Out & About Autumn 2018
For times to relax and unwind towards the end of the year, there are plenty of de-stressing techniques and classes available; and how to look after your skin after the long hot summer
Going, going, gong C harlotte Booth tried out a gong bath at Amethyst Yoga it brings the brain waves from alpha and beta to theta state – the state of deep relaxation.” What does a gong bath entail? The participants lie on a yoga mat in a comfortable position with a Studio, Newbury. The sessions are run by Alison Russell, who says: “Essentially a gong bath offers relaxation because
Each gong represents a planet, which is tuned to a specific frequency. Alison says: “The Mercury gong for example is specific for communication and the throat. “I choose on the day of the gong bath which gongs to use. I would have a look and see what was happening with the planets on that particular day.” Helen’s husband John has also felt
blanket and pillow, and Alison then asks you to concentrate on any injuries or illnesses. She starts to play the gongs, quietly at first, building to a crescendo. The gongs are complemented by rattles, rainsticks and koshi chimes. There is no melody or rhythm, just random sounds that come together into a pleasing mass.
the benefits: “When I first went to a gong session with Alison I was suffering from painful gout in one of my finger joints. I focused on this and the pain in my joint eased a few days after the first session and I noticed a marked improvement in its mobility. By the second session the gout had gone and to date, cross fingers – which I
can do again now – it has not reoccurred.” Alison is aware that gong baths may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but says: “I would say come and try it. The sceptics that have been gonging have been converted with a physical revelation. There are also people who try it and don’t come back, and those who come back a year later.” The Amethyst Studio is owned by Camilla Cordle, and holds five yoga classes each week, plus guest teachers, like Alison and the gong baths. www.amethyststudio.co.uk To book a gong bath session visit https://bit.ly/2KQenT2
The premise is that the resonance and vibrations from the gongs work in harmony with the vibrations of our own bodies and relax and heal – even if the participant is a sceptic. Helen Hampson from Newbury, who attends regularly, says: “I now know what total relaxation is – Alison’s gong baths are divine. I love the deepest- sounding gong best – the soundwaves reverberate through the stillness of the room and I am transported to … I don’t know where, but I always feel a sense of calm and peace and am totally at ease. Afterwards I have the best night’s sleep, sleeping deeply and soundly.” A nne Skelton of Serenity Holistic Therapies, Newbury, believes that to obtain optimal health and wellness, body, mind, spirit and emotions all need to be treated together. An imbalance in any one of these areas can have a negative effect on overall health. Holistic therapy
hearted and fun – we want you to enjoy your treatments.” Stress-busting treatments include Indian head massage, which also improves circulation and helps induce sleep. Although only around the neck, shoulders, head and face, it boosts the whole body, leaving a feeling of complete relaxation. It also stimulates the scalp and improves the condition of hair.
Anne had suffered many years of back pain, muscle tension and stress and, having searched for a cure, she discovered the only source of lasting relief was back massage. She studied massage therapy, anatomy and physiology and set up Serenity Holistic Therapies in 2005. She says: “Having seen the benefits and results of holistic treatments, especially massage, including Indian head massage, hot stone massage and colon massage, I set up Serenity to share relief with other sufferers.” Anne has also studied further holistic treatments
Reflexology relates to areas in the feet that mirror the organs, glands and other parts of the body. By working on the energy pathways that begin in the feet, any blockages which cause ill-health can be removed. It improves circulation and revitalises the body’s energy, clearing out toxins and encouraging the release of endorphins. Anne finds that many clients fall asleep during a reflexology treatment and that this nap can be more beneficial than having a full night’s sleep. O&A EXCLUSIVE OFFER: Until the end of September, Serenity Holistic Therapies is delighted to offer readers
and now offers a diverse range from hot stone massages and Hopi ear candling to reflexology. She says: “We take the time to get a full understanding of your needs in order to treat you as a whole person. We understand how extreme stress, back pain and muscle pain affect wellbeing. We are always kind, professional, warm-
of Out & About 10 per cent off any holistic treatment. To book an appointment visit www.serenityholistictherapies.co.uk or call 07919 522020. Mention the code OUTANDABOUT18 to claim your discount at the time of booking.
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