New Milton Advertiser 9th Oct 2020

Friday 9th October 2020 · 15 · · 01425 613384


Raid on beach huts to cost owners thousands

Council chair under fire in debates row

THE Conservative chair of New Forest District Council has been criticised by the leader of the Liberal Democrat oppo- sition for the way he oversees debates. Cllr Allan Glass provoked complaints from the Lib Dem group who accused him of cut- ting off their questions and praising policies put forward by Tories – despite the role being neutral. The criticism was made by Cllr David Harrison following the last full NFDC meeting chaired by Cllr Glass and held via Skype and broadcast on YouTube. During the debate Cllr Glass had to quickly apologise when he wrongly addressed Lib Dem Cllr Jack Davies as “Jack Dan- iels”. Cllr Harrison wrote online: “He is supposed to act in an impartial way, but fails to do so, complimenting Conservative policies and cabinet decisions. “Worse than that, he rudely interrupted councillors when asking perfectly valid questions and stopped them from doing so. “Anyone watching the perfor- mance might be welcoming the demise of the district council, based on what was witnessed last night. It does reveal an overall lack of ability in the Conservative ranks.”

having been vandalised before during that period, this was the first time theirs was hit. Ron added: “Others are less fortunate than us – at least we’re insured. “There’s a lot of others who have to employ people – car- penters and so on – which will cost a lot of money. “Apparently the New For- est council actually employ a security company to check the beach huts occasionally, but I don’t think they do it at night. “The police can’t do anything, can they? One guy on a bike and one PCSO in Barton can’t stop a load of guys going down there around three in the morning!” Barton ward councillor Alan O’Sullivan expressed his anger at the attacks on the beach huts during Monday’s virtu- al New Milton Town Council meeting, branding the dam- age “mindless”. He also called for those responsible to face a heavier penalty than “a slap on the wrists” if caught. Police are investigating the raids, and a spokesperson for the Hampshire force said the local neighbourhood team had been carrying out extra patrols of the area. “Due to Covid security guide- lines, we have not been able to provide our normal volunteering services, but continue to fund- raise for additional equipment to enable the hospital to en- hance patient care and treat- ment for the local community.” Mr Whitfield said: “One of the main activities of the Free- masons is our support for char- itable causes in the community and during the lockdown our members raised money for local hospital staff and key workers. “Promoting health and well- being amongst our members and in the local community is an important part of what we do.” Funds were also raised for the Royal Bournemouth Hospital.

Thieves made off with tea, coffee, cushions and towels


Cllr Allan Glass

MORE than 20 Barton beach huts were ransacked causing thousands of pounds worth of damage from a “ridiculous” raid in which the thieves fled with only coffee, tea, cushions and towels. Offenders targeted at least 21 huts last Friday night, leaving many exposed to the heavy rain and strong winds lashing the area at the time. One, owned by local 75-year- old Roy Edwin and his wife Pam (73), had its panels ripped away from the entire 9ft length of one of the side walls, creating a large enough gap to climb in- side. Having ransacked the hut and searched the cupboards and drawers, the raiders made off with towels and cushions. Although Roy managed to quickly patch up the damage by hammering panels back in place to make the hut water- tight, it had already suffered THE owner of a popular cycling café in Ringwood says he will be staying in the saddle after controversial plans to turn the premises into a flat were re - fused. Peter Moore, who runs Cafe Velo in Star Lane, said he had had “tremendous support” from the local community and had always had inten- tions of keeping the business going. As reported in the A&T, land- lord Peter Hayward, of Sur- ereed Ltd, was pushing for Mr Moore to vacate the premises, claiming in his planning appli- cation to New Forest District Council that he was in rent ar- rears and had a “bleak outlook in making up the payments in the years to come”. Mr Hayward proposed turn- ing the building into a ground- floor three-bedroom flat with parking. He doubted there was demand from commercial ten- ants and said the plan would ensure the premises did not fall empty. However, his application sparked 74 objections, and Ringwood Town Council also wanted the plans thrown out. In its refusal notice, the dis- trict council said the introduc- tion of ground-floor residential use within a main shopping area would compromise its “fu- ture viability and vitality”. It continued: “Furthermore, no justification has been sub - Hospice looks to add more rooms PLANS to boost the in-patient capacity of Oakhaven Hospice are being considered by New Forest District Council. The scheme, which involves the addition of two en suite bedrooms at the facility in Low- er Pennington Lane, has been drawn up as part of the hospice’s long-term expansion plans. Two small extensions would be created by filling space be - tween the main hospice and a linked chapel – increasing the footprint of the building by 14%. Theapplicationsaid: “Theben- efit which the proposal provides is to allow the hospice to cost-ef- fectively expand and adapt and, as such, provide their valuable service to additional people from the local community. “The hospice continues to operate at capacity and there continues to be a large unmet demand for additional palliative care provision in the locality.” The application is set to be decided following a consulta- tion ending on 28th October. Oakhaven Hospice spokes- person Melanie Stone ex- plained: “These plans were ac- tually draw up last year prior to the coronavirus pandemic and submitted in early February. However, because the relevant fees have recently been paid, they have only now been regis- tered. “Given the current financial instability the charity is facing, we have no plans to go ahead with any building work until a much later date.” She added: “Once permission is granted we have a restricted income in place from a statuto- ry source to cover the costs of building work. But we would only go ahead at the point when we could also meet the costs of the additional nurses and staff that would also be required to care for the extra patients.”

He added: “It doesn’t help that the chairman of the council is – to put it kindly – rather less than competent. He stumbles to keep his place on the agenda and who is next to speak.” A spokeswoman for NFDC defended Cllr Glass’s chairman- ship, saying: “Under common law, the chairman has ultimate control of council meetings and is able to take decisions as he considers appropriate having regard to standing orders and the good order of running the meeting effectively. “In relation to standing or- ders, members are permitted to speak once on any motion or item raised at council meet- ings.” Cllr Glass did not respond to the A&T’s request for com- ment.

Panels were ripped off Roy Edwin’s beach hut and the insi de ransacked

from the rain getting in. In addition to the couple’s towels and cushions, he told the A&T he had heard “hardly any- thing” of value had been stolen from the other huts. Owners had reported only items such as

tea and coffee going missing. “It was just ridiculous that they would even break in for these items,” Roy said. “To do all that damage, which is thou- sands of pounds’ worth, for nothing.

“Most of the people that own the huts are quite elderly, so it’s a bit of a shock for them really.” Having retired from the mid- lands, the couple have owned their hut at Barton for about six years. Despite other people’s

Threatened cafe cycles on after flat plans refused

Masons raise £3k for hospital

LOCAL Freemason groups have raised almost £3,000 for Lyming- ton Hospital League of Friends by completing fundraising chal- lenges during lockdown. Members were innovative in their efforts with some sleeping out in tents, making and selling lapel pins, and taking part in on- line competitions. Leon Whitfield from the Free - masons presented a cheque for £2,821 to Arthur England, trustee and joint chair of the Friends. Mr England said: “We really appreciate and value the mag- nificent fundraising by the local Freemasons to support our hos- pital, patients and staff during this challenging time.

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Peter Moore says he will be keeping the bu siness going

mitted with the application to demonstrate that the premises are unviable in their existing use. “The considerable level of objection received to the pro- posed change of use from users of the existing service suggests that the cafe is a popular and viable town centre use.” Mr Moore declined to com- ment on the outcome, but did confirm he would be keeping the business going. Cafe Velo was named Cyclist Cafe of the Year in 2018 by na- tional charity Cycling UK, and on the TripAdvisor website the eatery has 4.5 stars, with 80% of reviews rating it “excellent”. It was also top in Ringwood for

“quick bites”. The many supporters of the café said the premises had be- come a “community hub” for cyclists, and was also popular with young mothers. One objector wrote: “This is not just a café, it’s a community that welcomes all ages and abil- ities or non-cyclists alike.” Another said: “My concern is Ringwood’s heart is starting to beat a lot slower and if this planning application is accept- ed, a business that adds signif- icantly to the health and well- being of the people of this town and beyond will be forced to close, causing redundancy and a significant community loss to the town.”

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