Out & About Autumn 2018
Looking back
Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Society Oakwood Centre, Woodley, RG5 4JZ Saturday, October 13, 2pm Ancient discoveries
Berkshire Family History Society Shaw Church Hall, 7.30pm-9.30pm Wednesday, September 12 Royal shenanigans and courtesans: Mike Rendell on murder, rape, incest and false imprisonment in the context of the Prince Regent and his dissolute family. Prepare to be scandalised. Wednesday, October 10 Ancestors in uniform: Open evening on a military theme – bring your stories, photos, memorabilia and questions relating to your ancestors in wartime. Wednesday, November 14 Was your ancestor a criminal?: Dr Colin Chapman will describe the offences that were regarded as crimes in 18th and 19th-century Britain and the severe punishments that followed conviction. All welcome. Non-members £3. Enquiries newbury@ berksfhs.org.uk or www.berksfhs.org.uk
The Philip Wickens’ memorial lecture New light on the coffins of Nespawershefyt : Dr Helen Strudwick reveals new findings and explores the interaction between such coffins
and light during burial rituals. Saturday, November 10, 2pm
To hear, or to divide words? The changing face of Egyptian justice, 2700-1700BCE : Dr Alex Loktionov argues that a previously unnoticed revolution in Egyptian justice occurred during the First Intermediate Period, which led to the emergence of ‘lawyers’ as a professional class and ‘law’ as a definable, abstract concept.
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Afternoon delight Sunday, September 16 Sunday afternoon concert AWE Theatre, Tadley RG7 4PR, 3pm
The ‘favourite melodies spanning decades’ concert features Brett Wales. Interval and bar. Tickets £8/door. Sylvia 0118 932 3971. Afternoon delight – take two Sunday, October 7 Pete Allen’s Hot Seven Jazz Band Chequers Hotel, Newbury, 3pm With special guest Ben Holder on violin. Pete Allen’s 40th anniversary concert Tickets at the door £16.50 (cash only)
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Sunday, October 20 Autumn Sprinkles Music medley
St Paul’s Church, Ashford Hill, 7pm-9.30pm Performers include Ashford Hill School Choir, The East Anglian Minstrels, Barfield Handbell Ringers, Sf Sax and Occasions singers. £10 on the door. Early bird tickets £8 online from www.eventbrite and at The Village Butcher Kingsclere and Headley Shop
Email: subscriptions@newburynews.co.uk to register or fill in your details below and send them to: Newbury Weekly News, Newspaper House, Faraday Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2DW
Saturday, October 13 Barn dance by The Aldbrickham Band Aldworth Village Hall, 7.30pm Hoedown at Aldworth
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Tickets £20 including a chilli from Mrs B’s Kitchen. Cash bar. Box office: events@aldworthvillage.org or Ali on 0779 6855315
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