Out & About Autumn 2018
Indian head massage workshop
T here are few things more relaxing than a massage. But for people with mobility problems or the elderly, lying on a couch isn’t always possible or easy. Nicki Lee is a Kingsclere-based sports therapist who has specialised in massage since 1999.
“A regular short massage can have a very good effect on lowering blood pressure. The routines I teach could help someone to massage a family member or friend two or three times a week for a few minutes.”
Indian head massages are given over the clothing while your partner or family member sits in a regular chair –
Nicki now runs teaching workshops for anyone over the age of 18 to learn massage and she’s inviting people to come and learn how to give Indian head and shoulder massage. She said: “Indian head massage is great for relaxation – particularly for people who lack mobility or may not be in the best of health. Developed in India, this treatment has been expanded to include working on the upper back, shoulders, neck, arms and head.
so no special equipment or undressing is needed. She said: “Helping people lead more comfortable and therefore more enjoyable lives is at the heart of what I do and I’m delighted to share my knowledge of Indian head massage. Most of this workshop is spent actually giving or receiving massages, but you will also observe demonstrations, have the opportunity for questions, and learn how to prepare yourself and your partner for a safe, relaxing and fun treatment.” Nicki runs regular workshops at the Village Club, Kingsclere and the next session is on Saturday, October 6 and includes tea and cake. Price £45 per person. For more information, visit www.nickileemassage.co.uk
“This is now one of the most popular therapies in the UK and it’s not hard to see why. Not only is it a real treat for your family and friends, but there are substantial health benefits including relieving stress, general tension, depression and anxiety.
Look after your skin
Vikki’s sun-damaged skin was transformed with a combination of in-clinic treatments, including IPL and ClearLift 4D Laser, and skincare product recommendations. Read the full story at www.andresa. co.uk/news-1/vikki-skin- success
week too. If you have sensitive skin try Dr Babor A16 Booster Concentrate. To find out more about Andresa’s corrective skin rejuvenation treatment programmes please call to book a complimentary consultation on 01635 800183. Andresa Aesthetics Exclusive Skin Health & Laser Clinic, Lower Wasing Barn, Wasing Lane, Nr Woolhampton. RG7 4LY info@andresa.co.uk | www.andresa.co.uk Competition: To win a free 3D digital skin consultation with a 60-minute skin analysis facial, worth a total of £200, answer the
T heresa Fleetwood of Andresa skincare clinic advises on how to recover your post-summer skin Following such a beautiful summer, you may have noticed some changes to your skin, brought about by hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is an overproduction of the skin’s pigment, melanin, in specific patches. It is triggered by a variety of factors, but the primary cause is sunlight, which causes the production of melanin, producing freckles and a sun tan, which acts as your skin’s natural sunscreen by protecting you from harmful UV rays. Excessive sun exposure can disrupt this process, leading to hyperpigmentation. If your skin is sun-damaged, we recommend that you first have a consultation with a skin health practitioner who has experience in treating this condition. In-clinic: intense pulsed light (IPL) and mild skin-brightening peels are the most commonly used, and are effective at lifting deep and superficial pigment Andresa offers these therapies as well as enzyme skin revision (ESR) and collagen and skin remodelling (CSR), a micro-needling technique for lines and wrinkles associated with sun damage; and ClearLift 4D laser facelift to help break down deep pigment and rebuild the skin support structure. At home: Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, such as oil-free SPF from the Heliocare 360 range. UVA radiation and high-energy visible light cause the skin to prematurely age, as well as induce additional skin health problems – all year round. Incorporate a retinol product, such as DermaQuest Retinol Brightening Serum, into your skincare routine several times a
following question: What is the number one cause of hyperpigmentation? a) Sunscreen b) Sun Exposure c) Age
Andresa skincare competition
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Send your answer on the form to Andresa Skincare competition, Out & About , Newspaper House, Faraday Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5DW. The closing date for entries is Tuesday, October 4. For O&A terms and conditions please see p5. Prize to be redeemed by October 31, 2018
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