New Milton Advertiser 6th Nov 2020

Friday 6th November 2020



Food National prize won by Indian takeaway Page 21

Motoring Puma SUVwins Parkers new car award Pages 28-29

Sport Poppy Cleal helps England clinch Six Nations title Pages 17-18

Indian Restaurant TAKE-AWAY! FREE HOME DELIVERY * AVAILABLE 6 DAYS A WEEK TUESDAY-SUNDAY 15% OFF COLLECTION ONLY *3 mile radius Bookings now taken by telephone and email: 135/136 High Street, Lymington SO41 9AQ 01590 671681 / 01590 676924

Ready for lockdown  Traders urge shoppers’ support  Two Covid deaths in district  Forest car parks to stay open  MP blasts restrictions ‘disaster’

We will remember them...


Cash crisis sees New Milton Memorial Centre close for rest of year Page 5 Warning after driver fined for failing to report pony collision Page 7 Review for jail sentence given to policeman who killed his lover Page 9 LT Price Rise 03

Facebook row over beer led to attack on cage fighter Page 11 9 771353 223033


ford, Marchwood and Somerley, near Ringwood, have stayed open, and domestic waste col- lections will continue as nor- mal. Lymington’s Saturday mar- ket will also carry on running through November, said the town council, but only for “essential” stalls including food, hardware and pet sup- plies. Garden centres have been al- lowed to keep trading and pubs can sell takeaway food. In Mil- ford, stores stayed open until 8pm on Wednesday to help vil- lagers stock up. Forestry England confirmed that, unlike in April, it will not be making any lockdown clo- sures to its New Forest car parks, other than for ongoing maintenance. In New Milton, a support group which launched for the first lockdown in April was im- mediately reactivated to help vulnerable residents with shop- ping and prescriptions. Hampshire County Coun- cil’s country parks, including Lepe, will stay open and the cafe will operate takeaway only. Car parking will be as normal and toilets will not be closed. HCC libraries will be closed for browsing but the Ready Reads click-and-collect service will

run and reservations can still be picked up. An extra 172 New Forest cas- es of Covid-19 were reported in the seven days to Tuesday, bringing the total to 1,205 since the start of the pandemic. On Tuesday Testwood School in Totton reported two pupils had recently tested positive, with parents informed if their chil- dren needed to self-isolate. Lymington hospital reas- sured residents it was better prepared than in the spring for any surge in infections and urged people to attend ap- pointments as usual. However, Matthew Lawson, chair of the New Forest Busi- ness Partnership, said trad- ers would be “very concerned” about another shutdown. He told the A&T: “It is abso- lutely essential that local res- idents support our local busi- nesses over the next month, including deliveries, takeaways, online shopping and vouchers.” Anthony Climpson, chief ex-


LOCKDOWN descended on the New Forest and Christchurch yesterday (Thursday) amid warnings from local businesses that their survival depends on public support and the restric- tions easing in December. The new national rules, an- nounced by the Prime Minister on Saturday over fears of rising infection rates, came in as two more people died from Covid-19 in the New Forest – the first fa- talities reported in six weeks. There were four deaths in the BCP Council area. As well as pubs, restaurants and “non-essential” shops, the doors have closed on New Forest and BCP council lei- sure centres, plus theatres and grassroots sport. NFDC has furloughed the majority of its leisure staff. Remembrance Sunday cer- emonies have also either been scaled right back or held ear- ly in some places, with others ready to broadcast online. From Monday Wightlink said it will cut sailings on its Lym- ington-Yarmouth car ferry to a two-hourly service using one ship. However, the household waste recycling centres at Ef-

Index Business Obituary


Some Remembrance Sunday events, such as this one in Keyhaven, have been held early as communities prepare scaled-back and online commemorations – full story on page 6 (Photo: Paul French)


14 Christian Comment 16 Letters 16 From Our Files 19 Puzzle Corner 19 Food and Drink 21 Planning 22 New Forest Notes 23 Classifieds 24-27 Motoring 28-29 Family Announcements back page 9 771353 223033 9 771353 223033 43 9 771353 223033 44

Man ‘froze to death’ at home

A MAN died from hypothermia after alcohol-induced paraly- sis trapped him on the floor of his cold Lymington flat for 12 hours, an inquest heard. When police broke into Nicholas Lindeman’s proper- ty in Campion Way they found the 63-year-old wearing just a dressing gown and shivering, Winchester Coroner’s Court was told. He was semi-conscious with blue lips and hands, and could barely talk.

Mr Lindeman was rushed to Southampton General Hospital and underwent scans, but due to his long medical history and unlikely recovery, he was made comfortable until he died later that day. The inquest heard police were alerted on 14th March by Debbie Millward, landlady at Mr Lindeman’s local pub, the Borough Arms. She said he “turned up like clockwork” at lunchtimes but she had not seen him for four days.

Neighbours who lived be- neath Mr Lindeman’s flat told police they had not seen him for a similar period but had heard noises around midnight on 13th March like moving furniture. When PC Christopher Fry and a colleague gained entry at around midday they found Mr Lindeman in a “distressed state” and called paramedics. Coroner Christopher Wilkin- son explained that hospital doctors said it was most likely he suffered a seizure because of a neurological condition, Wer- nicke’s encephalopathy, which is caused by prolonged alcohol abuse, although a toxicology re- port revealed he had no alcohol in his blood at the time. A secondary aspect can be

Continued on page 2


Family firmwon £100m government PPE deals

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A LUXURY packaging firm in Lymington which had just £46,000 in the bank in its last published accounts was hand- ed nearly £100m of contracts by the government to supply vital PPE. Brandology Ltd was awarded a £69.6m contract in June and another worth £29.3m in July, according to information pub- lished by the Department for Health and Social Care.

Details available online said the smaller contract started on 1st June and ended a day later, while the larger one started on 17th June, ending the same day. The contracts have not gone through a tender process since the government has cited the emergency of dealing with coro- navirus as a reason to short-cir- cuit the process. No description was given for the larger contract but of

the smaller deal, the govern- ment said: “The Department of Health and Social Care… has awarded a contract to Bran- dology Ltd for the supply of personal protective equipment (gloves) to protect health and care workers from contracting the Covid-19 disease.” Records onCompaniesHouse list the firm as having two direc- tors: Hannah Halstead-Morton

Named as one of the most innovative and influential independent schools in the country. (i25 Excellence in Education Awards 2019)

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Continued on page 2

RELY ON US We run parallel remote learning as standard. Watch our ‘virtual information presentation’ here Zoom appointments with specialist subject teachers can be arranged. Please contact MrsWills, Head of Admissions.


Making life easier...

9 771353 223033


9 771353 223033


9 771353 223033

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