Out & About Autumn 2018
Children are at the centre of all i]ViãlZãYdãViã?jW^aZZã9VnãCjghZgn#ã
From 3 months to 5 years, babies and children explore and are inspired by our unique environment and our fantastic djiYddgãaZVgc^c\ãdeedgijc^i^Zh#ã NdjãXVcã[ZZaãXdcÁYZciãi]Viãndjgã child is getting the best possible start to prepare them for the years V]ZVY#
Our learning experiences are engaging, led by children, and sprinkled with imagination and magic!
It is easy to underestimate what children can do but given the
opportunity to freely express themselves, children’s imaginations soar and they Âdjg^h]ãVhãXgZVi^kZãVcYãXg^i^XVaãi]^c`Zgh#
For more information, to receive a prospectus and book a visit, go to: lll#_jW^aZZYVncjghZgn#Xd#j`
Rectory Road, Padworth, RG7 4JD 0118 970 1600 info@jubileedaynursery.co.uk
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