New Milton Advertiser 9th Oct 2020
18 · Friday 9th October 2020 · · 01425 613384
Charity property set for affordable housing
Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest District Council during the week ending Friday 2nd October 2020: Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Timber constructed WC and store to rear of listed cottage, Thatched Eaves, Salisbury Road, Ibsley, Mr Theobold. Timber constructed WC and store to rear of listed cottage (application for listed build- ing consent), Thatched eaves, Salisbury Road, Ibsley, Mr The- obold. Height variation to approved garden room and new tim- ber pergola (retrospective), Thatched Eaves, Salisbury Road, Ibsley, Mr Theobold. Fawley Detached garage, 104 Hamp- ton Lane, Blackfield, Mr and Mrs Avery. Fordingbridge Ground floor single-storey extension, 8 Bedford Close, Mr and Mrs Fenwick. Hordle Proposed three-bedroom chalet bungalow with parking, three bedroom bungalow with garage and parking demolish existing dwelling, 27 Sky End Lane, Robert A. Govier Building and Roofing Ltd. Proposed extension to exist- ing ancillary accommodation (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 17 Frys Lane, Everton, Mr Davey. Hythe and Dibden Porch, first-floor extension, pitched roofs to front and rear dormer, fenestration altera- tions, 13 Orchard Way, Dibden Purlieu, Mr J. Hartley-Binns. Single-storey extensions to front and rear, first floor exten- sion over existing garage, first floor gable extension to rear, 14 Warrys Close, Mr and Mrs Stredwick. Single-storey rear extension ( lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Acacia Cottage, 10 Lunedale Road, Mr Poynter. Lymington and Pennington Single-storey side exten- sion (replacement of existing), outbuilding in back garden, 27 Rookes Lane, Mr Otten. Milford-on-Sea Applications THE following applications for planning permission were sub- mitted to New Forest Nation- al Park Authority during the week ending Friday 2nd Octo- ber 2020: Ashurst and Colbury Retention of repairs and al- terations to canopy, extension to building, fencing and under- ground water storage tank, 128 Lyndhurst Road. Boldre First floor rear extension over existing ground floor, ground floor rear extension, porch, two dormers, chimney extension, render, cladding, window alterations, demolition existing porch, Horseshoes, Brook Hill, Norley Wood. Brockenhurst Retention of fence and gates, Laburnum, Burford Lane. First floor extension and roof alter - ations to facilitate addition- al habitable accommodation, single storey lean-to extension and external staircase to ex- isting garage, relocation and extension to wall and gate, re- placement shed,11 The Cop- pice. Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Single-storey extension, front dormer, six rooflights, demolition of existing conserv- atory, Amberleigh, Mockbeg- gar. Hyde First floor rear extension, Honeysuckle Cottage, Hunger- Applications THE following applications for planning permission in Christ- church were submitted to BCP Council during the week end- ing 2nd October 2020: Erection of single-storey rear extension to measure 4m in length, with a maximum height of 4m and height to eaves of 2.5m; 9C Grove Road East. Changes to first floor rear windows planning application 8/20/0361/HOU first floor rear extension; 72A Avenue Road. Single-storey rear extension and single-storey side exten- sion; 22 Twynham Avenue. Proposed Conservatory; 2A Wilton Close. Construction of new garage; 61 Canberra Road.
Redlands, North Road, Dibden Purlieu, Mr Latter. First floor addition, 29 Oak Road, Dibden Purlieu, Mr Brad- ford. Demolish existing lean-to and conservatory and replace with single-storey wrap round extension, 96 Cumberland Way, Dibden, Mr and Miss Kelly and Tang. Extension to rear of garage (retrospective), single-storey rear extension to bungalow, 15 Windrush Way, Mr Allsworth. Proposed first floor side ele - vation extension and tiled roof over porch and garage, 47 Whit- tington Close, Mr Whitfield. Lymington and Pennington Repoint wall and chimney, repair replace brickwork to north, south and west facing el- evations (application for listed building consent), Lymington Bridge Club, 4 Quadrille Court, St Thomas Street, Lymington Bridge Club. Removal of existing pergola, construction of a new single bay garage building with workshop, 12 Belmore Lane, Mr Bennett. New conservatory to side el- evation of property, Woodcote Cottage, 105 Ramley Road, Pen- nington, Mr Bird. Marchwood First floor extension, ground floor side extension, out - building extension, porch, Sycamore Lodge, Hythe Road, Mr Sims. Milford-on-Sea Single-storey extension and balcony, 30 Grebe Close, Mr and Mrs Hopkins. Netley Marsh Display one red fascia sign displaying the company logo on the front exterior of the building (application for advertisement consent), Wade Park Farm, Salisbury Road, Mr Barrie. New Milton Front porch and conversion of garage to downstairs bed- room accommodation with en suite, 47 Albert Road, Mr Laws. Single-storey extension at rear, fenestration amendments, 59 Brook Avenue North, Messrs Turner. Single-storey side extension, 22 Kings Road, Ashley, Mr and Mrs Rosewell. Proposed single-storey out- building, Quercus, 14 Lake Grove Road, Mr Bradley. Ringwood Change of use from disused wood Cottage, Shrubbs Hill Road. Minstead First floor extensions, con - version of attached stables to facilitate additional accommo- dation, alterations to fenestra- tion, raised patio, demolition of existing porch, associated landscaping, The Cottage, Toms Lane Corner, Stoney Cross Plain Road, Newtown. New Milton Two-storey side extension to existing first floor flat, Vales - moor Farm, Holmsley Road, Wootton. Sway Single and two-storey ex- tension, covered loggia, porch, additional chimney, roof al- terations, alteration to doors and windows, demolition of conservatory, Little Paddock, Birchy Hill. Application to vary condi- tions 2 and 11 of planning per- mission 18/00946 for two-storey building to include conveni- ence store (use class A1), four flats, four new dwellings, as - sociated parking, refuse / cy- cle stores and plant area, demolition of existing garage and associated outbuild- ings to allow a revised plant design and two additional vents, The Co-operative, Sta- tion Road. PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT Bransgore Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro- posed siting of a mobile home for ancillary residential pur- tion of condition 4 of app. no. 8/18/1099/COU to allow the fol - lowing hours of use for the café: 08.30 – 23.00 hours Monday to Saturday and Bank holidays 10.00 – 21.00 hours Sundays; The Bunker Café, 7 Marlow Drive. Demolition of conservato- ry, proposed single-storey flat roof rear extension; 4 Dreswick Close. Erection of a new dwelling with associated access and parking; 3 Melbourne Road. Proposed outbuilding to in- clude single garage and sun room; 1 Seaton Close. Single-storey rear extension; 1 Merlin Way. LAWFUL Dormer to first floor; 1 Lav- ender Lane. Erection of a single-sto- rey extension to the rear of
servatory and construction of two-storey rear extension (law- ful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 16 Carvers Lane, Mr and Mrs Pothas. Rockbourne Conversion of existing ag- ricultural barn to residential, conversion of existing stables to garage / store, demolition of di- lapidated outbuilding, Spring- bourne Farm, Roddys Retreat Ltd Coles. Sandleheath New four bay garage / carport with home office above, Willow Cottage, Mr and Mrs Brown. Totton and Eling Two-storey side extension, 21 Shetland Close, Mr Whitcher. Connection of existing annexe to existing house, Hazel Farm- house, Corylus Court. First floor side extension, 2 Robin Gardens, Mr Brown. Sin- gle-storey rear extension, 107 Brunswick Place, Mrs Ponce. Decisions Single-storey extension with flat roof and lantern, demolition of existing conservatory, 28 St Georges Drive, Mrs Latter. Damerham First floor rear extension, porch, bay window, carport, 20 West Park Lane, Mr Macildowie. Fawley Single-storey rear extension, 16 Walkers Lane South, Mr Gar- rett. Side extension to existing bungalow, Bracken, 7 Bushells Farm, Mr Gillanders. Replacement outbuilding, Glennanvale, 171 Station Road, Mr Jones. Hordle Demolition of existing de- tached garage and shed struc- tures, two semi-detached houses, associated parking and turning utilising existing ve- hicular and pedestrian access, Richmond, 304 Everton Road, Everton, H B Holdings Ltd. Addition of conservatory to rear, Kingsmead, 3 Lymore Grove, Everton Grange, Milford Road, Everton, Mrs Ware. Single-storey rear extension, 123 Stopples Lane, Mr Gill. Hythe and Dibden Two-storey front extension, single-storey rear extension, doors and eight new windows, cladding, rain water storage tanks, mound, new wetland habitat, replacement gate and fencing, associated landscap- ing, Eastwoods, Pitmore Lane. Alterations to walls and roof of existing conservatory, Pip- istrelles, Homestead, Marley Mount. Two dwellings, demo- lition of existing dwelling and outbuildings, access and land- scaping, The Cottage, Station Road. Proposed single-storey rear extension, first floor side ex - tension over garage, 21 Stan- ford Rise. Decisions GRANTED Beaulieu Replacement dwelling with lap pool, two new outbuild- ings, walled vegetable garden, multiple solar panel arrays, extension of lake, new natural swimming pool, wildlife habi- tat, access alterations, associ- ated landscaping, Site of Little Marsh House, Parkshore. Brockenhurst Single-storey rear extension, demolition of exiting sunroom, Littlemorton, Tilebarn Lane. Lyndhurst Change of use to car park, installation of four electric ve- hicle charging points, demoli- tion of existing building, For- mer Youth Centre, NFDC Car Park, High Street. Replace- ment window (application for listed building consent), Rose- GRANTED Bransgore existing garage to create ad- ditional living space; 83 Ling- wood Avenue. Decisions GRANTED New fascia and projecting sign for 93 Bargates; 93 Bar - gates. First floor extension over ga - rage and extension to garage, conversion of part of garage to habitable space; 39 Miller Road. Improvements to existing artificial sports pitches, flood - lighting, car park surfacing and drainage and associated works; Bournemouth Sports Club, Parley Lane, Hurn. Change of use from use class A1 (hairdressers) to use class A3 (café). Removal or varia-
dairy to hand car wash, 158 Christchurch Road, Newgen Hyper Cleaning Ltd. Games room in garden (ret- rospective), 1A Hampton Drive, Mr Winstanley. Proposed summerhouse, The Meads, 18 Salisbury Road, Mr and Mrs Kerley. Sandleheath Replacement outbuilding, Glennanvale, 171 Station Road, Mr Jones. Totton and Eling Erection of single-storey rear and side extension, 4 Tennyson Road, Mr White. GENERAL PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT New Milton Skirt roofed rear extension (prior approval application), 15 Parkland Drive, Barton-on-Sea, Dr Anderson. WITHDRAWN Lymington and Pennington Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 19/10958 to allow amended plans PE1.01A FP.01A CP.01A PE2.01B FP.02A SL.01D to allow material chang- es, garages not carports, layout and rear elevational changes to plots 1 and 2, 54 Belmore Lane, Ms Stephan. Two-storey detached replace- ment dwelling with link at- tached carport and garage with office above, following demo - lition of existing three-storey dwelling and detached garage, 6 Grove Pastures, Mr and Mrs Finlay. Four detached houses, asso- ciated parking, demolition of existing, St Catherines, Chapel Lane, Mr and Mrs Stopa. Ringwood Demolition single-storey ga- rage, sever land, erect a block of six one-bedroom flats with associated parking, Land rear of 26-28 Christchurch Road, Mr Heron. Change of use of restaurant / café to self-contained three-bed- room flat with parking, 2 Star Lane, Surereed Ltd. Erect two three-bedroom semi-detached houses with parking, Land ad- jacent 32 Kingsfield, CR Acqui - sitions Ltd. Sever plot, erect an attached 3 bedroom dwelling, 18 Chaffey Closes, Mr and Mrs Gregory. REFUSED Bransgore poses, Heathfield Lodge, Lynd - hurst Road. Application for a certifi - cate of lawful development for proposed use of land and siting of a mobile home to fa- cilitate annexe for incidental residential purposes, Withy Dell, Valley Lane, Thorney Hill. Ringwood Application for a certifi - cate of lawful development for proposed solar panels to ex- isting outbuilding roof, Blue- bell Chase, Forest Edge Road, Crow. PLANNING PERMISSION REQUIRED Netley Marsh Application for a certificate of lawful development for pro- posed single-storey rear exten- sion, two additional new win- dows, Lynwood, Fletchwood Lane, Totton. RAISE NO OBJECTION Copythorne Outbuilding, demolition of existing outbuilding (applica- tion for non-material amend- ment to planning permission 20/00143), Hollybank Cottage, Newbridge Road, Cadnam. WITHDRAWN Landford Installation of bi-fold doors, outbuilding with room over, al- terations to access, Laurel Cot- tage, Lyburn Road, Nomans- land. Lyndhurst New vehicular access, gates, 7 Oak Close. semi-detached property, 3 me- tres x 6 metres. All surface wa- ter drainage to new soakaway. All material to match existing; 3 Lysander Close. FINALLY DISPOSED OF Renewal of planning per- mission 8/01/0462 for outline planning permission for the erection of two indoor sports buildings and extension of the main clubhouse building and associated car parking areas, Bournemouth Sports Club, Chapel Gate. WITHDRAWN Demolish existing C1 guest house and erect eight two-bed- room and one one-bedroom flats with parking, bin enclo - sure and cycle storage. Re- move section of listed curtilage boundary wall and rebuild en- trance splay (amended); Castle Lodge, 173 Lymington Road.
Change of use of first floor to two residential units, addition to roof to provide a further res- idential unit, associated exter- nal alterations, Marine House, Hurst Road, The Marine. Detached garage, Plot 2 (16), 16 Knowland Drive, Mr Stock- well. Two-storey side extension, single-storey rear extension, porch, patio, roof alterations, 1 Milford Place, 32 Sea Road, Mr and Mrs Allison. Front porch, 5 Aubrey Close, Tate. New Milton Carport and cover around ex- isting garage, 32 Keysworth Av- enue, Barton-on-Sea, Mr Bur- rows. Proposed new dwelling to side of existing dwelling, garage side extension to existing dwelling, Land of 45 High Ridge Crescent, Ashley, Mr Allan. Chalet-style dwelling, detached garage, bin and cycle store (resubmission following refusal of 20/10011), Land of 11 Marine Drive, Bar- ton-on-Sea, Mr Simmonds. Two-storey side extension, Sea Breeze, 2 Cliffe Road, Bar- ton-on-Sea, Mr and Mrs Rodg- ers. Single-storey rear extension, single-storey garden store and utility to side of bungalow, ret- rospective, 43 Hazelwood Ave- nue, Mr Hunt. Existing two-storey detached house to receive new second floor level loft conversion ac - commodating master bedroom, to include raising of the roof and internal alternations at first floor level to facilitate access, 35 Marine Drive East, Barton-on- Sea. Mr Mozumber. The erection of a Class E foodstore (1,862sqm gross) with associated access, car parking and landscaping, Land at Solent Industrial Es- tate, Caird Avenue, Aldi Store Limited. Single-storey rear extension, 67 Gore Road, Mr Brenland. Single-storey rear extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 6 Silverdale, Bar- ton-on-Sea, Mrs Boyle. Ringwood Alterations to the site layout within the courtyard, 2-10 (Plot 1-5), Strides Lane, Andrews Partnership. Demolition of existing con- ford Hill, Hungerford, Fording- bridge. Application under schedule 2, part 16, class A of the Town and Country Planning (general permitted development) order 2015 (as amended) in respect of the siting and appearance of an 18m high Cypress tree mon- opole supporting six anten- na apertures and two 600mm dishes; installation of six cab- inets, ancillary development, Land adjacent to Hyde Garden Shop, Fordingbridge. Hythe and Dibden Single-storey rear extension to form annexe and balcony, al- terations to fenestration, Lark- sholme, Roys Copse, Dibden. Landford Single-storey extension, 4 Manor Cottages, Lyndhurst Road. Retention and comple- tion of two buildings, Land at Stock Lane. Milford-on-Sea Single-storey extensions to main dwelling, porches to main dwelling, extension to outbuilding to form annex building, decking, alterations to doors and windows of main dwelling and outbuilding, dem- olition three outbuildings, The Breakers, Saltgrass Lane, Key- haven. Netley Marsh Single-storey extension, ga- rage, swimming pool, porch, Derby Cottage, Bartley Road, Woodlands. Sway Retention of riding arena, horse walker, landscaping, al- terations to stables and barn Single-storey side and rear extension with removal of existing garage; 14 Denham Drive. Single-storey rear, side and front extensions; 8 Chewton Common Road. Substitution of concrete roof tiles; 14 Avenue Road Walkford. Single-storey side extension; 12 Woodfield Gardens. Single-storey side extension with new boundary fence and hedgerow around the perim- eter of the plot; 17 Farmdene Close. Relocation of front door and installation of windows, instal- lation of bi-fold doors on side elevation replacing large win- dows, replacement of balcony double doors; 107 Pauntley Road. First floor extension over
MORE affordable homes are planned in Totton after New Forest District Council agreed to buy a property currently oc- cupied by a charity for young people. The council’s cabinet mem- ber for housing services, Cllr Jill Cleary, signed off the plans to buy 37 Salisbury Road, which is just under a hectare in size, from Hampshire County Council. The property is next to a parcel of land already owned by NFDC, 39 Salisbury Road, which was acquired for future affordable housing development in 2019, while the rear boundary backs on to the NFDC-owned Westfield car park. In August 2018 planning per- mission was granted for eight flats at 39 Salisbury Road but due to ongoing discussions re- garding the future of number 37, building did not commence. An NFDC report stated: “The acquisition of this property will result in two significant bene - fits. Firstly, creating an opportu - nity to advance redevelopment options for 37 and 39 Salisbury Road on a joint basis for afforda- ble housing, subject to planning. “Secondly the proposed terms agreed between New Forest Dis- trict Council and Hampshire County Council will help to fi - nance the relocation of Its Your Choice, creating a long-term fu- ture for this valued charity and its local services to young peo- ple.” The detached building, which was built in the mid-1930s and was originally a private resi- dence, was bought by the coun- ty council in 1993. In 1997 a change of use al - lowed it to become an office
and drop-in centre for It’s Your Choice, a charity which provides advice, guidance and counsel- ling to those aged between 11 and 25. The report explained that the county council had agreed to sell the property to NFDC for an undisclosed price below the market rate, allowing the dis- trict council to pay for the chari- ty to relocate. The charity was in discussions with the Totton branch of Citi- zen’s Advice, the report added, with a view of sharing a new of- fice space. The report added: “The coun- cil continues to search for suit- able development and redevel- opment sites across the district to meet its affordable housing delivery targets. “The acquisition of 37 Salis- bury Road would not only con- tribute to that priority objective but, as this report confirms, the step would also help to preserve and sustain a valued local ser- vice which will continue to ben- efit the young people of Totton and the wider district.” A NFDC spokesperson told the A&T it was working towards submitting a planning appli- cation for both sites as soon as possible. A charity currently leases the building at 37 Salisbury Road
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