without the sup- port of our wonderful custom- ers. “It means a tremendous amount to our team who have worked tirelessly during these unprecedented times and as the second national lockdown
LOCAL food promoters have teamed with a forward-thinking app on a mission to save tens of thousands of meals from the bin. In what it said was a national first, Hampshire Fare has part - nered with food waste reduc- tion app Too Good To Go for a “win-win-win” collaboration. County food and drink busi- nesses with regular food waste are being encouraged to regis- ter with the app which helps to sell otherwise unwanted stock. It works by the signed-up businesses placing surplus food at the end of a trading day into so-called ‘Magic Bags’. These are then listed on the Too Good To Go app for sale at a third of product cost. Tracy Nash, commercial manager of Hampshire Fare, said: “People are increasing- ly aware that food waste is a massive problem which needs
addressing. This partnership is a decisive step towards helping our members tackle food waste issues. “Too Good To Go has an ap- proach that is fun, functional, and provides an easy-to-use platform for both businesses and consumers.” She added: “This initiative is a win-win-win. It allows Hamp- shire Fare members to cover some food waste costs, the purchaser makes a good val- ue buy, and edible food is not wasted. “In addition, Fare members who sign up will benefit by hav - ing the first year’s admin fee waived.” The initiative is the latest from Hampshire Fare which is also planning to launch a road- show service – when lockdown conditions allow – to champion the county’s finest local food, drink and craft producers.
After securing funding from the Loddon and Test Leader Programme, it acquired a liv- eried van with the intention of launching the Hampshire Fare Roadshow, coinciding with Fare’s 30th anniversary next year. Funding also includes a pop- up gazebo and boards portray- ing some of the Fare members’ stories. Robert Benford, chairman of the Loddon and Test Leader Local Acton Group, said: “This is one of the last grants we can give, as the Leader programme is ending with Brexit. “Over the past five years we have helped 62 businesses in the area to the tune of £2,250,000. “This funding has been of great value to the local econo- my, so we do hope the govern- ment will consider establishing a similar scheme moving for- ward.”
The staff at Forest Tandoori celebrate their award
approaches, we will continue to do what we do best in serving our customers.” Formed in 2002, the Good Food Awards are based on food quality, service and value as well as customer feedback. Other categories include fine dining, cafes and bistros, fish and chip shops and gastro pubs. As well as staying open for
customers, during the first lockdown in March the busi- ness supported frontline work- ers by giving away hundreds of pounds of free food to staff at local hospitals and care homes. A Good Food Award spokes- person added: “With some 536,954 eating establishments within the UK competition
for our Good Food Award was unsurprisingly tough. “We were taken aback by the record number of entrants and votes cast for the finalists by readers, customers and fans alike. “It was heart-warming to see the support our finalists received given the adversity everyone faced.”
Roger Lumm Plumbing Would like to thank all of his customers over the last 20 years, but due to ill health has had to retire. His son Robert will continue the business to the same high standard of work and can be reached on 01425 621964 or 07836 547587. I would also like to thank all the marvellous staff at Bournemouth, Lymington and Southampton hospitals for the fantastic care they have given me over the last 2months. Godbless theNHS.
We’re not out of the woods yet, but we are all in this together.
Support each other and your local businesses.
#bekind #dontjudge
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