New Milton Advertiser 6th Nov 2020
32 · Friday 6th November 2020 · · 01425 613384
Family Announcements
Deadline: Wednesday. 12 noon • Death Notices 5pm 01425 613384 •
Births • Birthdays • Graduations Engagements Weddings Anniversaries • retirement In memoriam • Death Notices In Remembrance place a Family Announcement
ROBINSON, Kayleigh — Happy 16th birthday to our wonderful daughter Kayleigh, hope you have an amazing birthday. Lockdown sucks. Lots of love, Mum and Dad xxx — Happy 16th birthday to our lovely grandaughter. Love, Nanny and Grandad xxx — Happy 16th birthday, love Uncle Dean xxx ROBINSON, Kayleigh ROBINSON, Kayleigh
SMITH, Audrey — In loving memory of our beloved Nan, Great-Nan and Great-Great-Nan. You are always in our thoughts and will never be forgotten, loved and sorely missed every day. Love from Carl, Nicola and the ever-growing Smith family xxx SMITH, Audrey — Nan, one year has passed since that sad day, 7/11/19. We love and miss you every day, love from Kerry, Graham, Joshua, Ryan and Kieran xxx SMITH, Audrey — Dear Nanny Pigeon, we love and miss you. Love, Kayleigh, Indy and Cohen xxx SMITH, Audrey — Dear Mum / Nan. A year has passed and words cannot express how much we miss you. You are the heart of our family and we remember you every day and always. Love, Sheila, Dorian, Lee, Dean and Nicky xxx — Nan / Nan Pigeons. Loving and kind in all her ways. Remembered always, love, Jason, Daniel, Tracey, Joshua, Rhys, Joel, Ollie and Maisie xxx SMITH, Audrey — Remembering a very special Mum who passed away a year ago 7/11/19. Greatly missed and much loved, always and forever. Love, Peter xxx SMITH, Audrey — In loving memory of our dearly loved Mum. Remembering you is easy, we do it every day. Memories of you and Dad will last forever. Love Ann and Brian xxx SMITH, Audrey
HESLOP David Thomas Passed away peacefully at Oakhaven Hospice on Monday 2nd November 2020, aged 88 years.
ST PETER’S CHURCH 10.50am A Service of the Word and Act of Remembrance. For more information, please visit us online at uk ASHLEY BAPTIST CHURCH. Live streaming services via YouTube join us at 10.30am Remembrance Service with Communion, Mr JON WHITE.
Much loved husband of Barbara, loving father, grandfather and great-grandfather, who will be hugely missed by all his family and friends. Due to Covid restrictions the funeral will be by invitation only. A Service of Thanksgiving for his life will take place next year. Family flowers only please, donations in memory of David will benefit Oakhaven Hospice Trust and can be made online at All enquiries and donations by cheque to Maria Jones Funeral Directors, Little Holbrook, 56 Brookley Road,
HEDGER — FANTI, Nicholas and Valentina — Simon and Judy Hedger of Lymington are delighted to announce the engagement of their younger son Nicholas to Valentina, only daughter of Manfredo Fanti and Giuseppina Viola of Milan. Congratulations and love from Mum, Dad, Rob, Ashleigh, Ruby and all the family xxx
CHURCH Sundays - social distanced Worship 10.30am with masks worn, Rev. MARTIN KEENAN. For help contact Rev Martin Keenan 01425 612510 or martin.keenan@
Brockenhurst, SO42 7RA. Telephone 01590 622981.
BLAKE Anthony Keith “Tony”
HANCOCK Edwina Karen Margaret Tragically passed away on the 28th October, aged 73, at Forest Holme Hospice after a brave but short battle. She was loved very much by all her family and valued highly by so many friends. A beautiful loving wife to Bryan, mother to Sara and James, and proud Nana to Kenny, Matthew, Rhys and Ellis. She will be hugely missed. The family wish to thank staff at Poole Hospital and Forest Holme Hospice for their wonderful care and kindness. Private Funeral to be held at Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground on Thursday 12th November at 12.30pm. No flowers please, but donations can be made to Forest Holme Hospice on Edwina’s dedicated much loved page at edwinahancock.muchloved. com ROBERTS Rita Dawn Passed away at Highcliffe Nursing Home Friday 30th October 2020, aged 86 years. A very much loved Mum, Nanna and Great-Nan who lit up every room and to whom family was everything. Now reunited with her beloved husband Bert and son Wayne. Due to Covid restrictions a private service with immediate family has been held at Hinton Wood Burial Ground on Friday 6th November. Donations c/o Hinton Wood Burial Ground in aid of Dementia UK. Apologies to friends who we could not accommodate. Della and family 01202 476983. — Passed away at The Crescent Nursing Home on Monday 2nd November 2020, aged 97 years. Devoted wife to the late Norman, adored Mum and much loved Grandma and Great Grandma. All enquiries to Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground, Wyndham Road, Walkford, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 7EJ. Telephone 01425 278910. SERJEANT, Priscilla "Pam" — Wife of the late Richard Serjeant and dearly loved mother of Louise and Bianca. Died on 4th October aged 91 years in The Royal Bournemouth Hospital. She will be greatly missed by her many friends. The funeral has already taken place. — Contact W. Smith and Sons, Runnymead Parade, Bransgore. ROPER, Vera Rosina She will live on in our hearts forever.
Passed away unexpectedly at Lymington Hospital on Wednesday 28th October, aged 91 years. Beloved husband of the late Jeanette, much loved father of Nikki, Alison, Steven, Barrie and Adrian and a caring grandfather and great-grandfather. Tony will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by all that knew him. Private Family Service at Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground on Monday 16th November. Family flowers only; Donations if desired can be made payable to: ‘Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance’ and can be donated online at sent c/o HPWBG, Wyndham Road, Walkford, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 7EJ. Telephone 01425 278910. BOYT, Jean (née Colverson) — Passed away 27th October 2020 aged 84 years, at her home in Bournemouth, holding her daughter’s hand. Beloved wife of the late John Boyt. She will be dearly missed by daughter Mich, son-in-law Simon and her much loved grandchildren Maisie, Miley and Effie. No flowers please but donations to Pound Puppy Animal Rescue, c/o Yeatmans Funeral Directors, 01202 830201. CLARK Commander Douglas Sidney Clark RN Passed away peacefully at home after a long and fulfilling life, on 25th October 2020, a day short of 99 years and 9 months. Beloved father of Roger, Crisante edoardo Passed away suddenly in Royal Bournemouth Hospital on Thursday 22nd October 2020, aged 86. Dearly loved husband of Lucia, father of Samuele and Antonella and father-in-law to Nita. “Your voice will be missed”. Restricted Family Service at Bournemouth Crematorium on Thursday 12th November 2020. Charitable donations can be made directly to “RNLI”. Enquiries c/o Co-op Funeralcare 36-38 High Street, Ringwood, BH24 1AG. Telephone 01425 473434. A Service in his memory will be held at the Roman Catholic church. Family flowers only please. Donations in his memory to either Cancer Research UK or The British Heart Foundation c/o Moodys Funeral Directors, Telephone 01425 612261. DUKE, Gwendoline — Aged 100 on 13th October. Passed away peacefully and reunited with her beloved Neville. Funeral to be announced. Nonno to Jonquil, Francesca, Alyssa and Rocco. Brian and Nigel, and grandfather to eight.
BEAULIEU ABBEY Due to lockdown all services in the Beaulieu Benefice are suspended, inc St Paul’s, East Boldre and St Katharine’s, Exbury, for at least the next 4 weeks. However, we are switching to Sunday services on zoom from Sunday 8th November. Anyone interested in joining in with these should email office@beaulieu to ask for the link. ST NICHOLAS’ CHURCH with ST SAVIOUR’S. St Saviour’s Thursday Holy Communion 10am. Sunday 8am Said Holy Communion; Remembrance Sunday Service 9.45am Ticketed event only, contacts taken, social distancing observed. Face coverings must be worn. St Nicholas’ open for private prayer 9am to 5pm daily. Website www.brockenhurst BROCKENHURST ALL SAINTS. All Saints’ Hordle and St. Andrew’s Tiptoe church service, available online from 10am every Sunday at:http:// www.hordleandtiptoechurch. and:https://www. f a c e b o o k . c o m / H o r d l e ParishChurch ST MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS’ CHURCH , HINTON ADMIRAL. 10.40am Please meet at Hinton War Memorial for The Service of Remembrance. No part of the service will be in the church for health and safety reasons. HORDLE HIGHCLIFFE METHODIST CHURCH. We meet for worship according to the Covid 19 regulations on Wednesdays and Sundays. Please check www. or call 01425 673350 for the latest updates. ST MARK’S, HIGHCLIFFE. 8am Holy Communion; 9am Breakfast@9- please see website for details; 10am Parish Eucharist. Wednesday. 11am Holy Communion. CHURCH, Lymington. Temporary suspension of our services and meetings. Contact us on Prayers of support can be found on ST THOMAS CHURCH. Open from 10am to 4pm daily for private prayer. 10am Sunday service available online. Please see for details. UNITED REFORMED CHURCH , High Street, Lymington. 10.30am No Service. Contact 01590 676306 or email adminurclym@ LYMINGTON HINTON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Everton 10am Morning Worship. Please book 01590 644739 St. Mary’s. HIGHCLIFFE EVERTON EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH . We are now holding in-person services on Sunday evenings at 6pm in our church building. Attendance must be booked in advance. Please see our website http://www.nmefc. com for further details, updates, and for our links to online Services, Thoughts and Prayer Meetings. Our YouTube Channel is named ’NMEFC Ministries’. MAGDALENE, MILTON . Following national advice, all church services and meetings in the Parish of Milton have been cancelled with immediate effect. For more information, please visit us online at uk MARY Milford on Sea All Saints On-line service from 8am Sundays. l saintsmi l 10am in church to view the on- line service. No Sunday worship at present. For more information see http:// MILFORD METHODIST. NEW MILTON ST MILFORD-ON-SEA
GREENWOOD Brian and Shirley
WELSH Carol Missed but remembered by all with smiles and laughter xxx
TAYLOR, John —
away at Lymington Hospital aged 92 after a short illness. Beloved husband of Joan, father to Sally and Thomas, grandfather to Amy, James and Emily. The Funeral Service will takeplaceat2pmonFridayApril 29th at Hinton Park Woodland Burial Ground, Walkford. Family flowers only, dona - tions for Oakhaven Hos- pice may be sent c/o Tap- per Funeral Service, 89-91 Barrack Road, Christchurch BH23 5FD. Donations may also be made online at www. peacefully
Happy 60th Anniversary 5th November 1960 . Loving parents to Alison and Heidi and their partners Baz and Paul, and grandparents to Sam and Luke and his partner Shiv, Matthew and Drew and great-grandparents
EDWARDS, Peggy Joan (née Hallett) — 7th November. Very much loved and missed, love from all the family xxx
HILL Doris Happy birthday for 7th November.
to Rhys, Evie and baby Callan xxx
A loving wife and Mum, who is sadly missed, all your family are thinking
WESTALL Tony and Esme 29-10-60 .
BRAXTON, Jon and Claire — would like to announce the arrival of their second daughter Alice, on 9th March. A beautiful sister for Sarah. Thank you to all the staff at the New Forest Birthing Centre.
minimum £5 incl. VAT
of you every day. With all our love,
husband John, sons and wives, grandchildren and great-grandchildren xxx
boxed Adverts
Cherish their Memory with a Family Announcement Contact our helpful team on 01425 613384
With love from children Philip, Kevin, Alison, Sarah and Richard and eight grandchildren.
ONLY £27 inc VAT
FARMER Rob and Kirsty (née Vincent)
FOOT, 11/11/2004. Remembering our daughter / sister, loved and missed so very much, Mum, Dad, Mike and Debbie. Tina —
ROBERTS, Rita — The family wish to express their sincere gratitude to Linda and Terry at Barton Luncheon Club, David Bywater minibus driver and all those who have supported Mum in past years providing vital social contact, lunches and events. Also thanks to Mary Rice-Mundy at the Derby & Joan Club, New Milton for her support and friendship.
We are very please to announce the birth of our beautiful daughter. Ella Grace was born on Monday 20th August 2018 weighing 6lb 12oz. Our grateful thanks to the sta at the New Forest Birth Centre for the care we received.
JONES Teresa “Terry” 11th November 2018.
We think of you and miss you every day. Love from all your family.
6x1 ∙ 60 x 45mm
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WILLIAMSON, Sophia Happy 18th birthday!
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P 26 & 27
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Wood Mary (née Coakes)
f Domestic Appliance (Repairs & Servicing)
6x1 ∙ 60 x 46mm
f Driveways & Paths
Enjoy your birthday weekend. Love, Mum, Dad and Thomas xxx
f Family Announcements f Flooring & Carpet Fitting
Sadly passed away peacefully on Wednesday 28th October 2020 at Oakhaven Hospice following a short illness. Loving wife, Mum to Katie and Nicola and Grandma to Mia, Chloe and Jasmine. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her. Private Family Funeral to follow at Bournemouth Crematorium.
f Found
f Funeral Directors
ONLY £36 inc VAT 4x2 ∙ 40 x 95mm
f Gardening
P 26 - 27
f Health & Beauty f House Clearance
f Livestock & Machinery f Man & Van & Removals
THOMAS Brian Congratulations on your retirement Dad.
f Motoring
P 28 & 29
Family flowers only. Donations, if desired, to Oakhaven Hospice.
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f Pets
Cherish their Memory with a Family Announcement Contact our helpful team on 01425 613384
We hope you enjoy your party tonight! Lots of time now for travelling, spending time with family and friend and relaxing. Love from all the family xxx
f Property
YATES Norman Reginald 1927 - 2020 Sadly, Norman died on 27th October 2020, aged 93 years. Loving husband of Mavis, dear father to Alison and Lesley. All enquiries to Maria Jones Funeral Directors, Brockenhurst, Telephone 01590 622981.
f Public Notices f Recruitment f Rest Homes f Scrap Metal f Security Services f Situations Wanted
call 01425 613384 to speak to our helpful team
Pennington . online service. Further information: www.pennington church. uk Telephone 01590 672896. 10am
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