Out & About Autumn 2018
√ more than Get Fit - Get Your Life Back
How to balance motherhood, work, and keeping �it each week before work. She loved it but all this had to stop once baby Walter arrived - there was just not enough time!
ǡ ǡ ϐ ǡ ϐ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ Ǧ Meet Janis. who has 2 children and 2 busy jobs, so you can understand it when she says Dz ǯ ǡ ǯ Ǥdz So in stead she does personal training at a local studio twice each week.
Ǥ ͳͳ ͳͷ ʹͲ ϐ Ǥ ϐ ǯ Ǩdz Janis read about the bene�its of strength training and in particular the Superslow Method so she was very pleased when she searched and found Abstract Bodyworks locally as it was just what she was looking for. Janis isn’t interested in a quick �ix but wanted a workout which would lay the foundations for a strong healthy body as she gets older so that she can keep up with her kids (and grandkids eventually!). She needs to have strength and energy to get on with her full and busy social and work lives. Now Janis says she feels strong, walks taller and she de�initely has toned up. And because of the con�idence she now has in her strength and looks Janis has taken on another challenge – she plans to walk the Great Wall of China in October to fund raise as much money as she possibly can for Naomi House and Jacksplace Childrens Hospices. Ǧ Let’s hear about Kim who has a 2 year old son and owns 2 Hair/Beauty Salons in Newbury. As you can imagine, her life is very full! Before she became pregnant Kim says that she was a proper gym bunny, attending �itness classes 3 times
When Walter had his �irst birthday Kim was fed up with being 3 stone overweight and un�it. Her husband, Andrew, encouraged her to give Abstract Bodyworks a try as he had been working out with them for some time and was convinced it was the right choice for Kim. Everyone gets their initial two sessions at Abstract for free, so Kim gave it a go as there was nothing to lose and no commitment.
But once she’d tried the workout she was hooked – it was a perfect �it for her! So once a week, after dropping Walter off at nursery she pops into Abstract on her way to work for her weekly 15 minute session. Kim says she noticed her body shape changing really quickly once she started the workout and liked the de�inition it gave to her muscle tone. Kim’s lost a lot of her pregnancy weight and now feels good about herself again. Kim says Dz ϐ Ȃ Ǩdz See adver�sement opposite for details of how to book your two free sessions. Quote O&AQ32018 for a free gi�
Dz ǯ ǯ
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