New Milton Advertiser 6th Nov 2020
Friday 6th November 2020 · 5 News · · 01425 613384
Popular hall closes as funding dries up
Raiders take £7,000 haul from home
THOUSANDS of pounds of jewellery, cash and fragrances were stolen by thieves from a Barton home. The perpetrators targeted Debbie and Ian West’s proper- ty in Barton Lane at some time between 11am on Tuesday 27th October and 2pm on Thursday 29th, Hampshire police said.
Speaking to the A&T, Debbie said the couple wanted to warn people to “not to let their guard down”. She added: “These guys seemed very proficient in what they did. They gained access and left no footprints and there was very little trace in the house.”
A police spokesperson con- firmed a number of items in - cluding jewellery, cash and fra- grances were stolen from the property, with an approximate value of £7,000. Anyone with any informa- tion should call 101 quoting 44200419985 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
ton and Bournemouth, and we can seat 50 people at two me- tres’ distance all around. So we can comply with all the Covid and government legislation.” Mr Davis said the centre’s manager and assistant manag- er recently changed their ca- pacity to voluntary, and an on- line fundraising page was being planned. Speaking to the A&T on Wednesday, Mr Luker pointed out the concerts and festivals the centre was renowned for hosting were its primary source of income before the Covid crisis. This profit was complement - ed by sales made from the bar, which has since had to be cleared. Since March, income has mainly been from smaller use, such as a local dance club and presentations by local his- tory group the Milton Heritage Society. “We really are running at a loss – the costs are more than it makes to keep it open,” Mr Luker said. Despite the rejected grant aid bid, Mr Luker was heart- ened by the town council’s con- tinued support for the centre, citing proposals to transform it into New Milton’s community and cultural hub. However, this scheme – part of the emerging Neighbourhood Plan – is still some years in the future. The centre is on the lookout for more volunteers to help. Anyone interested is asked to contact manager Pat Dowdall by emailing manager@mem or calling 01425 629451. uary and September this year from 776 during the whole of 2019. People are reminded to en- sure their waste is disposed of properly by a licensed waste carrier by checking the Envi- ronment Agency directory on- line at Anyone with information about the piano can contact FE in confidence by calling 0300 067 4601 or emailing southern.
Biggest venue in area suffering as events income disappears
FAILURE to secure extra fund- ing has forced New Milton Me- morial Centre to close its doors to all but essential use for the rest of the year to remain afloat. The busy facility, off White- field Road, usually hosts a range of events including con- certs, indoor markets and exer- cise classes. But it has been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandem- ic, with its use heavily limited since March. A £10,000 government handout in April provided a much-needed boost to the run- ning of the centre, which oper- ates as a charity. However, David Luker, chair of the board of trustees, said in an application to the town council for a £5,000 grant that the £10,000 was “nearly ex- hausted”. As well as scaled-down and socially distanced use such as Zumba classes, the centre has continued to host NHS blood donor sessions and the Little Angels nursery – both classed as essential services. Mr Luker stressed costs con- tinued to be incurred by clean- ing and maintenance work throughout the lockdown – even at a reduced level. “By December there will be insufficient funds to keep the centre open,” he wrote. FLYTIPPERS struck a bum note when they dumped a vin- tage piano at a New Forest beauty spot. The Hermann Stahl Berlin upright piano, complete with fitted candleholders, was an un - expected sight for David Hunt- er as he took a morning stroll at Holmsley Inclosure, near Bur - ley, last Thursday. “It was just a surprise to see it there,” Mr Hunter, from New Milton, told the A&T. “I often walk or cycle in the Forest and I have occasionally seen flytipped rubbish down there, but not a piano! “My first thought was why would anyone dump a piano in the rain which could have prob- ably been restored? “It could have been easily ad- vertised, for example on eBay or a free site. “Having been soaked in the rain it now looks ruined.” A Forestry England (FE) spokesperson said the piano was due to have been removed
e New Forest’s leading centre, o ering you quality and choice of Trees, Shrubs and Hardy Plants homegrown on our own 25 acre nursery. Our garden centre will remain open throughout lockdown, normal hours still apply.
Meadowbrook’s Produce: Meadowbrooks store will be
Trustees chair David Luker outside the memorial centre
situated in our garden centre car park, open for business 7 days a week beginning on Thursday 5th November. Camellias Restaurant will unfortunately be closed in line with government instructions to hospitality business. We do expect to commence Christmas lunches on the 3rd December, telephone bookings being accepted now.
tee, confirmed it was closing its doors from yesterday (Thurs- day). It will still host the nursery, as well as the blood sessions which take place around once a month. “The biggest charge is util- ities – the electric, water and gas. These are exceedingly large amounts of money that have to be paid even if we’re not using the centre,” he told the A&T. “We’ve just got to hang in there a bit now. Once we get to the end of December, beginning of January, we should begin to pick up – we have had many en- quiries from groups. “We’ve got the largest hall anywhere between Southamp-
But following a private de - bate during Monday’s online finance and general purposes committee, town councillors turned down the application. They said the £5,000 sum made up the entirety of the town council’s grant aid pot for 2020/21, from which it hands out up to £600 a time. Town clerk Graham Flexman said: “We are sorry we cannot help financially at this stage, but we are keen to work with the memorial centre in ensuring its facilities remain available for the community as a whole.” Disappointed by the refus- al, Pete Davis, chairman of the centre’s management commit-
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Dumped piano off-key sight at beauty spot
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The piano was dumped at Holmsley Inclosure (Photo: David Hunter)
on Wednesday at an estimated cost of several hundred pounds due to its weight and size. “Unfortunately this is yet an- other example of flytipping in the New Forest and the lack of respect some people have for this special landscape,” the spokesperson said. “Leaving unwanted items in this way not only endangers
others using the Forest but can be extremely hazardous to wildlife. Removing the waste is also costly and diverts precious resources away from looking af- ter the Forest.” The latest example came as New Forest District Council revealed flytipping across the area had surged to 1,043 re - ported incidents between Jan-
Your local Clearview Stoves Specialist: WARMTH FOR THEWISE Your local Clearview Stoves Specialist: WARMTH FOR THEWISE Your local Clearview Stoves Specialist: ARMTH FOR THE ISE Your local Clearview Stoves Specialist: WARMTH FOR THEWISE
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