New Milton Advertiser 9th Oct 2020

26 · Friday, 9th October, 2019

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Beaulieu Village Primary School

Priestlands School

C hildren and their families come to us from a wide sur- rounding area to be part of a caring and community-centred school set in the heart of the beau- tiful, historic village of Beaulieu. We have a tremendous teach- ing and support team, wonderful children and really supportive parents. Together we’re on a mis- sion to make Beaulieu Village Pri- mary an Ofsted-rated outstanding school. Our school is all about strong relationships and a family feel. Our oldest children help our younger ones on a daily basis, in our wild play area, with shared reading and through teamwork activities as part of our traditional house sys- tem. We’re always so proud of the way our children encourage and support each other. We know our children inside-out and we use this knowledge, as well as our beautiful setting, to nurture, challenge and inspire them and to enable all our children to succeed. The best way to find out more about us is to come and see us for an individual socially distanced tour. And we’d love to meet you! So come and see our beautiful building and grounds, and meet our talented and enthusiastic staff in a socially distanced tour - just for your family!

I n the current extraordinary circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we are disappointed not to be able to wel- come you to our superb school at our annual Open Evening & Morn- ing. We know how important it is for you to be able to see the school and all the different subject areas, as well as having the opportunity to meet staff and talk to students. Therefore, we are excited to tell you that we are producing a Virtu- al Open Event instead which, once published online, will be available for you to view at your leisure. We look forward to sharing with you information about our rich and varied curriculum and the oppor- tunities open to your child as they move up to secondary education. Details will be published on our website at www.priestlands.hants. Priestlands is committed to being a leading comprehensive school that serves the entire com- munity, provides high quality edu- cation across the curriculum and has ambitious plans for its con- tinued success and development. In 2015, we were recognised by the Minister for Schools as one of England’s top 100 schools for sustained performance at GCSE.

“Beaulieu school has a real sense of

“A warm, friendly school where everyone knows everybody — just like a family”

community, both in the school, and within the village. There’s a strong family atmosphere where the children are given the freedom to be themselves, whilst learning how to work with, and be supportive of others.” (Parent) “Beaulieu School is a beautiful school with a nurturing, family feel to it. I think for the primary years it’s a wonderful place to learn and grow up.”


Since then we have continued to build on this success with our headline GCSE Progress 8 score consistently placing us among the top schools in Hampshire and the New Forest. This is the measure that indicates how much value a school adds to each student and shows that Priestlands is consist- ently delivering positive outcomes for all groups of students, year on year.

We are proud of our academic record and believe all children are capable of making exceptional pro- gress. We encourage them to em- brace challenge, pursue excellence and to be resilient in overcoming obstacles. Above all we want to ignite in our students a love of learning which will serve them well throughout their lives. However, Priestlands is about far more than exam results as our motto, Learn more… Do more… Be more…, implies. Our aim is to de- velop well rounded young people who have the skills and attributes to be successful in life and to make a positive impact in our communi- ty. We do hope you will be able to take advantage of this virtual op- portunity to see Priestlands and we very much look forward to meeting you next year when regu- lations permit. Peter Main Headteacher

A very warm welcome awaits you at Beaulieu Village Primary School Open Day Discover our highly successful, family-friendly school in it’s beautiful and historic location Live presentation via Zoom 20th October 2020 10.30 am or 6pm A very warm welcome awaits you at Beaulieu Village Primary School Open Day Discover our highly successful, family-friendly school in it’s beautiful and historic location Live presentation via Zoom 20th October 2020 10.30 am or 6pm A very warm welcome awaits you at ea lie illa e ri ary Sc l e ay Discover our i ly successf l, fa ily-friendly sch l i it’s ea tif l a ist ric l cati Live presentation via Zoom 20th October . a r A very warm welcome awaits you at Beaulieu Village Primary School Open Day Discover our highly successful, family-friendly school in it’s beautiful and historic location Live presentation via Zoom 20th October 2020 10.30 am or 6pm Please also come for a socially distanced tour (one family only) on a Monday or Tuesday in October. Tours will run at 4.00, 4.30 and 5.00 pm. Please give us a ring and we’ll tell you more! 01590 612255 Please also come for a socially distanced tour (one family only) on a Monday or Tuesday in October. Tours will run at 4.00, 4.30 and 5.00 pm. Please give us a ring and we’ll tell you more! 01590 612255 Please also co e for a socially distanced tour (one fa ily only) on a onday or Tuesd y in ctober. Tours will run at 4.00, 4.30 and 5.00 pm. Please give us a ring and we’ll tell you ore! 01590 612255 Please also com for a socially dist nced tour (one family only) on a Monday or Tuesd y in October. Tours will run at 4.00, 4.30 and 5.00 pm. Please give us a ring and we’ll tell you more! 01590 612255

(Parent) w Twitter - @BeaulieuVillSch Twitter - @BeaulieuVillSch Twitter - BeaulieuVillSch Twitter - @BeaulieuVillSch

Lymington CE (Aided) Infant School

L ymington Infant school lays the foundations for life by offering a rich, enjoyable and fulfilling experience for all its pupils. We are a happy and wel- coming school rooted in Christian principles with a family feel based on excellent interpersonal rela- tionships. At Lymington Infant School, our children are seen as individuals, each with their own strengths and interests; we want them to have opportunities to explore and de- velop their love of learning. To support them with this, we believe the best thing to do is to teach children to love challenges, be in- trigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning and asking questions. “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” Robert F. Kennedy We also believe that every child should experience the world be- yond the classroom. We have in- vested in our outdoor areas as we believe that learning outdoors can be enjoyable, creative, challenging

and adventurous and helps chil- dren learn by experience and grow as confident and responsible citi- zens, who value and appreciate the natural environment. It is great to taste and cook the vegetables we grow, in our new children’s kitchen as well! We see our school as an impor- tant part of the local communi- ty, we want our children to value that community and to be valua- ble members of it. At Lymington Infant School we believe that our

school is enriched by working with the local community and we rel- ish opportunities to work with our neighbours. We host termly com- munity teas, where the children share their learning and develop their communication skills. We are proud of our children’s achievements and many achieve well above the national and Hamp- shire average. To find out more, come and visit! www.lymington-inf.hants.sch. uk

Lymington CE (Aided) Infant School Avenue Road, Lymington, SO41 9GP 01590 673355 •

Open Week If your child is due to start school in September 2021 you are warmly invited to our individual family tours of our wonderful school: Monday 12th October 2020 - Thursday 15th October 2020 from 3.30pm-5.30pm each day. To book your time slot, please contact the school office on 01590 673355. If you would also like to make an appointment to visit our Junior School, please contact them on 01590 674383. We look forward to welcoming you.

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