New Milton Advertiser 6th Nov 2020

4 · Friday 6th November 2020 · · 01425 613384


Forest hospital ‘better prepared’ this lockdown

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own is really safe and has been proven so.” Dr Anderson welcomed the announcement of the second lockdown, explaining: “Person- ally I am relatively glad to have a chance to stop and reset. “That’s because even here in the New Forest, which is prob- ably among the best places in the country for low rates, it feels like this is a good time to try and reset before the worst of the winter.” As to whether it had come too late, Dr Anderson said: “From a medical point of view it probably could have come sooner but from an economic point it’s a hugely difficult call – in the end we have to live with the decisions that are made. “I have to say the public have been amazing. “We’ve made many changes at the hospital because they be- came necessary – such as mak- ing people book for blood test appointments – and they’ve just got on with it.” The hospital will be maintain- ing its other clinics – such as en- doscopy and cardio – as well as blood test and X-ray bookings and conducting appointments either face to face, virtually or over the phone.

Rise in cases expected, but outlook brighter this time, says medic


LYMINGTON hospital is bet- ter prepared to fight any sharp rise in coronavirus cases this lockdown, a senior medic has pledged. Not only do medics have a much greater knowledge of Cov- id-19, but the Ampress-based hospital also has plentiful stocks of a drug that has been discovered to curb its effects in certain patients. “We have made the hospital as safe as possible,” said Dr Ra- chel Anderson, clinical lead of Southern Health NHS Founda- tion Trust, which runs the hos- pital. “We are not seeing people get it in a healthcare setting, so do not feel nervous – if you need to come in and see us, please do that. “Otherwise please lock down so that we can get on top of this and get better and get back to normal. It’s four weeks, so get your head down and stay in- side.” She added: “Use your exer- cise time, keep yourself con- nected virtually with people and keep in contact with your neighbours. We can beat it. If you do it properly, you will really support us.” In an interview with the A&T, respiratory consultant Dr An- derson confirmed Lymington New Forest Hospital is current- ly treating five patients who have tested positive for corona- virus. But she knew of rising lo- cal Covid rates, and said: “It feels very similar to March and April. “We currently have five Cov- id positive patients, which is a drop from last week when it was seven and since two were able to leave from the hospital all well and good. “We can definitely feel there is more coming. We are get- ting presentments of the type 19 Fir Avenue, New Milton • Double glaze your whole house

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Lymington hospital is currently treating five patients for coronavirus, says Dr Rachel Ande rson (inset)

Lymington market to stay open in lockdown LYMINGTON’S popular Sat- urday market will remain open to traders selling what the gov- ernment has deemed “essential items” during November’s shut- down. The National Association of Local Markets has confirmed that stalls selling food, licensed alcohol, plants, and hardware, bike, pet, agricultural and newsagents’ supplies can con- tinue to trade. Lymington and Pennington Town Council said the event will still be operating predominate- ly on one side of the road and set back from the pavement to allow additional space to com- ply with social distancing rules. of patients that may well have it, hearing of more things and know of more people who are getting it.” However, Dr Anderson was keen to stress the outlook was much brighter ahead of the second lockdown compared to the first, thanks to more knowl- edge of the virus and the drug Dexamethasone, which has been proven to reduce mortal- ity rates of those suffering Cov- id-19 and needing ventilators in hospital settings. Dr Anderson added: “We can also recognise Covid-19 much better, treat it better, we know what it looks like and also how it can cause effects in certain patients – such as there was an issue around blood clotting, which we now know how to pre- vent.” Mental health services were “very busy”, Dr Anderson said, adding it was “hugely impor- tant” people looked after their mental health.

Asked for her tips on the lockdown, Dr Anderson said people needed to self-isolate effectively and get regular ex- ercise. “I think it’s really important we all do one or two things to make this go away. The first is to self-isolate, as following the rules

will make a massive difference. “Two, people need to keep exercising. We really saw quite a lot of deconditioning for peo- ple in the first wave. People or patients were not getting out and about in the beginning of this when we knew little about it – but exercising out on your

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Two Covid-19 deaths in Forest as new cases rise by 172 TWOmore people have died in the New Forest from Covid-19, according to official numbers. There was one death in hos- pital and another in a care home in the district, reported the Office for National Statis- tics (ONS) in its weekly up- date. have died in the conurbation from Covid-19 so far. The provisional figures from the ONS published on Tues- day related to cause of death for fatalities up to 23rd Octo- ber but which were registered up to 31st October. 100,000 people – compared with 742.2 in Blackburn, one of the worst-hit areas of the country. The BCP area rate was 207.9, with the total amount of new weekly cases coming to 822. It brings the combined number to 4,089 since the start of the pandemic.

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Separate weekly govern- ment figures for the seven days to Tuesday showed 172 new cases of Covid-19 in the New Forest, bringing the total so far to 1,205 since the start of the pandemic. The local rate is 95.5 per

They were the first deaths in the area for five weeks and bring the total to 135 so far. In the BCP Council area, which includes Christchurch, there were four deaths, all in hospital. It means 201 people


The case figures are for the numbers of people with at least one lab-confirmed pos- itive Covid-19 test result in the most recent seven-day pe- riod.

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Delayed reopening for revamped Regent

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THE much-anticipated reo- pening of the Regent Centre in Christchurch following a major £350,000 refurbishment has been put back due to the country’s second lockdown. The High Street venue was due to open for film screenings on 12th November after com- pletion of the renovation, which started back in June. The venue now plans to open on 4th De- cember. Regent manag-

temporary closure. Classes have moved online, but the planned Christmas show, which brings in significant in- come for the venue, is set to be cancelled in the event of an ex- tended lockdown. Sharon Lawless, CEO and cre- ative producer at Forest Forge, said: “We have suffered and con- tinue to suffer a financial loss during these challenging times, and this second

A spokesperson for the coun- cil said: “We are doing our ut- most to support traders con- tinuing to operate during these difficult times. “Please come along to sup- port the market traders, en- suring you are wearing a face covering when queueing, using hand sanitiser and adher- ing to social distancing guide- lines.” Following the country’s first lockdown back in spring, Lym- ington market began tentative- ly operating again in June, with significantly fewer stalls. Big Enough to Cope, Small Enough to Care 35+ YEarS ExpEriEnCE

wave will throw an- other shadow of un- certainty over our future.” Forest Forge is currently plan- ning a fundraising campaign, and will continue to of- fer a range of online courses, including a writers group and im-

er Matthew Vass- White said: “The main impact for us is that the re- lease dates for new films will be pushed back further, meaning there are fewer new films to screen.

A TEAMof so-called Covidmar- shals will be out on the streets of Christchurch, Bournemouth and Poole from tomorrow (Sat- urday). Seven marshals wearing high-vis jackets will be making sure people are sticking to the rules of social distancing and mask-wearing, undertaking spot checks and passing on in- formation to police when “fur- ther action” is required. They were recruited by BCP Council after it received funding from the government. “Marshals will provide a vis- ible presence in priority areas and hotspots, signposting busi- nesses and residents to guid- ance and advice,” said a council spokesperson. As reported in the A&T, New Forest District Council was in the process of hiring its own marshals after receiving a “But we know from our initial on-sale period that there is still confidence in cinema-going, so we’re just going to need to find inventive ways to programme the venue for a little while.” He added: “We will be oper- ating at a budget deficit until a national solution is found and we very much appreciate the support of our customers who continue to purchase tickets, buy gift vouchers and make do- nations with us.” Forest Forge Theatre Co in Ringwood is also suffering a fi- nancial loss. It reopened on 30th September and was getting back on its feet with the launch of adult and youth theatre groups before lockdown forced another

£71,000 government grant. However, in light of the new national restrictions, a spokes- person said plans are currently under review. Cllr May Haines, cabinet member for community safe- ty at BCP Council, said: “We would like to welcome the sev- en new marshals to the BCP Council team, and look forward to all working together to help people adhere to current Cov- id-19 guidance with the shared goal of keeping our communi- ties safe.” Government guidance says the marshals, who will patrol ar- eas such as town centres, parks and train stations, will have no enforcement powers, such as arrest or on-the-spot fines. Instead they should “engage, explain and encourage best practice and national Covid-19 secure guidance”. provisation course. Activities at Hanger FarmArts Centre in Totton had started to pick up post-lockdown, with the café back up and running, groups returning and socially distanced cinema viewings tak- ing place. A spokesperson told the A&T: “This month, we had hoped to run the first of our live shows, so this latest lockdown is especially disappointing. “It also puts our Christmas programme of shows under threat, traditionally a very im- portant time of year for the arts centre.” Meanwhile, virtual stage shows go out online on Friday evenings at

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Covid marshals set to hit the streets

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