New Milton Advertiser 9th Oct 2020
Friday 9th October 2020
Education Help and advice for your child’s best education Pages 25-27
Weddings Making the big day one you will never forget Page 29
Sport Christchurch create
Indian Restaurant TAKE-AWAY! FREE HOME DELIVERY * AVAILABLE 7 DAYS A WEEK 15% OFF COLLECTION ONLY *3 mile radius Bookings now taken by telephone and email: 135/136 High Street, Lymington SO41 9AQ 01590 671681 / 01590 676924 30%OFF MON - THURS* *When Dining In - Food only
Cup magic with Gloucester win Pages 21-23
Police break up Covid rule flouters
Pumpkin kings’ record bid
Index Business Planning Obituaries 19 Christian Comment 20 Letters 20 From Our Files 24 Puzzle Corner 24 On the Hoof 28 Clubs and Societies 28 Food and Drink 31 Classifieds 32-35 Motoring 36-37 Family Announcements back page LT Price Rise 03 Near-miss for driver after tree crashes on road feet from her car Page 5 Lymington’s Thomas Tripp pub to reopen – with a new name Page 9 Forest hotels boss slams ‘wrong’ curfew for restaurants Page 10 ‘Ridiculous’ raid on 21 beach huts to cost owners thousands Page 15 16 18
Station Road on the night of Friday 25th September he en- countered “hostility and open disregard for order in a time when all of us are having to sac- rifice so much”. PCSO McCaffery warned that those who flout the rules risk a £200 fine. Reacting to news of last Fri- day’s incident in Osborne Road, town mayor Cllr Alvin Reid em- phasised it was a small minority of youngsters who were going against the pandemic regula- tions. “Any breach is bad. We’re all struggling to try and keep to the regulations, but unfortunately there are a few people who be- lieve the regulations don’t apply to them,” he told the A&T. “We should educate them so that they understand the impact it could have on their family and their grandparents if they catch the virus. “All the data shows that young people are quite safe – if they catch it, it would usual- ly be just a mild attack. But if they were to pass it on to their parents or grandparents, they
O cers’ plea to parents after 30 youths found in abandoned house
POLICE broke up a gathering of about 30 youngsters at an abandoned house in New Mil- ton in breach of Covid-19 regu- lations. The incident in Osborne Road last Friday night came ex- actly a week after officers were abused by a group of youths who refused to wear face cover- ings in a store in Station Road. It has prompted a call from the police that parents ensure their children understand the rules. Under the current govern- ment regulations aimed at re- ducing the spread of corona- virus, no more than six people from different households are allowed to gather indoors or outdoors – known as the Rule of Six. Responding to the call-out to Osborne Road shortly before 10.30pm, officers ejected the youngsters from the building. However, the group contin- ued to loiter in the streets out- side, leading to a 12-hour dis- persal order being enforced. In addition to Osborne Road, this banned them from gather-
Martha Syrett (2) sits atop a giant pumpkin grown by Ian and Stuart Paton – see full story, page 3
Aldi returns with store plan
ing in the areas of the nearby railway line, Whitefield Road, Ashley Road and Oak Road. Posting on social media after- wards, PCSO Amy Blake said: “It has been a running theme over the past few weekends whereby officers have been giv- en a verbal onslaught by groups of youths in the New Milton town area while operating in the line of duty. “We ask if you are a parent, please have this conversation with your teenagers. We try our best, and our jobs are not made any easier by groups of youths hurling verbal abuse and not complying with our directions.” As reported in the A&T, PCSO Alan McCaffery hit out at a “small minority” of teens and adults who refused to wear masks in New Milton shops. He said that while patrolling
SUPERMARKET giant Aldi has submitted new plans for a store in New Milton after its first effort was thrown out by councillors. The second application for a site opposite Tesco in Caird Avenue is being backed by one town councillor who said the last one being turned down was a “travesty of justice”. Aldi said that if given the go-
ahead the new store will cre- ate at least 30 new jobs. It has already attracted 42 letters of support lodged with New For- est District Council, against five objections. The German retail company’s last bid was turned down by just one vote by NFDC’s plan- ning committee in May. An Aldi spokesperson told the A&T this week: “We know
our customers are currently travelling beyond New Milton for our award-winning products and are committed to bringing our low-cost, high-quality offer to the area. “We have worked extensively with planning officers to revise our proposals for a new store on Caird Avenue. “We are hopeful this revised application will be considered acceptable and we can proceed with bringing this much-want- ed new investment to New Mil- ton.” The amended plan has been welcomed by residents and New Milton councillor David
Your l cal Clearview Stoves Specialist: WARMTH FOR THEWISE
Continued on page 2
Cop shop on the move
9 771353 223033
Continued on page 2 Suppliers of wo d burning stoves since 1978 Visit our showroom
LYMINGTON police will relo- cate from the town’s station to a new base at the nearby town hall onMonday – two years after the move was first announced. The old police station in Southampton Road, which dates back to 1952, was branded by Hampshire police and crime commissioner Michael Lane as “outdated and no longer fit for purpose”. He said the new base in Av- enue Road provided a modern and fit-for-purpose accommo- dation for officers and staff to
continue policing the Lyming- ton area. It will have a public front desk, but the current Covid-19 pandemic means it will not open until restrictions allow. New Forest West Insp. Mike Minnock said: “This move pro- vides our officers with an up- to-date environment allowing us to cope with the challenges of modern-day policing. “Our officers will continue to deliver high-visibility patrols in Lymington and surrounding areas, while members of the
public will be able to report any crime or anti-social behaviour to us as our front desk will be staffed full-time, Monday to Friday, when it opens. “It will also allow for us to further embed our already positive relationship with our stakeholders such as the New Forest District Council as we look to continue to protect the community from high-harm of- fences.” The new base also boasts an interview room, workspace and
Open Monday-Saturday The Old School House, Church Lane, Sway 01590 683585 O e ay-Saturday 280 Ricardo Way, Ampress Park, Lymington, SO41 8JU . .
9 771353 223033
Your local Clearview Stoves Specialist: WARMTH FOR THEWISE
9 771353 223033 Campaign price discount SAVE £200! On selected Contura models until 31st October 9 771353 223033 44
Continued on page 2
9 771353 223033 Your local Clearview Stoves Specialist: WARMTH FOR THEWISE Your local Clearview Stoves Specialist: WARMTH FOR THEWISE Your loca Clearview Stoves Specialist: WARMTH FOR THEWISE
Suppliers of wood burning stoves since 1978 Visit our showroom
9 771353 223033
Open Monday-Saturday The Old School House, Church Lane, Sway 01590 683585 O e ay-Saturday 280 Ricardo Way, Ampress Park, Lymington, SO41 8JU . .
9 771353 223033
Suppliers of wood burning stoves since 1978 Visit our showroom Su pliers of w od bur ing stove since 1978 V sit our showr om Suppliers of w od bur ing stoves since 1978 V sit our showr om
9 771353 223033
Open Monday-Saturday The Old School House, Church Lane, Sway 01590 683585 O e on ay-Saturday 280 Ricardo Way, Ampress Park, Lymington, SO41 8JU 1 90 68 . oo ne s.c Open Monday-Saturday The Old Sch ol House, Church Lane, Sway 01590 683585 w.w O en ay-Saturday 280 Ricardo Way, Ampress Park, Lymington, SO41 8JU 01 0 68 .wo rs.c Open Monday-Saturday The Old School House, Church Lane, Sway 01590 6 3585 ww.w odbu Open on ay-Saturday 280 Ricardo Way, Ampress Park, Lymington, SO41 8JU 015 0 .w bu ners. OpenMonday - F iday i ardoWa , g
9 771353 223033 • •
01425 613384
31-33 Compton Road, New Milton, Hants BH25 6EQ
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