New Milton Advertiser 9th Oct 2020
28 · Friday 9th October 2020 · · 01425 613384
On the Hoof On the Hoof Local rider and dressage judge Charlotte Baker takes a monthly look at the New Forest equestrian scene
Shake-up for equine section at Ellingham Show
ever-popular high jump compe- titions in the main ring. Naomi told the A&T: “Dee Harris and past secretaries have put so much work into building the show in its present form. “There is a rich legacy to re- spect but time moves on and today’s participants should expect organisers to listen to them and provide the kind of competitions they want – which may not be the same as what their parents and grandparents always competed in.” She added: “I really want it to be a show everyone can en-
joy, be it a child, a happy hack- er, someone with extra needs or your more experienced compe- tition rider. “Which are the classes you’ve always liked and want to keep? Or maybe there are some new classes you’d like to see. Per- haps you would even like to get involved with the support team. I’d love to hear from you!” Ellingham Show is set to re- turn at its Somerley Park venue on 14th August 2021. Anyone who would like to give feedback can email horses@ellingham-
THE new equine secretary of a popular New Forest show is seeking the views of competi- tors ahead of next year’s event. Naomi Albrecht has taken over the reins from Dee Harris and is looking forward to the re- turn of the Ellingham Show in 2021 after a two-year hiatus. A lifelong rider, Naomi runs her own equine business, For the Love of Horses, as well as competing her rescue horses in showing and dressage. The show has historically of- fered show jumping and show- ing classes for all types of hors- es and donkeys, including the
Mallards Wood Saint John
Naomi Albrecht
Delayed colt inspection sees stellar turn-out FOLLOWING the cancella- tion of the New Forest Pony Breeding and Cattle Soci- ety’s April colt inspection, owners gathered for a ‘be- hind closed doors’ event in September.
with Sam Roberts who pre- pared him fabulously for the day.” She continued: “We have owned him since a foal and fell in love with him as soon as we saw him. “He is only a three-year- old and he still has some ma- turing to do, so we will give him the time he needs and there will be no rush to get him out – we think he will be well worth the wait.” The top five was complet - ed by Wendy Gover-Fromm’s Nutschullyng Saint Raph- ael, Mike Eccles’s Limekiln Shamrock, Jehanna Stride’s Mogshade Quarryman and Mandy and Pete Pidgley’s Haywards Stormstruck. All the approved colts must now undergo a vetting, as well as DNA and PSSM1 testing, before they are fully licensed.
Covid-secure event proves success for local riding club DELIGHTED competitors
Seventeen colts were ap- proved at the inspection, which was held with strict Covid guidelines in place. The top colt was Mallards Wood Saint John, bred by Robert Maton and owned by Victoria Edwards-Sonnex. The three-year-old is by Ap- plewitch Pure Magic, out of Mallards Wood Goddess. Derbyshire-based Victoria told the A&T: “We were ab- solutely thrilled that ‘Jonny’ was awarded top colt by a significant margin. “It was a last-minute decision to take him as he was down that way, start- ing his ridden education
Tiffin and Owston Special Edi - tion. Emiliy Knock and Peronne Novelist took the Ring 1 rid- den title, while Harley Cole and Gilfach Eccles won the Ring 2 equivalent. The Ring 2 In-Hand Cham- pionship was won by Annabel Pope with Stage Diva, ahead of Finley Rush and Senny Kilroy, who took the reserve spot. It was a red-letter day for Anne Pearce and Killaloe Pad- dy in the dressage competition, winning both the Intro/Prelim and Prelim/Novice classes with 70% + scores. Organiser Amy Robbins told the A&T: “As a committee we were set on running the show
and complying to the Covid re- strictions, but that meant we had to make it safer and strip back. “We took out the jumping el- ements and made it a dressage and showing show, which we were worried may not be pop- ular – but 235 entries later and we were astonished! “The sun shone for us, every- one did as they were meant to and kept to the restrictions and had a fantastic day.” She added: “I can’t thank my committee, steward volunteers and judges for supporting me in making it safe and effectively run. Hopefully next year we can bring the ever popular jumping back!”
flocked to Brockenhurst Park last month for the delayed New Forest Riding Club annual show. Over 200 entries were re- ceived across showing and dres- sage classes, to the surprise of organisers. The Ring 1 in-hand Champi- onship was won by Fiona Man- nings and Redleys Glenugie, after their victory in the M&M Large class. Megan Champney had a successful day, picking up three Reserve titles in the Ring 1 in-hand and ridden championships, as well as the Ring 2 ridden cham- pionship with Carry on
Reserve Ring 1 in-hand champion Megan Champney and Owston Special Edition
Ring 2 Ridden champion Harley Cole and Gilfach Eccles
Clubs and societies
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Lymington Rotary FOLLOWING the retirement from Rotary of two well-known local Rotarians Ron Palmer and Eddie Haffenden, President Pe- ter Edwards recently visited the home of Ron to present them with honorary membership.
Fordingbridge Twinning Association LIKE a lot of other groups, Fordingbridge Twinning Asso- ciation has been unable to have its usual meetings, events and fundraising this year. Instead, it has held a Zoom meeting when it was reported that most mem- bers have paid their subscrip- tions and the committee agreed that these will be rolled over to 2021 The current committee mem- bers all agreed to continue in their posts. Although it is difficult to make plans under the present conditions, the committee re- mains optimistic for next year, and hopes to run all the events that were planned for this year, including the murder mystery evening, the boules, a cream tea, and of course, the annual piece de resistance, the soiree musicale, featuring the fantas- tic Blue Tides. Most importantly, the associ- ation will want to celebrate its 40th anniversary of twinning with Vimoutiers, which will be held in France next sum- mer, July probably. This will be a very special event and it is hoped that as many twinning members as possible will attend this long weekend in Normandy. It will be a big and highly enjoy- able party indeed! Eddie commented that he had really enjoyed his time with Rotary, particularly his two years as president and the trips abroad, coupled with the fund- raising events, will always live in his memory. coming and he wished his club well for the future. Eddie Haffenden is a well- known local Lymington per- sonality who joined the club in 1990. He served as president twice (1998 and 2012) and was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow- ship in 2003. He was also award- ed the town’s Queen Jubilee Award. Eddie has worked hard with Rotary fundraising and in par- ticular organising street collec- tions for International disas- ters. Eddie started Lymington’s major event, the Lymington Spectacular and Classic Car Show, in 2000.
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FOR their September meeting, members of the Brockenhurst and District Probus Club en- joyed an amusing Zoom talk by Pata Allingham entitled Travels in a Quirky Car around Europe. The car in question was the humble Citroen 2CV. This leg- end of a car was produced be- tween 1948 and 1990 and was originally conceived in the late 1930s as a rugged, useful, af- fordable car. Famously, it was designed with very specific requirements including being able to carry four people and 50kg of goods at 30mph across muddy and un- paved roads. In fact, at the pro- totype stage it was suggested that the 2CV should be able to carry a basket of eggs across a ploughed field without creating an omelette! The 2CV was never built for speed and being equipped with a small 602cc air-cooled engine, it soon earned the accolade of getting from 0-60 mph… even- tually! Today the 2CV enjoys some- thing of a cult following and Pata explained that for 2CV enthusiasts it was more than a car, rather a statement. Every year the international meet- ing of 2CV owners sees several thousand cars gather in Europe, not only creating interest for the local people but travel Ron moved from Henley-on- Thames to Lymington in 1970 to manage the Waitrose store, also transferring his Rotary membership. Ron has been an organiser in many events and in particular starting the Charity Market in 1976 which for many years offered local charities a fundraising platform. Ron was Rotary president in 1974 and was awarded Rotary’s highest award, the Paul Harris Fellowship, in 1997 and also the Town’s Queens Jubilee award in 2003. Ron commented that he has had met some wonderful people who have always been very wel-
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Ron Palmer, Eddie Haffenden and Peter Edwards
Brockenhurst and District Probus
New Forest National Park
adventures for the car owners. Pata described many of her most memorable experiences from trips to Croatia, Latvia, Es- tonia, Poland, Scandinavia and Iceland. Inevitably these trips involved the constant challenge of vehi- cle repairing but unlike modern cars which require garages and mechanics 2CV repair is more of a DIY procedure – broken en- gine mountings repaired with cable ties, wheels knocked back into shape with a hammer and punctures being a natural haz- ard of 2CV ownership. The 2CV is such a light car that it can lit- erally be lifted or tipped by one or two people to facilitate most repair work. Today most of us have be- come used to comfortable and trouble-free motoring but at the same time we have lost the sense of adventure that travel can bring. The world of 2CV driving is not one that delivers comfort but, as Pata showed, it does provide plenty of adventure and has taken her to places in Eu- rope that most club members found fascinating but had bare- ly heard of. The next meeting of the club is on 13th October. To find out more contact the secretary on 622691 or visit www.brocken
Bournemouth Airport
Hengistbury Head
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