New Milton Advertiser 6th Nov 2020
22 · Friday 6th November 2020 · · 01425 613384
80-home plans for Calmore fields approved
Applications THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest Na- tional Park Authority during the week ending Friday 30th October 2020: Beaulieu Two-storey extension, sin- gle-storey extension, pitched roof to existing garage, Hatter- as, Furzey Lane. Brockenhurst Single-storey extension, 13 Addison Road. Single-storey extension, one window, sin- gle-storey detached garage, demolition, two outbuildings, The Cottage, Martins Road. First floor extension, sin - gle-storey extensions, Juliet balcony, rooflight, Cinnamon Gardens, Sway Road. Sin- gle-storey extension, 6 Careys Cottages. Retention and com- pletion of replacement dwell- ing, 2 Forest View, Martins Road. Applications THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest Dis- trict Council during the week ending Friday 30th October 2020: Bransgore Three fascia signs, one pro- jection sign (application for advertisement consent), 6-8 Oak Tree Parade, Co-operative Group Food Ltd. Single-sto- rey rear extension and raised patio, Arden Cottage, Poplar Lane, Mr Marlow. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Proposed re-profiling scheme (Scoping Opinion), Blue Haze Landfill Site, Alder - holt Road, Somerley, Veolia ES (Landfill) Ltd. Fawley Strip and replace the roof due to degenerated condition, remove handmade clay tiles and store at roof level for re- use, 80% of existing tiles to be re used with the remaining to be replaced with matching handmade tiles of similar age, replace under felt with new, replace timber batons (appli- cation for listed building con- sent), The Corner House, 76 Church Lane, Mr Andrew. Fordingbridge Change of use from A1 to Sui-generis (Tattoo Studio), 23 High Street, Lovingink Tat- toos. Hordle Rear extension to kitchen / lounge, loft conversion to form 2-bedrooms and bathroom, re- lated internal alterations, 15 Greenmead Avenue, Everton, Mrs King. Outbuilding, lean-to store, Heatherleigh, Everton Road, Mr Rook. Hythe and Dibden Porch, double-storey side extension, single-storey rear extension, fenestration alter- ations, detached single-storey garage, new driveway access, 1 Malwood Road, Mr Collins. Lymington and Pennington Renewal of existing lumi- naires and lanterns, Lyming- ton Town Railway Station, Mill Lane, FirstGroup PLC. Single-storey rear extension, shed, 21 Ellery Grove, Mr and Mrs Perrin. Single-storey ex- tension to facilitate proposed gym store / changing facilities, door replacements to existing building, Priestlands Coun- ty Secondary School, North Street, Pennington. Marchwood Two detached houses, one double carport, one attached Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christ- church were submitted to BCP Council during the week ending 30th October 2020: Change of use of unit from B1, B2 and B8 to B1, B2, B8 and Sui Generis (datacentre) with external modifications to unit including, new vents to roof, new vent to front façade, and two windows replaced with vents, widening of roller shutter door, installation of two retract- able bollards, and installation of new fire door all to front fa - cade of unit, Unit 9, Somerford Business Park. Garden extension at rear of property and erection of 1.8m boundary fencing (retrospec- tive), 4 Barlands Close, Burton. Change of use of unit from B1, B2 and B8 to B1, B2, B8 and Sui Generis (datacentre) with external modifications to building facades including new vents, new security fire door, widened rollershutter door, and new and replacement retracta- ble bollards, 9 Airfield Way. Amendments to previously
Godshill Installation of three anten- nas on exiting mast and an- cillary development, Commu- nication Site adjacent Water Treatment Works, Sandy Balls Estate. Landford Installation of bi-fold doors, outbuilding with room over, al- terations to access, Laurel Cot- tage, Lyburn Road, Nomans- land. Insertion of six rooflights and bi-fold doors, Forest View, Whitehorn Drive. Lymington and Pennington Two outbuildings (demoli- tion of existing outbuildings), 3 Kings Huts, Middle Common Road, Pennington. Installa- tion of sewer system, pumping station and kiosks, associated landscaping, Drays Nurseries, Pitmore Lane. Ringwood Single-storey rear extension, one rooflight, porch, altera - tions to fenestration, flue, car - port, vehicular access, 14 Gate garage and single carport in- cluding bicycle stores, demo- lition of existing, White Pines, Cracknore Hard Lane, Harri- ton Homes. Milford-on-Sea Replacement of existing shed, erection of a single-sto- rey timber clad building to provide a garden / fitness room and storage, Danesmead, Wood Lane, Mr and Mrs Whitley. New Milton Rear gable extension, 70 Os- borne Road, Mr and Mrs Haigh. Two-storey rear extension, Rafters, 9 Dilly Lane, Barton- on-Sea, Mr and Mrs Higgins. Extension to ground and first floor, 19 Warwick Avenue, Mr and Mrs Hitchens. Single-sto- rey rear extension, single-sto- rey front porch extension, roof extension and dormer addi- tions in association with new second floor, outbuilding, Wood Croft, Brockhills Lane, Ashley, Mr and Mrs State and Hoskins. Single-storey rear extension, 6 Silverdale, Barton-on-Sea, Mr Boyle. Remove existing conservatory, construction of single-storey rear extension to bungalow, 38 Beechwood Ave- nue, Ms Coller. Ringwood Single-storey replacement garage to side of dwelling, 3 College Road, Dr Karkera. Sin- gle-storey side and rear exten- sion, 55 Hightown Road, Mr and Mrs England. Proposed internal alterations, single-sto- rey and rear extension (appli- cation for listed building con- sent), 55 Hightown Road, Mr and Mrs England. Sandleheath Formation of new road (ag- ricultural prior notification), Sandle Manor Farm, Station Road, Mr and Mrs Feltham. Totton and Eling Two-storey extension, 4 Bronte Close, Mrs Bennett. Creation of additional formal- ised on-site staff car parking, Millbrook Industries Ltd, Nut- wood Way, Millbrook Indus- tries Ltd. Single-storey side extension, April Cottage, Pau- letts Lane, Calmore, Mr and Mrs Pike. First-storey rear ex- tension and single-storey wrap round extension, 54 Fishers Road, Eling, Mr and Mrs Hou- sley. Decisions GRANTED Brangsgore Proposed swimming pool building, East Close Farm, Lyndhurst Road, Hinton, New granted Planning Permission reference 8/20/0207/LB, altera- tions internally: 1. Propose new family bathroom at first floor 2. Move internal wall to the utility 3. Create an opening between the lounge and dining room, The Thatched Cottage, 1 Bur- ley Road. Two-storey side extension, Forge Place, Bockhampton Road. Amendments to previously granted listed building con- sent reference 8/20/0207/LB, al- terations to external facade: 1. Patio doors on north elevation to be moved to be in line with the existing window opening. 2. Replace existing crittall door on east elevation with stable door to match existing stable door on north elevation, The Thatched Cottage, 1 Burley Road. Single-storey rear extension, 10 Hussar Close. Update of existing advertise- ment to support a digital equiv- alent which will display static advertisements on rotation, Advertising Right adjacent 9 (Adshel 2202 0024), Somerford Road. Use of Units 3 and 4 to in-
Close Farm.
AGRICULTURAL PLANNING PERMISSION Copythorne Application under part 6 of the Town and Country Plan- ning (general permitted devel- opment) (England) order 2015 in respect of the siting, appear- ance and design of an agricul- tural access track, Bartley For- est Farm, Lyndhurst Road. RAISE OBJECTIONS Bramshaw Application for a certificate of lawful development for ex- isting outbuilding, Bramshaw House (formerly Branksome), Penn Common Road. WITHDRAWN Ashurst and Colbury Single-storey rear extension, alterations to the side to facili- tate internal changes, insertion of window to first floor, 22 Ash - dene Road. Ringwood Single-storey extension to outbuilding, Gorselands, High- town Hill. Loperwood Lane, Calmore, As- ter Communities. Single-storey rear extension, raise flat roof height of existing extension to allow fitting of in - sulation to current standards, 12 Culford Avenue, Mr Hem- mings. GENERAL PERMITTED Single-storey rear extension (prior approval application), 10 Malwood Road West, Mr Hick- son. Ringwood Single-storey rear extension (prior approval application), Tanglewood, 1 Crow Arch Lane, Mr Turner RIBA Dip. Arch. WAS LAWFUL Hythe and Dibden Convert the existing integral garage into a habitable space (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 36 Hollybank Crescent, Stacey. Lymington and Pennington Extend existing rear dormer (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Beech Lodge, 31 Bitterne Way, Mr Jones. Milford-on-Sea Siting of a mobile home for incidental use in connection with the dwelling (lawful de- velopment certificate that per - mission is not required for pro- posal), Barnes Lane Cottage, Barnes Lane, Mrs Morris. New Milton Replacement single-storey extension, fenestration altera- tions (lawful development cer- tificate that permission is not required for proposal), 11 High Ridge Crescent, Ashley, Mr Ea- ton. Ringwood Ground floor side extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 1 Pipers Ash, Mrs Cooper. Totton and Eling Addition of rear dormer to attic space on two-storey house (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 88 Hammonds Green, Ms Ward. WITHDRAWN New Milton Two-storey side and sin- gle-storey extensions, con- servatory, detached garage, 79 Manor Road, Ashley, Ms Davies. Sandleheath New four bay garage / carport with home office above, Willow Cottage, Rockbourne Road, Mr and Mrs Brown. DEVELOPMENT Hythe and Dibden al window to side elevation, 15 Hynesbury Road. Single-storey rear and side extension, 4 Juniper Drive. Raise and extend roof to pro- vide habitable accommodation at first floor, Karim, 49 Caroline Avenue. NOT LAWFUL Garage conversion. Remove existing garage door, build a new wall to replace it and cre- ate a new window and external door in the new wall, 5 Pine- hurst Avenue. REFUSED First floor extension to the rear over existing single-sto- rey. Increase ridge height and extend roof with hip to gable conversion and dormer win- dow creating a habitable living accommodation in the loft, 32 Kings Avenue. Access to driveway, resub- mission, 194 Fairmile Road, Fairmile. WITHDRAWN Single-storey rear extension, square off front bays. Conver- sion to garage of front room, loft conversion including rais- ing the ridge with front and rear dormers, 6 River Way.
and partial re-building of out- buildings, Keepers Cottage, Lyburn Road, Nomansland. Lymington and Pennington Single-storey rear exten- sions, Clock Cottage, Viney Road. Lyndhurst Single-storey extension, Forest Gate, Westwood Road. Two-storey side extension in- corporating garage, demolition of existing attached garage, 95 The Meadows. Minstead Replacement outbuilding, demolition of four existing out- buildings, Hartings, Seamans Lane. Ringwood Change of use of land to equestrian, stable block, Grid Reference SU 16695 06654, Land at Cowpitts Lane, Poul- ner. Replacement garage, Moorhayes, Crow Hill. Sway Garden room, Green Croft, Manchester Road. with a mix of insulated brick slip cladding and insulated ren- der cladding, new replacement PPC aluminium frame windows and doors, new overlay insu- lated flat roof covering, new main entrance canopy, remov- al of existing roof top mount- ed water storage tank room, The Arnewood School, Gore Road, Arnewood Academy. Single-storey front extension, 9 Woodlands Road, Barton- on-Sa, Mr and Mrs Nineham. Single-storey rear extension with alteration to fenestration on rear elevation, 8 Faircourt, York Avenue, Mr Studt. Ringwood Works to replace vertically hung sashes at first floor front elevation windows W 103, W 104, W 105, repairs to the struc- ture of the roof and west facing dormer window W 204, along with associated tiles, lead, fas- cias, soffits and trims, window linings and box sashes, Church Hatch Centre, 22 Market Place, Doulos Ltd. Works to replace vertically hung sashes at first floor front elevation windows W 103, W 104, W 105, repairs to the structure of the roof and west facing dormer window W 204, along with associated tiles, lead, fascias, soffits and trims, window linings and box sashes (application for listed building consent), Church Hatch Cen- tre, 22 Market Place, Doulos Ltd. Remove current conserv- atory, replace with a new brick built extension, replace all ex- ternal windows and doors, all fascia, soffit and guttering to the property, dig up the side of the garden and install a new crate soakaway, run new rainwater waste pipes to the soakaway, render the bunga- low, excavate the front drive and replace all the drainage to the property, remove the current chambers and replace with new chambers to suite the new drainage for the en suite and new kitchen location, 1 Old Stacks Gardens, Mr Mel- lors. Two-storey side extension to existing detached property, 76 Kingfisher Way, Mr and Mrs Case. Totton and Eling Development of 80 dwellings comprised 19 detached hous- es, 20 semi-detached houses, four mid-terraced houses, one block six flats, detached garag - es, parking, landscaping, open space, bin and cycle stores, substation (details of access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping development granted by outline permission 15/11797) (amended and ad- ditional plans), Land North of from brick to render (to match property 2), removal of garage window, 21-25 Chewton Com- mon Road. Single-storey rear extension and infill below existing box- bay window, 6 Snowdrop Gar- dens. Proposed front, rear and side extensions, raise and ex- tend roof to provide first floor accommodation, 34 Sheldrake Road. Decisions GRANTED Loft conversion to provide first floor accommodation with front and rear dormers (amend- ed description), 10 Jesmond Avenue. Single-storey side exten- sion with new boundary fence (amended description), 17 Farmdene Close. Removal of existing ga- rage flat roof and replace with pitched roof, 7 Maple Close. Non-material amendment to planning application 8/18/0816/ HOU retrospective addition-
House, Barrack Lane, Crow. Sway Installation of sewer system, pumping station and kiosks, associated landscaping, Drays Nurseries, Pitmore Lane. Decisions GRANTED Ashurst and Colbury Two-storey side extension, outbuilding, 43 Peterscroft Av- enue. Burley Retention of outbuilding, Marl House, Burley Street. East Boldre One and two-storey exten- sions, 31 Sweyns Lease. Exbury and Lepe Replacement dwelling, So- lent Cottage, Inchmery Lane. Hale Installation of septic tank, Spring Cottage, Queen Street. Landford Retention of alterations to Rear single-storey extension, repointing of west elevation, rebuilding of central chim- ney to incorporate a lead tray, mending of roof and griffin, installation of radiators and new sanitary ware (application for listed building consent), 8 Newlands Manor, Everton, Mr and Mrs MacDonald. New do- mestic sewage treatment pack- age, Valley Cottage, Lymore Lane, Mrs Spenser. Demolish, remove existing beach hut and replace exactly the same like for like footprint, increase the roof length and add a canopy, Beach Hut 341, Hordle Cliff Beach, Hurst Road, Mr andMrs Bishop. Proposed single-storey rear extensions (demolish of existing conservatory), 11 Au- brey Close, Mr and Mrs Ham- ilton. Proposed summer house, 33 Downton Lane, Downton, Mr and Mrs Furness. Rear and side single-storey extension, 26 Carrington Lane, Mr and Mrs Sene and Walton. Single-storey rear extension, 13 Solent Way, Ms Chamberlain. New Milton New façade over-clad system Damerham Pitched roof timber out- building, 8 The Terrace, High Street, East End, Mr Still. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Proposed riding arena (pri- vate use), Ibsley Grange, Mockbeggar Lane, Ibsley, Best- ford. Parapet and solar panels to roof of existing outbuilding, shed and open sided store (ret- rospective in part), Sunset, Ivy Lane, Blashford, Mr McShea. Fordingbridge Ground floor single-storey extension, 8 Bedford Close, Mr and Mrs Fenwick. Hythe and Dibden Single-storey extension, re- placement garage, En Passant, Furzedale Gardens, Mr Trim- ble. Lymington and Pennington First floor front extension to provide bathroom, solid roof to existing conservatory, 63 North Street, Pennington, Mrs Lavis. Marchwood Use of ground floor as one retail unit, use of first floor as flat, associated external altera - tions, 3 Main Road, Mr Carter. Erection of a means of enclo- sure, railings and gates within the curtilage of the dwelling house, 12 The Armoury, Board- walk Way, Mr and Mrs Easton. Milford-on-Sea Single-storey extension, re- move rend and report, 8 New- lands Manor, Everton, Mr and Mrs MacDonald. clude flexible planning permis - sion for class B8 and Sui Gener- is use (in accordance with class V, part 3, schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (general permitted development) (Eng- land) order 2015 (as amended), Penton Business Park, 4 Stony Lane. Proposed installation of hex- agonal BBQ hut, 39 Kings Ave- nue. Demolish existing single ga- rage and shed at rear, refurbish existing single-storey rear ex- tension with new flat roof and new single-storey side exten- sion, 20 Arcadia Road. The use of a mobile home for residential occupation, 32 Tall Trees Park, 7 Matchams Lane, Hurn. Raise the existing ridge height of the roof for loft con- version to provide first floor ac - commodation. Rear extension and new front porch, 68 Hurn Road. Single-storey rear extension, 16 Haslemere Avenue. Rear and side single-storey extensions, 39 Gordon Road. Non-material amendment to planning application 8/19/0395/ FUL to change finish on garage
DETAILED plans for 80 new homes near Totton – half of which will be affordable – have been approved by New Forest District Council. Affordable housing develop- er Aster Communities plans to turn the 4.4 hectares of agricul- tural fields at Loperwood Lane in Calmore into a new develop- ment of properties including flats and houses. This will include two, three and four-bedroom detached, semi-detached and mid-ter- raced homes as well as a block of six flats. Seventy per cent of properties are earmarked for social rent and 30% for shared ownership. An application to develop the site was originally turned down by NFDC in 2016 after it received more than 100 objec- tions. The decision was appealed by the then-applicant, Lon- don-based Howard Sharp & Partners, and residents were shocked when NFDC later an- nounced it was abandoning its attempt to block the scheme and would be offering no evi- dence, following legal advice. The scheme was subsequent- ly granted outline planning permission in 2017 and later included in NFDC’s Local Plan, which sets out planning policy outside the national park. The detailed proposals by As- ter Communities, which were
recently approved by NFDC, gave further information on the layout of the homes, the mate- rials used and details of access, which will be via Loperwood Lane. The application also gave de- tails of landscaping, which in- cludes a pond, a bin and cycle store and 189 parking spaces. It added: “The proposals will lead to the development of the site in a manner that produces high-quality new homes for lo- cal residents. “Within the southern half of the site, this structure is arranged to create an arrival space in the form of a small, landscaped village green with pond enclosed with a combi- nation of narrow-fronted and wide-fronted cottage style dwellings.” The application was support- ed by Totton and Eling Town Council but NFDC received five letters of objections from locals. Among the issues raised were concerns about flooding, dis - ruption to wildlife, noise distur- bance, access and the impact on the nearby Grade II listed Calmore Cottage. A council report to chief plan- ning officer Claire Brown, who approved the plans, said the development would deliver a range of significant, economic, social and environmental ben- efits.
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